
Topic: The Dungeon and Dragons Thread

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@KateGray That is an interesting world and sounds like alot of fun. Have you been playing D&D long??? I have yet to play the Ravnica setting officially. I say officially because back during third edition when not long after WoTC bought out D&D, my friend created his own homebrew MtG D&D campaign. From what I remember, it was fun but that was awhile ago!!!

As I said right now I am running my PCs through a Wildemount Campaign, which consists of a human fighter, a Tortle Monk, Elf Druid, Teifling Bloodhunter, Assimir Cleric and a Kender Bard. Right now they are traveling across a glacier heading to a Dungeon in search of a cure for a disease.

@Tyranexx Yeah I have heard about the Grim Hollow stuff just haven't looked into it. It sounded pretty awesome. Yeah homebrewing his huge with D&D it always has been, even back during 2nd and 3rd Edition it had a huge following.

So I was able to play last night nothing major the party has been trekking across a glacier heading to a Dungeon. They managed to fight a few frost mephits but nothing major. Hopefully by next session they will get to the ruins.

[Edited by Tasuki]

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


It’s good to see many dnd players on this site, I have been playing dnd for way to long that it’s been decades at this point. @Tyranexx and I have had an excellent conversation on the table top thread about dnd, and it’s been going great,



@Tasuki I think I've been playing for about 10 years now? My first game was very bad though; I thought it was like a video game character creator, and made my character level 13 — everyone else had been playing for a while so I wanted to be able to catch up, and no one had told me that wasn't how it worked 😅 then I got in trouble for just walking through the dungeon and not waiting for the GM to tell us that the rooms were full of monsters...

Now that Ghost Trick and Paper Mario TTYD are on the Switch, I have no purpose in life... EXCEPT TO ASK FOR FANTASY LIFE ON THE SWITCH!!! YEAHHHH BOIIII



@KateGray I think our first games are always rough, but that’s ok cause it shows to learn. My first game way back in 1994, when I first started playing was pretty bad cause we did know what the heck we weee doing, and we using a second edition starter set, so we were using stuff like THACO and old mechanics like that lol. But hey hopefully everyone was cool with it in the next with you making a level 13 character and helps you get back on track. What edition did you start playing with?



@Themagusx1 I think it would have been 4th edition at that point, but it miiiight have been 3rd. I don't remember much but I know we tried to stick to our alignments, and I got in trouble because I was supposed to be "Good" but I kept scalping people.

Now that Ghost Trick and Paper Mario TTYD are on the Switch, I have no purpose in life... EXCEPT TO ASK FOR FANTASY LIFE ON THE SWITCH!!! YEAHHHH BOIIII



@KateGray LOL that's too funny. My first time playing was back in 1990 and my fist character was a thief that I literally modeled after Don Karnage from Disney's Talespin lol, I would even do the accent and everything.

10 years ago. Yeah that probably was 3.5 or 4th maybe even Pathfinder if your group played that.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@KateGray That’s funny about the scalping, but yeah sticking to alignment is crazy. @Tasuki also remember ten years ago playtesting for 5e began, damn 5e is eight years old, how old were you when you started?I was eleven.



I've only been playing for about a year. This is my first actual campaign, though I've participated in a one-shot (soon to be two) and a pre-setup intro for my character and that of another player in the Grim Hollow campaign I'll be participating in...whenever that fully materializes. My Tabaxi rogue in that campaign will be chaotic neutral, so that'll be a change from my neutral good ranger right now.

We're gauging group interest for a session this coming weekend. Still waiting on a couple of responses. And I've been invited to a one-shot campaign the weekend after. Still waiting on more details for that last one.

@Tasuki I've read through some of the Grim Hollow material; he also sent us links to the digital PDF version of the book he obtained. Definitely some interesting "new" races and subclasses to use in that setting. I like how customizable D&D is in general.

Sounds like your group had an "in-between" session last least that's what I call them. Essentially when a group is between dungeons or towns and is dealing with random wildlife, bandits, etc.

@Themagusx1 "Way too long" is a definition that varies from person to person.

[Edited by Tyranexx]

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Themagusx1 I was 12/13 when I started, back during 2nd Edition. It was just a friend's homebrew campaign at the time so we really didn't have a plot or anything. Mostly they were just Dungeon crawls. A few months later my best friend ended up getting the Forgotten Realms box set for his birthday and then Ravenloft for Christmas. So thats what we primarily played back then.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tasuki that’s prett cool it was home brewed. Mine was just the adventure in the box set I got. So that forgotten realms sets, was that one of the gray boxes? Thst was the second edition set I had in relations to. Forgotten Realms.



@Tyranexx True lol way too long though is not a bad thing in this case, I was able to pass the game down to my son, so he plays as well.



@Tyranexx Yeah, it was overland travel which now they are halfway through it. It did offer some good RP segments, in which the group opened up to each other a bit which is great. I am looking to play again this coming Sunday so we shall see if the party gets to the ruins.

But yeah D&D is very customable all you really need is the 3 core books, Players Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide and Monster Manual and you can play. I myself prefer a pre-made world such as Wildemount or Ravnica or Forgotten Realms mainly cause I don't have the time to flesh out my own world. I have tons of ideas just not enough time. 5th Edition seems to be the most customizable though sometimes a little too much.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


Tasuki wrote:

@Tyranexx Yeah, it was overland travel which now they are halfway through it. It did offer some good RP segments, in which the group opened up to each other a bit which is great. I am looking to play again this coming Sunday so we shall see if the party gets to the ruins.

But yeah D&D is very customable all you really need is the 3 core books, Players Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide and Monster Manual and you can play. I myself prefer a pre-made world such as Wildemount or Ravnica or Forgotten Realms mainly cause I don't have the time to flesh out my own world. I have tons of ideas just not enough time. 5th Edition seems to be the most customizable though sometimes a little too much.

some would argue 3.5 is more customizable than fifth, but I prefer five e, over pathfinder and 3.5 though



Ah, Pathfinder. In college, I was going to participate in the game with a group of students in similar majors to my own - we shared several classes. Unfortunately, it never materialized since none of our schedules quite matched up.

@Themagusx1 Ah, so it's a family affair! Sounds like your son quite enjoys playing too.

@Tasuki RP segments are fun. I admit I'm still getting comfortable around character development a bit, but I'm still learning and think I have pulled off some exchanges well. Not bad for a premade character from the DM! We're shooting for a Saturday session. Those are usually guaranteed to last longer for obvious we can usually start sooner.

Seems like I have one of the three books needed to play in my possession (Player's Handbook). Thankfully there are plenty of online resources too lol. I fully sympathize with having great ideas for a fantasy setting like D&D, but with little to no time to flesh them out. Thank goodness for premade settings!

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx I have looked into Pathfinder myself back during D&D 4th edition however at the time I didn't know anyone who played so I just didn't get into it. My friend who plays the human fighter in my campaign DM's a Pathfinder game, even invited to join but my job schedule just doesn't allow me to play when they do. Once my campaign wraps up I might try a Pathfinder campaign but that won't be for awhile.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tasuki I admit I haven't really looked into it since. TTG was a very foreign concept to me back then; I was unfamiliar with games outside of sports, board games, card games, and (of course!) video games. I remember being intrigued at some of the material involved, but it was very overwhelming at first. I just recall that I wanted to play a half-orc. XD This conversation has me curious enough that I might delve into the basics again.

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx I am not a fan of Pathfinder it’s a bit too broken for my taste, and I prefer the balance of 5e. That’s just me though.



@Themagusx1 Broken? How so? I was told back then that it's basically D&D Lite.

(If it isn't already obvious, I haven't looked up any Pathfinder material yet. )

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx Yeah Pathfinder can be a bit overwhelming especially to new players who never played D&D before. It is alot more rules heavy then 5e especially when it comes to modifiers and such. Where 5e has the advantage/disadvantage to rolls Pathfinder adds actual numbers to rolls. So for example do make a skill check you take your skill add proficiency too it as well as modifiers like lighting, tools used etc. so you spend more time calculating stuff. And if you think D&D is customizable just wait till you check out Pathfinder.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tasuki But that’s my problem with Pathfinder is that it relies too heavy on those calculations, and it Carries some of the rules of 3.5 that I found over burdened that game. I get why people like it but for me I prefer a more streamlined experience such as 5e and with all the supplements that have been released 5e is very customizable with out the burden of being overly so. I don’t find it overwhelming but I do think it’s too overstuffed for its own good in my opinion.


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