
Topic: The Chit-Chat Thread

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@HobbitGamer We sound very similar there! I spent almost a grade year in early elementary where the teacher was pure garbage (or absent most of the time with a myriad of subs assigning only busy work) ignoring the actual assigned work and doing my own reading aside. I STILL retain tons of knowledge from that exercise. I can guarantee the assigned work had no value but keeping children quiet and seated. Though I was perfectly happy as a seat warmer. I could do my best learning with a quality teacher able to convey information in a meaningful way and/or by doing.

That accounted for about 6 teachers, ever.

College was worst. HS has some percentage of staff that cares about learning for the sake of learning rather than career advancement checklists for themselves. That's where they officially declared they actually had no intention teaching. I confronted them.... why am I paying them tens of thousands of dollars for no function but to be told to read a $50 book I could read without paying them tens of thousands of dollars. They were used to kids where mumsy and dadsy pays for their presence not caring. They weren't used to someone footing 100% of the bill alone and demanding product. They had no product to show. They had no answers and walked away. I was pretty much trying to get thrown out as hard as I could. I had so much pure hatred for those people I'd have been giddy at making a media spectacle lawsuit of the entire system. Lesson learned: As long as you're giving them money they won't touch you. You'd have to maul someone to get thrown out. Or sleep with teachers. That was apparently effective. That was not going to be a viable option with any of the teachers I had, though...that's for darned sure.

Most of the time from elementary through college, I sat in the seats as they spent an hour each day demonstrating a lack of skill in their chosen profession and just spent the time analyzing and assessing how the tapestry of their total failure unfolds to cause further problems and the methodologies behind their failure. I understood precisely what was flawed with more clarity than their bosses did. I researched and was aware of the commercial shell game between regulation, political/administration, the non-profit for-profit "independent" evaluation organization and the schools rigging of standardized test scores and rankings/evaluation. Shame that wasn't actually worth credit. I could have been the dreaded school auditor. Who'd suspect the harmless kid toiling in the classroom was spending the time staring into their souls, cataloging all their flaws and results manipulation?

I'd have been very happy, to, instead of whatever garbage work they were doing in the classes, to have been assigned as the official school efficiency monitor, and I'd have been happy to put together a 3000 page report analyzing, detailing, and explaining the myriad level of their total failure as a system, and on an individual basis. I could have done it. I would have done it. And it would have brought me joy overwhelming to have done it. "Oh, I didn't get and F on that geometry test because I'm stupid. I got an F on that geometry test because I've spent the last 3 months of class documenting every failure in your technique, ability, methodology, attitude, and the entire school district's curriculum and approach to the subject. Thank you for the F. Here's the report I sent to the newspaper during your boss's reelection campaign."

Is that a bad student, or a student that gets hush money in Swiss bank account? We shall never know.

I suppose my true calling in life is Congressional Special Prosecutor.

@ThanosReXXX Ahh, I thought you drew it. Still, that was a heck of a presentation, Mr. Marketing.

"But, as they like to say over here, the world has gone "diploma horny", so every bit of paper you can add to your resumé, regardless of whether or not you actually have any practical knowledge and/or experience is preferable to people who actually know what to do, or who will be able to apply it quicker."

Ultimately I (and you perhaps) need to find the bits of the world that work the old way. The new way does not, and will never exist to me. I have to work around it because I cant work through it. I don't know when it happened or how it happened. It's like the USSR consumed the Earth after all. Beedy eyed bureaucrats requiring hoop jumping for no reason and treating it as the only rewardable activity is not a world I can exist in.

"And let's not forget: inexperienced staff with a papers only resumé are FAR cheaper to hire than people like you or me..."

Now that part probably explains a lot. Mostly I think it comes down to the people that do the hiring are themselves wholly incompetent via the same system and only know how to checkbox from requirements. Paper requirements are an "easy button" they can understand. Figuring out if someone has aptitude is something they can't even comprehend. And the paper conveniently is a CYA trail. Back when I was in HS we were told college was dying and would soon be obsolete.... Costs were going up and enrollment was declining rapidly. Their agenda was to get people into alternative methods of learning and preparedness. Then somehow this happened.

The Communist/Socialist regimes have always been meritocracy. Demonstrating that being "average" and just following the steps of "the system" is the way forward, and actual skill, talent, or perceptiveness is best left at the door and forgotten entirely. We are now them. I don't believe for an instant that's a coincidence. I don't believe in coincidences.

Booo, banking/finance. No wonder. I realize that's where the big money is (at the top, in the investment sphere), but there's a reason half of Wall St "accidentally" plummets out of 40 story windows on a regular basis. Ironically, at least here, unless you're in the actual investment sphere, you make no money in banking. Turnaround is faster than at Nintendo. Yeah the investment people make tons....or "accidentally" fall from sky scrapers. Either way. And always one or the other. But the normal level banking is valueless churn.

It's up there with law, here. It's where the big money is, but it also routinely surveys as the most miserable/unhappy occupation. If you get somewhere you can get rich, but it's mostly to compensate the fact that you hate your existence and wish it would end. Maybe that's an America thing. The poor are miserable because they're poor. The rich are miserable because their money just is the "reward" for submitting to an otherwise miserable life so they can pay other people to take care of their lives and dedicate their actual lives to the misery of the company/firm for 100+ hours a week. So everyone's miserable and envious of everyone else. The poor see the rich as occupiers, the rich like to flaunt their excess to make them feel better because they're miserable and see the poor as time-rich freeloaders. And the middle is nearly extinct, funneled into one or the other.

NOW can we support rampant accessibility of guns?

Seriously, though, that's a tough spot with the career. I expect that will be me at some point simply by the way of things and the pace of change in everything across the board. Though I expect the bulk of the human race is going to be there sooner than later. Automation is replacing things fast, and, ironcially, your salesman skills are not easily automated. Finance is in the cross-hairs. Why need people for that...computers can do it faster, better, and more accurately. Finance is the first thing I keep hearing in the white collar automation crosshairs, right behind truck drivers on the blue collar side. Technically you may have dodged a bullet you didn't know was coming. BUT I realize that still leaves you in limbo at the moment.



@NotTelevision "t the media is a Marxist, feminist conspiracy that seeks to corrupt your mind with PC information. "

That part is actually true though, really. Still not related to the internet reactions, but can't throw the baby out with the bath water regarding legitimate observation and like-mindedness.



@bimmy-lee Yeah. Very good point. It’s like their domain has been infiltrated by a feminist upsurper. Not the case but that was the message some were projecting.



Speaking about inappropriate name from Ho-Oh, then changed into Hoe-Oh....



@Anti-Matter I hear Hoe Carnival has good deals on pairs.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


@bimmy-lee i just told them a bear jumped out and wanted to wrestle. I obliged, and this was the only Mark he left on me.
@thanosrexxx got it. 3 is pretty awesome Imo.. I like the survival horror aspect just a little more than the first 2 games. I still like the first 2 though.

Edited on by NintendoByNature



Hoe Carnival is a great place to find stilettos. Not that I’ve been there myself... a... friend told me. Yep. That’s it. A friend went there once. But it was an accident. He didn’t do it on purpose.

@NotTelevision - Yep, it’s just a little extra fuel for the fire, but every little bit counts.

@NintendoByNature - Ha, nice one! The bear got one in on you, but they should have seen the bear after you got done with him. Actually, in 2019, I’m not sure if we’re still allowed to talk about punching bears in the snout.

Edited on by bimmy-lee

limby-bee was a jerk.

My Nintendo: RedNestor


@Anti-Matter Nobody was talking about that...

@NEStalgia Thanks for the compliment. I was already wondering about that "you're still an s&m guy" part of your comment. What gave it away, the sell at the end of the page?

Concerning the whole diploma debacle, I forgot to mention that besides companies being more eager to hire younger people because they are in possession of more papers and are cheaper than older, potentially more accident-prone employees with more experience, they're also more malleable than us. We're either too old to completely change to the tune a company is playing or we simply don't care to bow, which may or may not sometimes be true in my own particular case. I only bow or give in to those who deserve it or who are clearly more knowledgeable than me, and if they aren't... well, I didn't choose this particular avatar for nothing...

As for why I chose banking: not to get rich, because I know, like you said, that the money is only up there in the highest echelons, but it was a pretty decent offer nonetheless, and the mediator/agency that got me in there paid for my studies and exam, so it could have been interesting. But I found it typical to read your view on it. You're either a pretty decent judge of character, or banking/finance in general is just not a place you want to be in, in America, apparently. Why I said typical is because one of my closest friends told me that although he was sad to not see me succeed, he was all but sure that I was never going to be happy working at a bank, so according to him, it was probably for the best, regardless of the fact that it definitely didn't really feel like that at that moment.

@HobbitGamer Have you already started modding your Wii? In case you're in need of any tips or help, let me know. I'll gladly point you in the right direction. And there's literally only one guide you should follow, which is this one (edit: select the "LetterBomb" option in the tutorial, then go from there). All others are variations of that one, or use methods not entirely in line with the established modding community and/or knowledge, most of which can be found on GBATemp, by the way.

Oh, and the SD card you'll need, MUST be a non-HC 2GB card. The Wii does support higher capacity cards when used normally, but for the softmod, it is highly recommended to stick to a normal 2GB card. You can get one here:

Personally, I always use Transcend cards. They're pretty good, and I've already modded around 15 Wii's, and not one of them has had any problems with this cheaper SD card.

As a game/USB loader, I prefer and recommend Configurable USB Loader over Wiiflow or USB Loader GX, because of a cleaner and more user-friendly UI and it's the only one I've never had any problems with, personally. And if you go with that Loader, then you'll also need a forwarder channel, which you can get here.

Edited on by ThanosReXXX

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


Speaking of education, Anti just provided us a reminder of prom night.

...I'll show myself out.

@ThanosReXXX I think I'd rather become a janitor than work in banking. The money is worse. Marginally. But you at least see interesting places, meet interesting people, hear interesting things, and get to keep your hands busy.

In banking you just stare at your cube/office and have to hold the company line in unfair advantages, and smarmily lie as you take people's money knowing it's a bad deal for them, while someone else above your pay gets rich off the deal. At the end of the day you're still just cleaning up sh** for minimal money.

Yeah, companies hiring younger for a variety of reasons is nothing new, of course. Credentialing isn't really one of the main reasons there....everything else you mentioned is. Presents an interesting conundrum though. What do you do when around half of society is "too old for society?" We're winding up with a lot of surplus humans in many different areas. I still imagine this is going to end very very ugly, quite possibly in our lifetimes. It just needs a catalyst to make the downturn acute.

I don't know about "more accident prone" - the young people seem to be the ones constantly in medical debacles far as I can see. Except a certain titan with a penchant for Peterbilt Ribs.



@NEStalgia Well, you may still just be cleaning up sh**, but I'm pretty sure the smell in a banking office will be far less overpowering than anything you could encounter on a porcelain pony...

As for what to do with older people: I don't know that much about what's happening over there, but over here, ageing (or as the Dutch call it: "greying") is already a thing. People in general are getting older and live healthier lives, far as their budget allows them, and we're starting to have/create a problem where fewer people are now working for the pensions of the many. Back in the day it was something like 4 people for every pensioner, and by now that's half or even less, so it's becoming a real problem.

Some temporary band aid solutions have already been implemented, such as making people work longer before they're allowed to retire, so at 67 instead of at 65, and by the time I reach that age, it'll probably be 68 or 69...

As for the accident prone bit: I should have phrased that a bit better. Of course, it's just about liability, and older people recovering slower/staying sick for longer periods, making them cost even more than they already do, as opposed to the younger employees.

Wish I had Peterbilt ribs, though. Sounds considerably more sturdy than the ones I've got to work with...

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


@ThanosReXXX The smell of corruption and greed and the smell of moldy poo are more similar than different.

Heh, this is America. If you're one of those upper tier bankers you retire like Reggie and live it easy. If you're not, you work until you die at your desk, or if they fire you because you're old (spoiler: they will) you live in an RV and travel from seasonal job to seasonal job, 4 at a time with nonspecific hours, until you die there. No dead weight here! Everyone pulls their weight! (Except for politically designated exempt classes that change with the need for voting blocks in various locales.)

When we run out of SS money (mostly because it was earmarked and spent for highway expansion projects and bailing out random countries in remote foreign jungles back in 1974) we import new people by the tens of millions to work for cheap to feed the SS funds, forcing the old people against even more young competition!

But with the rising ages it sounds similar there as to here overall.



@ThanosReXXX I did get it all set up, and Mum’s happy with it. I actually wound up doing the more contrary methods, apparently. Softmod into DNS, then the ios change using my 64gb SDXC formatted at FAT32, with WiiFlow on a forwarder.
But she’s got her copy of Cooking Mama backed up and all running smoothly, so whatever. 😜


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


So, i must type Ho-Oh into Hoe-Oh since Ho-Oh word itself was banned due to contain inappropriate meaning ?
Ho => Hoe just makes more inappropriate if you know the meaning of Hoe by slang.
I saw that issue from the article about Ho-Oh nickname issue on this website.



Santa, is that you?

limby-bee was a jerk.

My Nintendo: RedNestor


Santa will unable to say Ho Ho Ho anymore.
He will say Hoe Hoe Hoe instead. 🤣



@Anti-Matter - Haha, I’m going to have to go check lyrics of some early 90s rap songs, but I always thought the slang word has the “e” on the end. I thought Santa says “ho” and you add the “e” for the garden tool or the customer service professional.

limby-bee was a jerk.

My Nintendo: RedNestor


Well, he does have reindeer with questionable club names.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


@NEStalgia Well, call me whatever, but I don't think money stinks. However, I also don't see it as the be all and end all, just a means to an end to get what I actually want, so I'm not one of those dope heads that thinks that money makes you happy. But it's still VERY convenient for creating a life that does make you happy, though...

@HobbitGamer Sounds a bit convoluted compared to how I always do it, and personally, I don't like WiiFlow at all, but hey, if it works for you, then that's ultimately all that matters.

@Anti-Matter I think you misunderstood: I saw the article, but you specifically said "speaking of" while nobody in this thread here was talking about it, so in this particular case it made little sense, and as such, "speaking of" did not apply, because it should have been a topic that other people in here were actually speaking about. But it was just an observation, nothing to hurt your head over...


'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


Crazy, busy day. Replies only. Haven't read most of the thread.

@bimmy-lee Neat, I like it! I love how you incorporated something mundane (though important) into the design where the smoke alarm figures in. I can hear all the sounds already!

@Anti-Matter Hard for me to say what happened there without seeing the comment in question. I'm assuming someone thought it didn't contribute to the discussion. I haven't read the article or comments, but I'm sure it's all a mess.

@NEStalgia Will do. Child units are easily replaceable. Programmable is another matter.

Websites certainly love their media these days. Disregarding the ones that are designed VERY poorly (See Webpages That Suck, though I don't believe it's been updated for years), a lot of modern ones, to follow trends, are pretty media-heavy because most people are assumed to have functional internet at this point. Clearly, some parts of the country do not....

@ThanosReXXX I am curious about what some entertainment industry peeps get up to, particularly if some of their interests align with my own. I realize that the vast majority of them are just normal people doing a job and don't really like elevating them onto untouchable pedestals; heck in my opinion, some of those in the industry who embrace that and take advantage of it (and there are stories out there) are the ones to avoid. In my case, I have a lot of respect for performances done well but don't go "ZOMG it's X person! They can do no wrong!" Even some of my favorites have had their own flops.

So that's the Brie Larson thing in a nutshell eh? Seems like a lot of that was indeed taken out of context. I don't see anything wrong with those comments. I have no issues with more female representation in any industry. Most of the overreactions are likely those who have seen/heard too much of the vocal minority that are part of what I call Amazonian feminism. XD

Currently playing: Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (Switch), Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations (Switch/AAT)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx Haha, yeah, something like that. And did I mention that this whole statement was made by her several years ago already? Even besides the fact that someone actually may or may not have said something inflammatory, I find it SO f'ing ridiculous that people are still getting pummeled because of that YEARS after the fact. Get a life people, and f'ing move on already...

Edited on by ThanosReXXX

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX

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