
Topic: The Book Thread

Posts 41 to 60 of 162


Is that a movie, or a book...? Speaking of martial arts movies; I watched a movie with Chuck Norris in it called Hellbound last night. It was kind of a horror movie, with a bit of detective work. Kind of a strange combination, but Norris made it work

Sean Aaron ~ "The secret is out: I'm really an American cat-girl."
Q: How many physicists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Two, one to hold the light bulb, the other to rotate the universe.


Ravage wrote:

I was thinking I would read Under The Dome by Stephen King next; anyone read it yet?

Not yet. It's sitting in my "to read" pile; will probably be a while before i get to it.

The Shpydarloggery
She-Ra is awesome. If you believe otherwise, you are clearly wrong.
Urban Champion is GLORIOUS.

Switch Friend Code: SW-5973-1398-6394 | 3DS Friend Code: 2578-3211-9319 | My Nintendo: theShpydar | Nintendo Network ID: theShpydar


I recently re-read the book World War Z, one of my favorites, but now I'm reading Open, which is an autobiography of Andre Agassi, the tennis player and I'm really enjoying it.

There is no spoon
Welcome to die!


How is World War Z? Is it actually good?
@WaltzElf: How many pages is Romance of the Three Kingdoms? I think the longest book I read was The Stand by Stephen King, the unabridged edition. It was over 1000 pages, but I can't remember how much over. it's been a few years.

Sean Aaron ~ "The secret is out: I'm really an American cat-girl."
Q: How many physicists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Two, one to hold the light bulb, the other to rotate the universe.


I have yet to read 1984, though I want to, I haven't had the time lately.
I just finished Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis, and I plan on reading it's two sequels.


3DS Friend Code: 1891-1165-2008 | Nintendo Network ID: pikmaniac


Which version did you get? Apparently there is a fair difference in the translation methods, so I was curious.

Read 1984 as soon as you can, it is very good. Once you finish that, watch the movie Brazil. In fact, anyone who has read that book should watch Brazil, it is another great movie from one of the minds behind Monty Python.

Sean Aaron ~ "The secret is out: I'm really an American cat-girl."
Q: How many physicists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Two, one to hold the light bulb, the other to rotate the universe.


Has anyone read the Redwall books? I read one and quite enjoyed it, but never got into it. I have a few friends who used to read them. Anyone have any opinions?

Sean Aaron ~ "The secret is out: I'm really an American cat-girl."
Q: How many physicists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Two, one to hold the light bulb, the other to rotate the universe.


@Nintenzo: I have read the first three or possibly four. I did enjoy them, but I didn't really feel like paying for the next one I do like how they are connected as a series, but you aren't obligated to read the next one.

@NintyFan: I used to watch the cartoon when I was bored; I liked how everything seemed kind of lifted from myths and legends. The books seemed well written as well; just didn't want to read such a large series.

Sean Aaron ~ "The secret is out: I'm really an American cat-girl."
Q: How many physicists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Two, one to hold the light bulb, the other to rotate the universe.


Introducing, Hitler's little known work in home decor.

*Hunt the Hare and turn her down the rocky road
all the way to Dublin, Whack follol de rah!*


I finished Naked Heat yesterday, and today I Started reading Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. Hover-boards, brain washing, resistance of authority, body alterations. This book raises the question, is there more to life than just being pretty? I can't believe how good it is so far.


3DS Friend Code: 2878-9589-2016 | Nintendo Network ID: Wildvine53


I very very short-list of Must-Read Books.

Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
Stranger in a Strange Land - Robert A. Heinlein
Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test - Tom Wolfe

These books literally changed the way I look at the world.

[insert 25 Cents here to play]


I personally can't recommend Stieg Larrson's "Millenium" trilogy enough...The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest. Absolute page turners!

Bow ties are cool - The Doctor


I mostly read graphic novels.

But this semester in school I'm reading a lot of Restoration era plays. They are not very fun.

Nintendo Life staff

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JayArr wrote:

I very very short-list of Must-Read Books.

Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
Stranger in a Strange Land - Robert A. Heinlein
Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test - Tom Wolfe

These books literally changed the way I look at the world.

Hm, I will have to look those up.

For anyone with an interest in graphic novels and/or The Dark Tower. The Dark Tower is a pretty good graphic novel (the first one is at least). I have only gotten the first set so far, I think there is a third or fourth out though. The idea is to expand upon Roland`s past. The first one is pretty much what happens in Wizard and Glass though, but the next ones seem to have much more new content. I also quite like the artwork (and colour ).

Edited on by Ravage

Sean Aaron ~ "The secret is out: I'm really an American cat-girl."
Q: How many physicists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Two, one to hold the light bulb, the other to rotate the universe.


I picked up the first few Dark Tower series in their original single-issue format (comprising probably the first three collections). Amazingly well done -- of course, when you combine Peter David's writing, Robin Furth (King's go-to Dark Tower-ologist) and King's oversight, combined with outstanding art, you can't go wrong! I stopped picking them up with the thought that i'll ultimately buy whatever super special edition hardcover collection of them all that they'll inevitably release one day.

The Stand comic adaptations are also very well done (but only picked up a few issues), although much more of a direct adaptation, while much of the DT ones are new or expanded backstory material.

The Shpydarloggery
She-Ra is awesome. If you believe otherwise, you are clearly wrong.
Urban Champion is GLORIOUS.

Switch Friend Code: SW-5973-1398-6394 | 3DS Friend Code: 2578-3211-9319 | My Nintendo: theShpydar | Nintendo Network ID: theShpydar


Yeah, I got the first hardcover release, then completely forgot about them while waiting for the second, maybe I will see if I can get the second one as a Christmas gift (like the first ). I don`t really need anything else anyway... Then after I pay off the bills for second semester, I will see how much money I have left over to buy the others, of course, after all of the highly anticipated Steam Holiday sales. I think I am going to load up about $75 on my Paypal just for that... I have a problem... I just can`t resist buying great games for $5 or less...


Edited on by Ravage

Sean Aaron ~ "The secret is out: I'm really an American cat-girl."
Q: How many physicists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Two, one to hold the light bulb, the other to rotate the universe.


Starting up on The Da Vinci Code. Been pretty good thus far. :3

“The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.” - "Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve mediocrity, and some men have mediocrity thrust upon them."

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