
Topic: The Board Game Thread!!!!

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So, there probably is a topic like this already, but I looked fairly far back through the threads, and I didn't find one, so I figured I would just make a new one. Please feel free to direct me to the other thread if it exists. But, this thread is pretty straightforward. It's a thread where we can talk about all of the board games that we like to play when we're not to busy playing video games (or posting in the Nintendo Life forums lol). Here are some board games that I really like:

1. The Settlers of Catan
2. Carcassonne
3. The Age of Empires Board Game
4. Game of Thrones

1. Don't be a Dork
2. Scattergories (Regular and Bible Edition)
3. Taboo
4. Balderdash
5. Monopoly
6. Catchphrase

There are more board games that I like, but it would take a backloggery to list them all out. lol So, I'm particularly interested to know if anyone has ever heard or played any of the first four board games that I mentioned (listed under strategy). But anyways, please feel free to share whatever board games you like!!!! Enjoy!!!!

Psalm 19:14 "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in your sight O Lord my strength and my redeemer." :)
The Godloggery I finally finished my backloggery!!!! WOOHOO!!!! :) lol


Some good games in there, GFG. Some I never hear of, also.

I'd say these were my favourites, starting with those from my childhood:
Chutes and Ladders
Trivial Pursuit
Mexican Train Game
Apples to Apples



Stratego and Civilization



Scrabble is awesome but nothing can compare to the awesomeness of spending an entire Modern History lesson playing the 'Pokemon:Master Trainer' board game.



I like squad-strategy games like Space Crusade and Space hulk. Talisman is fun (when houserules are added) and Illuminati is pretty brilliant.



Vendetta wrote:

I'd say these were my favourites, starting with those from my childhood:

A night of a few couples, it can get very, very, very ugly.


It's like, I just love a cowboy
You know
I'm just like, I just, I know, it's bad
But I'm just like
Can I just like, hang off the back of your horse
And can you go a little faster?!


FATEM wrote:

Scrabble is awesome but nothing can compare to the awesomeness of spending an entire Modern History lesson playing the 'Pokemon:Master Trainer' board game.

OH LOL I REMEMBER THAT. It was kinda fun
I had Pokémon Monopoly too (probably still have somewhere), that was great. Gotta love Monopoly.


3DS Friend Code: 0173-1400-0117 | Nintendo Network ID: RaylaxKai


Aww, no love for Stratego?

"The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."

-President John Adams

Treaty of Tripoly, article 11


@ Fox Shimmy mentioned Stratego in the third post. I also played a lot of Stratego. My favorite strategy was making a decoy. I would either place a lot of bombs or high ranking pieces around a certain area so it seemed like something important was there lol only to find that there was a low ranking worthless piece there.

As for games I played Monopoly a lot. Sad thing is actually when I was really young I played Monopoly by myself. Lol yes... very sad. I also played chutes and ladders a lot, Pinochle as my Dad taught me at a very young age, and many many other card games.



My favorite board game ever is Card Captors: Challenge OF The Clow Spirits


3DS Friend Code: 2878-9589-2016 | Nintendo Network ID: Wildvine53


gamerforgod wrote:

1. Don't be a Dork

Of all the games I would totally fail at, I think this would be my greatest.

Lieutenant Commander of the Lesbian Love Brigade
There can only be one, like in that foreign movie where there could only be one, and in the end there is only one dude left, because that was the point.


I was a huge Risk player back in High School. I learned a lot from that game.

Wii = 4691-1000-9564-5547


I have played my fair share of Risk and Risk variations. Also, Axis and Allies is pretty good too, a little more complex though.
Balderdash FTW!

Sean Aaron ~ "The secret is out: I'm really an American cat-girl."
Q: How many physicists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Two, one to hold the light bulb, the other to rotate the universe.


Stratego is wonderful. I have the original, Ultimate Stratego, and Stratego Legends, all of which I've played the heck out of. After seeing three or four board game threads pop up and quickly die, I've tired of listing all the games I play, but Stratego is definitely up there.

Edited on by Adam

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


Apparently Zooloretto is coming to Wii before too long... if you like board games (or just fun games) keep your eyes open!

My favorite* game? Carcassonne. You basically take turns drawing tiles and building the puzzle-like board. Each time you put a tile down, you can put a little man on the board to help you score points. At the end of the game, whoever scored the most points is the winner. It's not a "kids game" because there is a lot of strategy in how to score points, but the game is easy enough to explain and play that it works well for the whole family.

Other games that come highly recommended: Bohnanza, Settlers of Catan, Bang!, and Incan Gold.

(* Ok, there might be some other board games that I prefer... but Carcassonne is the best one to recommend to other people. Some of the stuff I like is too complex to recommend for most people.)


Nintendo Network ID: ejamer


Ravage wrote:

Also, Axis and Allies is pretty good too, a little more complex though.

I knew I was leaving one out. And I probably played this game the most for quite a few years, too.



I've played a few A&A games. Spent more time setting up than playing, though. Still, fun game. I like playing as the Axis and trying to put the squeeze on Russia from the get-go. A fun Allies strategy, if you're using the optional rules in the latest addition that gives each nation special abilities, is to use Russia's mobile industrial complex ability to move an IC into China at the beginning of the game. The US can make more use of it with their absurd income, and it makes holding China actually worthwhile.

But the worst set-up time : play time ratio by far was for Super Risk, a game I semi-authored. We took giant maps from one of the computer versions, intended for 12 or more players, mostly AI, and traced them onto poster board using a projector and transparency. Then we spray painted pieces from a spare Risk set, and in this delusional state of mind thought we would be able to play a game with 8 to 10 players with some rules modifications to speed up play. Ten hours later, when sane people would have just been waking up, no one was eliminated yet. Played it only once more weeks later, this time with heavier rules modding, but it was still a failure. Good times!

Edited on by Adam

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


I don't know from current versions, Adam - the game I have is from the late 80s. But as for variants, definitely. We actually had an extracurricular club in high school for playing this game in teams... all those years ago. The many hands did help with the setup time, though!



I really liked complex (in terms of design) board games like:

Wheel Of Fortune
Guess Who?
Mouse Trap
The Grape Escape
Forbidden Bridge
13 Dead End Drive

Most of those are pretty obscure...

Edited on by TwilightV



Chutes and Ladders, Trouble, Stratego, Scrabble, Pictionary, Charades, apples to apples.

Just let it happen.

3DS Friend Code: 5026-4947-0924 | Nintendo Network ID: Percentful

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