
Topic: NintendoLife Artists Thread

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Let's see... here's a couple of animations I've done recently:

(this is the incomplete version; sorry I don't have the completed version right now! I can probably post it tomorrow, though. In the finished version, Delpox blows the flame out.)

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@Gioku if you replace the flame on the first work with the more animated flame on the second, it would look marginally better but great work especially on the second one. Can't wait to see what becomes of it.

Fancy a Karrot Cake?
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@Gioku nice work! The way the flame swishes in the second pic looks nice and smooth.

I made these a little while ago. I have a new drawing project: I'm gonna draw all 80 Skylanders in a style reminiscent of the original Pokémon GameBoy games. Ignitor (the one on the bottom) and Eruptor (the one on the top) are complete. Sunburn is in progress.
I drew them on our iPad Mini with the Procreate app.
I was planning to draw one each week and I was meant to finish Sunburn two days ago, but to be honest drawing lineart with fingers is really tiring on my wrist. And I don't have a drawing tablet to use, sadly. But I'm gonna push through with this project so I can get used to drawing more.

Anyway I'm pretty much 100% happy with Eruptor. He has some problems, but I don't think they're really major. Ignitor, on the other hand, was an absolute pain- but I'm still not happy with him. God, even his pose! He looks like he's using a toilet. However, I'm happy with Ignitor's more simplified design, at least.
I am aware that there is a "chip" on Eruptor's middle-top tooth, and I fixed that later, but I'm too lazy to upload the new version. XD

Edited on by Drawdler

Myland's Dream Address: 6500-2329-0504 | darkSpyro | Ghostroaster | Reddit

3DS Friend Code: 2191-7661-4611 | Nintendo Network ID: Nibelilt


@Karakato: The first one was just a test for that lighting effect. The second one is the "real one"!
But anyway glad you liked them, guys! I'll get the finished version posted later today!

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Switch Friend Code: SW-5806-7479-1875 | 3DS Friend Code: 3394-4319-1146 | My Nintendo: FlutterBug | Nintendo Network ID: Fluttershy_Gioku | Twitter:


@Gioku that work is a commendable effort. Aside from Delphox's face, everything else looks great. Especially like how the flame sparks to add more light on the character.

Fancy a Karrot Cake?
Devian tArt
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I drew this today in Colors. It's OK. I don't really like this program, so I could probably have done something a lot better if I had used my iPad or something. There are a lot of mistakes with this one. I enjoyed drawing it, though, and it's not really anything serious anyway. As you can see, I'm using it for my Christmas avatar, I'll probably clean it up with another program. Also, I don't draw Mario very often but he's really fun to draw.

Myland's Dream Address: 6500-2329-0504 | darkSpyro | Ghostroaster | Reddit

3DS Friend Code: 2191-7661-4611 | Nintendo Network ID: Nibelilt


@Nibelilt: How can you not like Colors! 3D?
It's the best drawing program I'v ever used; some of the best artwork I've ever made I made with Colors! 3D!

...and your Christmas Mario looks great! I don't know what you're talking about!'ve made me want to post some of Colors! works! So I guess I will:
...and those are just my three favorites! You guys can see the rest of my stuff via the link in my signature!

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Switch Friend Code: SW-5806-7479-1875 | 3DS Friend Code: 3394-4319-1146 | My Nintendo: FlutterBug | Nintendo Network ID: Fluttershy_Gioku | Twitter:


@Gioku Oh yeah, I forgot to give you feedback on Delphox! I agree with @Karakato , it's a very good picture. Though Delphox's face looks a bit awkward- I think adjusting the proportions a bit would fix that up. The frames are good, it's not too choppy, and I can tell you've put a lot of effort into animating it. I especially like how it "loops" when Delphox blows the light out, and then it sparks up again and repeats.

Also, your Colors pics are great! I like the Pikmin drawing the best! It's coloured very nicely, and the detail on the background and the rock Pikmin and everything on the picture is awesome! I also like the simplicity of the Pokémon picture. It's a very relaxing one. Your Little Inferno drawing is spot on to what the game looks like. I'll be sure to check out your gallery sometime.

As for Christmas Mario, I started to remake it on the iPad, and it's looking much better. The lines are smoother and I can add more detail to areas that I couldn't on the small screen of the 3DS. Higher resolution and a bigger screen to work on and add detail with make a big difference:

It may very similar, but remember that this is a JPG, as opposed to the PNG I posted before! JPG image files are much lower in quality than PNGs. (Jeez I need to figure out a system so that I can upload some PNGs from the iPad... It only ever uploads in JPG...)
I've only done part of his head so far and the hat, but I think you can clearly see where I have re-traced it. The linework I did on the 3DS that's still visible there, which I haven't yet fixed up, is much more "fuzzy". Compare the Santa hat to his hands or the comet trail and you can see that the hat is much more refined. Anyway, that kind of explains my thoughts on Colors! 3D as well. It's like moving up from standard def to HD, you can live with standard def but HD would be a lot nicer. Colors being standard def and the iPad being HD. Colors is very, very accessible though, which is great. I think I'm just more comfortable on our iPad as well.

Myland's Dream Address: 6500-2329-0504 | darkSpyro | Ghostroaster | Reddit

3DS Friend Code: 2191-7661-4611 | Nintendo Network ID: Nibelilt


I finally drew something that I'm willing to share! I still have to color it before I put it in my Deviant Art gallery, though, but I'm saving that for another day.


He's Lightning Saix! But his friends call him Screwy! With all those screws on him, one of them is bound to be loose. He's fast, he's crazy, and don't make him mad, or he'll strike you down with his lightning-fisted Lightning punch!

...okay, I just came up with that right on the spot. This was just the first thing that came to mind when I sat down to draw today. I really need to do that more often - sit down, relax, and let my mind wander until it lands on something that I could draw. That always seems to work better than actively trying to come up with something to draw, or restricting myself to a certain character or theme.

I'm not exactly sure what it's supposed to be, though. A weasel? A cat? A demon? Hell, the image in my mind seemed closer to that of a digimon. I kinda bunged it up, though. I gave it more human proportions by accident, but the hands and feet are a bit small, and I think the legs might be too short, too. I also had some very dark erasures that I had to shop out, so it came out a little messy. Oh well, I'm still mostly satisfied with it, which is the first I've said that in a long time.

Edited on by CanisWolfred

I am the Wolf...Red
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Gioku wrote:

@Nibelilt: How can you not like Colors! 3D?
It's the best drawing program I'v ever used; some of the best artwork I've ever made I made with Colors! 3D!

...and your Christmas Mario looks great! I don't know what you're talking about!'ve made me want to post some of Colors! works! So I guess I will:
...and those are just my three favorites! You guys can see the rest of my stuff via the link in my signature!

Colors! is great and all, But when I tried to make a Masterpiece, I WAS SO CONFUSED!!!! I didn't know if it was confusing, or if i'm a terrible artist (Probably the latter considering 60% of the process of making my pictures is me mashing undo).

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@MrMario02: idk, I really enjoy Colors! 3D. I've been able to create some of the best art I've ever made with it - and that's something, I think. The learning curve is a bit steep, and it definitely helps to be an artist to use it well, but it is definitely the best art/drawing program I've ever used.

Anyway, I just made something new with Colors! 3D the other day:
I didn't spend too long on it, so it's not the best thing I've ever made, but I had fun with it and it makes me happy.

Also, I totally forgot to post this one earlier:
Though I've definitely made better stuff before and since, this still remains my favorite thing I've ever drawn with anything, ever. I'm not sure why, though... but something about it makes me happy.

Edited on by sugarpixel

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@CanisWolfred That's a great way to start, yeah I like my Anthro's species to be ambiguous. Just keep drawing and never let anything discourage you from continuing on. You'll get better with each passing artwork though it doesn't hurt to get out of your comfort zone sometimes. If you want I suggest you try life drawing, it is a great first hand experience in getting the basic anatomical structures down. Even if it's not your style, it really helps you get used to different techniques. Why not copy any portrait off the internet?

Anyway, I made another MM related fan work since I was bored in campus:

Edited on by KarrotMan

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I haven't done it in a long time, but IIRC, my life drawings tend to look more like picaso paintings than whatever they're supposed to look like. I guess it wouldn't hurt too much to try it again, though, it's just that I find drawing more interesting when I don't have something to compare it to.

...actually, now that I think about it, every other time I've tried life drawing killed my interest in art for months to years...I'll have to think about it...

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


@CanisWolfred I tend not to think life drawings as my own, rather, I see it as some kind of drawing exercise. Also, maybe life drawings is not your style then. I think you'll be better off referring to Anime based works to start off. Try drawing grids over both the reference pic and your pad, it helps. It may not feel like you're doing your own creations but you will have a better understanding in the anatomy (Real life or manga) of what ever characters you'll be drawing in the near future...

I'm sure people have other ways of improving their art, but that's what I'm currently doing to improve my style.

Fancy a Karrot Cake?
Devian tArt
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Whoa I actually drew something, heh. I've been doing this drawing challenge where the object is to draw a different favorite Pokemon each day of December. This was my Bug type choice... and it was supposed to be drawn on the 1st but obviously I'm behind. Dunno if I'll draw them all. Anyways, I've been using a new program I'm not so familiar with, and so it's a little scribbly and rough, and my sister (who's definitely a better artist than me) pointed out some coloring/shading mistakes that I had made, but the program acted strange and I couldn't really go back and fix it without making it worse. So I just figured I'd post this since I'm still happy with how it came out (though there's always room for improvement.), and maybe I'll draw more! I'm open to any thoughts or critique.

Edited on by FriedSquid

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Anyone familliar with Vector Art?
Untitled(click for full-size)
It's my first time trying this out, and I was wondering if anyone here knew about Vector Art.

Edited on by LyIa

all men are kings 👑


Is it a program for windows which resembles colors! 3D? I love using it but isn't as good with it as you guys

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