
Topic: Nintendo Life Book Club

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@MontyCircus that is so gruesome

yeah it's super wild how easily you can access the internet even in China and yet it doesnt help one bit



@jedgamesguy The womanizing parts of Zhisui's journal were added by the western publisher to spice the book up. Zhisui said so himself.

And judging world leaders by their 'death count' is very reductive.

There's man all over for you, blaming on his boots the faults of his feet.


@moomin yes I’m fully aware of the changes, I knew about them before I started reading the book. As if Mao’s portrait wasn’t already interesting enough, sadly.

In this case it’s very much justified judging leaders by their death toll. If we considered any of these communist leaders great without looking at their death tolls, that would be reductive too. The figures are mind boggling.

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I've finally been able to get my hands on Amulet Book 9, and it's a great book.

It's not the best book in the series imo, but it's definitely the ending we all wanted for the series.



finished reading Needful Things last night. Back to reading Wheel of Time Winter's Heart.

also in May Im going to preorder the new upcoming Stephen King short story collection You Like it Darker.

and getting back into buying and reading the rest of old Star Wars novels like the Swarm War Trilogy



@XandertheWise what did you think of Needful things? As for Wheel of Time, I started the first book but had to return it before I had finished . It's the next series on my list. Earlier we chatted about Brandon Sanderson - if you make it to the final Wheel of Time book, Sanderson finished it for Robert Jordan, so you may get an introduction to his writing with that book



I read Needful Things before a long time ago. Rereading it these days especially any old Stephen King book I notice things I didn't pay attention to due the movies based on the books being more popular back then. the book having Gaunt turn into an actual demon and his car turning into a demonic horse carriage a long with a hunchback person that I don't think I paid close attention to when i first read the book many years ago. that and I saw the extended version of the Needful Things movie on TBS back in the mid late 1990s where they included the two housewives and their Elvis stuff

Lazz wrote:

@XandertheWise what did you think of Needful things? As for Wheel of Time, I started the first book but had to return it before I had finished . It's the next series on my list. Earlier we chatted about Brandon Sanderson - if you make it to the final Wheel of Time book, Sanderson finished it for Robert Jordan, so you may get an introduction to his writing with that book



as for Path of Daggers and me being busy with Winter's Heart I had to watch a couple of recap YouTube vids from Wheel of Time Lore to recatch some stuff I might have missed while reading the beginning of Winter's Heart



just finished Wheel of Time Winter's Heart

just got the paperbacks of Star Wars Joiner King and Stephen King's The Talisman today so I'm going to be reading those for the rest of this month.

Even have the new You Like it Darker which is coming soon next week hopefully



just got the new Stephen King book You Like it Darker in the mail and hour ago. So Ill be reading that the rest of this month even though I'm busy with reading The Talisman



Stephen King repeats himself so much, most of his books could be half the size.
Says the person who is currently in the middle of reading the Dark Tower series for the fifth time

But having a break from it to read Kurt Cobain's favorite book Perfume by Patrick Süskind

[Edited by Bunkerneath]


Switch Friend Code: SW-5538-4050-1819 | 3DS Friend Code: 1633-4650-1215 | My Nintendo: Bunkerneath | Nintendo Network ID: Bunkerneat | Twitter:


I also have the new Stephen King book, You Like it Darker. The first 3 stories are pretty good.

As for his regular novels, I want The Stand Uncut paperback so bad along with Insomnia.



Misplaced my copy of Gravity's Rainbow so I started reading A Frolic of His Own which is equally good

There's man all over for you, blaming on his boots the faults of his feet.


@drunktusken Would The Stand Uncut be about 2,000 pages ? The Stand, as is, is just about as perfect of a book as it gets. I've heard nothing about this, very curious,,,



No. The Uncut version of The Stand for paperback is 1, 153 pages. the old hardcover of It has more pages than that i think

Lazz wrote:

@drunktusken Would The Stand Uncut be about 2,000 pages ? The Stand, as is, is just about as perfect of a book as it gets. I've heard nothing about this, very curious,,,



I'm tackling the Silmarillion right now. Beautifully written. Cool to see how Middle Earth came to be.



@Mallow9623 Quite possibly my favorite book.

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is next up for me to read. I expect it'll be a real laugh riot.


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