
Topic: Movie thread.

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Yeah i agree about Ratatouille. Animation was beautiful, but the story lacked.
And i liked the Earth parts of Wall-E, but if the whole movie was of him on Earth finding random things, there would be no point to it. Entertaining, but no real story.
And i don't know why, but Toy Story 2 wasn't that special for me. First one was more memorable. And i really hated the cowgirl!



I missed the ending of Ratatouille. We were watching it a Foods class and cut it 20min short. Last movie I saw in theaters was Watchmen, which, will different from what I expected, was pretty good.

[21:14] pixelman: I blame fheblackdragon
[21:15] pixelman: That's not an f by the way, it's a fancy t.
[21:15] Objection: Tales of Graces "fancy t"
[21:15] Objection: Tinal Tantasy
[21:15] theblackdragon: lol OB
[21:15] pixelman: OB knows what he's asking about.

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My Top 5 movies of 2008

1. Benjamin Button
3. The Dark Knight
4. Slumdog Millionaire
5. Twilight

Honorable Mentions:
Iron Man
Tropic Thunder

[Edited by Charlie_The_Unicorn]

Tomena Sanner: Because dancing businessmen are awesome.


Charlie+The+Unicorn wrote:

5. Twilight

Really!? I saw Twilight the other day (after much hype about it, I decided to give it a whirl) and I thought it was awful. The narrative made no sense to me, and while I've not read the books, I still expected the film to have a bit more cohesion to it. It seemed like a soppy drama with some very bland vampires. A shame really; I thought the film had a lot of potential based upon what I could gather from the concept.



Charlie+The+Unicorn wrote:

1. Benjamin Button

Really? Benjamin Button?
People i know saw it and said it was way too long and got boring.
From what i gather it seems alright, but i still have to see it for myself.



My favorites of 2008:
1. The Dark Knight
2. Iron Man
3. Kung Fu Panda
4. Prince Caspian
5. Get Smart

Most Disappointing:
1. Wall-E
2. Indiana Jones 4
3. Quantum of Solace

I can't wait to watch Valkyrie some time.



Twilight Reason - I am a big fan of the book series, so that's why it's in my top 5.

Benjamin Button Reason - I didn't find it long and boring at all. It had breathtaking visuals (especially during the scene where the ship is shot at), and the story was touching.

Tomena Sanner: Because dancing businessmen are awesome.


Just saw Tokyo!, a film composed of three separate stories by different directors, all of which are of course set in Tokyo and are quite surreal and funny. The first one, Interior Design, is hard to talk about without ruining it, which is unfortunate since it was my favorite of the three. Reminded me of Kobo Abe's play The Man Who Turn into a Stick, which makes me wonder if that was part of the inspiration for this since it is set in Japan.

The second one is called Merde, which is a vulgarity in French. It is easily the funniest of the three, but it goes on for way too long. It is about this strange, deformed man living in the sewers who pops out occasionally to terrorize people. There are a couple references to the Rape of Nanking, but what I don't understand is this "creature from the sewers" looks Western and has a red beard. Seems like he ought to be Chinese if it were some kind of statement about the massacre... Regardless of the point of it (if there is one), it was hilarious!

The third one is about a hikikomori who lives in seclusion, not making eye contact with other people for 10 years at least... until now, of course. This was a cute one, not nearly as dramatic as the other two (though I think those went overboard).

Though I did like it, each short film (about 30 minutes each) had some significant problems, mostly being too long and having some slow parts and odd pacing / structure. None of them were really about Tokyo, and none of the directors are even from Japan. Merde was hilarious but my least favorite. They felt connected mostly just as somewhat surreal stories (though nothing compare to the old surrealists), but it was still an enjoyable experience overall that I'd recommend to anyone interested in seeing some weird short movies.

[Edited by Adam]

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


Wow never heard of that movie Adam.
Might look into it. Was it in theaters? Or like indie theaters?



@ DaVeMaN99
Indie theaters only. I saw it at a Landmark Theatre.

[Edited by Adam]

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


wolverine was very enjoyable, no story though, just a series of action-packed events



Star Trek started off pretty bad. If I had been by myself, I might have walked out halfway through, but fortunately the latter half of the movie is much more interesting in plot, and all the worst acting is in the beginning.

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


Outlander is a real dark horse and has got some class a acting from jesus aka jim cazeivel. It´s like a perfect popcorn-movie basically.

Old Nintendofan from up north...


I saw Star Trek last weekend. It is flat-out amazing.
I look forward to seeing Up.

Tomena Sanner: Because dancing businessmen are awesome.


weirdadam wrote:

Star Trek started off pretty bad. If I had been by myself, I might have walked out halfway through, but fortunately the latter half of the movie is much more interesting in plot, and all the worst acting is in the beginning.

Star Trek was chock full of fanservice to the very end. The only part i didn't like outright was the Spock/Uhura thing they had going. AU or not, i just can't wrap my brainmeats around that impossibility. :/

future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!

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I just saw Up. Pixar has really taken themselves in a new direction, and I like it. This and Wall-E are so different from their previous movies, which I very much didn't care for. Up has a similar approach to minimal dialog for the opening segments, but by the time the house takes off there is a lot of talk -- and it's all absolutely hysterical. I literally laughed so hard that I was running out of breath. The jokes from the trailer don't seem like much, but in context they work perfectly. Not only is it very funny, but it's far and beyond their most imaginative movie I've seen, and it's at least as touching as Wall-E. I thought Wall-E's story was a bit overwrought, myself, but Up had no 'message' or anything behind it, just a nice personal story about an old man dealing with some crappy circumstances, and some great jokes.

The animated style is absolutely lovely, too -- and this is coming from someone who generally hates 3D animation. While Wall-E was a great movie with few flaws, after seeing it I still thought to myself that it wasn't the best. Ever since I was a kid I thought of The Land Before Time as the absolute best animated children's movie. Howl's Moving Castle came close, but I think Up has finally taken that spot away... though it's always tempting to exaggerate a bit right after seeing a movie for the first time, so it's hard to say. I can't wait to see this movie in 3D, hopefully this week.

Anyway, um... go see it!

[Edited by Adam]

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


Saw Up on Saturday, and I loved it, too! Old cranky Carl was just too damn likable. My favorite character was Dog, though. So funny. It definitely ties the top spot with WALL-E and Monsters, Inc. for me.

The short before it wasn't bad, but I think Presto is still the best they've done so far, followed by Geri's Game and For The Birds.

Mario Forever! (free nipple suit and gratuitous butt-shots included)
PSN: MisterMumbles82


What did you all think of terminator?
I really liked it!

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I loved the short. That poor little stork. Which one is Presto? I want to see Monsters, but haven't yet. My little brother absolutely loves Monsters Vs. Aliens, and the trailer looked pretty funny.

It seems to me that Pixar is trying for a more classic approach to animated movies lately, which I love. The shorts before are the most obvious move, but also the style of the main features. I think the sense of humor has changed a lot (though I could be imagining things).

Haven't and don't plan to see it. I'm not much into action movies. I usually see the Bond movies, but not much, if anything, else. But I'm a sucker for spy stories.

[Edited by Adam]

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


I might put He's Just Not That Into You on my netflix list.

Tomena Sanner: Because dancing businessmen are awesome.

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