
Topic: Games You Recently Beat?

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Finally beat Steamworld Dig 2. It was a ton of fun, but I'm not sure if I liked it that much more than the first game. Or to be exact, if I did, than I think the first game I over-estimated the quality of a little bit. Still good but I would barely rated this one higher, which is odd even to me, because its obviously better and more complete game in the ways you'd want a sequel to be. (especially a sequel to a not especially long game)

But regardless, cool take on Metroidvania, makes me wish I had ever played Terraria to contrast that to this. Cool world they've created for this series that...maybe ties into Heist by the end. In a way. Also I did appreciate this was a handheld game that I could play in shorter sessions and feel satisfied.

I hope I don't take 7 years to play Steamworld Heist 2 as well.

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

Megaman Legends 2 Let's Play!:


Just finished Skyrim and both of its DLCs. I have beat it before but not the Dragonborn DLC. It was excellent!

Main Game - It is great and you can see why it is ported to every toaster in the world! Approachable and not that hard! Great progression system and SO MANY things to do!

Dawnguard DLC - it is like a Castlevania game and you are a Belmont

Dragonborn DLC - cool new isle that brings you back to Morrowind

All of that on a tiny Switch card


Not sure if this counts as beating the game but in the Company of Heroes Collection I finished the "Opposing Fronts" expansion. Really good but like the main campaign some missions can really take a long time. Epic battles but you gotta be ready to commit the time and strategy. Especially the last mission. The enemy had some OP'd tanks that would essentially one-shot my tanks and they also had like diamond platting armor. Went through a lot of tanks and time to finally clear them out. Now moving onto the "Tales of Valor" expansion.

This fire is burning and it's out of control. It's not a problem you can stop it's Rock and Roll!!!


Just rolled the credits on The Outer Worlds on the Switch!

And I did it ONLY from the cartridge with ZERO updates!

This is probably the only game (single game on the cartridge) that has the DOWNLOAD REQUIRED on the box, but it is ALL on the cartridge.

The update is for better graphics, bug fixes etc.

I am so glad that you can beat the game that way, because it means that the cartridge is not useless


Finally beat all the campaigns in Company of Heroes Collection for Switch. So much fun and one of those games that you get so invested in and feel some melancholy when it's all over. The main campaign (Invasion of Normandy) is hands down the best campaign but "Opposing Fronts" is pretty close. Starts out slow but kicks in the later missions. "Tales of Valor" was definitely smaller in scale and mostly single unit missions but still epic in its own way.

This fire is burning and it's out of control. It's not a problem you can stop it's Rock and Roll!!!


I finally beat the remake version of Advance Wars 2. I was fairly certain for a while that I was going to fail the final level despite maybe 3 hours put into it, I didn't even double check the actual way to win, I just went for the big weapon and won at the very final turn I could. Incredible ending for that alone.

Advance Wars 2 is still awesome, I'm not sure what else to say about it. I do feel because the games are so good already it as a collection is genuinely one of the better first party Switch games you can buy. Just great games, the QOL improvements were very welcome, quality stuff all around.

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

Megaman Legends 2 Let's Play!:


Not on Switch yet, but I finally beat Chronos in 'Hades 2' - after about ~40 runs and +20hrs game time.

Albeit the game is still Early Access, the amount of content is insane - essentially +90% finished game, and runs fairly immaculately. An essential play for any fans of the first, and it does a great job of walking the tightrope between 'new mechanics' and 'enough familiarity' to justify its place as an excellent sequel.

This game will be a huge deal once v1 releases, and hopefully on all platforms inc Switch



I finally got through the final level of Super Mario Wonder. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the gold flag, so I’ll have to go through it again.


Switch Friend Code: SW-1710-0829-4896


@mjharper congrats. The invisibility badge is evil.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


I finished the storyline of Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart PS5 yesterday.
It was my first PS5 game that I finished.
I still have some optional missions to do.



Just finished Half-Life 2 Episode Two ... again! What a fantastic game! One more game added to my Journey collection.

I decided to make a screenshot journey of every game I beat. For now, most games end up with folders of around 300 to 700 screenshots


I just beat Jak and Daxter: the precursor legacy on my ps3 last night. It has great art direction, voice acting, characters. But other than that it's a standard linear 3d collectathon platformer. Jak 2 is shaping up to be something interesting though...

The tanookduke strikes again!


Pepper Grinder (Switch)
First: If anyone reading this is interested in this action-platformer, please please PLEASE wait until the patch that's already out on Steam/GOG hits the Switch before buying this. It addresses many of my issues with this game.

This game was a mixed bag. Overall I did like my time with it; the demo convinced me and gave off Drill Dozer vibes. The pixel visuals are right up my alley. It makes good use of the "Show, don't tell" story philosophy. The levels themselves are fun, usually introducing some new mechanic or different way to traverse the environment. The drill controls have a slight difficulty curve but feel (mostly) fluid once adapted to. Some machinery is pretty fun to use with the drill too. The game's speed can be adjusted in the settings to make the game less difficult and, therefore, more accessible. The player can use skull coins collected in the stages to buy art work, different hair styles, and capes. Gems gathered throughout the stages can be used to finance one's sticker collection and even add temporary health to the health bar. Unfortunately, there are no permanent health upgrades in this game.

The game is somewhat short, even when doing all the side content; I spent less than ten hours with it. Not an issue for me, but those who equate time = price might want to wait for a sale. Some stage gimmicks are one and done; with the game's brevity, this makes it feel like a tech demo at times. Boss fights....Heh. Eh-hee-hee....HeeHeeHeeHeeHeeHeeeeee....These are a HUGE difficulty spike. The first boss is somewhat hard to damage - addressed in the patch - but doable. The ones afterward until the final boss are tough but fair.

~Slight tirade incoming~
Now the final boss....Okay. I would expect this fight to be pretty hard. Phase 1 was tough but fair. Phase 2....I spent almost three hours on this one. Some of this was the late hour and my tired fingers, and this guy has patterns....But this is a chaotic pseudo bullet hell where it's easy to fall off the stage. There are few ways to save yourself from falling (Part of the patch). And if I fell? Sometimes Pepper would respawn right in the middle of a hail of projectiles, taking off another point from her limited health bar (4 hits); this is a known bug. You can enter this fight with temporary health - up to 8 hits/cells - but if you die? You don't get those extra 4 cells back. You cannot leave the fight as you will lose all stage progress, need to sit through a long, unskippable cut scene, and start from the beginning again. There was a moment of triumph when I thought I beat the boss but, during the kill cutscene, I was hit by more projectiles. Guess what? Teleported to the beginning of Phase 2 again! This is another known bug. One that ensured I spent another hour on this guy. Sure, I won in the end, but I felt no triumph. I was just. So. Friggin'. Done.

There is so much to like about this game, but PLEASE wait for the patch to hit the Switch before picking this up. It's by no means a perfect game even with the bugs ironed out, but it is worth playing if one likes the demo.

Don't Escape Trilogy (Steam)
Another nostalgia trip from scriptwelder. These pixelized games were once part of the plethora of Flash games I enjoyed before Adobe nuked it. These are point & click adventure games, each with different settings and objectives. Each more complex than the one before it. The objective, however, is always the same: Do not escape the situation you are in; the consequences may be dire. Each can be completed in less than an hour if you know what you're doing, though the different endings mean a player can easily spend more time on each game.

I prefer the Deep Sleep Trilogy overall, but these games are certainly worth a look as well if one likes scriptwelder's somewhat muddy pixel art style, point & click adventure games, using environmental objects in different ways, and suspense.

Edited on by Tyranexx

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31

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