
Topic: Game genres you don't like

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@IceDomino Same, I just don't like permadeath in games in general. Doing all that hard work, just to lose a character permanently, yeah no thanks.

Unless the game has an option to prevent it. I'm playing the classic PC game Jagged Alliance on PC on easy and with quick-save on. If quick-save was off, then the game would have permadeath. Usually if the game has an option to turn it off, I always take that option.

@Matt_Barber I always turn off voice chat in any online game I play, only sticking to Discord or a phone call when I play with my friends. Pressing the "mute chat" button in Apex Legends has become muscle memory on both Switch and PC

The resident Trolls superfan! Saw Trolls Band Together via early access and absolutely loved it!


I generally don't care for the vast majority of sports games. Mainly because I'm not a sports guy to begin with, so those ultra-realistic sports games like the Madden series just never appealed to me. I do like the Mario Tennis games though, and I had a decent time with Mario Tennis Aces a while back.

I also don't like fighting games too much. I can kind of play Street Fighter because I know a couple of the special moves, but their complexity is too much for me to handle. So many fighting games have those long button combinations for special moves, and I can't land hits most of the time anyway... so I generally don't enjoy them. I do like Smash Bros., though. I know some don't consider it a "real" fighting game, but it's the closest thing that I like.

And for some reason, I don't like farming sims very much. It's weird because I do like Animal Crossing, which is a life sim with customization aspects. I really wanted to get into Stardew Valley, I have it on PC... but for some reason, it just didn't click with me. It's hard to explain in words. I also played a little bit of Fae Farm via that NSO game trial, and yeah, it didn't grab me, either.

I should also mention that I have a love-hate relationship with RPGs. It's a genre that I have to be in the mood for to enjoy. They tend to be really long, and sometimes they have complex gameplay mechanics. I've faced bosses in the Xenoblade series that just frustrated me to no end, too. I do like most of the Mario RPGs, of course. Stuff like the first two Paper Mario games, I do enjoy.

I'll also agree with @Matt_Barber on that gambling thing. I don't like microtransactions and loot boxes, and I'd rather just buy a game and be done with it... plus the DLC if it's worth it. It's pretty much why I don't like mobile games in general.

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MOBAS - I just don't like the general gameplay loop of the genre and the overcompetitive and lot of times, toxic communities they seem to attract. A lot of times I wonder if people even enjoy playing them looking at how angry they can get playing it.

Good... good
Now play Dragon Quest


Nowadays I find Point-and-click games boring. Also I get easily bored by playing games like Candy Crush and other three-in-a-row games.

¡No tengas una vaca, chamo!

My Nintendo: ÉlTioFrame


RTS games. I like watching other people play them and some of them have great story's but I just get bored playing them myself and then that usually causes me to fail the mission or level or whatever they want to call it.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@DipperMisterioPines As in P&C adventure games like Monkey Island? Funnily enough, this is the genre I have 'discovered' during 2023 and adore..!



Any online MP heavy game is a big no no for me

I also can't play RTS games to save my life

Steam/NNID/Xbox Gamertag - Megas75


Survival horror, especially in games where ammo is scarce, isn't my thing. Examples being Resident Evil.



Really don't care for online games of any kind. Don't have NSO and don't plan on getting it.



Metroidvanias where the appeal is “getting lost”. I really can’t do it, I’ve tried so many times. I can stomach Metroid because of its short length and puzzles not being too hard, but Fusion is by far my favorite because of its linearity. I want to enjoy Hollow Knight so much, the control is smooth as butter and the lore is great, but to get through it I have to go through large swaths of confusing hallways with no guarantee of a map where if you die, you may not remember where you ended up and lose all your money (another gameplay staple I can’t move with).

So yeah, I need some sort of guidepost in any game I play. I’m the reason you always get the distance markers in AAA games.

“A fool and his money are soon parted.”
Proverbs 11:20
Switch Friend Code: SW-6009-5662-0517


Turn based combat I just can't get into for some reason, which is also why I can't get into Pokemon.



I've always been put off by the look of top-down strategy games but one day, if I'm feeling brave, I might consider giving one a go!

Edited on by Nintoz



I would say that most card battlers or strategy games typically don't interest me. And I also only enjoy a select few roguelikes.

Gamertag: DeePullThree
Switch Friend Code: SW-2321-5988-1019
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Strategy/Tactical RPGs like Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, XCOM, Triangle Strategy, etc. I've tried to get into them, trust me I've really tried, but I'm horrible at even the easiest games in the genre and the crushing length of battles leave me so bored.

There are other genres I'm not in love with like farming sims, roguelikes, and deckbuilders, but at least those have exceptions that I do genuinely like (roguelikes especially, I actually really enjoyed Side Order despite my trepidation). SRPGs, on the other hand, are just completely inaccessible to me.



I don't like how rpgs have so many stats and are baised around luck sometimes. It Makes me feel like I'm playing a game of numbers and randomness which can cause me to get frustrated and it pulls me out of the story.

Super Mario RPG on snes, for instance, features a lot of frustrating and very annoying design choices in its bosses and their attacks that caused me to drop the game all together.

And earthbounds' "allowing the enemy to attack first" , unfair enemy spawning, and many other head scratching design choices almost never made me want to try rpgs again.

Some rpgs I do like though are the paper mario /mario and lugi series .(probably because of the action commands and less focus on stats) Though maybe it's because I've tried older rpgs...

The tanookduke strikes again!

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