
Topic: Beware cheaters, Nintendo 3DS will catch you! (A Brilliant Use of StreetPass)

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That was genius material right there. Good show, lady!

I'm pretty sure I think I'm funnier than I really am.
10 Years of Kingdom Hearts
3DS Friend Code: 0301-9785-9580
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But....wouldn't the husband have gotten suspicious when his 3DS got a hit from an unknown system in the house owned by his wife? Anyway, pretty smart women using the power of Nintendo that way

My backloggery:


When I read that, all I could think was:
You stupid man, why would you take a girl around to your house?! Do you want to be caught by your wife or something? What a turd... facepalm

But what that lady dide was genius, pure genius.

Origin: chrisd1080
Steam: Chris720 Chris720
uPlay: Demonic720



Haha that's amazing xD

@bboy2970 The husband might've been a little preoccupied at the time but that's just a guess :3



article wrote:

She placed her 3DS in the closet for a few days, “I came home from work yesterday and saw nothing, but on April 1st, my 3DS’ Street Pass was lit up and saw the b*tch’s Mii on it.”

Made my day!

[Edited by turtlelink]

TurtleLink's backloggery
Brawl FC: 4425-1340-4519
The Sister Complex Kingpin of Steel!


Oh no, this poor he is losing his wife and only has a hot young gamer girlfriend. What ever will he do?

[insert 25 Cents here to play]


Hahahahahaha! Smart!

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Switch Friend Code: SW-5283-4033-0929


Absolutely amazing. Nintendo loves families!

Misfortune subdues small minds.

GoldenEye 007 FC : 3933-1198-0911
2D on deviantart


Big kudos to the wife for coming up with that. xD I hope she gives him hell and if that girl is willing to do that with a married man she deserves a d-bag like him.
but hey she did get a 3DS out of it



Friggin' awesome. She's like a spy or something. I wonder what other kind of stuff can we use streetpass for?

Currently playing: Tales of Symhonia (again), Tales of the Abyss 3DS, Fire Emlblem Fates, Majora's Mask 3D and Xenoblade Chronicles X.
3DS Friend Code: 0275-1505-4148
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Nintendo ID: XLeZekeX
Twitter: @XLeZekeX


I don't care if it's true or not, that's brilliantly awesome.



Just imagine at the divorce proceedings.
Judge: How do you know your husband broke your marriage vows?
Woman: My Nintendo 3DS told me so.
Wonder if the Nintendo 3DS will pay her contempt of court costs?

[Edited by EvilRegal]

Let's attack aggressively, kupo! :D


...I thought someone posted this already...?

Wii :6638 - 2205 - 3294 - 3850
SSBB: 4812 - 5583 - 8961
3DS: 4038 - 6000 - 1698
"Tiger Man was wise"


So I wonder who gets the 3DS in the divorice. That was freakin awesome. I doubt he will bring his other lady around the house anymore.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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