
Topic: Who's Getting Thorium Wars Tommorow?

Posts 21 to 29 of 29


when'd they say it's coming out tomorrow?



The sad part is, I think this will probably be the only DSiWare release tommorow. That blows

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I'm gonna wait for a review and to see if it will last longer than a couple of hours, but for 1,000, it should be good and atleast a decent length. Too bad I only have 400 points now.

PSN- UNC5052


vakama94 wrote:

OMG!! thorium wars will be 1000 points!!!

Wow!! $10 for a downloadable dsiware game? I think I'll take my $10 and go buy a full on ds cart on clearance at Target... they have Drawn To Life for $9.99 right now on clearance! Screw Throwup wars whatever its called. .lol..


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Wow.. 1000 points is a bit much. I'll definitely wait for reviews - for 1000 points, it'll need to have some substantial length and replayability.

Tatsunoko vs Capcom - 0045-4226-761

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