Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake finally adventured onto Nintendo Switch last week and we'd imagine that many of you have spent the weekend diving into this swanky new take on the JRPG classic. Well, if you have been playing along, now's your chance to let us know what you make of it so far.
Square Enix's latest remaster is a retelling of the 1988 original, brought up to date with some modern feature additions (hi, auto-battle), an expanded storyline, the arrival of the Monster Master vocation and, of course, an HD-2D visual touch-up.
All of this worked really rather well for us. In our 8/10 review, we called Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake "a faithful adaptation of a treasured RPG classic that elevates its strongest aspects while doing its best to make up for any shortcomings". It's currently sitting at a sweet 85 on Metacritic, which ain't bad for something that felt very much like a known quantity before release.