Last weekend we celebrated Mother's Day by having a real Mother of a blow-out. We began with our weekly Box Art Brawl poll pitting EarthBound against Mother 2. We then took a look back at memories old and new of both EarthBound and the legendary (and legendarily sobering) Mother 3.
And then we followed up with the centrepiece of our celebrations — a real labour of love from one of NL's resident senior video producers, Mr Zion Grassl. His hour-long video — 'The MOTHER We Share: Our EarthBound Story' — featured a whole bunch of luminary EarthBound fans (including one Toby Fox, creator of Undertale) in an exploration of why the series means so much to many gamers. It's really something and definitely worth checking out if you haven't already.

And after that, we posed a final question and asked your opinion via a series of polls: Does Nintendo really need to release Mother 3 in the West anymore?
Despite our desire to see as many players as possible have easy access to the 2006 Japan-only GBA release, given the relative ease with which fans can play the phenomenal fan translation these days (and the term 'fan translation' belies the A-grade professional quality of Clyde Mandelin and co.'s work), we wondered if perhaps everybody who wanted to play Mother 3 already had, making Nintendo releasing the game somewhat superfluous at this point.
Well, it seems there is still a good number of Mother fans that have held off from diving into the third game! Even for people who have played the non-official localisation, the majority would play through again to experience Nintendo's take on the final chapter of Shigesato Itoi's trilogy.
And this got us thinking: What would an official release of the game even be called in the West?
The original Mother for Famicom saw its first Western release on Wii U carrying the title EarthBound Beginnings. Mother 3's reputation precedes it, but that Nintendo wouldn't draw an implicit link to the series' overseas moniker is incredibly unlikely.
So, hypothetically, what would it be called? Well, here are a handful of options we thought up — look out for a poll at the end and let us know which one you prefer. Alternatively, give us more and better options in the comments! Let's start with something simple...

EarthBound 2
Most people suggest playing EarthBound Beginnings only once you've started with the SNES sequel, as it essentially feels like an 8-bit 'sketch' of an idea that would reach its full potential in 16-bit form.
So if we treat Mother 1 as a prequel-esque tale, perhaps branding EarthBound's sequel EarthBound 2 would be the best way to go.
EarthBound 2: Mother 3
Alternatively, you could aim for the best of both worlds and jam 'Mother 3' in there as well. Remember all the Super Mario Bros. GBA remakes and their awfully convoluted titles? Super Mario Bros. Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3, for example. We bet they're glad they didn't have to say that aloud every time it's mentioned on the Nintendo Power podcast, amirite?
EarthBound 2: Mother 3 would be positively elegant by comparison.
When in doubt, make an 'E' a '3'. We're certain that must be a marketing adage. (Or maybe it's When in doubt, make an 'A' a '4'?)
Regardless, it's a relatively common — if unimaginative — tactic when it comes to threequels to invert the 'E' so it becomes a '3'. Unfortunately, in this case it makes the game's title look like BarthBound.
Perhaps there's a better way...
Hmm, EarthSound?
Maybe that's just us, but Earth3ound is certainly an improvement, with the rounded rear end of the '3' aligning more pleasingly with the curves of a 'B'.

Mother 3
There's an argument that keeping things simple would be best. The fans know Mother 3 — they've been crying out for it for long enough! — so why mess with it?
Well, we'd argue that the whole point of releasing the game in the West is to broaden the game's horizons beyond the super passionate fan base who already know the series inside out. Using the Japanese name — however beautifully tied it is to the narrative of this particular entry and the series at large — will undoubtedly confuse new players who might think they need to play Mother 1 and 2 first.
Which they can! But there's a layer of obfuscation for the casual gamer here that Nintendo, understandably, would probably want to avoid.
EarthBound Endings
Everything that has a beginning has an ending, right? And let's face it, Mother 3 has more than its fair share of 'endings'. If you're looking to tie it plainly and sensibly with the existing localised entries and put a nice bow on the trilogy, EarthBound Endings isn't a bad option.
Or Earth3ound Endings, if you simply have to wedge a number in there.
This one omits 'EarthBound' and thus doesn't make the game's link to previous titles explicit... but we still like it. Who can resist a bit of wordplay, eh? Anyone who has seen any of our article taglines knows we're suckers for this sort of thing.
This particular example is light on the innuendo, but you can't have everything. It's a Mother game. It's undeniably grand. GrandMother, coming soon to a Switch near you.
We can dig it.
Is this regional mashup too on-the-nose?
Is this regional mashup too... rubbish?

Mother 3: Finally
Finally we got it!
Okay, this is a wildcard and a little bit silly, but as we mentioned above, finality is a heavy theme in Mother 3 so this in-joke wouldn't be the most inappropriate title, would it?
Those are our ideas. Let us know below which one you think is best, and obviously feel free to unleash your marketing prowess in the comments with further suggestions. Mother!
Comments 145
Mother the final chapter, this time it's personal.
For the sake of consistency with what we already have in the west, it should be called "EarthBound Endings". If you change the name, you may end up with a First Blood/Rambo nonsense.
People who don't know about the series might assume it's a different series if it were released as Mother 3.
Jeff Daniels’ Crystal Meth ‘n’ Brisket Bathtub Simulator
Earthbound Part 2 - Mother 3
Prefer a new release in the series. Anyone that wants to play Mother 3 can, only with about 2 minutes of searching the web.
Something about "EarthBound Forever" really excites me
Earthbound 2: Mother Boogaloo
It feels like you're milking this topic now.
Bound by Gaia Deluxe Edition
Earthbound Endings sounds nice, even if it would completely shut off the chance of a new Mother game (though if we're going off of Itoi, that doesn't sound as outlandish as you'd think).
@iLikeUrAttitude maybe they know something we don’t and learned not to hype us like the game boy online app they just about guaranteed last year 😂
Earthbound Continuings
Earthmother sounds like the name to a prog metal band.
Welcome to Erf Bound 3.
Earthbound Endings would be a perfect title.
EarthBound Endings. Unless they do plan on continuing the series, then it should be EarthBound 2.
@nessisonett Right now I have Escanaba in da Moonlight on my mind thanks to some group text tomfoolery with my male family members last night, so your comment struck a chord with me.
Earthbound Epilogue (I like this, kinda Invaders tv show vibes)
Earthbound: The one with the kid from Smash Bros.
Earthbound - The game formally known as Mother 3
Mother - Earthbound 2
Mother tell your children not to come my way
Mother, oh God, Mother. Blood. Blood.
Mother’s Earth ? …Comrades
I wouldn’t care if they went ahead and named it “Butt Chunk Fever.” I would still buy it.
End of Mother
Endings is great - it would bookend the western series names perfectly.
it would be called Earthbounder
“The game with Lucas from Smash Bros.”
2 Earth 2 Bound
IDK why but "GrandMother" sounds so funny to me 😂
@Domino This, or EarthBound Advance: Mother 3.
I like EarthBound Endings, but what if it was EarthBound Continued to leave it open ended in case that there was a chance of a 4th game.
"The game that never comes"
Thematically, Earthbound actually doesn't make sense as a title for Mother 3.
There is almost no alien element to the game at all, compared to Mother 1 and 2 where alien invasion is key to the events.
Call it what it should've been Earthbound 64.
Continuing off of the Beginnings moniker, it'll probably be called Earthbound: Endings or Earthbound: The Final Chapter. Or something like those at least.
Mother 3: Not yet
Holy Mother - They Finally Released It
I don't like Earthbound Endings. Just sounds awkward to me. Like, the word ending is almost never plural unless you're discussing a game with multiple endings. Whereas beginnings is used in phrases like new beginnings and humble beginnings so it sounds natural.
Earthbound: Mother
Like RE7 did with Resident Evil: Biohazard
In japan, it's Bioazard: Resident Evil
@RupeeClock what about the pig army? The game literally starts with a UFO...
Earthbound: Finale
I'm digging the Earthbound Endings or maybe Earthbound Aftermath. Otherwise, Son of a Mother Lover, sounds good.
Zeppelin Era
@Pally356 There's not. The creator said himself that the Mother series is done and Nintendo reiterated the claim.
God I'm so tired of hearing about this game. The fandom ruined any chance i had of enjoying it by harping about Mother 3 whenever any Nintendo news comes out.
They aren't extra-terrestrial.
@Kazman2007 I laughed too hard at this. Now I gotta watch some Fast and Furious movies again.
I've always been stuck between Forever EarthBound or EarthBound: Nowhere(based on the game's setting).
Earthboundless. It sounds like the next thing but keeps possibilities open. It hints at a bit of hope too.
Earthbound Endings would just be too perfect. Plus the creator of the series has said time and time again, that he has no intentions of ever doing a 4th entry. Sure that could change in the future, but as things stand, the thought does seem to be holding true. And if it did eventually happen, they could just give the 4th game a clever subtitle that makes it clear we're in a new era of Earthbound.
Yo Mama: the 3rd strike: return of the revengers
It'd be called, unpurchased . Sales worse than Duke Nukem forever
I've always thought that it should be Earthbound: Mother.
since Mother 3 is the end of the Earthbound franchise, it will be named Earthbound ending, since Mother 1 is know worldwide as Earthbound Begining.
@AzzyC Considering the way it will likely release at this point (if at all), would be through a GBA service for Switch online, sales numbers of the game wouldn't really be a thing. Internally Nintendo could probably look at how many people played it, but there would be no public numbers for us to look at and see if it's a success or not in the modern day.
"Lucas: the brother from another Mother"
Earthbound: Beginnings
Earthbound: End of Journey
First it was Reggie, now it is earthbound. What is the next thing you guys are going to milk so much that makes said topic annoying to talk about?
Voted for GrandMother XD
At this point, this series would be better served in a collection with the 3 games. Could be called Earthbound Collection
@RupeeClock well that would be the twist... it's clearly meant to invoke Star Wars. They are invaders regardless of where they come from. The name still fits
Earthbound 2: The Way of Mother
EarthBound 3. I'm surprised that wasn't an option in the poll. Simple and consistent. Plus, it's thematically consistent with Half-Life 3, another high-demand game that will never exist in an official form.
Earthbound with a Vengeance!
@JJtheTexan I'll give you simple, but consistent... eh not so much. If we started off calling Earthbound, Earthbound 2, and then we called Earthbound Beginnings, just Earthbound, then we could call it consistent. But as it stands, it's an inconsistent naming structure, much in the same way that calling the 3DS and Wii U Mario Karts as Mario Kart 7 and Mario Kart 8 respectively, after 6 entries previously not numbering themselves (obviously 64 doesn't count as proper numbering here).
Earthbound: Fan Translation
Earthbound: Mother******
@Onett I think it just comes down to the fact that it's literally intended to be the ending of the franchise, and that they set it up by retroactively calling the first entry Earthbound Beginnings. It may be a simple means of reaching a title, but it's absolutely a title with merit for the franchise, and undeniably gives each entry a satisfying name that works together as a trilogy.
earthbound 3
So y'all know something we don't, or...?
Only 2 possibilities:
It only makes sense
I’ll look into the stars and see the future……….
Earthbound: Twin/Dual Souls
Or something to do with the twins and the different paths they take.
It'll be called "***** you, we're Nintendo and we do what we want. ***** our customers this won't happen unless it pleases us and if we do it it'll be bare bones"
other: hamburgertime
Nah, I think Mother 3 would be fine.
EarthBound Endings, Mother 3 or EarthBound 2 are the only options that make sense. The rest are just heinously bad.
To me, either 1.Earthbound Advance, 2.Earthbound Returns or 3.Earthbound Forever.
First one because it was the naming conventions that Nintendo made for most of there first party GBA games back then. Second one to go with calling the first game Earthbound Beginnings and the last one because it would make it a fitting tribute for the finale in the series.
I voted for Earthbound Endings but Earthbound 2 still gets a high vote. I like the idea of Earthbound: Mother (no 3) or possibly Mother: Earthbound Endings. No matter what it's called, I just want it officially localized by Nintendo.
Earthbound Outer Reaches. I'd love to see a remake of Earthbound/Mother 2.
@Madder128 Awesome title
It would be called A Miracle
Since Mother 1 was renamed Earthbound Beginnings when it came to the west, Mother 3 should be renamed Earthbound Continues.
EarthBound 2: Mother 3 “EarthBound Endings Part 1”
Or just make a totally new game:
EarthBound 4: the Search for EarthBound 2: Mother 3
@Half-ShellHero Then I guess EarthBound Endings it should be then.
Earthbound: Stranger Things
ReMothered 3: Earthbound 2 A New End
EarthBound With A Vengeance
I always thought that if they released Mother 3 under the EarthBound umbrella, it would be called something like EarthBound Advance, as a nod to its original system, as well as to not leave it completely close-ended in case of a potential (albeit highly unlikely) return to the franchise. The other thing I always thought about was if they made a three-in-one collection for the Switch or something called "Mother: the EarthBound Collection" or something like that that includes all games under the Mother titles alongside the English titles for at least the first two. If this game ends up being a NSO exclusive release though, I fully anticipate that Mother 3 will be the final title.
Earthmotherbound 3: Endings 2
EarfBound Xtreme
Alliteration is crunchy, so Earthbound Endings.
Earthbound Endings has a nice ring to it. Or we could call it the Adventure of Lucas or something cheesy like that.
Not a fan of any of those, I think it absolutely has the name Earthbound in with either a prefix or suffix.
Earthbound: The Final Chapter works for me
Or something like
Earthbound: Terminus
This reminds me of the Final Fantasy naming problem 🤪
@Rambler reminds me of that Family Guy scene...
Mother 3: Earthbound
@Link-Hero For real. How rude and pretentious!
Considering one of the themes of the game, I'd suggest 'Earthbound II: Mother' in a sort of Resident Evil/Biohazard 8 naming way.
Alternatively, Earthbound: Lucas or Earthbound 2: Brother from the other Mother
If there is a real ending for the series, EarthBound Endings.
Mother Came Back would be a good one.
Why do I feel like we've done this before?
Removed - unconstructive feedback
Removed - unconstructive feedback
They're not making a part 4 anyways so EarthBound Endings is the better legit title. If by some miracle there's a Mother 4 someday, it would be called EarthBound Rebirth or EarthBound Reboot or EarthBound: A New Beginnings and we're back to where we start again.
Just use Earthbound so people know its in the series but give it a colon name with something to do in the game so we know it's not the original Earthbound.
Earthbound: Nowhere
Earthbound: Mysterious Forces
Earthbound: Mysterious Invasion
Earthbound: Wrath of Porky
New Earthbound Deluxe Collector’s Edition U HD Remix & Knuckles + Bowsers Minions Ultimate Collection: 2: The Sequel (To Earthbound)
Makes sense to keep the current naming convention. Earthbound Endings is a good idea, or replace the word Endings with another word relevant to the game.
Earthbound Termination
Father One is the only choice.
clearly the correct answer is MoMoMo or MMMooo for short
This Isn't Your Mother's Mother
EarthBound Beginnings (NES)
EarthBound (SNES)
Final EarthBound (???)
EarthBound Endings makes a lot of sense if catered to the theme of Mother 1's localized name.
Earthbound 3. Not sure why that wasn't even an option, so selected Earthbound 2.
It needs a simple title and Earthbound is a far more evocative title than Mother.
Earthbound 2 - The Moth3ring
Mother: Tokyo Drift
New Earthbound, with new Funky Kong mode, feat. Dante from the Devil May Cry series.
Earthbound 2: You Can Quit Asking Now
Earthbound Advance absolutely makes the most sense.
This being Nintendo how is "New Earthbound" not on the poll? 🤔
@MortalKombat2007 What's the point of giving it a number when you know part 3 (Mother 4) will never come? It's going to be an incomplete trilogy.
@nib0 Makes no sense cause Mother 1+2 were also on GBA.
At this point "Earthbound: Mother 3" would probably be the best way to tie it all together.
@Serpenterror Don't ask me. My post was meant to be a dumb joke.
Earthbound: Mother 3 is what I would go for.
How EarthBound: Endings is the winner ? It sounds so wrong. 😅
Depending on the format and design, I would imagine they could do something like:
(Small text, above:)
(In full size)
Mother 3
That way it acknowledges the name Earthbound in listings but is correctly referred to as Mother 3.
Earthbound Beginnings worked for Mother because it was a predecessor to Earthbound/Mother2, but given Mother 3’s name recognition in everything from Smash Bros, written media (like Reggie’s book), and even this article itself, it would be somewhat confusing to disregard the name entirely.
Both brands work in their own sense, but to disregard one or the other would ultimately leave some portion of the fanbase being alienated. This is a “everyone wins” scenario.
@SmaggTheSmug Pretty much came here to post the same thing.
Wow, I actually liked quite a few of those, and ended up voting for the most popular option. Still, I think "Earthbound Sequels" is the way to go.
@Serpenterror Only in Japan, which shouldn't have a bearing on the naming conventions of a Western release of Mother 3 nearly 20 years later. "Earthbound Advance" would be consistent with naming conventions for the console it originally appeared on, and I personally think it sounds better than anything proposed in the poll.
The name that I made up myself is "Earthbound Forever" which may be a bit innacurate considering the actual story but it does sound like a finale title.
Why would it be called "3arthbound?" That makes no sense. Its EB 2 or Mother 3, not earthbound 3.
Btw, some people seem to think "earthbound" is referring to incoming aliens, "bound for earth," but the word actually means "bound TO earth," as in from here, stuck here, flightless. It can also mean "unimaginative" or "unambitious."
Earthbound Final, Earthbound Ultimate are the best i can think of right now. Earbound Endings is trash lol 😊
That's the best one yet!
Earthbound 3: mother edition
EarthBound: It's Time to End This
Earthbound 3 is fine
@jump more like a hippie band
I think they should call it EarthBound 2 because in EarthBound they reference that name on a sign outside a building entrance in Fourside that reads (Planning Meeting for EarthBound 2.
My feeling is "Earthbound: _______" is the way to go here. No need to confuse or scare away the unfamiliar with numbers.
However, I think "Earthbound: Endings" might put a period on the series that Nintendo could come to regret should they ever choose to continue the series (one can hope!). I've seen a few stumping for "Earthbound: Forever" but that seems a bit disingenuous to me considering the series' spotty history in the west.
I'd say the title should be intentionally vague like "Earthbound: Legacy," that allows for personal interpretation but indicates that it is a release of some importance and also nods to the fact that this isn't a direct follow-up to the adventures of Ness and friends.
Alternatively, the subtitle could subtly or directly be related to story. Isn't that what Nintendo does with most of its IP these days? I was thinking Fire Emblem at first, but honestly Splatoon seems to be the only franchise getting numbered installments these days.
the "Earth" part written in wood, "Bounded" in metal.
it's a story about colonizing and modern infrastructure
Earthbound: Reborn
Thematically, I think it works. Plus, leaves things open for potential sequels (that will never happen because Itoi refuses to appease us)
Earthbound .....Memories of Mother
Earthbound Resurrection
Earthbound 2: It's about time
I'd rather have something without a number but with a subtitle just like the other two games:
1. EarthBound: Beginnings
2. EarthBound: The War Against Giygas
3. EarthBound: Mother
Yep, I just call the third entry Mother because it's the game where the literal mother has the biggest role. Any good subtitle would be cool though... Brothers, Pig Masks, Chimeras, Sunflowers.. there should be enough iconic parts in the game to pick from.
EarthBound Beyond is what I would call it.
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