From Generation III onward, Game Freak has altered Pokémon’s core battle mechanics in some way or another. Double Battles and the Physical/Special move split fundamentally changed the way people play Pokémon both casually and competitively, but it’s the latter three — Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, and Dynamax — that garnered a lot of debate as they were introduced and thrown away like a Pokémon with a detrimental Nature.
Before Pokémon Scarlet and Violet reveal another controversial mechanic – Pokémon fusions anyone? No? – we thought it prudent to take a look back at how these last three Generations’ mechanics fared.
As each functions differently in casual (single-player adventure, battles with friends) and competitive settings (VGC), we’ve provided two rankings for each. We’ve also called upon the 2016 VGC World Champion Wolfe Glick for some insight.
Generation VI - Mega Evolution

Kalos’s Mega Evolution signalled the beginning of Game Freak’s attempts to keep Pokémon battles as fresh as a recently cut Slowpoke Tail. The reveal of Mega Evolution forms for old favourites along with the new Pokémon introduced in X and Y created one of the most exciting times to follow the core series of games. They also promised more nuanced gameplay for competitive players as only one ‘mon could Mega Evolve per match and had to sacrifice holding an item to do so.
Needless to say, Mega Evolution remains a fan favourite, and the general consensus is that Game Freak dropped the Voltorb when it nixed Mega Evolution entirely in Pokémon Sword and Shield. In fact, we’d say Z-Moves and Dynamax suffered in popularity because fans see them as poor substitutes. However, Wolfe Glick had this to say about its competitive viability:
Mega Evolution remains a fan favourite, and the general consensus is that Game Freak dropped the Voltorb when it nixed Mega Evolution entirely
“When Mega Evolutions were first released, they were not balanced at all,” Glick told us. “In generation VII they were tuned a little bit but still it was stratified. There were around eight Mega Evolutions that were viable. If you used anything other than those eight, you were at a big disadvantage from the get-go. Salamence, Kangaskhan, Gengar – these Megas were so much stronger than stuff like Altaria and Beedrill. They were great from a design perspective. But from an actual competitive lens, there were a lot of issues with them.”
We have to agree with Glick here. Of the 48 different Mega Evolutions, most designs, such Mega Absol and Mega Pidgeot, added layers to otherwise unremarkable Pokémon, but that still did not make them strong enough to see serious play.
To make matters worse, for some reason Mega Evolution played an extremely minor role in X and Y’s adventure. Much like we’ll forever wonder how Charizard isn’t a Dragon type, we’ll also wonder why the Gym Leaders and the Elite Four of Kalos didn’t have Pokémon to Mega Evolve.
Casual Ranking: B
Competitive Ranking: C
Generation VII - Z-Moves

Despite amazing names like Bloom Doom and Pulverising Pancake, both casual and competitive players disliked Pokémon Sun and Moon’s Z-Moves. They were nowhere near as intriguing as Mega Evolution, and their extended dance-like animations outstayed their welcome after the first watch. However, Game Freak did let Z-Moves shine more throughout the Alola region as many trainers made use of them, thus adding a layer of difficulty and a surprise factor in certain battles.
This surprise factor, however, Glick had issues with.
“Z-Moves did double damage… They just deleted Pokémon. Strong Z-Moves would KO even Pokémon that resisted the attack,” he said.
The fact that you never knew if a Pokémon had a Z-Crystal or not exacerbated this, Glick explained. So, you always had to play a guessing game; they were only once per game and for one turn. It felt very much like a coin flip to him – if you guessed wrong and wasted your Z-Move, it put you at a massive disadvantage.
Glick might have a personal bias, however:
“Move pools were wider back then, too. I lost to Z-Focus Blast Tapu Lele at the World Championships, which is not something I anticipated playing against,” he says with a laugh.
Casual Ranking: C
Competitive Ranking: D
Generation VIII - Dynamax

From the very moment Game Freak announced Dynamax, trainers bemoaned it for being way less cool than Mega Evolution. We get it – a Pokémon growing massive for a few turns and laying down some stat-boosting moves thrills us about as much as stumbling upon a Zubat in Mt. Moon. And Pokémon Showdown, a popular online battle simulator that does away with a lot of the annoyances of competitive battling, banned Dynamax in most formats from the get-go for its overpowering potential.
“I like that there was a defensive component to [Dynamax]... used defensively it's a 200% health increase”
Despite all this, of these three mechanics, Glick believes Dynamax is by far the healthiest.
“I like that there was a defensive component to [Dynamax]. Yes your Pokémon becomes way stronger with a 50% damage increase, but used defensively it's a 200% health increase. If you’re like, ‘oh [the opponent’s Pokémon] is going to Dynamax and do more damage,’ you can overall increase your survivability on your important Pokémon. I thought that was a really nice mechanic.”
Glick further elaborated that because Dynamax lasts three turns, it gives you more time to make an impact whereas with Z-Moves you risk whiffing. Mega Evolution being limited to a handful of viable candidates isn’t a problem for Dynamax as all Pokémon (save for three Legendaries) can take advantage of it. Overall, Dynamax ain’t that bad.
We’re even going to bump the casual rank up a letter-grade with how the music changes when a Gym Leader Dynamaxes their ace. In fact, from the very first Gym Leader throwing an overgrown dandelion at you to the penultimate fight against Leon’s Gigantimaxed Charizard, utilising Dynamax wasn’t a problem Sword and Shield had – and Sword and Shield wasn't without a problem or two.
Casual Ranking: B
Competitive Ranking: A
Generation IX - ?

As details on Pokémon Scarlet and Violet remain scarce, we have some time to wait until we see what Game Freak has in store for us.
Casually, we’d want the mechanic to play an active role in the story – whether being used by Gym Leaders or even trainers in the field – along with some significant story moments.
If Dynamax has taught us anything, Game Freak might have learned what does and does not make for a good battle mechanic for competitive battles. It should not be limited to a handful of Pokémon, and it shouldn’t have an absurd damage increase. It should also come paired with a defensive component. Glick hopes it lasts longer than a single turn, either becoming a permanent effect or lasting for several, as well.
Yet until we get closer to Scarlet and Violet’s 18th November release date, we’ll have to remain as patient as a Sudowoodo to see what Game Freak has in store for the next generation of Pokémon battles.
But these are just our thoughts along with those of a bona fide Pokémon Master. What do you think of the three mechanics – Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, and Dynamax? Make sure let us know in the poll below which is your favourite, and head to the comments to tell us what you’d like to see Scarlet and Violet.
Comments 48
I absolutely adore Dynamax as a mechanic. Yeah, it's not as flashy as Z-Moves and doesn't have the radical design changes (for the most part) of Megas but the on the surface simplicity combined with the hidden complexities of the different Max Move effects made it something that was incredibly fun to whip out when you're opponent least expects it. I made a Poliwrath set with Swift Swim that wasn't even on a Rain team yet by simply using Max Geyser, I was able to outrun every single mon in the meta, it was so much fun and it made me love the Pokemon as a result.
That being said though, I'll never not get war flashbacks when I see this demon in a Double Battle after playing in the first season of SwSh VGC.

So many Follow Me's...... so many AIRSTREAMS.....
I have to respectfully disagree with Mr. Glick as a competitive Pokemon player myself I think Mega Evolutions and Z moves are the way to go. I mean the argument that Megas only made certain Pokemon viable can easily be used for Dynamax. I mean after all certain Pokemon get access to gigantamaxing which also causes them to go undergo a massive design change but also changes one of their moves that matching their type of a specific signature move which is basically Z moves but more spamable for three whole turns. I mean yeah I suppose it could survive a Dynamax if you don't mind being accosted by the same move again and again. Also in competitive Pokemon usually most players use the same Pokemon time and time again like Landorus, or Heatran, And Thunderous Theirian. Just to name two examples so I don't understand why only certain Pokemon being viable is a problem when it's been like that since the Inception of competitive Pokemon sorry for the long reply.
Z-Moves could have been cool if the animations were half as long and 10x as polished, but they ended up feeling unnecessary and tedious for the most part. And I think Arceus's Alpha pokemon executed on the "make them big" concept better than Dynamaxing did. Mega Evolution is the clear winner for the coolest power up among the mainline games.
I hope Scarlet and Violet don't have their own version of the same thing. All three are pretty similar to each other. Hopping from one mechanic to another makes them feel like gimmicks. I liked Mega Evolutions even though I barely used them. The other two I'm not a fan of. I'd rather take new meaningful battle mechanics worth keeping for future games.
I know some people feel the need to defend dynamax by saying over and over how "actually, it's not that bad" or "megas are bad too". But, to be honest, my biggest issue with dynamax is how it throw out all the designs of megas for something that is very similar.
All the mega designs are still innaccesible in modern games. That, to me, is the worse thing about this desition of having shallow one game gimmicks. They could improve the megas and make them more balanced for competitive, but they decided to ignore they ever existed and created a very similar mechanic instead.
And it doesn't matter that some people like Dynamax and Gigantamax more, because all the designs of Gigantamax and strategy of Dynamax only lasts one game.
I don't really like the idea of Dynamax in terms of "the pokémon grows massive", but gameplaywise, it has the most interesting gameplay functions. I never really cared much about mega evos or Z moves, but fighting with dynas was pretty interesting. I kinda just wish this interesting gameplay didn't require Pokémon to become stupidly large, because i really don't like that aspect of it.
They need to find a way to make mega evolutions a permanent evolution for each Pokemon moving forward. Maybe a reward for reaching level 100. There are too many cool ones that I never get to see.
I definitely enjoyed Dynamax as it consistently felt special when it was used. It was only in gym or important battles outside of the raid areas. It never lost its luster for me, and it never felt overpowered. I could still take them down with a normal Pokemon using type advantage.
Mega was nice, but it felt if you weren't using it every single match then you were wasting your potential. And I can't be tasked with tracking down dozens of special single stones for Pokemon I may only use once.
THIS! This article perfectly encapsulates how I feel about all three of these.
Mega Evolution: great for a design and lore perspective, absolutely horrible from a gameplay and balance perspective. Also, Mega Rayquaza is just so insanely busted. It and the Primals absolutely ran the meta for both ORAS and SuMo’s restricted format, which isn’t fun to watch.
Z-Moves: middle of the road of coolness between Dynamax and Megas. Much more balanced than Megas and not exclusive to only a few Pokémon, and the unpredictability factor made matches fun to watch, but playing with them made things too unpredictable, even for Pokémon
Dynamax: conceptually boring, but the fact that you couldn’t rely on them for most of the main game and the balancing employed has made it the best addition of the three from a battling standpoint.
I liked Z-moves. It had flashy effects and good attack power. It added strategy to play with the game's mechanic. Mega Evolution was good too because it changed the way the fully evolved Pokemon would look like. Aridactyle is one of my favorite.
My big issue with dynamax was how long the animation cutscene takes. Especially if both you and you opponent are using it on the same turn, then there's a lot of waiting around.
I just wish they stuck with Mega evolutions, I remember being excited for the possibilities of other Pokemon using it.
Wolfe was caught cheating multiple times. This was proven by the guy who made PKhex
Well personally, I couldn't care less about the competitive scene of pokemon, I liked the mechanic of Mega's because they were cool, unique and fit into the lore of pokemon in a seamless way.
You know, like effort was put into the mechanic.
Meanwhile with Dynamax and Gigantamaxing, it just feels like they were randomly on photoshop and got this idea.
The mechanic is boring, uninspired and looks ridiculous.
And what makes it worse is that the mechanics of Dynamax and Gigantamaxing are just Megas and z-moves but boring. They function almost the exact same way: every pokemon can use dynamax one time (z-moves) and only certain pokemon can evolve into special variations of it (megas).
Lets just hope this is the last uninspired gimmick for pokemon, though I don't like looking at Gamefreaks track record.
I didn't get back into the series until Sword & Shield, so I never experienced Mega Evolution or Z-Moves in action.
But Dynamaxing is kind of dull: I'm never excited when it happens. It's a couple turns of big attacks and some extra HP. Mega Evolutions at least look cool (so do Gigantimaxes, but are hard to acquire).
Yet at the same time.............maybe we should forget the gimmicks, Maybe this is the opinion of someone who hasn't spent years getting bored with the usual Pokémon mechanics, but I feel like simple gameplay changes like infinite TMs and inherent EXP share are the real star mechanics.
Imagine having one of the slowest battle dynamics in a series …. Then add a gimmick that makes everything 20 times slower to the point that you just want to gouge your eyes out everytime there’s a battle/raid. I can’t imagine how this passed the pitch stage of development “Wow!! Let’s make everything bigger and slower!”
Yep, that’s Dynamax in a nutshell.
One potential flaw of this article is that Wolfe Glicke plays VGC. Most people who play Pokemon competitively do so in a 1v1 format with teams of 6, either using the actual games or a sim like Smogon does.
In THAT scene, even the less powerful Mega forms mostly had a solid niche in at least one tier or another.
@Salnax I can definitely see your point there. Whilst I play exclusively VGC myself, I do watch Singles/Smogon gameplay constantly and it's always cool to see underutilised Pokemon dominate a tier for once (my boy Mega Beedrill may be outclassed in regular metas, but that dude is an absolute beast in Gen 6-7 UU). I think it would've been cool to bring on a prominent singles player alongside Wolfe (maybe Pokeaim as an example) to see the contrasting views on the mechanics. For example, there's a bigger variety of Megas in Singles compared to VGC yet on the flipside, Dynamax is a massive thing in VGC when it's next to nothing in Singles. That kind of juxtaposition is really fascinating and something that brings about some very interesting discussions if you were to ask me.
(from a casual perspective) Dynamax seemed like a cool idea, but was incredibly boring in execution - I hated how it flattened moveset variety, and warped the rest of the gameplay. I also hated how it completely sidelined mega-evolution, which was really fun and cool. Z-moves were boring, but at least they could exist in a game alongside megas...
Imo mega evolutions suck, and having giant pokemon Is the best.
They're all garbage and part of the reason why I don't care for present day Pokémon (but certainly not the only reason).
People called me stupid for it and I don't care for that either, but to me it all takes away from the Pokémon being 'natural'. I don't want these kinds of things forced onto me. If you ask me, the sooner they get rid of these mechanics altogether, the better.
And yes I know there's some man made Pokémon and all so those aren't natural either. But for one that's entirely different, and two, they're not the only ones utilizing these kinds of things.
I don't listen to these competitive players as I decide for myself what I think. Oh and that Verlisify is still around? he stopped being relevant years ago. I don't like an egotistical man child who does nothing but attack and criticise others for no reason or for trivial reasons and don't bother defending him because I'm not interested.
Anyway out of these battle mechanics Dynamax is my favourite. I despised both Mega Evolution and Z moves as IMHO they were just far FAR too OP.
@YoshiF2 Exaggeration is a fine art with this fandom isn't it.
@Fizza Well said 👍
Dynamax is a great mechanic.
Because the effect lasts for 3 turns, it really changes up the flow and strategy of a battle. And one well placed Max Airstream can change up everything. It's fun!
And the Dynamax/Gigantamax designs are really cool and varied — many being more exciting to look at than mega evolutions.
I love Dynamax, and I really hope it doesn't go away after just one game.
I want to see something like Gestalt Mode from FF XIII on new Pokemon game where you can ride certain rideable Pokemon and they really can change their looking like Transformers to be rideable and they can unleash their ultimate attack during Gestalt Mode.
Oh, since Gen 9 is talking about Past & Future, I'm really sure they will implement the evolution change like Proto style and Neo style.
The evolution was quick as Mega Evolution and the Pokemon will have their ancient Proto looking or futuristic Neo looking which they have different skills.
I enjoyed mega evolutions far more than dynamaxing or z-moves and I feel like there is amazing potential for a Legends game focusing on Mega Lore.
My biggest issue with Wolfe's comments is that no matter what the gimmick certain Pokémon will always dominate the VGC scene (cough...Zacian, Incineroar, Tyranitar, Kyogre, Groudon...anyone?)
@RubyCarbuncle nope. It’s a real complaint and one of the reasons I thought SW/SH were garbage. Everytime I battled in one of those I just did something else or watched a series as I was “playing and waiting” for all the other 3 CPUs to finish whatever they were doing during the raids. TERRIBLE mechanic. Or maybe I’m mad about the raids. Either way, both things are uninspired and an idea a 5 year old came up with. “And then BOOM! They are giants!”
Also, I finally played Legends: Arceus and loved it. Just throwing it out there because I remembered we were arguing one time about BDSP and I was on the fence about PLA. Great game. Dynamaxing… not so much.
@booeygirl Would you say it's......raining cats and dogs?
@YoshiF2 That's fine you dislike it but I don't think you need to say "gouge your eyes out" that's what I mean. Just a FYI but playing with real people in Max Raid Battles and singles only in the Battle Tower it only slows things down slightly. Playing with the terrible A.I in Max Raid Battles I can understand people's complaints there because let's be honest the A.I is terrible most of the time.
If it keeps going like this, Pokémon is becoming like Sonic, they need gimmicks, they need to create something completely new in every single game, instead of improving on the previous games.
I wish Dynamax made them really strong without making them the size of a building. I just can't wrap my head around how that would work without killing everyone in the stadium.
Also, I wish we could do the online without CPU/randos if you have less than 3 friends to play with. Also letting us use our own Monz in Dynamax Adventures.
Just make those changes and the mode would be cool. As it is?? Hard meh.
Dynamax was by far the best for me even if just by way of not limiting you to a specific sub-set of Pokemon that could do it. But also not requiring specific items for specific Pokemon to do it was a huge bonus. And it just felt cool, especially with the crowd chanting in the stadium battles!
I will agree though, the limited moveset was a shame. Especially if your Pokemon had multiple moves of the same type that now just all became the same move.
I feel like the perfect system lies between all 3 gimmicks. Bring in the cool Mega designs as Gigantamax options, but keep it so any Pokemon can Dynamax. Keep the original moveset but maybe add a Z-type move when Dynamaxed for that Pokémon's primary type as well? And keep 'em going big and for 3 turns because that was silly and fun and have you time to work with it.
I like Megas, Z-Moves were hit or miss, Dynamaxing is only good for Raids... but can they just make actual new Pokémon instead of gimmicks for old ones? They keep using these gimmicks as an excuse for not making new Pokémon, which is why the numbers for new Pokémon have been so low compared to past Gens. I'm fine with Regional Forms though, since those aren't tied down by a gimmick tied to a Key Item, which means they can actually pop up for future games. But why bother designing these other gimmicks if you're gonna toss them in the trash 1 or 2 games later?
I think they're trying to bring old fans back with nostalgia, but it doesn't work. More people decided to come back because they actually made an interesting game in Legends than stupid stuff like, 'look we made Pikachu big!' You know what gimmick I hope Scarlet-Violet have? That they're actual good games - the end of a wave of mediocre & stagnant games.
❗️I voted 'Dynamax' but I don't really like it.
All of these have felt impermanent from the jump. Even the regional forms. I love Alolan Sandshrew, but when is Alolan Sandshrew going to be in a regional dex again? Never, because "Alolan" is right in the name.
Mega Evos were especially infuriating because half the pokemon who got them sorely needed REGULAR evolutions, and the mega designs would have been perfect for those - Mawile, Banette, most of the gen 3 ones really. But of course they also had to give megas to pokemon that were already OP, so no sweeping change to make permanent mega evos is possible.
Good pokemon games aren't complicated. Make new pokemon that can appear in other regions. Make lots of them, like Gens 1, 3, and 5. Make them able to EVOLVE. And if a new mechanic is needed, make it something that will also improve future games.
I think gigantamax is what makes dynamax above average, but mega evolution is better by far.
I loved the concept of Mega Evolution in how it breathed new life into old favourites. My only issue with it was that later generations were too frequently overlooked, and that it wasn't kept as a mechanic in Generation VIII.
I was lucky enough to find a shiny Abomasnow in Legends Arceus, but I can't bring myself to use it as I would rather harness its potential in a future game where I can put its Mega form to use.
Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee also massively p'ed me off by not migrating post Gen I evolutions and baby forms, which is the absolute least they could have done to make the overall experience a little less tedious (and also jarring for newer/younger fans who may not understand why their Pokémon can't evolve in the game).
Of course, there is the downside to the fact that they need to be holding a specific item and that far too few Pokémon have Mega forms, but it was a novelty I was happy to toy with when the option was there.
I never cared for Z-Moves. The physical toy that was made was pretty cool (and it can sync with the 3DS games), but it was boring as a mechanic, and simply made battle animations even more drawn-out.
I quite liked the Dynamax concept, but like many others, I found raid battles to be extraordinarily tedious (hellllllllo Gen IV, my old friend!), and was disappointed that Dynamax battles didn't occur enough in regular gameplay. Gigantamax forms are really cool though, and I wish that there were more of them.
But I suppose one of the better attributes of Dynamaxing over Mega Evolution is that any Pokémon can improve their Dynamax level, but Megas are my favourite of the three gimmicks.
But speaking of battle mechanics, I really miss triple battles, which we haven't seen since Gen VI (and it made post-game grinding a lot less tedious).
I probably played the most of Sun and Moon, so I would probably say Z-Moves.
The problem with Mega Evolution is it's made perfectly to fit into the Pokemon world's anime "My Friends Are My Power" narrative and feels like the logical evolution of the Pokemon brand as a whole, and should have continued essentially to ALL species lines. It's a fantastic bit of world building. But gameplay-wise it's at odds with the competitive even playing field mentality. It's MEANT to be your Ultima Weapon, the culmination of you and your monster's journey, it's an emotional bond Super Saiyan power boost hard baked into THE series known worldwide about making connections with your favorite monster, but some monsters are just made better than others to use when given this buff. Even if every single species of Pokemon out there got its own unique Mega Evolution right now, Mega Rayquaza would still tower over all of them. Because of course it would, the plot was literally written that it should and thus its stats reflect so. It's what Arceus was supposed to be.
Z-Moves went a whole other direction of being a super-limited regional culture thing lore-wise and just gave each playing a free kill button on one of the opponent's team. It's overall just....fine? But after that Game Freak seemed to have taken all the wrong notes casual plot-wise with gen 8 and dumped all their time into making it work the best for fighting fairness. So not only did they make it lore-wise super limited in available scope again to ever see outside Galar, they also gave it the most boring of backstory reasonings to happen at all and least interesting physical change possible.
So....yeah, Mega Evolution is obviously the best choice for the Pokemon brand as a whole. Duh. But it's incomplete and as-is abandoned like so many other Game Freak threads. So others have replaced its gameplay use and improved on the moment-to-moment gameplay but striped out the meaningfullness.
I see I'm in the minority who prefers Z-Moves. I dislike the temporary nature of Mega Evolution and Dynamaxing.
One vote option is missing : "NONE"
I understand these modifications have been done in order to provide some fun stuff to the newcomers. But obviously, for someone like me who started to play with Pokemon Red since 1999 (when it arrived in France), these modes are evil. Something I hate in the latest games.
I voted by default for mega evolution, as it was the one who slows the game rhythm the less.
Weird article. It's common knowledge mega evo was by far and away the best.
@swoose I mean it always can. There is a lot of animals in real life named after countries you can find in other places of the world. German Shepherds can be found in more than just Germany or Austria as an example. Aloha Sandshrew could let's say gotten imported into a different region and adapted to the cold environment. There are tons of ways for Pokemon to BS there way into having different regional forms show up in other regions. They already have all Gen 8 from Let's Go to Isle of Armour.
Mega Evolutions, as they gave Sense to unused Pokemon.
Z-Moves, because they look cool.
@traceman some punctuation would've made that readable
I like Z-move the most. I feel that with megas, the best way to counter them is to have another mega on the team or a legendary - it makes the tiers more distinct and elitists more loud . I would have liked megas more if there were more of them and didn’t have a 100-point boost to their stats. I think dynamax could have been great, but I don’t like that they had 4 z-moves. I think it would have been more balanced if they kept the original moves and added a dynamax bonus to power or status effects.
@DudeshootMankill sorry I was using voice dictation. Not exactly easy to add punctuation. -_-;
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