Latest Reviews of Carbon Fire Studio Games
Review Frenchy Bird (Wii U eShop)
Avian aggravation
From the title alone, it's pretty easy to tell that Frenchy Bird is yet another in the line of Flappy Bird imitators released on the Wii U eShop. Yet whereas some of its competitors have been content to merely replicate the feel of the original, Frenchy Bird makes the bold move of replicating it with personality. Goofy music,...
Latest Carbon Fire Studio Articles
News Frenchy Bird is Flapping Its Way to Wii U in Early 2015
Guess what kind of game it is...
When we look back at viral and slightly confusing 2014 hits in gaming, Flappy Bird is likely to be on the list. Despite being an infuriating and simple game in which you simply tap to flap, it was downloaded millions of times and spawned enough clones to populate a dodgy Star Wars prequel. The trend eventually...
News Frenchy Bird is Flapping Its Way to Wii U in Early 2015
Guess what kind of game it is...
When we look back at viral and slightly confusing 2014 hits in gaming, Flappy Bird is likely to be on the list. Despite being an infuriating and simple game in which you simply tap to flap, it was downloaded millions of times and spawned enough clones to populate a dodgy Star Wars prequel. The trend eventually...