Tag: Word Puzzles

  • Review Word Puzzles by POWGI (Wii U eShop)

    Pretty passable puzzles

    In an attempt to better suit the subject matter at hand, we briefly considered publishing this review with fiendish word jumbles sprinkled throughout. After more than a few sloppy attempts, we'd given in to frustration and decided it was best to leave that kind of thing in more capable hands. For the verbose and the...

  • Review Word Puzzles by POWGI (3DS eShop)

    Preferably portable puzzling

    Did you know that word games travel in pairs? It's true, and if you've read our review of Word Puzzles by POWGI on Wii U , then you've already got a head start on this review of Word Puzzles by POWGI on 3DS - its portable counterpart. It's a pretty direct port, featuring the same puzzles across the same 6 game modes...