Earlier in the year Atooi founder Jools Watsham showed off the level creation tool in Chicken Wiggle, the upcoming 3DS eShop release. Beyond the core campaign there's the promise of access to a full creation suite that allows players to create levels and then share them online (in-game) with others.

To showcase how it'll work and to emphasize that it could be ideal for snappy creative sessions on the go, Atooi has released a video showing how a simple level came together in just a couple of minutes. Jools Watsham also gave us a little more context to share with you.

As far as this particular level is concerned, I just winged it (pun intended). I had no plan or idea of what I was going to create before recording my session.

This is much, much smaller than any of the 48 levels that come with the game. This is just a quick sampling of the core aspects of the level editor; there are many more features to explore and utilize.

You can see a playthrough of this two minute creation below.

Are you interested in picking this up and creating stages of your own later this year?