
Topic: 4K Gamer Pro KS Pledges?

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So how many have gone and decide to try this tech and support KS?



I've been burned multiple times by KS campaigns.

I've sworn off contributing ever again.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,252 games (as of April 30th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


For myself doing some homework helped only one KS did it screw over alot of others whom supported them including me.




Kickstarter, Indigogo, Patreon, etc.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,252 games (as of April 30th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


I backed it on the day the kickstarter began though honestly having second thoughts about this product. Video comparisons are rare online, a lot of them are from very amateur YouTubers who don't provide sufficient comparisons. The companies own footage seems to make standard 1080p look a lot worse.

GameExplain dropped a video recently and it's just made me question its worth and how big an impact it has. As a owner of the mClassic I even debated that products worth as it had too much contrast increase and I counter this with one of my TVs shaders. It actually helped on my old LG TV though which was lower end upscaling. On my current one, very unlikely!

From what I can see not really any big YouTubers who go in depth have got their hands on this and any who does seems to say it's not something they'd really use.

Watching the footage on my 4K TV I can see comparisons show there is slight improvement but even then it seems so minuscule. Of course being what it is, it doesn't make anything any clearer just rounds things off nicer. Why not just let my TV do that?

I also wanted to try this device and a mClassic with other consoles though, PS4, Steam Deck but my overall impression is just uncertain about these technologies and nobody is really talking about it to get multiple opinions.



It's crap, judging by their own comparisons.

I own an mClassic, and it definitely improves the image. But this thing, in direct comparisons to mClassic and raw footage, looks worse than both. Not just worse than mClassic, but worse than not using anything at all. I don't understand how they thought this product was a good thing. Whatever algorithm they're using sucks.

I'll stick with my mClassic + high Sharpening filter on LG C1 OLED. That combination makes Switch games look notably better. This "4k Gamer Pro" is a complete waste of money.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


TV don't have GPU to process demanding 4K video that comes from the device streaming it to display 4K on TV. That's what people forget TV only does 4K if the signal is 4K or DLSS. Those that have the mClassic if it works then it's their choice to pledge or not. I don't have it so I thought I give it a try or get two incase when it ends. There nothing wrong if your system is the v2 and you want options. Even if it's not on par with 4K/DLSS GPU output if it is more clear I am game for it. BOTW is the one I like to give it a go on.

Edited on by SwitchForce



@SwitchForce I think problem is a lot of the videos out there are deceiving. They make 1080p look worse than it is, I compared a direct 4k gamer pro video with standard 1080p and my mClassic. They are pretty damn close can't tell them apart though the 1080p native only in YouTube videos is incredibly intentionally blurry makes me wonder if the videos showing the 4k gamer Pro represent it accurately, either for better or for worst.

If you've got the money, definitely give it a try I'm thinking I'll back out unless some big youtuber drops a video on it I can trust. Common opinions seem to be the mClassic looks better. Though I bet this device would work wonders on older / cheaper TVs as the mClassic does.

Edited on by ian095



@ian095 I have noticed on BOTW when playing on my Gaming 4K monitor there is blurry aspect of the game. And that to me is a signs having a 4k dongle when those whom don't have the mClassic dongle to use. All Youtubers are opinion because there is no second verified tester whom can say for 100% since no two hardware or monitors are the same when displaying unless the monitor is truly 4K display that's the only way to do side by side comparison then we would know. That's what all the reviews on Youtube hasn't done at the same time same game everything maxed then we can understand what is said and what is tech.

Edited on by SwitchForce


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