Tag: Wii HD
News Nintendo Doesn't See an Immediate Need for a New Wii
Cautious, naive, or wise?
Given the apparent leap the 3DS has taken over the current generation of DS systems, it's understandable that gamers are continuing to wonder if and when a Wii successor will be developed. Nintendo has consistently denied such a system will appear anytime soon and Satoru Iwata has recently confirmed this stance. Speaking at...
News Reggie: Nintendo Not Considering Successor to Wii Quite Yet
Says technology enables fun, but is not the means itself
Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aimé has spoken about a successor to the Wii, be it Wii 2 or Wii HD, in a recent interview with Forbes. Talking about plans for a new platform and high definition, Reggie reveals that Nintendo is not thinking seriously about the next system and that...
News Miyamoto Hints Towards Next Console
Nintendo overlord Shigeru Miyamoto reminds us that Nintendo is indeed working on its next machine
As reported by Eurogamer (via Andriasang), Mr Miyamoto has recently been quoted confirming the existence of the next console from Nintendo. Obviously he didn't go into any specifics as Nintendo will be keeping any new ideas extremely close to their...