Tag: Us Releases
News Nintendo's Upcoming U.S. Release Schedule Gets Updated
Metroid: Other M and Sin & Punishment: Star Successor get pushed back
Summer is slowly on its way and with it, brings the annual wave of big releases. Sadly though, the pace at which the tip of this wave is arriving is rubbing off on some highly anticipated games. Nintendo has just informed us that whilst some titles have been marked with release...
News Magic Obelisk Raises Up on December 28th
Just 500 Points for GameArts' latest
A couple of months ago we brought you First Impressions of a cute and very cool WiiWare title called Shadow Walker, but at the time there was uncertainty of whether it would reach Western shores. Well, thanks to the latest press release from GameArts, we can confirm it's heading to the US On December 28th, under...
Ease yourself into your week with Abylight's latest
We've just received an email from Abylight to let us know that their upcoming stress-a-thon, Stop Stress: A Day of Fury, is confirmed for release on the US WiiWare service on Monday, for a grand total of 800 Nintendo Points. Telling the story of a man who seems to have the most uncontrollable rage,...
News USA VC Update: Super Punch-Out!!
It's catchup week again, as today's new VC release is Super Punch-Out!!, which was recently released in Europe.
Super Punch-Out!! once again puts you in the shoes of Little Mac (Which has finally been confirmed in today's press release - Nintendo previously never said who this boxer was!) as he fights through four increasingly difficult boxing...
News Kimi to Boku to Ritai Coming To US WiiWare
It seems Kenji Eno's Japanese WiiWare title Kimi to Boku to Ritai will indeed see a release on the US WiiWare service and possibly on the European WiiWare service as well.
The recent release of Kenji Eno's first WiiWare title Kimi to Boku to Ritai on the Japanese WiiWare service has stirred up quite a bit of anticipation for a possible release of...
News USA VC Update: Bomberman '94 and Detana!! Twinbee
As was pretty much already confirmed by Hudson Entertainment, today's VC update brings a duo of well-loved PC Engine imports.
Naturally, both of these games cost 700 Wii Points because of import costs! Bomberman '94 is, naturally, the sequel to Bomberman '93. Aside from having quite impressive graphics and sound, the game mostly just expands on what...
News Bomberman '94 & Detana!! Twinbee Coming To US Virtual Console On Monday
According to Hudson Entertainment's Virtual Console website, two of Hudson's more popular import PC Engine titles, Bomberman '94 and Detana!! Twinbee, are headed to the North American Virtual Console this coming Monday, March 23.
Both titles were never previously released in North America, which explains their 700 Wii Point price tag, but both are...
News USA VC Update: Summer Games II
It seems the three Commodore 64 games a few weeks ago were just to celebrate the US launch of the system. This week doesn't bring another three, or even two - Just one!
Summer Games II is part of Epyx's "Games" series, which consists of classics such as Winter Games, California Games and World Games. Just like in Europe, Commodore has...
News USA VC Update: Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars
It's back to Sega games this week, it seems. Today's new game is the second game in the Alex Kidd series.
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars was the beginning of a steep slope downhill for Sega's original mascot. The first Alex Kidd game was fairly good (We gave it a 7/10), but for the second game Sega made a massive mistake - They basically completely...
News USA VC Update: Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen
You're in for a treat today - Another Square Enix classic will be available in the Wii Shop. Some might say it's one of their best games, but what is definitely a fact is that it's one of the rarest SNES games - Only about 25000 copies were released in the US, meaning the VC version will be much cheaper than actually finding the game.
Ogre Battle:...
News USA VC Update: Commodore 64 Launches With Three Games
As many guessed from the hints in last week's press release, the Commodore 64 has joined the North American Virtual Console today. With it come three games - An action game, a fighter, and a racer, so there's got to be at least something for a lot of people. All C64 games cost 500 Wii Points, just like in Europe.
The Last Ninja is the first game in...
News USA VC Update: Life Force
Good news for shoot 'em up fans - Arguably the best shmup on the NES is available today!
Life Force is a spin-off of the Gradius series. You once again control Vic Viper (Or Lord British) as you make your way through numerous stages to beat the aliens again. The main difference between Life Force and the Gradius games is the level layout - Gradius...
News USA VC Update: Wolf of the Battlefield: MERCS
Instead of ClayFighter, today sees the VC release of another Capcom classic. It's not that surprising though, because Capcom hinted that it would be released not too long ago!
Mercs, now renamed Wolf of the Battlefield: MERCS, as promised by Capcom, is an overhead run and gun game for the Genesis. You can pick one of a number of characters as you...
News USA VC Update: Sonic Chaos
The streak of high-profile releases for the US continues - As Sonic 3 wasn't remade for the Master System, Sega has decided it's time to release the other Sonic games for the system.
Sonic Chaos is the third Master System Sonic game. The Chaos Emeralds have been stolen yet again, so Sonic and Tails will have to travel through six zones to get them...
News USA VC Update: Wonder Boy in Monster Land
Today's US VC update isn't very surprising. This week's new game was released in Europe last Friday.
Wonder Boy in Monster Land is the second game in the Wonder Boy series and the first to introduce more RPG elements. Unlike later games however, it still clearly has some features from the original game, such as the fact it's rock-hard! If you don't...
Nintendo's streak of good VC games continues this week with a fantastic Genesis shoot 'em up! It's also a super-rare game, so for people who've been longing to play the game this will be a much cheaper option than hunting down a cartridge.
MUSHA is the US title for Musha Aleste, which is, as you can obviously tell from the title, part of the Aleste...
News USA VC Update: Castlevania III
Nintendo of America continues their one-VC-game-a-week strategy, releasing just one new VC game once again this week. Thankfully it's yet another good one!
You might remember Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse being released in Europe on Halloween, which was quite obviously a perfect date. Strangely enough it just didn't get released in the US for...
News USA VC Update: Kirby's Dream Land 3
Nintendo of America has released one Virtual Console game and two WiiWare games every single week for the past two months - You thought they couldn't sink any lower? Guess again, because this week it's one VC game and one WiiWare game! Much like last week, the VC game is a good one, but that doesn't really make up for anything!
Kirby's Dream Land 3...
News USA VC Update: StarTropics II
What better way than to close the year with another Nintendo-developed game? Sure, it's just one game yet again, but at least it's another good one.
Zoda's Revenge: StarTropics II is, naturally, the sequel to StarTropics. As you might have guessed from the title, the villain from the first game, Zoda, is back - He is trying to steal the Tetrads,...
News USA VC Update: Phantasy Star IV
You won't believe it - A lot of people were probably expecting multiple games this week because of the holidays, but Nintendo of America has decided to continue the trend once more, releasing just one new game again! This time, it's an amazing classic RPG.
Phantasy Star IV is the final title in the "main" Phantasy Star storyline. After the...
News USA VC Update: Enduro Racer
Shockingly enough, Nintendo of America has decided to have another week with just 1 VC game! While the previous few weeks were at least somewhat tolerable as the games were ok to good, this week is a real miss.
Enduro Racer is Sega's attempt at porting the arcade game with the same name. Apparently they didn't manage, though, as the Master System...
News USA VC Update: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Master System)
It's the third week in a row with just one VC game! This time, it's a big-name title, but to be honest, even fans of the franchise might be disappointed.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on the Master System is not at all like the Genesis version. Yes, it's a platformer as well, but the levels, bosses and almost everything else is completely different. This...
News USA VC Update: Metal Slug 2
Sadly, it seems Nintendo of America once again prefers WiiWare this week! You'll only be able to download one new VC game today.
Metal Slug 2 is quite obviously the second game in the Metal Slug series. It improves on everything from the first game - More characters, more weapons, more enemies, more vehicles, better graphics... It's every bit as...
It's just one game again this week, and unfortunately it's neither of the big-name titles (Castlevania III and Phantasy Star IV) which Europe recently got. What you get instead is Interplay's next title.
Boogerman is a rather average game in terms of gameplay - Just run and jump your way through the stages. What really sets it apart from other...
News USA VC Update: Forgotten Worlds and Space Invaders
Hot on the heels of Mega Man 3, Capcom has released yet another of their classics on VC! It's accompanied by a popular, yet aged arcade game by Taito.
Forgotten Worlds is the Genesis port of Capcom's arcade shooter. You control a flying warrior in a robotic suit who, as is usually the case in shooters, has to take down an evil overlord and his...
News USA VC Update: Mega Man 3
It’s another one game week for the Virtual Console this week, but who can complain when the game is as good as Mega Man 3? Fans of the series often cite the third instalment of the series as being the greatest despite arguments from others who claim the second or even fifth Mega Man game is the best!
Whatever your view you it is hard to deny that...
News USA VC Update: Space Harrier
Welcome to the Fantasy Zone! Today’s solo Virtual Console game is none other than Space Harrier from the Sega Master System. A console which many North Americans simply won’t even remember. As such we can’t help feeling that today’s update is a bit of a kick in the teeth, sure it’s not a bad game, but releasing it with no other games is hard to stomach. This is already out in Europe so you can check out our review for more info.
On a more exciting...
News USA VC Release - Earthworm Jim
Just the one game for the US today, but it's a classic - It's everybody's favourite earthworm, Earthworm Jim!
Earthworm Jim for the Genesis might not be the most graphically advanced version of the game, but that doesn't really matter when you consider the fact that it has an extra level which only also appeared in a later enhanced PC edition of the...
News USA VC Releases: Gradius II and Digital Champ
After a failed earlier attempt, Hudson have finally managed to get their latest games out - They were initially listed to be released multiple weeks ago, but were delayed until now for no apparent reason.
Gradius II: Gofer no Yabou is the sequel to the original Gradius. Strangely enough, neither the arcade version, nor any of its home ports ever...
News USA VC Releases: Secret of Mana and Street Fighter II Genesis
It's another big week for the USA. A timeless Square classic and yet another update to Capcom's fighting series will be available later today.
Aside from Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana is one of Square's most highly regarded games. While it's not readily apparent, the game is actually a sequel to Final Fantasy Adventure on the Game...
News USA VC Releases: Mario Golf and Shining Force II
Nintendo has dropped the ball on Hudson again! Digital Champ: Battle Boxing and Gradius II: Gofer no Yabou, both announced for release in the US today, have been pushed back in favour of two other games! When will they learn? It's not all bad news though...
You can finally stop complaining about the lack of recent Nintendo 64 releases - Mario Golf...
News USA VC Release: Super Turrican 2
Just one Virtual Console release this week, and it’s the second coming of everyone’s favourite death-dealing cyborg, Turrican. Based on the home computer original, Super Turrican 2 is a radically retooled sequel that takes advantage of the console’s unique capabilities. It retails for the usual 800 Wii points, so be sure to check it out should you be a fan of the first game.
Super Turrican 2 (Super NES, 1 player, Rated E for Everyone - Violence, 800 Wii Points): As the last survivor of the United Freedom Forces, it is your duty to destroy the Machine's forces that have devastated the galax...
News USA VC Releases: Super Dodge Ball and Vectorman
Don't just buy Mega Man 9 on WiiWare this week and ignore the Virtual Console - There's two great games up for grabs there as well!
If you've played the excellent River City Ransom, you'll probably think Super Dodge Ball looks strangely familiar. If you do, you're right, because it's another game in the Kunio series, which all share a similar art...
News USA VC Release: Mega Man 2
It's time for another catchup update: Today US Wii owners will be able to download what is almost certainly the most loved Mega Man game ever made: Mega Man 2. European Wii owners already got to rediscover its delights last December, meaning it's been a 9 month wait.
Mega Man 2 expands on the concepts of the first Mega Man - Aside from upping the...
News USA VC Releases: Cho Aniki and Final Soldier
Something which many thought would never happen is occurring today: Cho Aniki is being released in the US! Accompanying it is another TurboGrafx-16 import shooter: Final Soldier.
Cho Aniki and its sequels have received both a lot of love and a lot of hate over the years. This is because the series' storyline is based mostly on protein and...
News USA VC Releases: Super Mario RPG and Clu Clu Land
If you're one of those people who, for some reason, didn't care that great games like Ys Book I & II, Samurai Shodown II and Mega Man came out recently, and only care about Nintendo games, maybe you can finally stop complaining this week - There's not one but two Nintendo games available later today.
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars...
News USA VC Releases: Ys Book I & II and Samurai Shodown II
American VC gamers hoping for Super Mario RPG today due to its surprise release a few days ago in Europe might feel a little disappointed today as it is not out this week in the USA unfortunately. Worry not, this week is still a stellar update for the Wii Shop as one of our other favourite RPGs is up for grabs, and one of the best 2D brawlers too!
News USA VC Releases: Mega Man and Neo Turf Masters
The time has finally come! The Blue Bomber arrives on the US Virtual Console today after paying Europe a visit over a year ago! Accompanying everybody's favourite blue robot is the rather good Neo Geo golf game, Neo Turf Masters.
Mega Man really needs no introduction. After Mario and Zelda he was perhaps the biggest NES icon, and the Mega Man series...
News USA VC Releases: Star Parodier and Break In
If you were hoping for Hudson's TurboGrafx-16 import duo to be released two weeks ago (As Hudson "confirmed"), you were probably disappointed. Today, however, the disappointment will be lifted, as both games are coming out.
If you're at all familiar with Konami's Gradius series, you should know that it eventually got a...
News Publishers Remain Tight-Lipped On Black Monday Debacle
Boy, Monday was a real bummer, wasn’t it? There we all were, waiting in feverish expectation for the impending triple-whammy of Mega Man, Ys Book 1 & 2 and Samurai Showdown II, as we had previously been promised by the respective publishers of these games. Then Nintendo pulled the rug from beneath us and released Sonic and Splatterhouse II instead.
Feeling a sense of duty to the legions of Virtual Console fans all over the globe, we decided to get in touch with Capcom, Hudson and SNK Playmore to ascertain what the hell went wrong on ‘Black Monday’. Unsurprisingly, the response so far has been somewhat guarded...
News Nintendo Responds To US Release Date Queries
Following Monday’s US Virtual Console release debacle, Nintendo has responded to enquiries about how three different publishers were issuing statements claiming that their games would be coming out on the 4th, only for Nintendo to release two entirely different games instead.
Speaking to GoNintendo, the company had this to say: A number of...
News USA VC Update: Sonic (Master System) and Splatterhouse 2
If you've been keeping up with the news and saw our recent articles, you would've known that Capcom, Hudson Soft and SNK Playmore all "confirmed" that one of their games would be released on VC today in the US. These games would have been Mega Man, Ys Book I & II, and Samurai Shodown II, all classics and very well liked among retro gamers. Sadly, it appears that Nintendo of America is having none of that (Just like two weeks ago with Star Parodier and Break In) and has chosen to release completely different games instead.
News Mega Man Finally Out On Monday In USA
This Monday August 4th could be one of the best Virtual Console days since the very early days. Not only have we confirmed that the outstanding Neo Geo brawler Samurai Shodown II and the renowned TurboGrafx RPG Ys Book I & II are coming out on Monday, it seems there will also be an appearance from the blue bomber!
Yes that’s right, Mega Man...
News USA VC Update: Chase HQ and Art of Fighting 2
This week’s Virtual Console releases cater nicely for those of you that either enjoy chasing criminals in fast cars or beating the seven shades out of fellow human beings.
First up is Taito’s arcade classic Chase HQ, represented here by the TG-16/PC Engine conversion. Sadly, this isn’t a brilliant port of the coin-op original and even hardcore...
News RPG Action Comes to the US Next Month in Ys Book I & II
Following Nintendo of Japan's August schedule, Hudson has revealed their plans for the US next month, and they are quite good indeed! Sadly, it appears Europe and Australia will not be getting any new Turbografx games in August.
The US will start off by getting Chase H.Q. next week. This was the last listed game for July, and with the other two...
News USA VC Update: Super Fantasy Zone and Gley Lancer
If you're desperately hoping for another TurboGrafx-16 game to be released soon, you might've noticed that Hudson's site listed Star Parodier and Break In to be released today. Sadly this is not the case, as in a strange twist of fate two different games have been released instead. Both of them are shooters, both of them are on the Genesis, both of them are imports, and both of them were already released in Europe quite a while ago.
Super Fantasy Zone is the last game in the Fantasy Zone series. It is quite...
News US VC Releases - 14th July - Donkey Kong 3
Some people seemed to think that Nintendo would release a big-name title this week on the Virtual Console because of E3 (We ask: Why?). While you are getting a "big-name" title, it's probably not one of the ones you were hoping for.
Donkey Kong 3 is the final entry in the Donkey Kong arcade series, and if you ask us, also the weakest. The...
News US VC Release - 7th July - King of the Monsters
The pattern which was seemingly established the past weeks has already been broken - The US only gets one new VC game this week again.
King of the Monsters is a wrestling game for the Neo Geo in which you control giant monsters (Obviously inspired by King Kong and such) as they battle to the death on top of cities. Unlike most fighting games you can...
News US VC Release - 30th June - Fatal Fury 2
While Europe seems to be alternating five and zero Virtual Console game weeks, the US seems to have a pattern as well now. That pattern seems to be two VC games one week, then one the next, two after that, etc.
As last week the US got two games, that means this week there's just one. It's Fatal Fury 2 for the Neo Geo. The Fatal Fury series is rather...
News US VC Releases - 23rd June - Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Not too bad of a week for the US today, especially if you couple it up with what was released on WiiWare.
The pick of the bunch is of course Alex Kidd in Miracle World, the first in the Alex Kidd series and arguably the best. The game is rather simple and fun to play, unlike its many sequels which mostly introduced new, not so good elements which...