Tag: Sales - Page 18

  • News Satoru Iwata Says That Wii U is "Selling Steadily"

    Nintendo share prices have dropped since the system's launch

    Although no concrete sales figures for Wii U have been given so far, Satoru Iwata has spoken about the performance of Nintendo's new home console in its early weeks. Many have observed that stock has been readily available and easy to obtain in recent times, a significantly different...

  • News GameStop Sales of Wii U Are Reportedly "Slightly Disappointing"

    Thankfully not "very disappointing", we suppose

    Now that the Holiday season is passing and the majority of people are already returning to the drudgery of work and normal life, some analysis about festive spending and sales is expected to emerge. Wii U will be a major topic in the gaming industry when looking at sales, as it's a new home console...

  • News UK Video Games Market Fell By 17.4% in 2012

    Big challenges for the industry

    The Entertainment Retailers Association has reported that in 2012 the UK video games market fell by 17.4%, including both physical and digital sales. In 2011 the whole video games market in the UK was worth £1.934 billion, in comparison to £1.598 billion in 2012. While digital sales did increase by 7.7% in 2012,...

  • News Wii U Games Struggling At Retail In The UK

    No games break into the top 40

    When Wii U launched in the UK last month its software struggled to make an immediate impact on the sales charts, with only Nintendo Land and New Super Mario Bros. U making into the all-format top 40 at 26th and 36th respectively. Considering only 40,000 Wii U systems were out there, it didn't appear too distressing...

  • News Japan Clocks Up Impressive Wii U Launch Sales

    New Super Mario Bros. U and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate most popular titles

    Wii U launched in Japan on Saturday, a whole three weeks after North America got its hands on the new console. As you'd expect Nintendo's homeland went wild for it, and that's been reflected in the opening weekend's sales. According to Famitsu Wii U sold 308,570 units in just...

  • News Wii U Selling 1.2 Games Per Console In North America

    Game sales low compared to Wii

    The Wii U was launched with a huge selection of games to choose from covering a whole host of genres. There's the likes of Assassin's Creed III, Call of Duty: Black Ops II and Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition for experienced gamers while titles such as Nintendo Land and

  • News Wii U Hits 40K Sales in UK Launch

    Might not sound like much, but it's a sellout

    Although Europe-wide figures are yet to surface, it appears that Wii U has been a sell-out success on its launch weekend in the UK. According to MCV's estimates, 40K units were sold throughout the UK, with retailers reporting that this effectively meant a complete sellout. Weeks ago there were worrying...

  • News Mario Kart 7 3DS XL Bundle Confirmed for North America

    Rumour drifts into truth

    Less than 24 hours ago we reported two fresh 3DS rumours, which involved a standard model price cut and a new XL bundle. It didn't take long for one of them to be confirmed by Nintendo, with Holiday shoppers set to be tempted by a blue 3DS XL that also includes Mario Kart 7. As previously reported, this bundle will have a...

  • Rumour 3DS Gearing Up For Another Price Drop

    Not quite as drastic this time

    Today's confirmation of Wii Mini, initially in Canada alone, is an intriguing move that is as surprising as it is creative. After all, our very first report of the rumour had a cheeky tagline referring to flying pigs; consider it a lesson learned, never underestimate Nintendo logic. Rumours of a fresh 3DS price drop...

  • News Wii U Shifts 400K Units in Début Week

    It's "essentially sold out of retail"

    Nintendo's revealed its sales results to incorporate the Wii U launch and the Black Friday festivities, with NoA COO Reggie Fils-Aime weighing in with the company's perspective in an interview with CNET. Nintendo's total hardware sales — according to internal data — hit around 1.2 million units in the U.S.,...

  • News UK Retailers: Wii U Is Sold Out

    Allocation is all on pre-orders

    The Wii U has now launched in North America - as if you needed telling - and will emerge in the European market this coming Friday, 30th November. It's fair to say Nintendo fans in the UK, jealous of their North American counterparts, are chomping at the bit to get hold of their new console, but if you haven't got a...

  • News Wii U Becomes Profitable With One Game Sale

    Buy a game, make Mario say wahoo!

    It was confirmed in late October that Wii U will be sold at a loss, which gave the retail price some context and perhaps made some supporters nervous about the financial impact on the company. According to comments from Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime, however, the loss on each console is evidently small...

  • News Wii U Software Discounts Hit Ahead of Black Friday, Analysts Weigh In

    Consoles reportedly sold out, over 2500 on eBay

    Now that Wii U has had a day or so to launch and fly off store shelves, industry analysts are starting to look at the early signs of success, or otherwise, for the system. It's all very, very early days, of course, but nevertheless a couple of interesting trends have emerged. For starters, and to the...

  • News GameStop Wii U Software Pre-Orders Surpass One Million

    Mamma mia!

    The Wii U is out in just two days time in North America, and you can already smell the excitement in the air. Drunk on the 'new console' fever, it seems that people have been getting a bit anxious thinking they may not secure their console for the holiday season. We reported that Wii U pre-orders were selling out quickly, and at one...

  • News Wii U Deluxe Set Selling Like Hot Cakes

    "Response has been phenomenal"

    In just a few short days the long, arduous wait for Wii U will be over - in North America at least - as Reggie Fils-Aime will hand over the very first Wii U console at the Nintendo World Store in New York City, in exchange for money of course. It appears, however, that if you decided against pre-ordering a Wii U...

  • News Animal Crossing: New Leaf Already Sold Out In Japan

    Iwata reassures fans on Twitter

    Animal Crossing: New Leaf is one of the most anticipated games in the West right now, with fans of the series foaming at the mouth at the prospect of becoming the mayor of their own little town in 2013. Japanese gamers have had the game for a few days now, and it appears they loved it so much it has already sold out...

  • News n-Space Not Happy With Heroes Of Ruin Sales Figures

    Sales were ruined

    n-Space co-founder Dan O'Leary has admitted that sales for Heroes of Ruin on the Nintendo 3DS have been very disappointing. The game was released for Europe in June and for North America in July, but the dungeon-crawler didn't captivate the hearts of many. We’re not satisfied with the sales. The 3DS attach rate is…...

  • News Nintendo Targets 5.5 Million Wii U Sales This Financial Year

    All before April

    Earlier today we brought you the news that Nintendo had cut its profit projections due to half-year results, with the overall picture being one of disappointment if not disaster. One of the reasons for this was lower than expected 3DS sales, with six months worth of results showing around five million unit sales, leaving Nintendo...

  • News Walmart Offers Layaway and Midnight Pickup For Wii U

    Attention shoppers!

    Wii U pre-orders have been selling out left and right, with most major retailers no longer taking pre-orders in North America. However, this past Sunday Walmart came to the rescue, as it has announced that it will take pre-orders for Nintendo's upcoming system. To make things even more affordable, Walmart is also offering...

  • News Factory Fire Will Not Affect Wii U Production

    Nintendo says there's no impact on units being shipped

    News has emerged that a fire broke out at an unnamed Wii U system assembly factory in Japan, with just a little over a month until the console's release across North America, Europe and Japan. An analyst for the Australian bank Macquarie, in Tokyo, subsequently downgraded Wii U’s shipping...

  • News NPD: US Consumers Want a Hot Item This Xmas, But The Wii U Isn't It

    Industry as a whole is in better shape, though

    2012 hasn't been a fantastic year for the video game industry in terms of sales. Year on year, the market is shrinking - August saw a drop of 20 percent, which is understandably worrying for developers, publishers and retailers. However, The NPD Group - whose job it is to research sales trends in the...

  • News GAME: UK Pre-Orders Are "Exceeding Expectations"

    Premium systems in demand

    With Wii U's arrival just two months away, or slightly less if you're fortunate enough to be in North America, there's plenty of focus on whether the system is going to sell well and generate buzz at launch. There's little doubt that Nintendo's succeeded in North America with most retailers, notably GameStop, closing Wii U...

  • News 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors Gets A Reprint

    With new cover art to boot!

    To celebrate the newest installment in the Zero Escape series, Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, Aksys Games is reprinting 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors with redesigned cover art. Ben Bateman, who served as an editor on the game, explains the last minute change. For “Zero Escape” we wanted to create a...

  • News La-Mulana Stands Atop Download Charts Worldwide

    Global dominance beckons for WiiWare classic

    WiiWare smash hit La-Mulana has taken top spot in the UK, German, Italian, Dutch, French, Spanish and North American WiiWare download charts. The long-awaited 2D adventure - which, as we love to remind you, almost didn't make it to the Wii - was finally released globally last week. In our glowing 10/10...

  • News Zero Escape To Get Second Wave Of Pre-Order Watches

    "VLR infection" runs rampant, officials to produce more inoculation devices

    Last week, Aksys Games announced a pre-order bonus item for Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward. The item in question was a digital watch, which is based on an 'inoculation device' featured in the game. Unfortunately, the pre-order bonus, which was limited to Amazon, sold out...

  • News French Domination Predicted For Wii U

    Industry experts believe Wii U will outsell rivals by massive margin

    With many within the industry predicting a tough time for Nintendo and its Wii U system, leading tech company IDG has bravely stated that it thinks the console will enjoy a comfortable lead over its next-gen rivals by the time 2014 rolls around. The predictions were made by a...

  • News Toys R Us Taking Wii U Pre-Orders Again

    Wii U Basic Bundle and two games available for $419

    While stores left, right and centre are running out of pre-orders for the Wii U, it's since turned out that Toys R Us is now accepting them again. There's a caveat, of course - they're fresh out of Wii U Premium Models, and are bundling the Basic 8 GB model with copies of Scribblenauts: Unlimited...

  • News GameStop Closes Wii U Pre-Orders in the U.S.

    Waiting lists opened

    While pre-orders are still very much available, at the time of writing, around Europe and elsewhere, it seems that demand for Wii U in the U.S. is hitting some impressive heights. We previously reported that Wii U pre-orders were selling out in the U.S., in terms of online purchases, but it's now being reported by softpedia.com...

  • News Wii U Pre-Orders Selling Out in the U.S.

    If you haven't ordered one, cross those fingers

    Last week we produced a Wii U pre-order guide, as a starting point for those interested in securing the new system before launch. Unfortunately, if you've been hesitating for too long it looks like you may miss out, with online orders at least. The story that GameStop was sold out of Deluxe bundles...

  • News August NPD Results Are Good Reading for Nintendo

    Mario and 3DS XL boost figures

    As part of a monthly routine that is so vitally important for developers, publishers and the big three console manufactures, U.S. market research firm NPD has released its latest software sales figures for the region, covering 29th July to 25th August. While the news for the industry as a whole is grim reading, a...

  • News Square Enix Takes Quarterly Earnings Hit

    Still plenty more hit points left, though

    Japanese super-publisher Square Enix has made public its financial results for for the opening quarter of 2012, posting a net loss of 2,077 million yen. The figures — which take in the first three months of the financial year up to June 2012 — are attributed by the company to poor console sales. Dragon...

  • News 3DS XL and New Super Mario Bros. 2 Boast Big Sales in Japan

    Mario's reaction: 'wahoo!'

    We've already brought you news of 3DS XL enjoying a steady start in the UK, but figures for Japan are showing a positive weekend of sales for Nintendo both in terms of the new hardware and New Super Mario Bros. 2. To start with 3DS XL, chart company Enterbrain has confirmed that over 193,000 units were sold in the first...

  • News 3DS XL Enjoys a Steady Start in UK

    Outsells 3DS 'by a factor of just over 2:1'

    3DS XL arrived on Saturday in Europe and Japan, with some retailers in the UK having permission to hand out pre-orders the day before. As we reported yesterday, the latest UK charts showed a bump in some software sales, even if the new titles launched alongside the system failed to break into the top 40...

  • News Mario Kicked Out by FIFA as UK's Top Seller Since 1996

    Former rival Sonic slows down in 6th

    If you read our earlier news about Mario & Sonic coming 3rd in today's UK charts, then you may have spotted the little fact about the Pokémon franchise being the 10th biggest seller in the UK over the last 15 years. Eurogamer.net has now been provided with the full top ten by GfK Chart-Track (copyright...

  • News Kingdom Hearts 3D Flows Into UK Top Ten

    Dreaming of top spot

    Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance was a high-profile arrival in Europe last week, bringing the popular franchise to the current generation of handhelds. Square Enix and Nintendo — the latter dealing with distribution in PAL regions — invested plenty of hype, particularly online, behind the title; has it paid off? The...

  • News Pokémon and 3DS Still Top of the Japanese Charts

    Happy days for Nintendo

    The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed that we haven't reported on the Japanese software and hardware charts every week recently, mainly because very little has changed. Despite that, we thought that we'd share the latest results, as at the very least the software chart includes some interesting games that we're pretty...

  • News Nintendo 3DS Sales Pass 5 Million in U.S.

    Zelda goes gold too

    Nintendo of America sold over 155,000 3DS consoles in June to take the system's total U.S. sales past the five million mark. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D managed to squeak past the one million mark inside a year, joining Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 at the top of the sales tree. Those three titles have sold...

  • News 3DS Leads Japanese Market to Year-on-Year Gains

    Nintendo dominates home country

    Strong performances from 3DS software and hardware saw the Japanese games market grow for the first time in two years. Between 26th December and 24th June, the Japanese market was worth 193.4 billion Yen, a 0.07% increase from 191.98bn over the same period last year. 63% of that figure came from software sales, up...

  • Nintendo Download 28th June 2012 (North America)

    Monkeys, marvels and more

    Some quality original content on 3DS and DSi reaches North America this week, with two free demos to pick up as well. Here's what's out this week. Nintendo 3DS Download Software: Marvel Pinball 3D (Zen Studios, $7.99, 661 blocks) — Take four Marvel-themed tables for a spin in Zen Studios' follow-up to its very good Zen...

  • News Pokémon Black & White 2 Sells 1.6m in Two Days

    Still big in Japan

    Pokémon Black & White 2 landed in Japan on Saturday 23rd June and racked up an astonishing 1,618,621 sales across the country in its first weekend. It's the fastest-selling game of the year, the first 2012 game on any platform to pass 1m sales and the third fastest-selling DS game of all time. It's a big drop-off in sales...

  • News Dragon Quest 3D Smashes 500k Sales in Its First Week

    Terry's wonderful

    3DS remake Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland 3D has shot to the top of the Japanese charts with an incredible 513,183 units sold in its first week. The much-anticipated release sent 3DS hardware sales over 100,000 units, shifting 101,075 in a week, a near-90% increase on the previous week's 55,212 sales. Thanks to Dragon...

  • News 3DS Nears 1 Million Units Sold in UK

    But slower than DS

    According to Pocket Gamer, 3DS is on the cusp of hitting the 1 million sales mark in the United Kingdom. The site claims the console sits just below 950k units after 61 weeks on shelves. By comparison, the original DS sold its first million after 51 weeks, so 3DS clearly still has some ground to make up. Last year Nintendo of...

  • News Xenoblade and Kid Icarus Missing from NPD's April Chart

    For different reasons

    The NPD Group has published its list of best-sellers across the United States for April, but two of Nintendo's biggest titles are nowhere to be seen. Xenoblade Chronicles' exclusivity deal with GameStop meant it wasn't eligible for the top ten. Before the official chart analysts from PiperJaffray had predicted the...

  • Talking Point Why Skyward Sword Sales Failed to Soar

    Sword blunted

    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword was one of the most anticipated Wii games ever. After years of teasing it finally launched in November 2011, and has so far racked up 3.52 million sales around the world, a decent performance over a five-month period. It's on par with Wii launch title Twilight Princess, which sold 3.27m units between...

  • News Nintendo Reveals Console and Software Sales Statistics

    DS top of the pile

    Nintendo's released updated sales figures for all its consoles, and it's certainly a lot of numbers. The company's three current platforms — 3DS, Wii and the DS family — sit at a combined global sales figure of 264.5 million consoles sold. That figure's dwarfed by the software statistic: over 1.76 billion games have been sold...

  • News Nintendo Sets 10.5 Million Wii U Sales Target

    The power of two

    Nintendo expects to sell as many as 10.5 million Wii U consoles in the machine's first financial year. The company provided combined sales targets for Wii and Wii U for the upcoming financial year, targeting combined sales of 10.5m consoles and 70m software units across both machines. It hasn't revealed precisely how many Wii U...

  • News Worldwide 3DS Sales Reach 17 Million

    Nintendo wants that number doubled

    Since its Japanese release on 26th February 2011, Nintendo has sold 17.13 million 3DS consoles around the world, a number it wants to beat in the next financial year. Between 1st April 2011 and 31st March 2012, Nintendo sold 13.52m consoles worldwide, missing its target of 14m. Originally the company set a target...

  • News Pit and Pokémon Share Strong March Sales in Japan

    Not in the top spot though

    Pokémon Conquest — aka Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition in Japan — was the best-selling Nintendo title in the Land of the Rising Sun last month. The strategy crossover was released on 17th March, meaning it shifted 242,192 units in two weeks. In third place was Kid Icarus: Uprising, with 144,468 sales in the ten days...

  • News 3DS Sales Jump in Japan Thanks to Kingdom Hearts

    Another big week

    Last week 3DS sales jumped 50% thanks to Kid Icarus: Uprising; this week it's Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance bringing about the rise. Square Enix's Disney crossover RPG sold 213,579 units in its first week. By comparison, Kid Icarus shifted 132,526 copies in its first seven days on sale, but this week dropped to fourth place...

  • News Super Mario Galaxy Blasts Past 5 Million Milestone

    Come in, number nine

    Super Mario Galaxy just became the ninth Wii game to pass 5 million units in the United States after just four years on sale. Mario's first intergalactic adventure joins an auspicious list of other games sitting above the 5m mark in the U.S.: Wii Play (13.06 million) Mario Kart Wii (11.3 million) New Super Mario Bros.