Tag: N64 - Page 11

  • Nintendo 64x64 Excitebike 64

    Excitebike 64 serves as yet another prime example of Nintendo's sheer mastery when it comes to developing technical racing games. A fully 3D sequel to the NES classic, this title requires players to pay particular attention to the topography of tracks. Features some of the best quality visuals and audio on the N64, although Hi-Res mode comes at the...

  • Video These Mario Games Have More Secrets Than You May Think

    And it's not even Easter

    Continuing the series of discovering hidden Easter eggs in games, Did You Know Gaming has released the final part of its dissection of main series Mario games. It's always a joy to see hidden little details and secrets in video games, it shows just how much developers care about the creations that they make. Unsurprisingly,...

  • Nintendo 64x64 Banjo-Kazooie

    Rescue you he will not dare, there's many dangers in my lair!

    Its Mario 64 comparison was always inevitable and which is better is divisive. BK's biggest strengths lie in its 'Rareness': game engine crafted excellently; splendidly contrasting worlds of increasing challenge; Grunty's surprise quiz; and Rare's unique humour injection. Does it have...

  • Nintendo 64x64 Beetle Adventure Racing

    Arcade-style racing from the creative minds behind N64 launch title, Pilotwings 64. What makes Beetle Adventure Racing so enjoyable is that it feels fast and doesn’t punish you too much when you make mistakes. It looks pretty good too, with its decent lighting effects and accurate VW Beetle models. The multiplayer battle mode makes for a nice...

  • Nintendo 64x64 Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon

    Your friendly neighbourhood ninja

    A platforming adventure that takes place across Feudal Japan, Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon focuses on a kiseru-wielding hero and his friends trying to prevent the country from being turned into a westernised fine arts theatre. Rich in Japanese folklore, yet stuffed with anachronisms such as giant robots, the...

  • Nintendo 64x64 Pilotwings 64

    On target

    Released alongside the N64, Pilotwings 64 delivered a sense of scale and open-world exploration that easily rivalled that of Super Mario 64. While it may not have been as revolutionary, it arguably did a better job of showcasing one of the N64's major unique selling points: the analog joystick, which provides a level of precision that...

  • Nintendo 64x64 Chameleon Twist

    Chameleon Twist is the game that Yoshi's Story should have been. Playing as an anthropomorphised chameleon, you're tasked with traversing a range of 3D environments, using your character's remarkably long tongue to reach otherwise inaccessible places and defeat enemies. An innovative idea that uses the control stick to its strengths, and one which...

  • Nintendo 64x64 Mario Tennis

    Quite the smash

    It wasn't the portly plumber's first outing on the virtual court, but Mario Tennis was nevertheless the first smash-hit in the franchise. The simple control input is easy to understand, yet allows for advanced techniques too; the control sticks enhances accuracy greatly. The single-player tournament mode is a bit drawn and...

  • Nintendo 64x64 Mario Kart 64

    3... 2... 1... GO!

    Despite some memorable moments from this game, it disappoints compared to its predecessor. Level of challenge almost non-existent; 150cc is comparatively a walk in the park. Rainbow Road is laborious and let's not get started on Battle Mode... Agreed, tracks are beautiful, with varied locations and their own challenges and quirks:...

  • Nintendo 64x64 BattleTanx: Global Assault

    Madison's Militia

    BattleTanx: Global Assault is one of those games that deserved far more attention than it actually got. Incorporating fast-paced gameplay based around tank warfare, the game's sense of scale and all-out action is surprising for an N64 title. The campaign mode is a tad repetitive, although more enjoyable when played cooperatively;...

  • Nintendo 64x64 Cruis'n USA

    They see me cruis'n...

    An arcade port that never used the N64's true capabilities and looked easily at home on a PSOne with its pop-up cardboard scenery. Although there are finer racers on the system, it's an enjoyable arcade-style racer: plenty of tracks with recognisable locations, and unlockable cars. It's slightly average but as a Brit who's...

  • Nintendo 64x64 Hybrid Heaven

    "Mr. Diaz, a synthetic human hybrid created by aliens"

    Hybrid Heaven was certainly an ambitious game from Konami and felt widely ignored at a time of MGSs, Final Fantasies, and Zeldas. It deserves praise for trying to revolutionise the norm: a unique battle system; an outlandish plot; claustrophobic playing areas rife. Faults? Much like M:I and SOTE...

  • Nintendo 64x64 Doom 64

    An exclusive to the console in what is a relatively small-scale franchise, Doom 64 has been unfavourably compared to Rare's masterpieces when it's a great FPS in its own right. An abundance of well-designed levels, monsters, secrets, and weaponry is wonderfully coupled by the haunting soundtrack and dark, atmospheric scenery. This is still a joy to...

  • Nintendo 64x64 Diddy Kong Racing

    Despite obvious comparisons to Mario Kart 64, DKR was a unique experience: platformer elements (explorable world, bosses and collectable items) were unique for its time, ensuring one-player longevity. Three vehicle types presented new areas already explored / raced. Vibrant storybook colours may have put off mature gamers but many challenges and...

  • Nintendo 64x64 Buck Bumble

    Stop the evil Herd Army!

    Featuring the most annoying theme song to have ever graced the medium, Buck Bumble is an aerial combat game in which radioactive waste has transformed the insect world into a high-tech war zone. Playing as a gun-wielding bumblebee, the task of completing garden-based objectives is unusually appealing, yet a lack of polish --...

  • Nintendo 64x64 Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

    I'm Hit! Rear shields down!

    Taking everything that is loved about the grand battles of the original Star Wars trilogy -- the dogfights, the scale and the classic theme of good versus evil -- Star Wars: Rogue Squadron delivers an authentic aerial action experience with its own bespoke storyline. Produced with astonishingly high production values --...

  • Nintendo 64x64 Lylat Wars

    Do a barrel roll!

    Nintendo: excellent decision. Ditch Starwing 2 and go for a next-gen sequel. Lylat Wars delivers on many fronts. Corneria is a perfect opener - capturing Starwing’s feel yet graphically upgraded. From then on levels are superbly varied: corridor levels, dogfights, numerous routes to Venom based on mission success. Not just a...

  • News Motorola's New Smart Watch Features a Goldeneye-Style Interface Option

    Dr. No way to resist

    Who in their life hasn't pretended to be a secret agent on a daring mission to uncover and foil the plot of a notorious villain whose greed surpasses their humanity? Well now you can take one step closer thanks to a clever little Android developer. The Moto 360 smart watch from Motorola is one of the more traditional-looking...

  • Nintendo 64x64 Body Harvest

    A hugely underappreciated gem, Body Harvest was DMA Design’s (later Rockstar North) first attempt at a 3D open-world game. Playing as a genetically enhanced super-soldier, you must travel across time and thwart a race of sinister aliens before they can harvest mankind. Ambitious, yet buggy and lacking in polish, Body Harvest is greater than the...

  • Nintendo 64x64 Bomberman 64

    It didn't sit well with purists at the time, but Bomberman's first outing in 3D was nevertheless a valiant effort on Hudson Soft's part to ensure its explosive star remained relevant in gaming. To its credit, the single-player mode delivers an engaging experience based around puzzles and exploration; the multiplayer, however, fails to retain the...

  • Feature The Nintendo 64 Controller and the Rise of 3D Gaming

    The three-handled situation

    The Nintendo 64 controller is one that has fallen out of favour with some gamers – its outdated control stick and limited number of buttons leaves it and its parent system in a state of being old but without necessarily being seen by the general public as 'retro'. You could easily say the same for Sony's original...

  • Nintendo 64x64 Mario Party

    Aside from being the first release in Nintendo's long-running party game series, Mario Party's biggest claim to fame is its stick-spinning mini-games, which left many eager players with blisters on their palms. The series may have come a long way since 1999, but this title nevertheless features a diverse range of timeless mini-games and every...

  • Nintendo 64x64 Castlevania

    A divisive first foray into 3D for the franchise as it suffers from mixed fortunes. The feel of 2D versions was captured well through music, locations, enemies and plot. Its controls are quite tight and graphically impressive. It’s a challenge; albeit, for the wrong reasons. Certain areas, bosses and gameplay choices leave one extremely...

  • Nintendo 64x64 ISS 64

    Revered as the N64's favourite football game despite (in technical terms) not being the best. Yes, it had bugs, no FIFA licence and comedic commentary but ISS64 shone because it was the ground breaking next-gen football game. Gameplay bettered FIFA 64, multiplayer so addictive it caused sleep deprivation and, solo, it still had scenarios that kept...

  • Nintendo 64x64 Blast Corps

    Few games outside of the horror genre get the heart pounding quite like Rare's Blast Corps does. It’s a race against the clock: playing as a demolitions expert, you must clear a path for a nuclear missile carrier that's out of control -- not too much pressure then! The range of real-life and absurd fictional vehicles on offer ensures that...

  • Nintendo 64x64 1080° Snowboarding

    Almost Wave Race on snow; 1080° recreates the feel of snowboarding via the realistic sound effects and beautiful backdrops. The developers have worked hard to create engaging, differentiated tracks despite the constriction of snow. To master the game, time needs to be invested in learning the tracks but the true fun of the game is pulling off...

  • Video Turns Out Former James Bond Pierce Brosnan Isn't Very Good At GoldenEye 007

    The Spy Who Karate-Chopped Me

    GoldenEye 007 is arguably one of the finest video games ever made, and was a massive seller on its host platform, the N64. It recreated the events of the iconic 1995 James Bond movie of the same name, and starred a digital likeness of Pierce Brosnan (and a "square" Sean Bean, lest we forget). Just in case you're...

  • Weirdness Check Out this LEGO Bob-Omb Battlefield Reconstruction

    In more than 64 bits

    Everybody likes to celebrate their passion in different ways, and one intrepid gamer has recreated the entirety of Bob-Omb Battlefield from Super Mario 64 entirely from LEGO bricks. The detail is phenomenal, the enormous Chain-Chomp taking centre place, and King Bob-Omb in his rightful place perched atop the hill. Goombas,...

  • Art Controller Evolution Photo Series Hammers Home The Nintendo Factor

    A visual record of how Nintendo has pushed the industry forward

    Nintendo has been responsible for some major innovations when it comes to controllers — the NES D-pad, the N64 analogue stick, the Wii Remote — and Spanish artist Javier Laspiur has put together a photographic whistle-stop tour of the evolution of the game pad which shows just how...

  • News The Nintendo 64 is Now 18 Years Old in Japan

    Finally old enough to run Conker's Bad Fur Day

    Time flies when you're having fun, especially for those of us who grew up spending excessive amounts of time playing GoldenEye 007 and Mario Kart 64. That's because the Nintendo 64 was released a whopping 18 years ago today in its native territory of Japan. Released on 23 June 1996, the N64 served as a...

  • News Nintendo 64 Titles Heading to the Wii U Virtual Console

    Update - this is not new

    Update: As pointed out and checked on our system, Nintendo 64 games were mentioned way back when the Virtual Console launched on Wii U, in a system notification. To break into first person, this was a result of a short memory on my part (I thought this was new text), so my apologies. Original article: The Wii U Virtual...

  • Matters of Import Ucchannanchan no Honō no Challenger: Denryū Iraira Bō

    Down to the wire

    The Nintendo 64 is fondly remembered for delivering groundbreaking titles such as Super Mario 64 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. However, in amongst the system's relatively small library of games are a few wacky, obscure and out-of-the-ordinary experiences to be had. Sadly, many of us in the West never got to play a...

  • News Veronica Mars Star Kristen Bell Reveals Her Former Love for The Nintendo 64

    As well as Mario Kart and other classic Nintendo systems

    Actress Kristen Bell of Veronica Mars fame used to be a huge gamer according to a new interview she recently gave in Empire magazine. And it would appear that she had a soft spot for Nintendo systems, especially the Nintendo 64. "You know, I used to be [a gamer] so much," she told the...

  • News Here's a Rather Attractive Portable Nintendo 64

    It even has a GameCube analogue stick

    Have you ever felt the urge to play Jet Force Gemini one more time, but you're sitting on a bus or plane? You're in luck, as console modder Bungle has created what may be the definitive portable Nintendo 64. It's his fourth attempt at the concept, with more to be made in the future. Check out this nifty...

  • Review Quake II (Nintendo 64)

    Worth the "Stroggle"?

    When it comes to first-person shooter games on the Nintendo 64, there’s one title which stands out above all the rest: GoldenEye 007. During the late 1990s, Rare’s Bond-themed masterpiece provided gamers with countless hours of single- and multiplayer fun, and because of this it is still fondly remembered by many to this...

  • News Nintendo 64 Support Teased For A Future Hyperkin RetroN Console

    Company teases an E3 reveal

    The Hyperkin RetroN 5 is shaping up to be the most impressive "clone" system ever created; it has support for NES, Famicom, Genesis, Mega Drive, SNES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance all in one box — but it would appear that Hyperkin is already thinking about how it can improve on this platform. Speaking...

  • Ninterview Aaron "NintendoTwizer" Norton and the Ultimate Retro Collection

    "The history of video games is awesome"

    Even when Nintendo is in a quiet phase between Nintendo Direct broadcasts, or there's a wait for the next hot retail or download game, fans of the company are never short of conversation points. The big N's legacy and history give it a powerful impact in gaming culture, and the keenest of gamers do amazing...

  • News One Man Is Bringing The N64 Kicking And Screaming Into The HD Generation

    Ever wanted to run your N64 through HDMI, DVI or VGA?

    As we all know, the N64 was — and still is — a fantastic machine. For many Nintendo fans, it was their first real taste of 3D gaming and some of the console's best offerings stand the test of time very well indeed. The main issue with playing the console today is that it was never designed to...

  • News World Record Speed Runner Just Can't Stop Playing Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

    Playing games to destruction

    Everyone has their own reasons for playing games. Some play for entertainment, others for pure escapism, but for Cosmo Wright games are a sport. Not just any sport, but an athletic one: the sport of Speed Running. From the moment the game kicks off, he’s racing against the clock to get from the title screen to the end...

  • Weirdness Super Mario 64 Corruptions Yield Hilarious and/or Terrifying Results

    Where is your Luigi now?

    Every now and then, it doesn't hurt to remember that the video game worlds and characters we love are really little more than bits of data, pieced and strung together to compose the beauty and fun we see before us. And there's no better way to appreciate that said data is so well organized than witnessing the abominations...

  • Review Densha de Go! 64 (Nintendo 64)

    Lost in "trainslation"

    The massive surge in the number of simulation games over the past few years has been nothing short of baffling. Years ago, Microsoft Flight Simulator was essentially the sole attraction in this specialist genre, but now it seems virtually anything can and should be turned into a simulation. Road Works Simulator, Farming...

  • Hardware This Custom Tron N64 Makes Us Want To Return To The Grid

    Greetings, programs!

    Zoki64 is famous for his hardware modifications, and his latest project is a real masterpiece. He's painted an N64 straight out of Tron, complete with elements which glow in the dark. You can see the system in the video below, accompanied by Daft Punk's excellent music for the recent sequel, Tron: Legacy.

  • Feature Great Nintendo 64 Multiplayer Games You May Not Have Played

    All you need is a bunch of friends

    When it comes to local multiplayer, the Nintendo 64 is undoubtedly one of the best systems around. With four controller ports built into the console, as well as a solid line-up of classic multiplayer games, it isn't surprising that the system is still being enjoyed by many people around the world – it is, after...

  • Hardware Review N64 Hori Mini Pad

    Better get this controller in a Hori

    The original Nintendo 64 controller proved to be quite divisive as far as gamepads are concerned. With its peculiar three-pronged design – which was partly borne out of Nintendo’s fear that 3D gaming might not take off – camera buttons and novel Z-trigger, the controller was the perfect tool for fully...

  • Interview Dan Hess on Composing the Pilotwings 64 Soundtrack

    Hitting the high notes

    Pilotwings 64 is fondly remembered for the impressive amount of freedom that it granted gamers back in the late 90s. 'Whether it was taking in the view while flying a hang glider or navigating your gyrocopter along a meandering and treacherous river, there was a memorable moment for everyone. Yet, despite all the vibrant...

  • Hardware Review Wireless Super Retro 64 Controller

    Out of control

    With digital download services on the rise and HD remakes becoming more of a regular occurrence, the retro gaming scene is bigger than ever. Restore points and improved visuals — not to mention the off-TV play function offered by the Wii U GamePad — have done a good job of making older titles more suited to our modern...

  • Review Turok 2: Seeds of Evil (Nintendo 64)

    Oblivion is at hand

    Acclaim Entertainment must have always had a good feeling about Turok: Dinosaur Hunter. Before the game was even released in 1997, the company announced that it was already working on a sequel. In hindsight of course, it’s easy to see why Turok: Dinosaur Hunter was such a massive success; it released at an ideal time in the...

  • Review Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (Nintendo 64)

    A game worthy of acclaim?

    Turok: Dinosaur Hunter was a wise and lucky move for publisher Acclaim Entertainment. In the late '90s, the company was struggling financially and drastically needed to change its fortunes. Making good on its purchases of Valiant Comics in 1994 and development studio Iguana Entertainment in 1995, Acclaim used the rights it...

  • News This GoldenEye 007 Wristwatch Is For Your Eyes Only

    Fit for Commander Bond himself

    N64 classic GoldenEye 007 is responsible for stealing away countless hours of our time here at the Nintendo Life office — we still crack out the dusty old console from time to time to indulge in a spot of remote mine-related tomfoolery. Bearing that in mind, you can imagine how pleased we were to see that some...

  • Feature The Making Of Pilotwings 64

    The N64 launch title which soared to new heights

    In recent years Nintendo has made a habit of aligning itself with external studios in order to complete notable projects. We've seen fruitful unions with the likes of Sega (F-Zero GX), Capcom (The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap) and more recently Team Ninja (Metroid: Other M), Next Level Games (