Tag: Goty 2022
Talking Point What Was The Video Gaming 'Theme' Of 2022?
Maybe it was just "more video games"
Hey, remember in 2022's Summer Game Fest when every other trailer was about scary things happening in space? It was like, "hey, what if Dead Space was everything"? What a fun time that was. But it highlighted something important in video games: The fact that every year more or less has a trend. Like how 2017 was...
Soapbox 2022 Was A Watershed For Companies Taking Retro Compilations Seriously
Eclipsing the competition
Soapbox features enable our individual writers and contributors to voice their opinions on hot topics and random stuff they've been chewing over. Today, Gavin is encouraged to see how old games have been getting the appropriate TLC on Switch this year... We've had plenty of retro compilations and collections come to...
Soapbox This SNES-Style RPG Is The Biggest And Best Surprise Of 2022
Links to the past
Soapbox features enable our individual writers and contributors to voice their opinions on hot topics and random stuff they've been chewing over. And with Chained Echoes finally releasing in December, Alana is begging you to consider it as a GOTY candidate despite its late release... I'm about two-thirds of the way through...
Feature Backlog Club: Nintendo Life's Games Of Not-This-Year Awards 2022
The "Late to the Party" category
The thing with Game of the Year awards is that it pre-supposes that we are all adults with lots of free time to keep up with the ever-increasing firehose of game releases. You would think that games journalists, of all the types of adult, would be more on top of this than most... and you would be wrong! Like any...
Soapbox 'Twin Peaks Meets Winnie The Pooh'? GOTY Or Not, This Game Deserves More Love
Pining for more
Soapbox features enable our individual writers and contributors to voice their opinions on hot topics and random stuff they've been chewing over. Here, Jim delves into a game he found both wonderful and strange... When I first heard about the "Twin Peaks-meets-Winnie the Pooh" cuddly adventure Beacon Pines, you could say that I was...
Feature The Best Hidden Gems And Underrated Switch Games Of 2022
Some overlooked games you might have missed
Another year has gone by and we've seen a positive smorgasbord of new Switch eShop releases, with handfuls of games launching each and every week. Naturally, we've been unable to cover everything that's graced the Nintendo Switch in 2022; we are human after all (or are we..?), but we've done our level...
Soapbox One Of My GOTYs Is A Game You Probably Haven't Played (But You Should)
A masterpiece of narrative design
Soapbox features enable our individual writers and contributors to voice their opinions on hot topics and random stuff they've been chewing over. Today, Kate gets green fingers... Come here. Sit down. Shut up. Why haven't you played Strange Horticulture yet? No, that was rhetorical. And also, a trap. I said shut...
Feature Nintendo Life's Alternative Game Awards 2022
Best soundtrack, best $5 game, best 'Game That Doesn't Fit Neatly On Any Of Our Genre Lists'
It's Christmas time once more, which for many of us means time off work and a glut of food. But for us in the video game journalism career path, it also means doling out awards to all the games we loved this year. But a lot of games don't quite make it into...
Guide Best Nintendo Switch Games Of 2022
The finest Switch games of the year, as ranked by you
And we're back! Another year done and dusted, one that was jam-packed with Switch games. It might have lacked a mainline Zelda or Mario, but Pokémon fans got double bubble in 2022, with Pokémon Legends: Arceus and Pokémon Scarlet and Violet topping and tailing the year. In between those...
Feature Best Nintendo Switch Ports Of 2022
Our picks of the 10 best ports on Switch this year
In March 2023, less than three months from now, the Nintendo Switch will have been on store shelves and stacked in online retailers' warehouses for six full years. When it arrived on the scene in 2017, its mobile chipset was already old news in technological terms, but its blistering success in the...
Feature Game Of The Year 2022 - Nintendo Life Staff Awards
Our personal picks for the best Switch games of 2022
Another year has come and gone (almost) and once more we're looking back over all the games we've played, along with those we wish we had played. It's been a great year for Switch releases, with a crop of excellent first-party Nintendo games joined by some great third-party offerings (Square Enix,...
Reminder Rate Your Favourite Switch Games Of The Year 2022
Get your Switch GOTY scores in
Just a reminder that there's still time to rate your favourite Switch games of 2022 and influence the Top 50 ranking that we'll be publishing later this week. You'll still be able to rate the games and influence the ranking after publication, too, but there's nothing quite like that pre-results moment of anticipation,...
Feature Nintendo Switch Year In Review 2022 - Our Most Played Games
From the impressive to the embarrassing
Just this week Nintendo has provided us with our Switch Year in Review - a round-up of our most-played games for 2022 and in which months we were obsessed by them. Aside from a touching reminder that Big Bowser is always watching, the summaries provide a nice look at the year in focus, flagging the games that...
Poll What's Your Game Of The Year 2022 So Far?
Yeah, it's already July, sorry
We regret to inform you that 2022 is half over. You might as well just start buying your Christmas presents now, folks, because from here it's a slippery slope to Winter. But before that happens, let's celebrate the six-month mark of 2022 with our games of the year so far, or GOTYSF! The list is stacked this year,...