Tag: E3 2013
Video Skylanders Swap Force Really Lives Up To Its Name
Family Gamer's Andy Robertson gets swap-happy
The clue’s in the name right? Skylanders Swap Force is an interesting proposition this year because of all that switching and swapping you can do with the new figures. What we hadn’t appreciated was quite how varied the new mixed up creations could be, or how much they would feel like fully fledged...
News Reggie Unmoved By The Threat Of $400 PlayStation 4
Holiday season will put Nintendo in a "very good position"
Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has been speaking to Kotaku about the current state of the Wii U, and has delivered some typically bullish predictions — as well as admitting that the console has struggled to satisfy core gamers. Talking about the "next-gen verses current...
News Iwata: Nintendo Searching For A "Different Expression" To Describe The GamePad's Experience
Consumers don't understand the asymmetric gameplay of Wii U
When Nintendo released the Wii U last year it focused the majority of its messaging on what the all-new GamePad could bring to gaming. Of course, there's off-TV play but one of the biggest selling points is asymmetric gameplay, which allows one player to use the GamePad while others use Wii...
News Warner Bros. Believes In Wii U, Thinks E3 Games Will "Re-energize The Platform"
"I think they're going to fix the problem"
Nintendo may have some killer titles of its own coming to Wii U this year and beyond, but third-party support for the console has been uncertain almost from day one. Electronic Arts has backed away from the platform, and staunch supporter Ubisoft appears to be getting cold feet. Thankfully, it's not all...
News Reggie: This Holiday Season Is Going To Be Extremely Strong For Wii U
Nintendo confident its upcoming software will sell hardware
While Sony and Microsoft showed off the power of their upcoming systems at this year's E3, Nintendo announced a wealth of new first party Wii U titles with the aim to entice more people to buy into its latest home console. Currently, Wii U has a relatively low install base and this is a...
News Call of Duty: Ghosts May Not Appear On Wii U After All
It's all very mysterious
Remember when Call of Duty: Ghosts for the Wii U was confirmed last week after Infinity Ward executive producer Mark Rubin said PR wanted to keep things mysterious with the game? Well it's time to scrap that, as the story has now changed. Speaking with Games Industry International to clarify on the topic, Rubin said he in...
Feature The Big Nintendo E3 Survey
So, what did you think?
It's now been just under a week since Nintendo's E3 Direct and subsequent information overloads, and we're preparing to move on and start playing games again — as opposed to watching those Mario Kart 8, Monolith Soft's X or Super Smash Bros. trailers on an endless repeat cycle. But E3 was fun — at least, we think it was...
First Impressions Skylanders Swap Force
Family Gamer's Andy Robertson goes hands-on at E3
The head to head nature of Skylanders Swap Force and Disney Infinity meant that E3 was always going to be a show down. With Disney buying up an impressive amount of floor space and advertising, Activision responded with more information, novelty and freebies than we’ve seen for previous Skylanders...
News Pachter: Without Third Party Support Nintendo Fans May End Up Buying A Second Console
If Ubisoft drops support "you can stick a fork in Wii U"
Nintendo is currently struggling to gain third party support for Wii U, due to the console's relatively low install base. Electronic Arts is the most high profile publisher to announce it is pulling support and at this moment in time has no games in the works for Wii U. In order to rectify...
Talking Point E3 Exposed the Strains of Nintendo's Development Workload
Delays have been common on Wii U
Nintendo and, in particular, the Wii U are in a tricky catch-22 situation; third-parties — including Ubisoft at E3 — are holding off on most additional support for the platform until sales improve, yet games are needed to boost sales. It's an issue that feels all too familiar, though the absence of much support...
Kiss kiss, bang bang
Really, Bayonetta 2 isn’t that far outside of Nintendo’s wheelhouse. The creators of Nintendogs and Wii Fit may like to play it family-friendly, but come on — there’s always been a playful, almost kinky side to Nintendo, games with just the right amount of dirtiness. Look at ol’ Jimmy T. making it happen in WarioWare,...
First Impressions Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Frozen in time?
If there is a rule that Nintendo lives by, it’s that one good turn deserves another. Hence why the E3 2013 revelation that the game Austin, Texas’ Retro Studios has been slaving away on for the past three years is none other than a sequel to Donkey Kong Country Returns isn’t much of a revelation at all. Donkey Kong Country...
News Time: Nintendo Is "Stumped" By The Wii U GamePad And Should Ditch It
"It makes you wonder why the company even bothered"
The Wii U GamePad is the console's unique selling point, offering players a different way to experience HD gaming. However, like all new ideas, it takes time to fully explore and exploit the potential offered by a second screen, and it's fair to say that we've yet to see the best the GamePad is...
News Wolfenstein: The New Order Looks Set To Skip Wii U
It's coming to "all" next-gen and current-gen consoles, but not Wii U
Wolfenstein: The New Order, Bethesda's upcoming title, was being shown off at E3 and we finally got some clarification on what consoles it will be appearing on. Well, sort of. In an interview with Got Games, Thomas Björk of MachineGames, the developer behind the first person...
Interview Zelda Producer Eiji Aonuma Talks DLC, Missing Dungeons And Majora's Mask
Exclusive access to Link's protector
Eiji Aonuma has presided over the The Legend of Zelda series for the past 15 years and has overseen some of the franchise's most iconic entries. We got the chance to sit down and speak with him during this year's E3 event, where he was promoting the two forthcoming instalments: The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD...
News Retro Studios Working on "One Major Project at a Time"
When Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze was announced at E3 as the next game from Retro Studios, some Nintendo fans — including members of the team on this site — rationalised disappointment at the reveal by adding a caveat that it may have been produced alongside a bigger, larger scope project. The thought was that with the groundwork...
Video Nintendo Releases Its E3 Wrap-Up
A nice quick look at the company's E3
Nintendo's E3 was certainly a bit different this year, as rather than a laser-focus on the events of a live presentation, it had the feel of revolving around multiple video releases — starting with the E3 Direct. There were the developer videos, which gave some enjoyable insight, while the standard round...
First Impressions The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
Wind Reawakened
It’s strange to have a first impression on a remake of a game, especially when it’s a game like The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. The truth is that despite being 10 years old at this point, Wind Waker is still a great looking game that plays well and has held up very well over time. Whether that’s due to the GameCube’s...
First Impressions Mario Kart 8
Turning things upside down
Imagine the Mario Kart series as an enormous living being made out of adorable cars, happy drivers, delightful loops passing through volcanoes and haunted houses and vicious blue shells. Envision this being, this body of Kartdom, and now answer this simple question: where is its heart? What is the thumping engine within...
News Hideki Kamiya Still Wants to Work on Star Fox
Let him do that, Star Fox
Ever-tweeting Platinum Games director Hideki Kamiya has spoken about his desire to work on the Star Fox franchise in the past, and that hope apparently hasn't gone anywhere. During E3 2013, speaking to Nintendo World Report, Kamiya reiterated that he would be "pleased" if he was offered everybody's favourite space-animal...
News Nintendo Reveals When Wii Party U And Wii Fit U Will Become Available
Get in on the action this October and December
During the Nintendo Direct broadcast this week, we were given the slightly disappointing news that both Wii Fit U and Wii Party U were being delayed to an unspecified later date. Wii Fit U had been previously scheduled for this Summer, and Wii Party U had been announced earlier this year and was hoping...
News Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Slips Onto Wii U This November
One for the Winter months
Among previously announced titles such as The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD and The Wonderful 101 being shown during the Nintendo Direct broadcast this week, the company revealed Retro Studios' new title in development, Donkey Kong Country Returns: Tropical Freeze. It was
News Sakurai: New Super Smash Bros. To Strike A Balance Between Hardcore And Casual
Tripping is out, for one
Some people like to place themselves in one of two camps when it comes to the Super Smash Bros. series: either siding with the faster-paced, more technical Melee or favoring the wilder yet easier to access Brawl. The rest of us just shrug and start chucking home run bats at each other no matter which version we’re playing,...
News The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Launches This November In North America
Still no date for Europe
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, the upcoming 3DS title set in the same world a A Link to the Past, has been listed for a November release in North America. The date was announced during an analyst meeting at E3, where Satoru Iwata revealed the schedule of 3DS titles Nintendo has in store for 2013. Europe is...
Weirdness The Wacky World of Nintendo at E3 2013
The Villager is a homicidal sociopath, apparently
With another E3 coming to an end, we've once again seen Nintendo produce some quirky moments. It must be one of the few multi-billion dollar corporations with executives willing to pose in somewhat bizarre setups, either in front of the obligatory over-sized props or, on occasion, playing a bit of...
News Reggie: Publishers Should Create Great Games To Stem The Impact Of Used Game Sales
"The replayability of our content is super strong"
One of the biggest talking points at E3 this year has been used games and how publishers and developers are trying to stop them from putting a dent in their profits. Of course, when buying a used game all of the proceeds are given to the retailer. Several strategies have been conjured up over the...
First Impressions Super Mario 3D World
Stranger things have happened
Sometimes it’s easy to forget how weird Mario games are. Think about it: A pudgy plumber in overalls who can jump ridiculously high, throw fireballs when he touches flowers, get huge when he eats mushrooms and make it with a princess provided he kicks the seven shades of crap out of a giant turtle dragon. That is the...
News Nintendo Confirms That Yarn Yoshi Just Wasn't Ready to be Shown Off at E3
It may be a while, then
During Nintendo's Wii U Direct back in January, a number of brand new titles were announced and teased in various forms, yet aside from the new Zelda Wii U and the Fire Emblem / Shin Megami Tensei mashup, Yarn Yoshi was the only title from that broadcast to not be mentioned or shown in some form during the E3 Direct. As part...
News Retro Studios: "After Donkey Kong Country Returns We Had A Lot Of Gas Left In The Tank"
Developer reveals why it chose to make another Donkey Kong Country title
Nintendo finally announced Retro Studios' latest game during its E3 Nintendo Direct with the reveal of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. As previously reported, the developer chose a Donkey Kong title over a Metroid one and many people have been wondering why this is...
News Iwata: Japanese Third Parties Investing More In 3DS Software
Nintendo working with third parties to release titles in the West
The Nintendo 3DS has been a huge hit in Japan. It consistently tops the hardware sales charts by quite a distance and naturally this has led to many Japanese studios investing in creating software for the system. This was something Nintendo President Satoru Iwata brought up during...
Features The Joys of Following Nintendo at E3
A rollercoaster ride
E3 2013 is entering the final stretch, with one final day of the show floor being open for thousands of keen gamers to rush to their favourite booths. The PR campaigning will start to fade, too, as executives and developers pack up and try to remember where they put their passports. Rather like last year, this E3 has arguably...
News Iwata: More Unannounced Third Party Titles Will Come
"We hope to revitalize the platform with our strong first party lineup"
Nintendo has had a bit of a problem getting many third party developers to create content for the Wii U as the install base is currently relatively low. Yesterday, Reggie Fils-Aime said Nintendo plans to boost the amount of consoles in the wild by releasing more great first...
News Sonic Team's Iizuka Recognises Sonic Lost World, Mario Galaxy Comparisons
Not quite Super Sonic Galaxy
In an interview with The Sonic Stadium, Sonic Team boss Takashi Iizuka has acknowledged that upcoming Wii U / 3DS exclusive Sonic Lost World shares similarities with Super Mario Galaxy — but argues that SEGA's new titles are still distinctly Sonic. Sonic Team has taken a different approach to three dim
News Over 1,000 Parties Interested In Developing For Wii U Since Nintendo Web Framework Announcement
Lots of indie developers want to get on board
Nintendo announced the Nintendo Web Framework during the Games Developers Conference in San Francisco in March. Essentially, it provides a method of developing software for Wii U by using open web technologies like HTML5 and JavaScript. Since then it appears to have been a hit with small developers as...
News Mario Golf: World Tour Pushed Back To 2014
In the bunker
Back in February, Nintendo announced Mario Golf: World Tour would be released on 3DS this Summer. However, it appears that is all set to change as during yesterday's analyst briefing, Nintendo confirmed it will in fact be released in 2014 along with Super Smash Bros. and Yoshi's New Island. There's n
Poll Which Wii U E3 Game Has Impressed You the Most?
There are plenty to choose from
This E3 has seen Nintendo show off a lot of Wii U software, even if we already knew about all but one of them before the expo launched. Rather than potential based on name alone, however, we've now seen these titles in action, with some certainly catching the eye. With the expo now having been open to the public,...
News Reggie: Nintendo Aiming To Increase Wii U Third Party Support By Boosting The Install Base
Nintendo isn't ruling out future E3 press conferences
Nintendo's E3 Nintendo Direct presentation was filled with great first party titles, however, there wasn't very much in the way of third party content. In an interview with Game Trailers, Reggie Fils-Aime said Nintendo aims to generate more third party support by increasing the Wii U user base...
News Nintendo Setting Up Thousands Of StreetPass Relay Stations Across US And Europe
Bring on the green flashing lights!
Nintendo has confirmed it is still committed to the StreetPass function of the 3DS by announcing during an analyst briefing at E3 that it is creating thousands of new StreetPass relay stations across the US and Europe. The company plans to turn 28,000 Wi-Fi access points into relays in the US, while Europe is set...
News Nintendo to Launch First Free-To-Play Game By March 2014
What could it be?
At an analyst briefing during E3, Nintendo has confirmed that it plans to launch its first free-to-play title at some point during the current fiscal year — that's the end of March 2014. There's no confirmation of platform or title just yet, so we'll have to wait to find out if it's Wii U or 3DS that will be home to Nintendo's...
Talking Point Nintendo's Wii U Lineup Makes Commercial Sense
Nintendo plays it safe, like everyone else
E3 presentations can be strange occasions, often prompting exaggerated reactions — either delight or dismay — immediately after the event, before a following hangover of acceptance and anticipation for the games on the way. That's the general sense within the Nintendo Life team the day after Nintendo's...
News Batman: Arkham Origins Has Specific Functionality For Wii U
WB Montreal not talking about DLC availability
Batman: Arkham Origins is the latest game in the Arkham series and will be appearing on a range of formats in October, including the Wii U. This isn't the first game in the series to be available on Nintendo's home console as Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition was released upon its launch. That game...
News Eiji Aonuma and Hideki Konno Wander Into The StreetPass Mii Plaza
Raid their collection of pink puzzle pieces!
Eiji Aonuma, the producer of the Legend of Zelda series, and Mario Kart producer Hideki Konno have been sent marching out to StreetPass Mii Plazas around the world by Nintendo. Should you have your 3DS connected to the internet you should find a SpotPass notification announcing the special Miis' arrival...
News Ubisoft Scaling Back Support For Wii U, Expects Price Cut To Bolster Sales
Is the Wii U about to lose one of its biggest supporters?
Ubisoft has confirmed during its recent investor meeting that it will be scaling back support for Nintendo's Wii U console. The French publisher — which has Assassin's Creed IV, Watch_Dogs and Rayman Legends all scheduled to hit the system before the end of 2013 — also stated that it...
News Pokémon X & Y Developer Roundtable Reveals Sky Battles And Horde Encounters
Three new Pokémon also announced
Nintendo announced a new type of Pokémon during its E3 Nintendo Direct - the Fairy type. It's super effective against dragon types, which is definitely a good thin considering how tough they can be! All of a sudden Jigglypuff doesn't look so weak anymore! The Fairy type will make its debut in Pokémon X & Y...
News Miyamoto Focuses on New Gameplay Experiences Before New IPs
Mechanics come first
Speaking to GamesIndustry International, Shigeru Miyamoto clarified Nintendo's position on new IPs versus re-using existing IPs, explaining that Nintendo prefers to create game mechanics first and decides upon the context later rather than purposely setting out to build new series. There are always requests to see Nintendo...
Feature The Big E3 2013 Nintendo Direct Round-up
The most important E3 coverage in one place
Nintendo may not have hosted a live press conference this year, but through Nintendo Direct and a number of subsequent developer videos it still bombarded us with information of games coming this year and beyond. Although most of the big reveals were already known ahead of time, we had some important first...
News Miyamoto: Working With Both Hardware And Software Offers Nintendo "Strong Advantages"
Not looking to move to smartphones any time soon, then
Abandoning hardware and becoming a software-only company would rob Nintendo of many "strong environmental advantanges", according to the company's most famous staff member. Speaking to GamesIndustry International, Shigeru Miyamoto has refuted claims that making software for other hardware would...
News Frog Suit Confirmed For Super Mario 3D World
Mario's making a splash
Super Mario 3D World brings a new power-up to the party with the Cat Suit and it looks as though an old classic will also be available for Mario to use too. During a presentation at E3, attended by IGN, Nintendo announced the Frog Suit would be making a comeback and it'll most likely help out in any underwater segments Mario...
News Nintendo "Feels Good" About How It Stacks Up Against Sony And Microsoft
Software will motivate consumers, says Nintendo's Charlie Scibetta
Both Sony and Microsoft have revealed their next-gen consoles at E3, showing off new titles as well as talking about the fresh experiences offered by the platforms. Given that Nintendo has had no new hardware to show off this year, you might assume that the Japanese company is on the...
News Nintendo Loses Exclusivity On Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut For Wii U
Where have we seen this before?
Square Enix has confirmed that Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut will be making its way to Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and PC, meaning the game will no longer be a Wii U exclusive. Executive game designer Jean Francois Dugas from Eidos Montreal — the developer behind the action title — revealed during...