Tag: Actos Games
News Actos Games Launches Tutorial Video Series To Explain Wii U eShop Exclusive, psyscrolr
Get psyched!
North Carolina-based Actos Games, the creator of the recently announced Wii U eShop platformer psyscrolr, has released a new tutorial video series explaining how the GamePad will be utilised in the project that promises to feature strong narrative elements, epic boss battles and seamlessly integrated puzzle mechanics. The first video...
News Actos Games Announces Wii U eShop Exclusive psyscrolr
psysing up the opportunities
Burlington, North Carolina-based Actos Games, the creator of APEXICON - Fantasy Puzzle Combat, has returned with the recently announced Wii U exclusive psyscrolr, a platformer that features a strong narrative, epic boss battles and mini-epic mid-boss battles with integrated puzzle mechanics. Players take on the role of...