Devil's Third has had a protracted and curious road to the Wii U, with notable gaps between regional releases and the peculiarity of an upcoming free-to-play online version for PC. With its arrival in Japan and Europe we get to see whether it's seductive and alluring or, alternatively, a devilish disappointment. With much self-imposed hype and a long development cycle, we're left with an experience as mixed as it is perplexing.
The first game from Tomonobu Itagaki's Valhalla Game Studios, this has been years in the making - originally planned for Xbox 360 and PS3, the folding of its original publisher (THQ) saw an unlikely alliance formed with Nintendo to bring it to Wii U. In the small but accomplished Wii U retail library it holds a unique place - it's mature in every sense of the word with gore, swearing and plenty of abs and curvy behinds, and it's a shooter / melee hybrid. There have been occasional mature games on the system - such as the outstanding Bayonetta 2 - and Devil's Third joins the ranks; as a result it carries the expectation of those hoping for an experience to broaden the Wii U's appeal.
Conceptually, Devil's Third has a lot going for it. It has a bold ambition of combining FPS action with intense melee combat, encouraging strategies that utilise both styles liberally. In the proof-of-concept documents and videos there's no doubt an emphasis on taking out enemies from range before charging in, sliding along the ground and then landing a stylish jumping attack. When this is pulled off it's fun, too. There's also the promise of two significant portions to the game, with the '80s action movie-style campaign and a heavily customisable and involving online component.
Let's tackle each individually and get the weakest aspect out of the way - the single player campaign. We've mentioned its stylistic approach to story-telling already, though its yarn of a post-Satellite technology world and terrorists attempting to blow everything up is mildly entertaining in its way. It's all cliché and rather generic - including 'infected' villains with special abilities - and is eye-rolling at times, but it has a charm to it nevertheless. We could easily pick apart its ludicrous plot holes and the sheer silliness of it all, but that'd be like sending a Broadway theatre critic to review The Expendables; we can accept that it's dumb.
The madness of it does lead to some memorable moments, particularly in the last hour or two of the campaign; in fact, it feels rather like the development team sunk most of its efforts in the extended finale, such is the scope and drama that's mustered. With nine core missions (which can take about an hour each to clear) it's the last two or three that show the bombastic approach at its best, with the finale actually being rather good.
Those are the positives, but unfortunately they are outweighed by problems. Primarily they're of a technical nature, in the process highlighting the protracted development cycle and poor optimisation - in this case - of the Unreal Engine on the Wii U. The game may have a soundtrack that's downright entertaining at times, but this is a poor showcase for the Wii U visually. Not only are the visuals out-of-date and ugly at points, but they reflect a lack of innovation from Valhalla Game Studios; an alternative style could have delivered enticing looks and solid performance, as has been achieved in many eye-catching Wii U games.
Instead, we have a relatively ugly game and unforgivably poor performance, and it's this frustrating framerate that is the most important flaw. Not only does it regularly dip, but there's persistent and off-putting judder on a frequent basis, presumably while the game is attempting to load assets in the background. It is, as a result, an unpleasant first-person shooter, with dodgy performance exacerbated by a poorly executed aiming reticule. Aiming is stiff and it's therefore difficult to find precision, with a deadzone on the analogue stick (whether on the GamePad or Pro Controller) that is strangely prominent. Having experimented with settings we were left with the choice of enabling aim-assist, an option this writer generally prefers to turn off in shooters.
Beyond poor performance Devil's Third is also a buggy game - sometimes humorously so, often enough to frustrate. Animations glitch out, AI shows a complete lack of intelligence, and a neat melee finisher move may clip through a wall in the wrong situation. It's a scruffy, uneven experience.
Technical issues are combined with bizarre design missteps. There are occasional flashes of brilliance, particularly in the latter levels, which raised a smile and boosted our overall impression of the game. But the lows are painful and all too frequent, which in some respects recreate Itagaki-san's trademark approach but in all the wrong ways. This is a shooter where small areas are frequently overloaded with enemies that in some cases gleefully fire rocket propelled grenades into your face, or throws in multiple heavily-armoured chain-gun wielding enemies that take far too much damage. Throw in glitches that'll cause crucial weapons to disappear (try destroying a tank with constant grenade reloads because your RPG glitched out) and there are moments of utmost frustration. A vehicular section is particularly bad, and some shooting gallery sequences are also shoddy; amateurish moments like these drag the whole experience down.
Overall, then, the solo campaign is a mixture of fun and frustration, ending with it being rather forgettable. It can be revisited in Score Attack, in which you tackle stages at a high difficulty to accumulate scores that are uploaded to leaderboards. The problem with that is that the range of issues make playing on a high difficulty setting an endurance reserved for the most committed. Overall, it's disappointing in the context of the genre-changing and thrilling experience that was promised.
Based on the single player campaign Devil's Third would not get a recommendation from us, especially as it's launching at full retail price, but the online component is a game changer. It's not enough to make Devil's Third a must-have, but it saves this release from being entirely skippable.
After customising a character with relatively basic options, you dive straight into buying early gear to prepare for battle. We initially received a chunk of 'Dollen' money and a batch of 'Golden Eggs' - more on those later - with greater rewards once the solo campaign is cleared. There are a whole load of initial weapons to choose from, which sets up the potential for loadouts of varied melee weapons and shifting between assault and sniper options, as examples. Trading some Golden Eggs for cash allowed us to setup a decent loadout.
There's some backstory around trying to survive and prosper in a post-Satellite North America, boosted with some neat in-game memos, but the setup is relatively simple. Ten varied and chaotic arena modes are eventually available with some unlocks - they vary from standard fare such as Battle Royale and Team Deathmatch, to modes such as Chickens in which you have the barmy task of catching the birds. Close Quarters and Gladiator are all about melee combat, while Carnival necessitates carrying watermelons to grinders. Most players seem to gravitate to standard modes, but there are some peculiar and fun alternatives on offer.
The arenas themselves, meanwhile, are somewhat hit and miss. There are examples that encourage you to alternate between loadouts, which is decent design - sometimes being a sniper is the right solution, while in other areas close-combat is a must. Most of the arenas are solid, though there are a couple of duds; one takes place at night and has barely visible falls into water, prompting farcical scenes of suicide notifications every 20 seconds. Overall, though, there's a decent range of environments.
Once you level up (to level 5), meanwhile, you unlock the real meat of the online aspect with Siege mode. It's here that you establish a base and either create or join an online clan which can have a lot of members. Structurally you establish your base in a specific territory, and when that's combined with the bases around the country from others in your clan you have a combined influence and power in each respective region. You can be a mercenary for hire in clan battles, but the best experience is within a group.
When part of a clan there's an impressive sense of camaraderie. Clans have their own Dollen stashes and regular payments are made to members to help their individual progression. You not only customise and develop your own fortress (such as adding turret guns, buildings etc), but you can pitch in and fund useful items for your overall clan, such as powerful air-based weapons. As a group you can then raid other clan's fortresses, defend your own when invaded and even establish diplomacy and non-aggression pacts with other groups. The diplomatic aspects are for the clan's founder, so if you want to enjoy those features you should create your own.
There's impressive depth here, and unlike in the solo campaign - where it does nothing but Off-TV mirroring - the GamePad screen comes into play. It provides a handy interface with a Mailbox and plenty of information, and text chat becomes crucial; we would dip into our clan's message room and plan an attack, rejoining after a battle to talk over how it went down. There's no voice chat, unfortunately, which would have been a welcome inclusion.
The attack and defence mechanic works nicely. It's best to check other clan members are up for a challenge before launching an attack, but notifications pop up to let you know if your clan is launching an attack or on the defensive; you then rush to the area to lend a hand. Victories boost your clan's bank balance (and your own) while also boosting its overall level and influence in the battleground's territory.
We played this mode pre-review, with limited numbers, and then over the launch weekend in the real game. Perhaps reflective of poor sales there were modest numbers online, but we did manage to get into some fun Seige battles and defences with almost-full lobbies. An issue is that in the early running two clans are far more powerful than many other start-ups, making it a two-horse battle. That aside, going into multi-phase assaults on enemy bases is undeniably fun, especially when there are strong players utilising some clever aerial bombardment tactics. It's chaotic but enjoyable.
It's a substantial online offering, all told, with solid variety. Siege battles that we've seen are fascinating for the clan dynamic but fairly straightforward in execution - defend your base, blow up the oppositions'. Drills provide the mayhem that Itagaki-san seems to crave, and it all operates pretty smoothly. We've experienced some relatively lengthy load screens, not uncommon in online multiplayer games, but we've noticed improvements too. Though the framerate is still not as high as it should be it is nevertheless more reliably smooth than in the single player campaign; this is aided by simple visuals, admittedly, but the gameplay is more important here.
To be clear, it's still not as technically accomplished as it should be and aiming is still not as smooth as is typically required, but these shortcomings are relieved a little by the silly modes, hefty clan dynamic and the fun of the melee/FPS hybrid gameplay when fighting other human players. It's an interesting experience in that sense, and is rather like the fast food of online shooters - it's not of the highest quality, but it can be satisfying.
Of course, we should mention the Golden Eggs. These drive microtransactions which, in the view of plenty, shouldn't exist in a full-price retail game. You receive a decent batch when you first register and when achievements are cleared; there are certainly enough to convert into plenty of Dollen and pick up some equipment. That said, it's naturally weighted to try and tempt you to buy, and it's slightly sleazy in execution. Plenty of stat-boosting equipment can only be bought with Golden Eggs, while the better options of the hugely powerful X-Gear weapons (which become available in-game when you string together plenty of kills) need a lot of these eggs to buy. It'll be possible to get by without buying them, but they do provide a clear advantage.
Overall, then, Devil's Third comes with two sides. A sloppy and messy solo campaign with only occasional flashes of quality, and a scruffy online component that - despite B-list production levels - offers plenty of depth on a level not found anywhere else on the Wii U. The gameplay still isn't perfect online, but it's had a lot of care and attention put into its structure with seemingly endless scope.
Devil's Third is an odd beast, seductive and alluring in some respects and nightmarish in others. The solo campaign ultimately isn't good enough; occasional positives are eventually overwhelmed by bugs, poor design and technical issues. The online multiplayer, while still a little lacking mechanically, is a more fun gameplay experience; it's also surprisingly deep in structure, and one of few online feature-sets of its type on Wii U. Plenty of 'Drill' modes and the impressive fortress / clan setup in Siege mode are notable, with the only major downside of the online component being unnecessary microtransactions.
Devil's Third is tricky to recommend, ultimately. There's undoubted fun to be had online, but at the same time this is an action game that sells Wii U gamers short. It's packed with good intentions and ambition, but Valhalla Game Studios was unable to execute its vision well enough. The devil is in the detail, and that's the problem.
Comments 247
Score pending reviews are lame.
I'm expecting a 6/10
I buy games and judge them for myself rather then rely on review to tell me what to think. Can't wait to play this MP
I'm going to assume that this review will obtain a score of 5/10 based off the multitude of complaints.
He plays the drums? How does that fit into the game?
Am not to bothered about Nintendo life's reviews anymore you gotta think that this one's person opinion!
And doesn't mean were all gonna thinking same thing or experience same thing in game.
Am still getting it on Friday anyhow!
The multiplayer is what I'd play it for, and that is where the dilemma comes in. Is this going to sell enough for people to be online?
One key question I have is whether or not the pc online players are joining the wii U online players seamlessly, on the same servers. Because if that's the case, the online component holds more value.
Sound like a 6-7 outta 10. Main problem is just technical.
@erv On the PC server thing I doubt it, but I'll try and find out.
I'll be hopping onto the online (the server reset in my copy) now that it's switched to public servers, and I'll see how it holds up / how many players there are over the coming days.
@erv There's no multiplayer crossover between the PC and Wii U.
So proof of concept but technical issues due to its development history?
Seems like Devils 4th might be something worth looking into for Valhalla Games. Maybe they can avoid some of the uncertainty that plagued this game.
I saw this coming. I'm guessing it'll get a 5/10, maybe pushing for 6/10.
Well... Im gonna try the F2P PC version, anyways the solo seems to be bad. Plus NoA decide to sell the game after XC : X, what an idea
I think you should advertise the fact that you've done a review once the review's actually finished.
Well that settles it, definitely buying
@Moon so those that pre-ordered the game have no idea whether it's good or not? Great idea...
I hope 2015 passes as quick as possible so we'll get rid of the last bunch of this idiotic decisions Iwata made, and then a new age for Nintendo will begin...
Just what I needed. Definitely not getting it.
@C-Olimar Um, those people had even less of an idea whether it was good or not when they pre-ordered it...
I'm buying, looks cool.
I've gone from a day one buy to cancelling my preorder to a day one buy again.
Japanese reviews were pretty good, even Japanese user reviews. And I tend to agree with that demographic more so than the west.
I might buy it when the price drops to $30 to $20.
If there was gyro option, I would buy it even if the game was crap, but the dual analog aiming looks so ugly, that I couldn't touch it even if the game was amazing.
£27 in the UK , I'm definitely getting it on Friday.
@TheRavingTimes you may be right. Edge magazine scored it 3.
@NowhereMan11 I know a lot of people who cancel pre-orders once reviews are out. It is beneficial for many when reviews are live before the game releases.
Pre-ordering games is very scary for me. I mean why put effort into the game if the money is already there? So you can get that one item? I stopped pre-ordering games when I realized what it can do to the way our games can become.
For Japanese games, and Nintendo in general, that's a safe call. I should do that.
Good review Thomas.
I wasn't convinced to buy this game, but after reading about the MP I think it deserves a try. I'll miss the gyro controls though
The fact the games performance and controls are clunky is just a put off, this is a poor man alternative for both an fps and melee combat game and it is slightly insulting the Wii U version seems to be just as dependant on micro transactions as the free to play PC online only version.
Well, that settles it, I'm not getting Devil's Third. I always play through singleplayer befor going online to make sure I understand the game (I just hate people who storm the multiplayer without ever looking at even the most basic controls), but this sounds too painful to play. It's nice that the singleplayer at least isn't short, but a lengthy campaign becomes even worse when the performance is that awful.
impressive fortress / clan setup in Siege mode are impressive
Had a feeling this game would suck. When rumors persist and PR stinks, there's something going on.
Hmm i'm sensing a 6 or 5 that's it. But scores don't matter the review does and it was great like usual. Hmm day one buy for me? Or wait until it drops? Cause if it sells like crap it will drop in price immediately.
"and the impressive fortress / clan setup in Siege mode are impressive". Impressive.
Seems okay in the end. It was never a game I was particularly interested in, but still remains one I'll pick up for 10 bucks or so. Maybe the developers can improve some of its flaws in future updates. Like the reviewer stated: it falls short in details. So it isn't too unrealistic than those could get fixed.
"It's mature in every sense of the word" - Sorry, I had to giggle at that.
You may say it's mature in one sense of the word - that is, the hideous gaming euphemism that encompasses gore and sex. As for the other, more generally used sense of the word, doesn't seem like it.
Either way, not sure what to think about this one. It was never gonna be exactly my kind of thing, but I've been pondering whether I should give it a try. I gotta say, the review made me lean towards "no".
Sounds like a pass for me.
Buying day 1!
Never really cared for online multiplayers until I got Splatoon. After reading this, siege mode sounds very intriguing. I wasn't gonna get this since so many other great games are arriving for the rest of the year but I may have to now. What a great time to be a Nintendo fan!
"Based on the single player campaign Devil's Third would not get a recommendation from us, especially as it's launching at full retail price, but the online component is a game changer. It's not enough to make Devil's Third a must-have, but it saves this release from being entirely skippable."
So, pretty much Splatoon, but with a bunch of preconceived NL bias.
"There's undoubted fun to be had online." Done. That's enough for me, as it's the multiplayer options that have me wanting the game in the first place.
Not the first nor the last time I will make fun of you people who need an arbitrary number to form an opinion. Read the review, for goodness sake, then decide for yourselves.
When it comes to America, the technical issues would most likely be fixed. At least now you can't say the system only had kiddie games.
Some weeks ago I predicted a score of 40 on Metacritic but right now it's not getting even that. If I got this for free I would MAYBE check it out but then again I probably have better games on my phone.
Hard pass. There's so many better FPS out there, why stoop to this one?
Ouch. Currently 29/100 on Metacritic!
So the only real sort of OK aspect of the game is the multiplayer, which is coming to PC in a few months as a free to play game anyway? I'll pass on this and just wait to be disappointed for free.
Still getting day one... I need my B-list game fix. I miss over the top games...* fires up God Hand on the Ps2 *
Pretty interesting that Siege mode alone is more a thorough and robust online offering than all of Splatoon's modes and features combined.
@MisterMan On Wii U? No, there's not. At least not within the last year, year and a half.
Nice review. It kind of reminds me of Splatoon in the sense that it seems more attention is paid to online multiplayer than single player. I don't mind since that will be my main mode when the game. I am looking forward to playing it 4 months after the other 2 main regions master it.
I also like to hear more about the Siege mode when you guys get more time playing it in a larger group. I'm curious to know how much people can play at one time.
A limp 6 from what I'm catching
@ultraraichu To me the difference is Splatoon's singleplayer was still enjoyable and I didn't come across any technical problems. In this game the Singleplayer seems very flawed.
The bad reviews are getting me interested in this game. Where will this rank over all? is it Yaris and Superman 64 bad or either BK Games and Eat Lead bad? Because one is playable and the other is not.
people here talk about good reviews in japan.
i only can find 3 bad reviews so far.
still the game looks like fun to me. probally gonna buy it someday.
my wiiu collection needs a game like this
From the looks of it, it sounds like the Sonic 06 of FPS on Wii U. Could have been good, but full of glitches, and technical issues. I'm still kind of surprised how people still want this game. Oh well, better luck on the NX. Maybe if they release a patch or something to fix all the bugs, ill get it.
Not a day 1 purchase for me.
let me guess...
4/10 or 5/10. (color me surprised if it not any higher then a 5 NintendoLife )
yeah... i think i'll get that free to try one on PC then buying a $60 game that has full of issues, Glitches at least i heard the Multplayer was better
Yeah I never expected this to amount to anything after we completely stopped hearing about it after its announcement. Ah well.
Oof all the reviews have been rough. Really rough. For once, I'm glad a game is delayed for us here in NOA land.
It just means everybody should be playing Runbow.
What is the purpose of rushing out a written review with a pending score?
Game is getting ripped in reviews everywhere.
Face it, the game is rubbish.
Given the over indulgent previews NL gave DT I pratically expect this game to receive a sub-zero score. I've enjoyed many games which got less than stellar reviews in the past though. Likewise there are plenty of critically acclaimed games which I took extreme grievance with. Gonna have to try it myself and disregard the reviews.
@Garet_Jax Oh you know it! I've been waiting forever for Runbow to get a release date and for Nintendo to drop it so close to street date is kind of weird. Hopefully the lack of marketing doesn't hurt the game's sales because Runbow deserves everyone's money. =)
I'm not going to buy this for more than 20 euro.
Also: Microtransactions and PC version really shows the only goal here: To get more income to cover the costs of the long development time.
I will most likely get this, but XCX will be taking up most of my December game time.
Sounds like it's crap, basically what I would expect for a Wii U game not made by Nintendo. Hard to care about a system when the only good games for it are only from Nintendo themselves
@dariusq You should add me so we can do online multi! Definitely looking for more people to play Runbow with when it launches.
Wow the reviews for this game are super harsh!
4/10 sounds like a total loss!
@holygeez03 clicks... Nintendo life is a business.
Famitsu gave Devil's Third a 34/40 with an average of 8 per reviewer. I tend to click more with Japanese games than western games. Skyrim bored the Hell out of me. So much so that I actually cried. Skyward Sword, on the other hand, I adored. People thought the WiiMotionPlus was a gimmick. I legitimately felt like I was wielding the Master Sword. Screw the reviews. I'm getting Devil's Third.
@C-Olimar I can see that with a limited edition product or something in incredibly high demand, but why with something as unknown, and that has had nothing but negative leaks for the longest time now, as Devil's Third? There's literally no benefit to it. And the review itself makes it pretty clear it's not a good game, I don't think you need to score to crack this review.
If it makes you feel better, they have put up a review roundup, and the results are godawful.
Game surely doesn't look great visually overall, but honestly I don't understand how people are blasting the graphics from a Wii U standpoint. Considering every other game that has released on Wii U, including Bayonetta 2 (people seem to love to praise its visuals for whatever reason), it's not bad at all for a Wii U game. There are better looking games on Wii U, but taking into consideration the art styles and what other games are going for technically, they're not that much better looking. Performance could've been better though :/
I can't believe how much the golden eggs cost. You have to pay for a game that's half broken and they expect you to pay even more to get an advantage in multiplayer. I doubt I'll be buying this one as there probably won't be anyone to play online for the Wii U version
The technical issues are serious according to most reviews. I'm currently playing The Last of Us Remastered and Yoshi's Woolly World. When I'm done with them I'll download Resident Evil Remake on PS4. Zero interest in Devil's Third.
You had a god damn month to come up with a good line, and the best you could do is 'what devilry is this?'!!??
Shame on you
This review confirmed my feelings that I shouldn't buy Devil's Third. With these sorts of games, I normally enjoy single player much more than multiplayer, and it doesn't sound like this game is worth buying for the single player. Plus, the Golden Eggs is very off-putting because I'm a completionist and enjoy completing everything in a game, so I always enjoy a game much less if it contains a premium currency.
''Plenty of stat-boosting equipment can only be bought with Golden Eggs''
Unsold. Exclusive paid DLC that is not attainable through sheer gameplay, other than cases where it's merely ornamental, becomes a huge no-no. I did not intend on picking up the game at full price in any case, but that sentence alone makes me question even the possibility of a second-hand buy. I guess I'll wait and see.
Came in not wanting it, came out not wanting it. When does XC come to Wii u VC for NA.
To people who are defending this game: We know this game's main focus is multiplayer, but it's no excuse for the broken singleplayer. Also I'm currently turned off by the micro transactions. Like I said before, I will only buy it if the price is $20.
Pay to win DLC is horrific. If this game has more players than CoD Ghosts and BO2 on Wii U, I might still buy it for the novelty of violence against humans on a Nintendo.
@mattmayatt Where is it selling for £27? Might be tempted at that price, multiplayer still looks like a blast.
Based on your first impressions, I'm not expecting a good score. Decent, maybe but definitely not good.
The fact that there is microtransactions in this game and it's controls and performance is terrible is a instant put off and just a large sign for me to not buy this
Reviews aside, I'm getting this day 1. Ninja gaidien games are the same quality and I enjoyed them. Not as much as say Bayonetta 2, but they were fun. I expect Devils 3rd to be worth playing and fun, but not a masterpiece in any way. As for the price, people buy call of duty buy the millions each year for $60 and they are just as much garage games as this is. They just sell more.
@zool Then perhaps my opinion was far too generous.
I'm getting this regardless. I have to see what Itagaki has conjured after the masterpiece of Ninja Gaiden.
@gatorboi352 you can't compare this to splatoon at all. The online got some nice ideas, but the game itself is not fun, unlike splatoon, which is the polar opposite. Splatoon is quite bare, but executes everything it wants to do flawlesslly. Devil's third online is fun and i played a lot, but the bugs, glitches and the bad gameplay are just as frequent there as they are on the single player. It doesn't matter if the siege parts are well though (and they are. Easily the best part of the game). The game itself is not that good and never touches the quality of splatoon in anything.
Also, the japanese version has no microtransaction. You win eggs every day and level up and that's it
Every time I see this game I think Hybrid Heaven (N64), Winback (N64), and Ninja Gaiden (Not N64, hehehe)
This one's going to be extremely hard to spend $60 on....
It's crazy.
I don't care, day-one once it comes out. Hopefully, the F2P PC version will fill the servers once the Wii U version releases in the Americas.
Well this sounds like an awful piece of garbage.
@Zach777 Indeed, how am I supposed to know what the reviewer thought without a score? I could actually read the review, but what am I, a chump?
I will buy this, but I have to know; can you play off-tv in multiplayer!?!?!?
I was just thinking a couple of weeks ago, "I bought WINBACK on N64 when it was released, looks like DEVIL'S THIRD will be my WiiU's WINBACK!"
@erv I wouldn't worry about it not selling enough for an online community. Assassin Creed III and both Call of Duty game have small but still enough people to full up lobbies, and seeing as exclusives do better and are respected more on Nintendo consoles I feel this is no problem.
@AVahne The game has ranging visuals. Some things look fairly nice, other things... well, just take a look at this (ignore the streamers):
@Donutman COD may be an annual thing but atleast they are polished, looks godd, plays great, no micro transactions, has also a fun multiplayer. so you justify buying an unpolished game for 60$ over COD? Ill take COD over this anyday.
@WhiteTrashGuy haha! Nice! Yeah I could only hope Devil's Third gives me as much fun as I had with Winback. I know it was stupid at points making you go all the way around a level to get up on a ledge when you could simply jump and pull yourself up if it were real life but it was so satisfilying pulling off a head shot with that pistol from far away! (Unlimited ammo!)
Now I'm excited about this... Could be fun
Devil's Third is poopitypoopoop, plain and simple. Remember how you were screaming at NoA to get it localized? Yeah. I expect nothing more than a 3/10.
To the people saying that they'll get it because "the Japanese reviews are good, and I click with that audience" (you know who you are), remember that Famitsu is corrupt as hell, and they're paid by developers for good reviews. They quite literally can't give a bad review to a big-name or over-hyped game. This is true for any Japanese reviews. Reviewers are afraid of getting sued, so the Japanese are pretty much in the dark when buying, well, anything. Famitsu reviews aren't even reviews, they're vauge and one-paragraph and can be used with any game just as well because they don't give you any information about the actual game. It's usually something like "This is a very exciting game with immersive visuals and is very enthralling and fun.", accompanied with a 9/10.
Bad games are bad, no matter what country you're in.
Generic suckfest
By the time this game drops to a price I would be willing to pay for it the online component is going to be completely deserted.
You must have a lot of crappy games then.
I don't think Skyrim bored the japanese. So in conclusion, you're all alone.
Well, using F2P models in a full price game is already a disqualifying point for me. Its as low as you can get as a developer.
Excessive cosmetic DLC ? Oh well, if you have to.
Expansions and "might as well release the cut stuff stil" DLC ? Go for it.
But gameplay altering micro transactions for ingame items and boosts in a full price title ?
So, im Paying 60 bucks for a game, that doesnt deliver fully in single player and mainly banks on its multiplayer which is won by throwing even more money at the screen ?
Thats exactly my idea of fun...
@Zach777 I hear you; what a tease.
I really really hate the main characters design. There should be docked a point just for that!
@Bowser908 There are some other places to get reviews like Dengeki, but Dengeki doesn't give scores to games. Famitsu does do more than one line in their actual reviews, but their reviews are quite bare like you say. I think one problem is that they have 4 people review the game (well that and them receiving advertisement money.. but that happens in the US and Europe as well). Since only 4 people review it, it means that they cannot review the game as thoroughly.. each person can only play the game for a very short amount of time, I would suspect. It's not like Devil's Third is a big title, though.. Nintendo of Japan has barely promoted it at all and the physical copy is an Amazon exclusive.
This game has extremely bad reviews elsewhere:
Seems that the next game I will buy is Mario Maker.
It sounds like a 5/10 or worse.
The game is still suffering from what was addressed in the previews. It certainly looks like a fun game, both multiplayer and single-player, but with all the graphical issues, bugs and apparently stiff aiming I won't buy this game. Maybe after pricedrop, MAYBE.
There are too many good games coming so my money goes to FF5, Fast Racing Neo, XCX etc.
The multiplayer sounds so interesting, but I really think the ability to pay for huge advantage will completely break it.
Really tempted to buy this on sale though.
So, they ask 60 bucks for half baked / half broken singleplayer experience while the multiplayer is a pay to win system same as the free pc version.... Smart, very smart.
This will be one of the few time I won't be disappointed by N fanbase if the game bombs. There are many other 3rd parties titles on WiiU that deserve love. I will stick to planetside 2 and bf4 for my massive fps fix
Considering that I've spent less than € 60 to buy Vanquish, Binary Domain, Metal Gear Rising and Shadows of the Damned I'll sure skip this, saving money for Fatal Frame LE!
@Volke93 You're awful.
This is a real shame as Wii U needs a few decent games like this in its library.
@IceClimbers #103 Didn't know they made also a PS1 version....
Casually pushes this game aside as he walks towards Super Mario Maker
Say what you will, but this, in my opinion, is easily the most bizarre results from a game that Nintendo has had their fingers dipped in, in a long while.
Nintendo: -eats your opinions on next gen gaming-
Nintendo: vomits up warped out N64, PS1, WiiU, PC, PS360 game
Oh god. Why did I look at the Wikipedia article about this game? Someone from this website obviously edited it.
@Tsuchinoko No, I'm the only victim here. The last E3 brought me to a deep depression because with that abomination, Iwata pratically not only killed Nintendo but also completely destroyed the last hope I had for the videogame world as for today. I'm not capable to enjoy modern videogames because being extremely sensitive and anxious seeing cutted heads or something like that it's extremely disturbing to me, that's why I gave all my hopes to Nintendo in the latest years, and as much I agreed with many people that Iwata had bad marketing policies, I didn't care much because at least those didn't influenced the quality of the games.... until the E3 2015 where they did.... after that day I started to feed a deep hate for Iwata, and I've fallen into a depression that make me felt bad for other things. I've already enough problems in my life, and if someone strips to me even one of the few things that makes me happy my reaction is pretty much normal... I wanted Iwata out of the way since that day, that was the only hope Nintendo had to reborn, but investors continued to give him their trust so I realized that was a lost cause, and I gave up all my hopes.... and then a few days later... Iwata died. It wasn't really my idea of him "getting out of the way" yes, but at least as much as I didn't wanted him dead, I can still see the glass a bit full, and now Nintendo has finally a chance of reborn..... but before, we have to get rid of all the atrocities that man approved and were shown during the last E3.
Two things that prevent me buying a game, no solo mode and micro transactions. A broken solo mode is a no solo mode in my book. So it looks like this is no longer on my radar.
Point of frustration - I haven't read every single comment but there's no mention of the "no voice chat", but yet every other comment on Splatoon was on the lack of voice chat. Hmm...
@Volke93 Call your insurance. I'm sure they'll cover therapy if you show them what you just wrote.
Love way most you are dismissing game before you've even played it!
Remember these are opinions of a few!
And you should form your own opinion after you've played it!
Seen this video and totally agree with it -
Yea know there was time were we played games because they were fun not because of graphics or game mechanics.
When i get game tomorrow I'll experiencing it on own terms. I won't comparing it or analysing its flaws.
I'll be switching off my brain and enjoying it. For what it is!
@MarvinTheMartian #129 I believe is like that because the lack of voice chat is the least f the problems this game has....Still, your is a good point. In a game like this no voice chat means almost no way of tactical interaction between team member. Same for Splatoon, in both games is a major letdown for me.
Scores are lame, and so is demanding them.
@Tate24 so you basically want people to spend 60$ blindly so they could form an opinion? What if the game was indeed crap, what are you going to tell those who followed your advise? Better luck next time?
Unfortunately, it doesn't really matter to me how good the multiplayer might be if the single player is buggy and has a poor frame rate. I usually only buy games where every aspect of them are fully functional and entertaining to play. I can't get into the multiplayer if the campaign turns out to be rubbish, especially since I'm not really into competitive multiplayer as much anymore.
@Tubalcain - who telling you buy it? I didn't!
If played it then you voice opinion on it!
If haven't played it then your can't!
So Telling me every game you've ever bought been golden! I very much doubt it!
We all take that chance when We buy something we only know about through reviews From other people. I've bought games on reviews based on this site that given game 9/10 and when ive played it I've honestly though are you serious! This game no were near 9/10.
Showing that don't trust ever review you read!
Plus never payed 60 pound for game ever maybe you need shop around bit
@Tate24 wait so you are limiting people from having opinions just because they havent played it before? So im not allowed to voice any opinion with regard to any game i havent played before? Where am I? Cold war russia?
So for example pixels(the movie) was critically panned. You mean i cant dismiss the movie because i havent watched it before? The game is critically panned, people will dimiss it based on that itself.
BTW. I said 60 DOLLARS($$$$$$$$) not pounds.
Lastly your not the opinion police
@Aneira Maybe. what's it to you?
Basically all of the reviews now out for this game make a point to describe its troubled development process. This brings the overall tone and score (when assigned) in to question. I think (really, I'm sure) reviewers get caught up in an industry-wide narrative for some games, and the narrative for this one was it's going to suck, and suck hard. I'll probably still be buying this day one.
Not that I was ever interested in this game in the first place, but why do all the Wii U shooters ignore the Wiimote and Nunchuck? They keep forcing awkward dual analog and gyro controls on us, yet the best FPS controls are right there and still compatible with the Wii U, yet the developers refuse to give us the option! Just because the GamePad is the Wii U's primary innovation doesn't mean it's the best gameplay option for every game, just as there were plenty of Wii games that controlled better with a Classic or GameCube Controller than a Wiimote and Nunchuck.
@Moon Yeah, or at least "(Score Pending)" in the title would've been nice
@Malanta Thanks, I'll check that out
Mine arrived today so will try it out after work - seems like multiplayer is where its gonna be at
@Tsuchinoko I don't need insurances, I know how I feel. I just know that that man two months ago DESTROYED something I loved for over a decade, and the fact that he's now dead doesn't change this at all. Now that he's out of the way however Nintendo has the chance to return to its former glory, but not before all the last stupid decisions Iwata made before dying will be released this year. I'm just mad that now because that man we'll have to wait minimum another half decade for a TRUE new Star Fox game and/or a TRUE new Metroid...
@Tate24 You disagree with him fine but don't start throwing insults which are uncalled for instead use the report button if you feel his comments are out of order. (Jazzer)
@Tate24 wahh big man. Haha nice rebuke man. Ye gat me gud!
Every other review site has posted a score and they are all terrible. I'm sure this site doesn't like to upset Nintendo by posting a low score so you delay until everyone else slams the game. Completely lame.
i'm all about the mp for this game,yeah it sounds broken as poopitypooppoop, seriously though what game like this doesn't come out broken anyway lol
@Tate24 1. The score is still pending.
2. Have you seen the game's metacritic rating?
I smell a 2 out of 10 coming our way. Sorry, Itagaki-san.
Guess I'll just get the PC version...
If there was a second Devil's Third game with assured Nintendo dollars behind it, it would be a great opportunity for Valhalla to give us the greate game they meant to create.
@MagicEmperor "Among choosing sides in game modes, there is a third side known as the "Free Entry" option, which is said to be the option that would appeal to the Lone Wolf type of player"
Whoever wrote that fancies themselves as a journalist, not a regular Wikipedia contributor
@Bowser908 You're so right about Famitsu. Rather embarrassing that all the Westerners look to them for early opinions. That said, people in Japan do seem to like the game judging by its Amazon score. My theory is that because the story tries to look clever, involving Western politics, which Japanese players may be unfamiliar with, softens the story's stupidity. On top of this, many japanese gamers don't play any western games other than COD, and as such the clichés of the story may be that less familiar. Additionally, Itagaki's insistence that the game is consistently 30fps suggests that perhaps, just perhaps, Europe received an earlier, buggier version of the code than Japan, which was then distributed as the game's final code.
Games like these are why I'm glad I GameFly. I will play this, but now that I've had a review of it, I understand just how unpolished this is, which is very, very unfortunate. I do know in my time I've played some unpolished games that were just quirky enough to still be fun on some level. When I play this, I will go into this with my expectations already low, that way I don't have to be too disappointed.
This game seems to have too many problems for me to overlook. I was already not interested, and this review has solidified that.
I get the feeling Nintendo life is desperately trying to find a 7/10 in there somewhere
NL mods have really dropped the ball on this comment section.
I never played WINBACK on the PS2, but I would love to see it released on the VC. When RESIDENT EVIL 4 was released on the GCN I went around letting people know that it was the spiritual successor to WINBACK, lol. Laser sight aiming FTW!!
I thought this was coming out in December.
How so?
@Gamer83 any profanity is normally dealt with pretty swiftly
Well, after spending around 5 hours on this last night on both the single player and multiplayer (done the first 3 missions and some deathmatch and team deathmatch modes online) I officially feel like I am playing a different game from every reviewer :/ - The graphics aren't the best but to say its ps2 standard is ridiculous, they don't detract from the game being fun to me - I had very little slowdown so far in my single player campaign and have experience no problems or bugs or anything...multiplayer online was actually pretty good fun - as mentioned there is stuff you can pay for using real money (the golden eggs) but I never felt like I was missing out by not having that stuff....I managed to come 3rd several times, 2nd a few times and 1st a few times as well in the games ^_^ - so far I would say to people judge it based on some videos and trailers and make up your own mind - if graphics are super important to you then give it a miss, if you want a game to just really mess about with and have some fun then get it
Lol its 10am here on day of release and there is STILL not score?
This is gonna fail so bad!
@Toad Yes, in the US. Came out earlier this month in Japan and today in Europe. Hopefully by then some of the technical issues might be ironed out by a patch, but I'm not holding my breath.
They better release at 29.99€ at best, 'cause this just reads as something I want to get and will have fun with, when the price drops, but, seeing its published by Nintendo, that won't happen, so the price better be somewhat acceptable from the beginning, or I'll probably never play this, and I kind of want to
@Tubalcain 1st, call of duty is not polished. It gets tons of patches to fix issues and they even just reskin cut scenes in some games. Call of duty today is maybe just a polished call of duty 4. 2nd, most cod players pay over $100 a year for Dlc packs with the game. That means that last gen the average cod player paid $700 to play that game. That's sad. Notvto mention those same people probably has Xbox live too, which is like another $500 last gen for that. i can afford to buy a game like Devils third for $60 because I didn't pay more then $120 last gen on the above polished crap.
@Donutman Oh snap! Call of duty bashing! Gee mister your so cool!
Anyway your equating DLC with the price of the game? Then hyrule warrior must be so expensive, and mario kart 8 must then be nearing 90$ right now and so is Smash Bros. You dont have to buy the DLC! The game is perfectly playable without it. The maps offered with the game ia still played by lots if players today. Moreover i have played many call of duty games, even bought advance warfare on its release and i can tell you that unlike devils third, there were no ugly textures, erratic performance, etc etc the fixes mostly consists of minor bugs, rare glitches and balance correction for multiplayer. Since we are talking about price, then lets add all the microtransaction crap of devils third just to be fair.
Well currently playing game! And having blast And appears everyone miiverse are enjoying it as well!
It seem only ones who missing out are ones listening to this review ha!
Just done the first section myself, and honestly? Seems like an extremely fun action game so far. Camera controls are really good, and I'm not experiencing any major issues gameplay wise, or with the graphics.
I don't know why there's been a massive smear campaign against this game (is it some kind of political agenda because of the violence, or because of Itagaki's (admittedly poor) attitude towards people pointing out faults with the game or what?) and it's pretty sad that a lot of people who would have given it a go are going to be put off because of it.
GameCentral Metro awarded it 2/10 and that's pretty absurd,
I had to have this game and yes I know the review scores. Being prepared for the worst I started it up with low expectations and 2 hours later I had trouble laying down the gamepad. There must be something wrong with my gaming tastes because I enjoyed every minute of it.
I played mostly single player and tried one online match. I'm happy with the game. It's way prettier the ZombiU (played it earlier this week). I'm having more fun with this single player then I had with both Call of Duty games (Might be my B movie preference acting up). So I join @ToxieDogg and @Tate24 in saying this is fun. Try it before you dismiss it based on all the bad scores and 'turd' jokes.
there are a lot of sites that just hate Nintendo. I've read most of the reviews and universally the controls are brought up as a negative. I'm thinking these hipsters need to get better at playing games. Almost every single person who bought the game and is playing it likes it from what I've read. I also think the reviewers got an early build of the game because the people that bought it don't report there being that many bugs or issues. Sound an awful like the stupid review for ZombiU which was a great game. Watch some videos of gameplay preferably someone who doesn't suck at games. It actually looks pretty damn fun! Judge for yourselves
I don't get why this game has gotten so many negative reviews.
Sure, it has a few problems here and there but I've played it for several hours today and it's been a LONG time since I had this much fun with a shooter.
Both the shooting and the melee combat is super satisfying, it feels more like a 90's or early 2000's shooter than a modern Call of Duty type shooter, and that's a good thing. The plot feels like a mix between an 80's action movie and a really cheesy anime and even if it has serious parts it doesn't take itself too seriously (at least not up to the point where I am in the story) and that's also a good thing.
The multiplayer is very fun too.
just grabbed it from my eb, despite my initially low expectations this game just impressed me more and more as i saw it played. So i pre ordered it at full price.
3 hours in, i would say to any action fan to get it! the SP is great, no technical issues, the controls are spot on, and can be adjusted, though i wont. the soundtrack is great and it just works. melee and ranged are perfectly viable, depending on taste. AK variants for me thanks:) but slicing and dicing feels like ninja gaiden should have.
If i had to relate it, i would say its Metal Gear Solid made by Sega for people who want to jump in and frag and frag and frag some more. Excellent
IGN just gave this an awful review. Nintendo life should just stop beating around the bush and give it a score. The thing I hate most is that people are hating on Nintendo for this. Sure they published it but they didn't develop it. There is a gigantic difference between the two.
I'm enjoying it quite a lot so far. Best game ever? No. But a solid 7.5 or 8/10 for me. I've seen a couple of (very) minor framerate issues when there's a ton of explosions on screen (such as an airstrike) and that's it. Controls are absolutely fine, I'm not understanding reviewers complaining about the camera or aiming at all. The visuals, whilst old fashioned at times, are still definitely a cut above PS2 games and actually look extremely impressive in some instances.
It's got elements of Gears Of War, but mostly reminds me of a cross between Ninja Gaiden and Max Payne. I really hope gamers in general listen to word of mouth from other gamers more than they do 'reviewers' this weekend. As I've said, I'm pretty sure it's partly a political backlash towards Itagaki acting like an idiot on social media, or the need to make a game look worse than it is so that they can then get away with claiming Metal Gear Solid 5 is the best game ever next week
Granted MGSV isn't coming out on Wii U, but I'm aiming it more at the multiformat sites, Nintendolife's review isn't the worst one I've seen.
Enjoying This game so far, There are things you can do in the multiplayer that no other game does, it's like Titan fall pace, CoD scale maps and a fair amount of run and gun.
Some players are already pulling off perfect mid air/run 180 degree return fires and the fact you can scale most terrain makes for tense engagements. I'm surprised at just how good this 'terrible' game is, worth it for the Multiplayer alone. I'm 3 levels into SP an although technically stuttery it's still fun and serves as a solid tutorial for MP, lets you get used to the movement and firing/melee mechanics.
If it had some Nintendo polish this would definitely be getting an 8.Theres a good solid core underneath the lack luster execution. Multiplayer isn't a laggy mess either, so that automatically puts it above Destiny in my opinion.
Visually, I'd just like to point to two key games here, compare the graphics to MGS 4, while it's lighting and some of the character textures and animation aren't as good, the resolution is better and theres definitely crisper texture work in some of the terrain. Both games drop frames, both games are still fun despite it.
Now compare it to something like Dead Rising 2, better models, better textures, better animation, better controls and better frame rate, that game scores 7s and 8s and couldn't touch Devil's third in Multiplayer. Yet Devil's Third is clearly the better game visually and performance wise.
Some people are being very rose tinted with just how bad 360 an PS3 graphics were.
I preordered this from amazon and received it yesterday. Been playing it all day and must say I'm really enjoying it. Total 80's action movie vibe to the story, tonnes of action and a great move/weapon set. Bosses offer good challenge and it's so over the top it's grey fun. Only had a quick try of online but it's HUGE. Tonnes of customisable features and lots of scope. Well worth a go if you like action gems or fancy an online blast. Yes the frame rate and odd judder etc happens, but it's not deal breaking for me. Not enough game like this on WiiU so it's a welcome addition
I've put in a fair few hours into both the single player and the multiplayer and...
I'm glad I bought it. Yeah, there's jank, but after playing games for a quarter of a century, I can live with some jank if it's great elsewhere. Liking the single player story, @Udders78 is bang on with the 80s action flick vibe. Online is great fun, the customization is cool for characters and there's some rather fun game modes.
Glad I got it. A welcome addition to my groaning shelves.
It's so bad the score is still pending! It's so bad there isn't a video-review to be found on Youtube! Lol!
Could this be another ZombiU? Panned by critics but enjoyed by everyone else? I looked on Miiverse the other night and pretty much everyone was loving it...
I'm surprised by just how many people are enjoying this game. I was originally just set on getting the PC version, but with all of the people having so much fun with the Wii U version,I might just change my mind. I wonder if this game would have had a much higher metacritic score if the single player campaignhad been scrapped.
Oh, can I ask how much impact microtransactions have on the multiplayer? It's really bugging me.
everyone should stop hating,,,im kinda enjoying online and the game aint as bad as u think to be honest..wii u library is kinda small so more games the beter not every game is a 9/ people shud make there own opinions of games wen theyve played it ,,, dnt base ure opinions on isnt amazing and yes has faults but overall its not that bad
I got to be honest first impression was ps2 game with beefed up effects, hand to hand with knifes ect seems to be more of what the game is about with guns being second fiddle, I played it on my 3d in normal mode at first then I started it again in 2d to 3d mode and all of a sudden the graphics seem more up to date, anybody else found this? As for glitches I can't really say I've noticed so far although I not played it too much at the moment.
They should just release the multiplayer part on Wii U for free. Apparently it's pay to win anyway!
Why has it taken so long to make a pretty rubbish game!! It sounds good to me. A game you'll play for abit then quickly forget about and probably never play again.
Usually as Nintendo fans we are used to an overly generous outpouring of critical acclaim that doesn't reflect the views of the fans (for example twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, SSB brawl) but this game is unique because critical reception has been negative compared to fan reaction.
From Metacritic, Amazon reviews and my own opinion, this is a fun game that has cult classic written right through it. I love what I've played so far.
I will buy it when it hits fifa 13 price (about £2.99). Most likely in a few weeks lol.
@davetheshrew uh i don't think so. Nintendo isnt going to produce a lot of these, so price will probably stay above 30 euros, except if you maybe buy it used. And we know the digital price will stay high.
@TheDavyStar Very little - If anybody used the micro transactions it would be to buy the X weapons which you only have access to after so many kills in a row. Like the CoD kill streak perks. You can buy Golden Eggs to exchange for in game cash to buy standard weapon & add ons like red dot scope or second grip, but to be honest you get enough eggs free in the game when you start and you earn more as you progress in solo and multiplayer.
To me only people with money to waste would buy these eggs because they want all the weapons and add ons to start with and would probably do so as they could be bothered to play the game to earn them.
I haven't seen an unbalance yet.
Overall I'm starting to enjoy this game the more I play it. At the start I was very frustrated as I found the aiming to be jumpy and not smooth to control and the control schemes provided take a bit of practice. I put this down to not being used to playing shooters with dual sticks and pad controller as I play CoD with wii remote plus and nunchuck, and splatoon with giro enabled. I resolved this from advice from players on Miiverse and adjusted the sensitivity downward and it performed better.
I would say to anyone on the fence with this to play it in store or find a friend that has it and try it. (Or rent it if they still do that now)
I don't regret buying it and I feel the online multiplayer side is far better in terms of options, choices available and maps than any of the CoD's that are available for the WiiU. Plus they have announced a patch in Sept that will add further game modes.
.................................................. FLAT! Game flatlined. I knew that before release
So it's a 5 then. Expected a 5 or 6 after having read the review. However, now that it's out, it seems increasingly interesting to me. At least way more interesting than any CoD.
I do wonder if Valhalla will continue to support this game post release with patch updates.
From Nintendolife scoring policy:
"A five is where you really need to start wondering if this game is for you. We are saying this game is average in our own subjective opinion. You have to judge for yourself if you are so attracted to this game's concept that you are going to take a chance on it anyway. We'll always give our reasons to show why the game failed to impress."
Just to let people know to keep an open mind and that 5 is not a automatic fail, leave that to the 4s and below . Also still jealous NA still have to wait until December to play it.
Btw is online play regional or global?
No voice chat! Shocking in any co-op online multiplayer game. 1 star
Based on how this plays and the fact the review refers to it as nothing new. I'd expect to see the poor graphics and lack of multiplayer and no voice edition of starfox also receive a 5/10
@WiltonRoots What do you mean ZombiU was panned by critics. It's got 77% on Metacritic, with 40+ sites giving it an 80% - 92% score.
Who didn't see this coming?
This game looked meh right out the gate.
@Lord Well Star Fox does have the gimmicky GamePad control/view.
@Kirk oh yes I forgot about that 4/10
@Spideron an excellent game worth £40 or £7 one of the best uses of the gamepad, along with mh3 and resident evil.
Thing is, since it's a Nintendo game it'll be treated as so very revolutionary and reviewers will rave about it. There are already people who think the game's terrible graphics are "good".
@AVahne with iwata passed it it definitely time for a change and with that I mean miyamoto also needs to retire or step down. His vision for Nintendo is out of touch and to protective. He himself requested voice chat to be removed from splatoon, he also wanted starfox to be a single player re-release. I hate to think what he has told retro to do with metroid. (No online, no chat etc) and what was the big discovery that stopped us getting zelda initial reports said it was the lack of action and random encounters. I worry that Nintendo spreads it self to thinly to produce games instead of focusing on 1 or 2 with all the game delays we get most appear to be delayed and then we game some trashy infill title. Examples crappy games that they need not have made (wasted labour) blast ball thing, animal home designer, animal crossing board game, steam game ds, rusty baseball, kirby paintbrush, art academy, Amiibo 3 min game, and I could go on. Each year instead of 5 excellent games we get 1 excellent game 2 ok games and 10 amazing small games. Need I say more.
Just beat the single player campaign. Really liked it, continuing to love multiplayer. My faith in Itagaki was rewarded.
5 from Nintendo Life and 3.5 from IGN, this game sounds like total garbage.
i'm almost done with the solo campaign. so far i really like this game. nothing special nothing new. just a fun fast action game.
@Lord First of all, Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer is selling fairly well in Japan, so I don't know if that is a terrible game or not. Secondly It kinda seems to me that the games you listed that were terrible are just games in genres you don't enjoy. That doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad game. Except that amiibo tap. It's not even a real game, just glorified demos.
@EllenJMiller Any big issues with the controls? And what controller did you use?
Itagaki has offered his rebuttal of sorts.
@Ryu_Niiyama I used the Gamepad with the Default control scheme, I know Itagaki recommended the Wii U Pro Controller.
I didn't notice any difficulties with it. I don't have a Pro Controller to try and compare to, sadly.
@EllenJMiller Great! good to know... My pro controller is collecting dust...I'm happy I don't have to awaken it from its slumber.
@Spideron I was basing it on the way people view games today where an 8 or under is classed as a stinker. I saw a few reviews (not inclined to dig out sources) but they blatantly just didn't get it when they reviewed it.
What's wrong with Kirby paintbrush? It was a lovely little game. Art academy is what it is, but there's nothing wrong with it if you enjoy drawing/painting. Also, are you referring to code name steam, when you simply said steam game ds? If so, that was one of my favorite games this year. No, it wasn't perfect, but I loved it's zaniness.
@Volke93 Get a new hobby. Or some anti-psychotic pills. Either one works.
On topic; I've already purchased Devil's Third. Not because I was particularly interested in it, but for the sake of my Wii U collection. It's pretty obvious this is no GOTY contender (as arbitrary as such a distinction really is), but I can still see myself having some dumb fun with it. If the community is there, I think the multiplayer could be somewhat of a sleeper hit - though those microtransactions really put a dampener on things; much like MGSV - which is just a wee bit better than this game. Just a bit.
@Lord The majority of the games you listed have audiences. Even the amiibo tap works well as a demo solution to get people that may not have played older games but have amiibo (ie today's gen of kids). It is not like Nintendo said "LOLWUT let's make Mario is missing 2". They have a full portfolio of franchises that hit different demographics...sounds like you are just upset that you don't fall into the demographic for the games you griped with. They can't make every single game be Zelda, Pokemon, Mario and the occasional Metroid.
Also how are you calling for Miyamoto-dono to step down? This early in the game he HASN'T done anything yet. He is likely still working on games more than management issues.
@Volke93 I hate to say it but I think perhaps you may be taking gaming a bit too seriously. To me it's a take it or leave it kinda thing, throw a couple of hours in here and there to escape from the daily routines, entertain myself then jump back out and get on with other things. If playing games affects you on this level that can't be good.
@Lord Miyamoto isn't responsible for Splatoon's lack of voice chat. That was the developers themselves making personal design choices. I should point out that those were younger people too.
As for Retro, we have no idea what they are working on. They may not even be working on a Metroid title at all, though we do know for a fact that no Metroid Prime title is in development.
So the online is pretty decent. The review is way too long guys... but at least it might mean the game is salvagable, but not at full price.
@Lord No, you don't need to say more. Because you are blatantly making up rubbish.
"He himself requested voice chat to be removed from splatoon."
No, he didn't.
"he also wanted starfox to be a single player re-release."
So... A new game = re-release? Well, maybe if you played PS4. And single player is now a bad thing? That's news to me.
"hate to think what he has told retro to do with metroid. (No online, no chat etc)"
He has very little to do with Metroid. And Retro isn't making a sequel at all at the moment. Nintendo itself said as much.
"and what was the big discovery that stopped us getting zelda initial reports said it was the lack of action and random encounters."
"I worry that Nintendo spreads it self to thinly to produce games instead of focusing on 1 or 2 with all the game delays we get most appear to be delayed and then we game some trashy infill title."
You do realise Nintendo has more than one development studio?
"Examples crappy games that they need not have made (wasted labour) blast ball thing, animal home designer, animal crossing board game, steam game ds, rusty baseball, kirby paintbrush, art academy, Amiibo 3 min game, and I could go on."
Translation: "I don't like these games, so that means they suck, WAAAAH."
@HollywoodHogan seriously! "The devil is in the details" would've been fine!
I know I will enjoy this game when it hits the U.S. I just have to ask, many of my European peers are stating that the frame rate is very stable except for explosions; are you playing off of the disc or did you download?
I love this game, I'd probably give it an 8.5. Even if you don't love it as much as I do I think it at least deserves a 7. But at least you didn't give it a friggin 2 or 3/10 like a couple of other reviewers. I mean, it's one thing if this is not your type of game, I can understand that but 2/10 is the kind of score that you give to a game that is completely broken. If you have even the slightest interest in this game please don't listen to those reviews, this game is excellent!
@WhiteTrashGuy im playing from the disc. i dont really have annoying framerate drops. I havent got any bugs yet. The game is awesome so far and i dont understand how reviewers can give it a 2 or 3. Its nothing special nothing new thats for sure. Just a good fun fast action game. 6.5 or 7 will be a better score
I'm pretty sure this game will be considered quite underrated when all said in done. Not underrated like ZombiU or Lego City but I guarantee it will have it's cult following.
@Hero-of-WiiU That's a good way of putting it - a cult following.
All right, not surprising.
@Hero-of-WiiU LOL underrated. Read the review it does not sound like it's going to be underrated,it sounds like it's pure garbage.
Worst review ever!
Game is awesome and online is even better!
@EllenJMiller Glad to hear it. Only three more months for me.
Equal to Conduit 2, then I'll love it.
@Lord @Kage_88
Lord, get your facts right! Miyamoto never said that he doesn't want Star Fox Zero to have online multiplayer! He just said they are prioritising other things... at the moment! And it does have local co-op!
Read about it here:
Just a five? Oh boy... The comments section will become a war zone.
Funny how a game that always looked bad ended up being bad. Wish enough would have just let NOA drop it like they wanted to. Better Fatal Frame makes it to retail than this steaming pile.
@Lord I know, I own it...
Devil's Third is getting good reviews on Amazon lol.
@gatorboi352 nope, if it does not sell, then there is no reason to update...
@Volke93 I really hope your trolling and not serious. If you are serious, you need help... Do you have a job? Contrary to the popular saying
Gaming is not life.
Life is Friends, family, work, etc. With a little Nintendo on the side...
Please get help.
@Hero-of-WiiU A broken game underrated? A broken game is a broken game.
Looks awful. Please just go play Bayonetta 2 (again).
@ArmoredGoomba Exactly, RIP a good game
I'll probably look more at this game when it goes down in price.
@JaxonH : Its also praised by its players on Miiverse, Facebook and eShop.
It have 4.5/5 on eShop.
I trust gamers + Japan more than Metacritic, and will buy this game.
I see people talking about clans all the time in the game, and the community sounds good.
I don't think it's gonna be a GREAT game. I mean, clearly it's no classic. But I don't think it's as bad as these reviewers have made it out to be. I expect somewhere along the lines of Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge. A decent game, not great but enjoyable if you're a fan of the genre.
And if it does turn out to suck, so be it. But I'd rather see for myself.
@JaxonH : It won't be GOTY, but the online is the main part of the this game. MP wasn't even reviewed properly, because there almost no players online at all because it wasn't released. Its been said all along that online was the major part, and reviewers ignored that.
It would get higher scores if they tried it 2 days after release with online.
I think this game is underrated. "You let me live...big mistake..." "I agree." BAM! It's so 80's.
I just finished the game. I consider this to be a really good game. And
yeah, it's only in the us it gets bad reviews. Meaby because the main
character is Russian or something. But I would really recommend this
game to anyone looking for a great actiongame with excellent game
mechanics a more balanced difficulty than Ninja gaiden and without all
the rambling that Metal gear suffers from.
And yeah Nintendo got a
great Mii verse solution where you can read comments from people that
are actually playing the game so my suggestion is to look there as this
game gets so much flak from playstation and xbox users that really never
even tried a Wii U game before.
This game is actually a great action game. Games like Ninja gaiden and Metal gear actually have alot to learn from it. Ivan is pritty hardboiled. You get to do everything from riding a car shooting missiles all over the place, shooting down shopers while riding an airplane, intense cool boss fights, brilliant executed action. This game actually have a way higher grade in European reviews. Might be that the low grade is mainly because the main character is Russian and you know how the relations between the us and russia been lately but that actually make the hero even more badass and hard boilded. My suggestion is to go into miiverse and judge for yourself.
And yeah, check this part out for example:
It's also possible that sony or microsoft made a big bribing manuver.
as a huge Fan of NinjaGaiden I was really lookin forward to the release - such a shame it got so many bad reviews/scores around the net - Im gonna get this once it is a little bit cheaper- got so many other games to finish first that I seriously have no time for it right now.
All in all I dont care about the reviews, I always take them just to gather some overall info, and by now I am aware of what I can expect with that game - it surely is a solid Action Game, no doubt about it. The outcome of this was to be expected after that long development circle tbh
I'll be getting this game..I hope they sell it for 29.99 at least if everyone thinks its going to be a bad game. I'm just saying.. 😇
@Barrydunne I don't think it released yet.
So I finally got this game and it's a blast, online and off.
What's your problem, Thomas Whitehead? Why do you hate fun? Does a game need to be cute, or feature British accents for you to enjoy it?
Y'know, I missed out on the multiplayer, but I admit, I found entertainment in this game, though it did have framerate jitter and stuttering which had me double checking my controller lol. So... it definitely wasn't polished, but I feel it was still worth a play as a rental and exceeding some of my expectations. I'd give it a 7/10.
Shame that this game is terrible. It would have been a good contender to rival the Ninja Gaiden series.
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