When you get right down to it, almost every game consists of a very simple loop. For example, every Mario 2D platformer ultimately is nothing more than having the famed plumber jump over obstacles and run to the right. We’re rarely focused on the repetition, however, because it’s the new things that happen on each new trip ‘around the loop’ that makes it so interesting. Loop Hero is the ultimate example of this; Devolver Digital’s latest release is an RPG that’s focused on… walking in circles. And yet it’s impossible to put down.

Loop Hero puts you in the role of a nameless hero who’s charged with bringing the world back after it was destabilized and eradicated by a mysterious lich. The world is now a formless void filled with bits and pieces of what used to be, and even the hero’s memories of it have been eaten away, too. Luckily, your hero has the unique ability to cause things to stop fading, so you set out on a quest to slay the cosmic foes that ruined everything and hopefully find some way to bring it all back again.
Admittedly, it feels like the story is simply here to provide justification for the endless looping design of the gameplay, but we rather enjoyed the subtle humor that permeates through all the dialogue and descriptions. There’s just enough dry humor here to keep things from getting too serious, though you likely won’t be spending too much of your time focusing on the story.
In case you haven’t inferred it from the title, Loop Hero is all about repetition. Each time you set out on a new Expedition, your hero will spawn on a short, freshly generated path that takes only a couple minutes to fully traverse. The key thing here, however, is that you don’t manually control your hero at all. Rather, you flip the game between paused and active states, while making little changes along the way in a sort of 'inverted' take on the tower defense genre. Your hero simply walks forward on the loop and automatically fights anything that gets in his way, so it’s up to you to put things in his way that will make him stronger. You can make it easy on him if you want to, but then he’ll get bodied by the boss at the end of the expedition. If you make it too hard, however, he’ll never even make it that far.

The types and amounts of enemies you fight on the loop, then, is entirely dependent upon your strategy, and this lends Loop Hero an interesting depth given that where you put the enemies is just as important as which ones you spawn. For instance, if you put too many spiders’ nests in a row and aren’t properly geared for that gauntlet, the hero will likely become seriously wounded or be killed. You must put down the spider nests somewhere, however, because each new element you add to the loop fills up the boss gauge a little bit more, and once that’s full, you’re given a chance to take your shot at the current chapter’s boss. More importantly, it’s in your best interests to get the hero through as many battles as you reasonably can, because each fight offers up critical resources for success.
Not only do foes often drop crafting ingredients (more on that later), but they also drop important spawn cards and loot for you to kit out the hero with. The loot is especially important, as this is the primary element that controls your hero’s stats. Loop Hero positively showers you with new weapons and armor as you fight through the hordes, and like all great loot systems, there are always compromises you have to weigh when putting on new gear. Every now and then you’ll get that perfect drop that’s a clear upgrade from your current equipment, but more often it’s more nuanced than that. That new sword may bolster that lifesteal stat you want to increase, but it’ll also drop your defense lower than you'd like. Your current shield might not be cutting it for the enemies you’re facing, but do you really want to give it up and lose that big damage boost it gives you? Every loop is packed with tough and meaningful decisions, which helps greatly in warding off the staleness that sets in from literally walking in circles.
Loot is only half the equation here, however, as spawn cards are just as important. As mentioned above, these are your only way of progressing to the boss, and there are quite a few ways they can affect your adventure. Each card will let you build on one cell on the map, and some cards can be placed on the loop itself while others have to be placed in certain areas outside of it. All of them are beneficial to you, though some of them are much more directly useful. Meadows and mountains, for example, will positively raise your max health and regen capabilities, while villages will slightly heal your character when he passes through and give him a ‘quest’ that grants him some nice new loot if he can kill the monster in question.
Things are given more nuance, however, in that these cards represent where the deckbuilding element of Loop Hero comes in. Before each expedition, you first put together a hand of cards that will comprise the pool that the enemy kills draw from for that expedition. Though cards can spawn from enemy kills endlessly once you’re in an expedition, there are only so many types of cards you can have in your hand prior to leaving for it. So, if you want to add that new wheat field card—which bolsters the healing you get in villages—into the rotation, you’re going to have to remove another one to make room for it. If you drop an enemy spawning card, you’ll be missing out on the resources they offer on death and lower the chances of randomly drawing an enemy card, which inevitably leads to your character being weaker. If you drop a more directly helpful card, it’ll be that much harder to overcome the enemies you spawn. Balancing your hand takes time and experimentation, then, and this is made all the more interesting as you slowly unlock more advanced cards and have to pick between them.
We wouldn’t say that Loop Hero feels like a deckbuilder in the same way that Slay the Spire or One Step From Eden do, but this card system nonetheless adds some fun strategy elements both during and outside of runs. It’s always equal parts exciting and nerve-wracking when you unlock a new card, as each one meaningfully changes the way you approach each expedition. Meanwhile, each loop of your expeditions remains dynamic because you never know which cards may drop from the next enemy encounter.
As you advance on an expedition, you’re sure to amass a large collection of resources and goodies that you can take back with you to your base of operations to tip the odds in your favor. Here, you can build out new facilities like a smithy or a farm that will unlock more spawn cards and open up new gameplay elements like the ability to drink healing potions on an expedition or new class types. Most importantly, your investments at your base carry over between runs, and the permanence of these upgrades makes them some of the most meaningful boosts you can get in Loop Hero. No matter how poor you are at managing your hero’s stats and journey on an expedition, you can eventually overcome the difficulty by making upgrades back at the base that’ll give you more of a headstart for your next try.

This base building aspect gives Loop Hero a nice sense of forward progress that will appeal more to those who aren’t as wooed by the punishing nature of roguelikes. Sure, your carefully constructed, perfect loop may be annihilated when you die or retreat back to the camp, but knowing that you didn’t lose all your progress aids greatly in keeping you invested. It’s quite easy to get back to camp and either make an upgrade or see that you’re just shy of being able to get one, which then spurs you to get back out there and try ‘one more time’ for the fifth time that night.
The downside to this part of the gameplay, however, is that it can also lead to Loop Hero’s progression feeling too gated and slowed-down. Facility upgrades are costly and the resources you gather on an expedition often feel like they’re being trickled to you a little slower than you’d like. As you get beyond the first few hours, this upgrade system then begins to turn into a full on grind as the requirements become notably higher and take that much longer to achieve. This has the effect of dulling some of the magic of Loop Hero’s gameplay, and may make it feel too repetitive. Fortunately, the core gameplay of constantly managing your hero’s journey as he loops around proves to be dynamic and varied enough that these shortcomings with the upgrade economy aren’t too egregious.

As you’ve probably inferred from reading thus far, Loop Hero is less about playing the game itself and more about balancing the consequences of making a million decisions at once. It’s almost like a management sim in how you’re more focused on numbers and menus than you are on moving a character around and exploring a world. It may sound a little too busy, but there’s something distinctly satisfying about how compact and distilled everything is in Loop Hero. This isn’t a game where you’re wasting time running across long, empty fields to turn in a quest or mashing through lengthy dialogue sequences or cutscenes so you can move on to what’s next; it’s taking all the parts that are directly fun about a traditional RPG and stripping out virtually everything else.
From a presentation perspective, Loop Hero manages to satisfy with its charming and simple visuals. The semi-frequent instances of dialogue feature some nicely detailed sprite work, while the expedition segments are basic but very easy to read considering how much can be going on at once. Loop Hero isn’t a very colorful game—it leans really heavily on murky, dark colors—but it feels fitting for the tone and has a memorable aesthetic that feels distinct from being ‘just’ another pixel art indie title.
Similarly, the usage of deliberately low-quality soundbites for things like a crow cawing or a harpy clawing adds to the retro appeal without feeling like the developers phoned it in. Oh, and the music is utterly fantastic – especially the tunes that play during the final dash to one of the boss characters.
Loop Hero proves to be a fascinating and creative take on an RPG, distilling the genre down to its most important gameplay elements and throwing in some fresh ideas. Though some may be put off by the obviously repetitive nature of the core gameplay, Loop Hero is a consistently rewarding and engaging game that’ll easily get its hooks in you. The light deckbuilding elements, anti-tower defense gameplay, and solidly paced loot system make Loop Hero easy to love and we’d give this one a high recommendation to anyone interested in trying something a little different.
Comments 40
I started playing a couple of hours ago and it's definitely something I see myself getting pretty addicted to. Having a lot of fun so far.
Perfect fit for a handheld system too as it seems like it'll be a good game to play while watching something.
Ordering a physical copy via Special Reserve later today.
Can't wait.
How are the touchscreen controls for it? Seems like a perfect fit for handheld or tabletop mode without the joy cons attached
Just played it and it's awesome!
Sounds like something I'd enjoy. Got to check it out
Devolver is right up there as one of my favorite publishers. How do they continue to keep cranking such high quality products? Also, they always have the best showing at E3 every year.
I can't stand the look, i can barely tell what's on the screen in screenshots. I wish more effort was put into graphics, but i guess some people like making games look bad, or "minimalist", which isn't for me. Oh well, I'll hop on the next one that looks decent.
Really like tye look of this and when I checked the price its £5 more than the Steam version?
What's different with the Switch version that costs more as I can't see any mention of additional features
how much terrible it is?
By the way nice article.
So happy this reviewed well!
I’m curious about touch screen controls as well:
When I first played the game it was with mouse and keyboard of course… I think playing handheld would be great to have the option to drag and drop with your finger just like a mouse if possible.
I know it does no good for TV play, and that’s fine, but curious how touch screen controls, if any, were implemented.
I read a review a while ago that said it was the "perfect second monitor game", and then I tried to have it on in the background while working, and it is NOT A PERFECT BACKGROUND GAME IT IS VERY STRESSFUL ACTUALLY
Now just need time to make a order.
@Meteoroid No one said it was easy to make for console. The fact they got there is crucial in a indie survival. That means they play with the AAA crowd now and get name recognition and that means alot. There's always cost to console platform and for Steam not everyone can afford High broadband monthly ISP subscription to just play steam so there is a Cost that you didn't mention here as well to the so called practically free clause here. So we need to be honest here what the true cost of Steam is hidden from users.
I'll buy this and the other release because they have a card that comes with the higher package.
@Deerock69 Oh didn’t realise it was Devolver. SOLD.
@SwitchForce I’m confused as to why you would need a high speed broadband to play Steam games.
Don't usually care about graphics but this is just off putting to my eyes. Combine that with having a Switch Lite and this one won't be for me. Might try it if it gets an Android version, which seems possible.
Man... I own the PC version of this, and it's a great game! I would love to see how this would work with a touch screen. But if you haven't got the PC version yet, but you have a Switch, I would totally recommend getting this, it's such a great mix of RPG, Sim, and roguelite.
Great little game, this. The only thing that bothers me, of all things, is the home screen icon. There’s a weird line across the bottom making it look like it wasn’t framed correctly.
Interesting concept but the game is hideous.
@Magician Shoot... I was just going to say I loved this game, but not quite enough to double dip. I think a physical copy has just convinced me XD Thanks for the link!
This game is incredible. High style, moody, addictive, I literally love everything about this game.
@commentlife Samesies! Been playing all morning and absolutely love it!
Loved the Steam version to bits but the price is rather steep. Much like Necrodancer, I feel it will SHINE on a portable platform, so I will inevotably get it. Just... A bit cheaper.
I also have questions for the review because that PC-88-ish visual design is to die for.
I've been looking forward to this release on Switch, as it sounds like a game I'd love to try. I'm just starting out in Into the Breach, though, with other games on deck, so Loop Hero will have to wait.
My kids often play Minecraft or ACNH while watching Disney TV shows or Youtube or messaging their friends constantly on a second screen or screen-in-screen. I don't know how they can focus on either screen!
Just watching them do it stresses me out and I worry about long-term affects on their brain development. @_@;;
I wonder also how they can multitask that well and still completely tune me out when I need a chore done.
I do love these type of games but i always thought that this games presentation, especially its color palette is so incredibly off putting that i haven't picked it up yet.
@Meteoroid surely it's going to have an impact on sales, I would have definitely picked it up for Switch but not going to if it costs more than I can elsewhere.
I can't be the only person who thinks like this, especially if every indie game is £5 more on Switch. Buy ten "throw away" Indie games and it's cost you an extra £50 (that's 6 months of Gamepass!)
In my opinion there is NO reason for a game to be so hard to look at. In handheld mode this is impossible to play unless you constantly use the clunky zoom option on the switch.
Would have been a regular play for me otherwise too. Very poor art decisions and UI is difficult because of it.
To all who asked, there are full touch screen controls in handheld. Personally I preferred docked because it doesn't smudge the screen, but the drag and drop functionality is there if you want it.
@The_Pixel_King Haha, I noticed the white line, too! First thing I see now when I look at the tile.
I can’t speak for every region, but at least in the US the steam version and the switch version have the same retail price of $14.99. The steam version is on sale for $8.99 until Monday and then will return to it’s normal pricing. It’s been out on steam for quite some time. Hard to expect them to match the temporary 40% discount on switch during the release week.
Sounds potentially interesting, but also complicated. Only made it about a third through the video review. Could benefit from a demo.
@MindfulGamer There is a Steam demo if you Google it.
Is anyone able to comment on the size of the text in-game? It looks tiny and I'm worried I'm going to strain my eyes if I play it in portable mode.
I started playing at 5pm, only just finished at 11.30pm. Yep, it’s addictive.
I expected a game like this to not control well with a game pad but it all works bloody marvellously.
Also this is is the type of game like Slay the Spire, I say that in the sense that you can play at your own pace, can pause the game at will, giving you the time to think and it’s basically chill. Chill but challenging and engaging. And I love those type of games.
Soundtrack slaps.
@Milton_Burle There are a few options for text, I just went with the retro look because the default font sticks out a bit. I think the default is fine for visibility, even on portable.
Brilliant game! About 2 hours in, I realised that you can press the L stick to speed up the walking. Doh! Makes the loops flow a bit better (and speeds up the game).
Was nominated as a Top 5 "Best Independent Game" at The Game Awards.
this game is straight up digital crack.
I already played the PC version, it's like a board game.
@SwitchVogel Loop hero is free on the Epic game store today
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