A 2001 arcade title, Psikyo’s Gunbarich is now available to purchase from the Switch eShop. A Breakout/Arkanoid-style game, the aim is to bat a ball around the screen destroying all the blocks to move on to the next stage where there is a new arrangement of blocks for you to remove. Along the way there are hazards to mess things up and power-ups to aid you. At times feeling shooter-like, gameplay can be fast, frantic and very addictive as you look to improve that all-important high score.
The game's story that sees you training to be a magician, although quite how all the paddle-and-ball action aids in this is unclear. In any case, you have two characters to choose from: the witch Marion (from Psikyo’s Gunbird titles) and the also young Grutan who, based on his love of skull-emblazoned clothing and parrot companion, is presumably a pirate. Each has different stats which cause the paddle to handle differently.
The first thing you’ll notice about your “paddle” is that it is actually a pair of pinball flippers. Whilst you can use it like the bat you’d normally get in games of this ilk, the ability to tap a button to send the ball flying off in different directions proves very useful. The paddle itself has the simple left/right movement you’d expect, controlled with the analogue stick. If you prefer you can of course also use the D-pad on the Pro Controller or the four-button cluster on the left Joy-Con.
There are seven worlds to work through comprised of three levels (the seventh has a fourth). Though you are repeatedly clearing blocks, different worlds have different features and enemies to prevent things feeling too samey, and for a change of pace the third level of each world features a boss battle where your ball is used to wear down its energy bar.
With a screen full of blocks to remove, there’s a simple appearance to things, though it is enhanced by a wonderful bright, fun style with a number of good creature designs for the enemies that float about the screen. There are different themes for the worlds you visit during the game that include fancy rooms, a leafy area, and a cosy wintry land. Amusing character poses in the brief story scenes that play out towards the end of the game add even more appeal, and special mention should be made of the large boss characters who have great designs. They include a fearsome pumpkin fella, an un-cuddly teddy bear and a creepy mechanical clown-face.
Accompanying the onscreen action is upbeat, sometimes adventurous, sometimes whimsical music that gives a considerable amount of charm to the game. Various bumps, bloops and explosions add to the atmosphere and overall this a well-presented game despite some decidedly iffy Engrish: “It’s easy win, easy win. What?”
The game was designed for a vertical monitor, which by default results in large borders. Luckily publisher Zerodiv has included the option to change the screen orientation and undocking your Switch means you don’t need to turn your TV on its side to play in TATE mode. You can also turn on a filter to give that old CRT monitor look to the visuals.
As you knock the ball about the screen racking up points from block destruction, there are some things you need to be wary of. As well as falling off the screen, you can lose a life should you run out of time. Each stage gives you 60 seconds, which seems plenty at the start of a level, but that quickly disappears as you try desperately to hit that final block. Indestructible blocks can be a nuisance and although enemies blink out of existence when you hit them, the change of trajectory the ball experiences can catch you off-guard. Similarly, when one particular enemy type is hit it will actually teleport with the ball and spit it out elsewhere on the screen, so you need to pay attention to where that’s going to be. Some stages feature switches that turn unbreakable blocks on and off which can be troublesome when they protect the final bricks you were aiming for, or suddenly send the ball hurtling towards the bottom of the screen.
Not everything onscreen is out to cause you trouble; some objects give you extra points, and time bonuses and power-ups periodically fall down the screen. These include one that slows the speed of the ball, one than lets it tear through even the indestructible blocks and one that turns your paddle into a dual laser cannon to blast away at blocks rather than faffing about judging angles. Particularly useful is the multi-ball power-up which - as long as you keep an eye on the original (it’s pink, the others are blue) - will see you take out multiple enemies and remove large amounts of blocks very quickly.
Although enemies initially just float about, from the second world onwards they can fire paralysing bullets. Should one explode near you, you are temporally shocked and unable to move; a good touch being the brief rumble from your controller (this also happens when you lose a life). You can avoid the enemy fire, but you can also bat it back and this is often the best way to deal with baddies; once you master this the game starts to play like a shooter. This is particularly true against the bosses when a lot of bullets rain down on you and sending a barrage back at them is a good way to chip away at their health.
The difficulty in the game is well judged in the early worlds, with the first seeing you mainly focus on getting the right angles and on keeping the ball on-screen. As you progress enemies and indestructible blocks increase in number. The first four worlds do not play out in the same order each time and the levels may be different (less blocks/obstructions) depending on when you encounter them.
Later stages can be very tough and see you frequently having to concentrate on multiple things as you rush left and right avoiding some bullets, sending other bullets towards a creature and also keeping an eye an where the ball is. Clearing the 22 levels in the game would not be easy, but Zerodiv has included some options to help. You can increase your lives to 9 (default 3) and have unlimited continues. Unlimited continues provides an easy way to see the whole game, but every time you use one it results in a score reset. Mostly. The game actually gives you a few points depending on the number of continues used, so 2 points for your second continue, 6 for your sixth and so on. A little strange, but it’s not really going to mess up the high score table.
There’s a lot to like about the game, but it’s the presence of said high score table that makes it hard to put down. Unfortunately there’s no online table, so you can’t see how you compare with players from around the globe, but you can still let your friends have a go or have another attempt yourself. Maybe you remember some missed opportunities for bonuses, maybe you have a better idea for quickly dispatching a boss or maybe you’re just hoping for a bit of good luck; there are lots of reasons to think you can do better next time.
This Breakout-like game may not offer massively varied gameplay or an engrossing storyline, but as ball and paddle games go, Gunbarich is superb. Different enemy types and hazards keep things interesting with power-ups giving a range of ways to remove the blocks, and while it's easy to play, the game offers a stern challenge. Good music and visual design add to the appeal, with fun character designs and some great little touches; blocks grow eyes and look worried when their neighbours are destroyed, for example. There's a lot of replayability in trying to improve your score and although there's no online high score board to aim for, Gunbarich offers plenty of entertainment and is a recommended download.
Comments 21
A solid score. I've only been able to find 1 other review and they weren't as impressed with it, giving it 6.4/10. Saying that it has:
~ Only one single player mode with no multiplayer whatsoever
~ Basic core gameplay gets tiresome
~ No extras and little replay value
"Gunbarich is a cute and fun little game but most gamers will probably be done with it after an hour tops."
Edit: Found another review while looking for footage of the game. Overall, they weren't impressed either.
It reminds me of a game on Wii U, though the name escapes me right now. Edit again: The game is Dragon Skills.
What a pleasant surprise this game was.I loved these kind of games when I was young,Arkanoid on the Speccy was always my favourite.... until now.Gunbarich is far and away the best of its kind I've ever played.Really intense gameplay,,TATE mode and quality arcade graphics and sounds.Brilliant stuff! Just make sure to turn the continues off if you want to get the most out of it.
It's a shame there's no online leaderboards but maybe they will be added in future.There is an update planned according to Zerodiv so fingers crossed.
I've said it before and I'll say it again,to all those wishing for VC,give game's like this and Strikers 1945 a go.They're top drawer retro game's that you've probably never played.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I could find you several reviews praising the game,just like this reviewer and me above.If you like high score chasing arcade game's,this is top quality stuff.If not,then you won't get much out of it.
That reviewer you're referring to obviously doesn't.Saying there's "no replay value" to an arcade game is kind of missing the point.That's like criticising Pacman or Space Invaders for the same.
@OorWullie You're welcome to find them. After scraping, I found a positive review. 8.5/10
But I also found another mediocre review.
https://miketendo64.com/2017/08/12/review-gunbarich-nintendo-switch/ 6/10
They too mention that the game's over in an hour. The fact that it's only single player and having no online leaderboards kills any replayability for me.
From a quick look
http://www.brashgames.co.uk/2017/08/16/gunbarich-review/ 8/10
https://www.gamefaqs.com/arcade/917709-gunbarich/reviews/160062 4/5
https://www.gamingboulevard.com/2017/08/gunbarich/ 7/10
There are also retro arcade reviews,saying much the same.
"Good music and visual design add to the appeal..."
Am I the only one who disagrees? It looks unappealing mostly because of the visual design. Inconsistent and ugly is what I would call it.
Might be fun to play, but the visual part isn't close to pretty.
@OorWullie C'mon now, you're scraping the bottom of the barrel worse than me. Gamefaqs??? lol
Why is everyone trying to shove Japanese words in the English language? Is it really that hard to type VERTICAL as oppose to TATE (which is the Japanese word for Vertical).
That first video you embedded is my review
Yeah, overall it's a slight disappointment mainly due to the high difficulty. Failing your way to the credits isn't satisfactory at all. Shame since it had potential to be brilliant.
A very unique game. My only complaint is that the difficulty ramps up incredibly steep after Stage 3. I just set my lives up to unlimited and try not to die constantly. lol. It's fun for the cheap price.
Sound like a good game to play on the go.
The detailed backgrounds make the play area look way too busy... :S
Great game, bought it as soon as I saw it
It was sounding like a decent little game until you mentioned the stage time limits. That's a deal breaker for me.
The gameplay is great but not having a co-op multiplayer is something this game needs. If you like Arkanoid you will love this game!
everytime i start the game using traditional controls for some reason it keeps switching the controller setting to single joy con only and only while the game is still running I can change this or everytime I start the game from scratch it reverts back to the single joy con controller so annoying. Anyone else had this problem?
handheld mode was 100% fine by the way only on tv mode it does this.
Here's my review score - 9. This one is great.
83% - Bright colourful graphics, addictive gameplay and presentation that tailors to enthusiasts. Well worth the money ^^
@safcdbzff7 Yep,I have that issue too.I need to go into the controller settings to sync both Joy-con.They're going to update the game's soon so hopefully this will be fixed.
I really love this game, 9/10 from me.
I whish this would get more attention, maybe people will get more interested once Zerodiv releases Gunbird 1&2.
(However, like OorWullie and safcdbzff7 i've also noticed that the game tries to make you play with a single Joy Con until you change it in the Switch's menu after starting the game.)
Another awesome game from Zerodiv! Works nicely with the hrap stick. Will have to test it out on my tate set up this weekend. Any news on future releases from Zerodiv?
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