While the ‘J’ in ‘JRPG’ ostensibly stands for 'Japanese', it refers to a style of role-playing game rather than country of origin; strong, often linear stories and turn-based combat are the calling cards of the genre, and Western-made games such as Child Of Light and Cosmic Star Heroine follow its conventions just as much as classic Japanese examples a la Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. That’s also the case with Earthlock, from Norwegian developer Snowcastle Games. After a successful 2014 Kickstarter run that saw Earthlock: Festival Of Magic release on Wii U (among other platforms), this significantly updated version has landed on the Switch. A love letter to the genre, it plays like a thoughtfully modern take on PS1-era Square adventures, and will be a real treat for JRPG fans.
Earthlock takes place in Umbra, a world bearing the scars of past catastrophe and an imbalance of ‘amri’, a magical energy. After a brief playable in situ introduction, you’ll begin your journey in earnest as Amon, a young scavenger living with his uncle in the town of Zaber. A routine mission gone awry turns Amon’s world on its head and sends him spiralling into conflict with empires, and it’s your job to guide him - along with an ever-growing cast of characters - on his journey to save his family, and ultimately, Umbra.
It’s an enjoyable tale that shows strong parallels to Final Fantasy IX, especially in its six playable party members. The characters - from a kindly ‘hogbunny’ named Gnart and capable military captain Ive to Taika, her loyal dog - are interesting and likable, and we quickly become invested in seeing their stories through. The writing can be oddly hit-or-miss; dialogue ranges from excellent to just okay, and there’s little linguistic coherence among invented place names and terms. Still, it’s an entertaining narrative, and its strong characters kept us interested throughout.
In terms of its gameplay, Earthlock builds off of a solid JRPG base: you’ll move your party of adventurers through a traversable overworld, entering cities, towns, and villages to progress the plot, pick-up quests, and refuel, in-between exploring monster-ridden dungeons and fighting turn-based battles with enemies and occasional bosses. It’s a classic formula, but a big part of what makes Earthlock so fun is that it improves on the genre’s conventions in tangible, modern ways.
In battle, for instance, Earthlock introduces several new wrinkles on the standard turn-based template. Before initiating combat, you can gather multiple enemies to fight by getting within range and then giving them the run-around as you pick up additional adversaries, Pied Piper-style, for EXP bonuses. Once you get into battle, you’ll find that each character has multiple ‘Stances’, which enable them to access different skills. Switching Stances costs a turn, but can be well worth it; Amon’s Stances allow for either melee combat and thieving or long-range elemental attacks, for instance, while Ive can switch between setting strategic traps and slinging arrows from crossbow.
Instead of consuming an MP meter, every action in battle uses one or more yellow squares of energy, which replenish at a certain rate for each character every turn. This system - recalling the one used in Final Fantasy: The Four Heroes Of Light - is appealingly simple, and also means you won’t be stuck backtracking to top up MP in the middle of exploration, which keeps the pace snappy and fun. The controls in battle are also worth mentioning; you’ll use the left analog stick to quick-select between different ‘submenus’ - with no menus involved - and the face buttons to dial in different actions within each of those. It’s quick and streamlined, and before long you’ll end up with muscle memory to pull off specific combos and strategies with ease.
In addition to their on skills and attacks, your characters also benefit from party dynamics in the Pair system. Pairing off party members lets them level up their bond, as well as gain access to a shared meter in battle. When it fills - by attacking in concert - either member of the twosome can use their 'Super Stance', a Limit Break-like special move that can be activated on command. Not only is this a great way to save up some extra power for bosses and challenging battles, it’s also a fun way to encourage mixing up your party formations, and experimenting with all the combinations on offer.
Outside of battle, you can customise how your characters progress through the Talent Board system, which lets you personalise their stats, skills, and abilities. Like the Sphere Grid in Final Fantasy X, it’s couched in the guise of a puzzle-like system, where you’ll need to connect different nodes as you place them on the board in order to activate their effects. All this adds up to a combat system that feels fun and fresh throughout; you’ll learn new strategies and skills at a good pace, and varying the Pairs in your party allows for plenty of experimentation as you go.
Beyond the combat, Earthlock also adds thoughtful new touches to the overworld exploration. There’s an excellent focus on gardening, for instance; you’ll find different seeds on your travels, and be able to plant them in various patches and plots around the world. By making sure each plant is watered according to its needs (by keeping a micro-game meter correctly balanced), you’ll be able to harvest rewards: ingredients for crafting items, weapons, and more.
Each character also has a special role to play in the overworld through their unique field abilities. Amon can find useful items in scrapheaps, for example, while Gnart can forage through flower fields. It’s a nice touch that helps underscore the importance of every member of your party, and gives a practical reason to switch which character you control - made delightfully simple by the satisfying shortcut of pressing the ‘L’ button and swinging the analog stick.
Along with Earthlock’s modern take on JRPG gameplay, it brings a similarly thoughtfully updated look. Its gorgeous, lived-in environments recall the busy prerendered backgrounds of Final Fantasy IX - including treasure chests hidden in nooks and crannies obscured from camera-view - and it’s both an immediately appealing aesthetic and an impressive in-engine achievement. They’re backdrops just begging to be explored, and with unique settings that go beyond desert and forest tropes; one of the first dungeons you’ll comb through takes the form of a partially-submerged mansion in the process of being reclaimed by the swamp it was built on.
In fact, Earthlock’s presentation in general is quite impressive; beyond the backgrounds, the character models look lovely, and animations - from battle stances and attacks to kicking open treasure chests - are smooth and full of personality. Enemy designs are imaginative and fun, and the whole experience feels wonderfully polished and clean. The orchestral score provides an excellent audio backdrop as well, with an impressive variety of memorable melodies.
For as good a job as Earthlock does feeling like a truly modern JRPG, however, there are some disappointing archaisms that really stick out; most notably, an antiquated save system that’s limited to designated points, with only one or two in each dungeon/town. Not being able to save mid-dungeon is arguably a design feature in many RPGs, but Earthlock’s implementation feels overly restrictive, and is a particular issue in a (potentially) portable adventure. Another unfortunate throwback to the 32-bit era: loading screens are frequent and long enough to annoy, popping up between rooms and in other common transitions. Their persistent presence breaks up the flow, and can start to grate in longer sessions.
Finally, Earthlock also feels like a real blast from the past - think N64 - in its implementation of rumble. Rather than providing subtle force feedback with the Switch’s HD Rumble, it instead just turns the motors on full blast, sometimes for seconds at a time. It’s bone-shaking and awful (especially disappointing after seeing RPGs like Golf Story integrate HD Rumble into the genre in thoughtful ways), but it can thankfully be turned off.
An indie adventure with a lush world, fun characters, and enjoyable battles, Earthlock brings the soul of PS1-era JRPGs to the Switch with excellent results. Inconsistent dialogue and notable load times are among its few missteps, but as a package, it captures the appeal of the epoch wonderfully. If you’re looking for a fresh-feeling JRPG that still calls back to the classics, this is a lovely choice.
Comments 57
One of the screenshots is used twice.
Sounds lovely.
Wonder why its Metacritic score is so low though. The save mechanic maybe?
Looks pretty good actually. I'll stick it on the 'maybe' pile. Thanks for the review.
Hmm, sounds like my sort of game, but will put off buying it as only buy physicals
Very interested in this. Price is decent, playtime seems alright. But I still need to get to Xenoblade 2, and finish up Dragon Sinker. See you in a sale.
Sold. The save issue isnt a big deal for me...I often just tap the power button on the go, then pick up where I left off later. This really looks enjoyable. How's the story?
Sounds pretty good. That load time might annoy me but it depends on how long. Given how the graphic looks I can probably look past the load time. How is the music? That's one of the area I'm big in.
Got this as a freebie on Xbox 1 - still yet to try! I really do hope Nintendo / Camelot are working on a Golden Sun title for Switch as I do love a good (J)RPG!
I wish Snowcastle had planned better for the Kickstarter backer code distribution, as I've yet to receive mine. All the more disappointing when, in the case of Yooka-Laylee, I was playing the game days before launch.
Either way, I can't wait to finally dig into this one. Been a long wait, so yeah, I can handle a couple extra weeks.
Yes! I had been waiting on this review. I’ll be getting this one.
@Yookatonic it was my understanding that they reworked the game before bringing it to Switch, adding back in story and things that were cut from the original release.
@Grawlog @Audiobrainiac
Oh I see, that would explain a lot.
Thank you for replying.
@ricklongo - on the kickstsrter message board they are asking you to contact them if you haven't got your Switch code in your backerkit yet. I was also waiting, contacted them and they got it to me this morning. Can't wait to play it tonight.
I really hope Snowcastle release Earthlock Switch version in Physical release.
I may eventually pick this up later down the road but I am saving my cash for Octopath Traveler first.
Switch has too many RPGs (which is a joyous embarrassment of riches). I got Xenoblade 2, I want to new game plus that... but I really also want romancing saga... and octopath traveler. And this looks cool.
I think this is the only game I ever backed on Kickstarter. Hopefully they never sent me a Wii-U code so I can get it on Switch!
I really hope this comes on physical release but if it doesn't then I will pick it up digitally in a year's time. With all the great games out there I can wait a little longer
Tempted. Seeing as JRPGs of the past decade or so have been pretty terrible, I've been waiting for someone to make a new one in the vain of FF9 or Legend of Dragoon. This might be just what I need.
Sounds like a winner to me. This one is going on my wish list.
Great!!!... I have this on PC and stop playing once it was announced for Switch! (really liked what I had played), Now these are the Indies I been waiting for.
also, the price is 29.90 on Switch (just like on PC) in the USA - not $36.
I think it's commendable that, instead of making Earthlock 2 "the game the first one should have been", they opted to cancel the sequel until the first one was made well. Especially considering this is a crowdfunded project. It's always discouraging when a series has a bad first entry, especially if the sequels are much better.
I think we need to categorize RPG's by more than just country of origin because that's clearly not adequate.
Drop the J and the W as they mean very little these days.
As far as this game, save points don't bother me on the Switch (or any portable) because sleep mode exists. In fact, the Switch is in sleep mode more than it's completely turned off. What I want to know is, is this another game with loads of terrible side quests? Those older turn based RPG's had very few, but important side quests. I am tired of side quest based games.
Still waiting on my Kickstarter backer code...
@Yookatonic the original game was quite poor overall, it lacked A LOT, story, writing, side quests, etc... almost no character development and the battle system had some annoying unbalanced stuff
This is supposed to be Earthlock 2.0, with many things added and a more refined and balanced battle system
i played it on PC for a bit, and i could saw that it definitely lacked a lot of polish, so maybe they added that now
As a seasoned Earthlock gamer, I'll try to answer some questions, but let me say first of all, that if you're even remotely interested in this genre or are positively triggered by what you've read in this review, then do yourself a favor, because this is, for all intents and purposes, a must-buy for RPG fans, it's THAT great of a game.
As far as the criticism in the article goes: the rumble can be a thing at times, but it didn't bother me THAT much. The loading screens are actually beautiful to look at, and they are only on screen for a short moment, so these didn't bother me either. And lastly, the supposed lack of save points: as a seasoned RPG gamer, I only see a challenge in getting to the next save point, and there is one in every city, area or dungeon you visit, so I definitely wouldn't see that as a bad point.
Having save points everywhere in the game and in mid battle sounds a bit like too much hand holding to me, and maybe that can be good for the beginning RPG gamer, but if you're already a long time player of the genre, then this will in no way be a hindrance or annoyance to you enjoying this game.
And speaking of those save points: I don't know if it works the same on the Switch, but I have the Xbox One version, and when I pause the game and go to the home screen and turn off the console, I can continue from wherever I like the next time I boot it up again, which is a good substitute for save games everywhere, if you'd wish to use that. And I've already seen people mentioning the Switch'es sleep mode, so that might work in the same way.
On to the Q&A's:
@Yookatonic I suspect the Metacritic scores to be gathered from the very first version, so part of the scores are based on that, making the total average lower than what it should be, but if you like RPG's, disregard that and try this one out, you won't regret it.
@guamyankee The story is great, and very engaging. Once I start playing, I find myself getting lost in it for hours at a time.
@Oboro_Jack The music is some of the best I've heard in a while, and there is plenty of variety between stages/worlds and battles. But don't take my word for it, listen for yourself:
@invictus4000 If you're already tempted, I'd say take the plunge and buy it. It really is a more than decent replacement for all those real jRPG's coming from the actual region, and it has a great story, engaging characters, and I won't spoil anything, but it has some interesting twists in the tale as well...
@Crono1973 There are side quests, but they're not terrible, and there aren't too many either, and they aren't mandatory either, so you're free to either do them or not.
Having said that, most of them are actually quite useful for gaining items that will strengthen your team or add information to the story as a whole.
@Faruko I've no idea what game you played, but I am having a great time with this game, so I don't recognize any of your criticisms at all, but fair enough if that is your personal opinion.
@Gerbwmu Thanks for the heads up! The last time I inquired about this on Twitter, they told me it would come in the days after launch.
I sent them an email, and hopefully will be playing the game soon!
The character designs are great, and it looks like a winner overall. Would strongly prefer a physical release, though.
@ThanosReXXX @Faruko
Thank you for that information.
Maybe I'll buy it after all. My wishlist has quite a few games in it though, so it might take a while before I end up buying this one.
Does anyone know how long it is?
@Aven I'd say from what I've read, it's around 20 - 25 hours on average, maybe a bit more if you want to be a completionist.
@Captain_Gonru that would be ace! I'd be happy for a 3DS upgrade, similar to what they have done for Radiant Historia, but a Switch upgrade / new entry would be preferable. Revisited the original games recently through VC on the Wii U ^_^
this will probably be a buy, but when it goes on sale on the eshop. thanks.
Yeah, it plays like a JRPG. Yeah, it borrows a lot from JRPGs. Still, that doesn't make it one because it is not a Japanese Role Playing Game.
look at the 3rd screen ...am i the only whom it reminds of Dollet's square, where a dog was during Squall's final exam?
thumbs up for the first sentences! Finally someone who actually thinks!
I'll add it to my wish list. Right now I've got Ni No Kuni 2, picked up Valkyria Chronicles on a PSN sale, Battle Chasers Switch should be out in a few weeks, Ys VIII Switch in June, and Octopath Traveler in July so I'm booked solid on RPGs for the time being. Maybe check back again in late August?
does that screenshot remind you of fortnite at all. First thing i thought of when i saw it lol.
yeah I had that same thought too
Good. Wishlist it stays til further notice.
I don’t think I see the word ‘ostensibly’ used anywhere but here. 🙂
@JimmySpades Same...
looks good!
@ThanosReXXX Is it true there is a level cap for this game? Coz I remember reading somewhere that the characters' level caps at 20.
@sas0ng Well, if that's true, then I'm about to find out real soon, since all my characters are level 18 and 19, but I wouldn't be able to confirm that right now, because I don't know, and I also haven't read anything about it.
Then again: you could always Google it...
Would seem a bit odd to me, though, since a couple of bosses I've met so far are still WAY too strong for me, so if I only gain one or two more levels, I don't think that would be enough. Or maybe I need to get some special gadget, which has also already happened before, which gave me some extra skills.
I'm sold. Buying tonight.
@garydbz25 No idea, never played Fortnite.
Wow! I have it on wishlist but is way too expensive at the moment. Waiting for a sale...
@GraveLordXD You're welcome. Now that I reread my own essay on the game in comment #29, I see I even forgot to mention something, that to me was a quite welcome addition: once you've used a save point in a certain location, it also becomes a warp point after you've reached a certain level in the game, so no need to do the actual backtracking by foot, simply access the save point statue in your location, and choose your target location. You'll be flying all over the map's locations in no time...
I'd love a new Golden Sun game, as long as they stay far away from the sub-par, low-res 3D style of GS 3, and stick with the beautiful sprites of GS 1 & 2, only in HD.
@Kang81 I agree, I didn't care much for the art style in the third entry. I'd be happy if they did something simliar to Octopath Traveller & retain the 16 bit retro feel, but I wouldn't be too keen if they gave the series a Secret of Mana HD makeover.
Nice review, and the game looks great. However this game doesn't seem to score that high on the internet. Will I ever play it? Hmm, maybe (not at this price though).
I still haven't got around to trying the Octopath Traveler demo, but the footage I've seen looks great and I'd be all for that in the next Golden Sun.
@ThanosReXXX sorry for the late response but thanks for the info man. I will have to check this game out when i get a chance.
@Oboro_Jack Haha, no problem, man. Enjoy the music. There's some real gems among that playlist I linked to (the third link) in my response to you.
Bought it due to the overall "feel" to it, but the combat and menu options are making me regret it a bit 😓
I would advise people try the demo first.
I wanted to like this game — but the demo just left me wanting.
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