It’s a well-known fact that teamwork makes a dream work. Console wars are all well and good, but when great games are made available on multiple systems, the ultimate winner is the player. The recent love-in we’ve been seeing between Nintendo and Microsoft started a while back when Minecraft was released on Nintendo systems, and grew stronger when the two paired up to passive-aggressively taunt Sony’s refusal to embrace cross-platform multiplayer.
Now, though, we’re being treated to the most impressive sign of their partnership yet: a Switch port of Cuphead, one of the most critically acclaimed games on the Xbox One and a title that was an Xbox console exclusive (until now, obviously). Not only that, but in a future update the game is going to receive Xbox Live integration, including the ability to unlock Xbox achievements. Yes, it’s fair to say that Nintendo and Microsoft are best buds just now, and Switch owners are starting to get the benefits of that.
Cuphead is already much loved by the Xbox community, so for those already familiar with it here’s all you need to know: the Switch version is a near-perfect port. For everyone else new to the game, read on.
When Cuphead and his brother Mugman enter the Devil’s Casino, the Devil himself offers them a bet: double their money or forfeit their souls. Naturally, the big man wins, but he gives the pair a chance to redeem themselves: if they can chase down other debtors who are on the run from the Devil and collect their souls instead, he’ll let the drinks-based duo go free. Cue a series of extremely difficult action stages in which you have to take out a bunch of boss characters on your way to freedom.
Cuphead mainly consists of two types of level: run-and-gun stages and boss battles. The former are much fewer in number (there are only six in total) and are straightforward enough affairs – get to the end of the stage with at least some health intact – but it’s the 19 boss encounters which are the real meat of this game, and the ones that will test your abilities to their limits.
In case you’ve missed out on its notoriety on other systems, Cuphead is known for being an exceptionally difficult game. The reality is that, yes, it can be tricky at times, but it’s not like it hits you with an endless onslaught of abuse: it’s more about pattern recognition. The boss fights may be a little longer than those in other action platformers, but the same general principle applies: learn each boss’s attack patterns, figure out how to avoid each type of attack, discover its weak spots and let it have it until it eventually keels over.
Most players’ frustration will likely lie with the bosses’ random nature; although they tend to have three unique phases, each with their own sets of attacks, these attacks are generally chosen at random throughout each phase. This means you can’t stand there thinking,“Right, he’s going to do this attack, then he follows up with that attack, then I can get him”, as if you were learning a sequence of fight choreography: instead, you have to wait to see which of their attacks they’ll use next and react quickly (and often you won’t have a lot of time to do this).
At the risk of sounding like an insufferable “git gud” macho man, practice really does make perfect with this one: this is a game where you’re expected to take on these boss fights over and over again and slowly learn every attack permutation as you edge ever closer to completely defeating them. While there is a ‘Simple’ mode, which greatly reduces each boss’s health and generally makes things more manageable for beginners, it’s not an ideal solution: it removes a lot of boss attack types – even entire phases at times – and doesn’t give you a soul contract when you beat them, meaning you can’t reach the final stages and beat the game. By all means, consider it a way to ease into Cuphead’s parry and weapon-changing mechanics, but you’re going to want to switch to Regular difficulty as soon as possible to make sure you don’t miss out on a lot of the game’s charm.
It’s this charm where Cuphead’s real strength lies. Designed in the style of 1930s Fleischer and Disney animations (think Betty Boop and Steamboat Willie) and nailing that style with laser precision, it’s easily one of the most visually jaw-dropping 2D platformers you’ll ever play. Everything is of an immaculate standard, from its hand-drawn animated characters to its deliberately blurry and scratched film look, to its fantastic original jazz and big band soundtrack: it’s not an exaggeration to say this game is a piece of art.
Thankfully, this Switch port handles everything masterfully, too. Image quality is more or less on a par with the Xbox One and PC versions – bear in mind this is a game that’s designed to look blurry and low-res anyway – loading times are nice and quick, and everything runs at a smooth 60 frames per second the vast majority of the time. There are occasional hiccups, most notably during the more intense run-and-gun moments, but these are the exception rather than the norm.
The Switch version also adds a few new features, which are also being added to the other versions in a free update. Mugman – who usually plays the Luigi role and appears during co-op play – can now be selected from the start in single-player mode, just in case you like your heroes wearing blue instead of red. There are also a bunch of new character animations included; while these are generally minor things like new pre-battle taunts, they’re still a welcome addition.
In all, Cuphead’s short bursts of action make it a perfect game for the Switch. Playing it in handheld mode is an absolute delight (though you may need to change the default controls for comfort’s sake) and it runs almost as well as it does on more powerful systems. If this is the sort of thing we can expect more of as a result of Nintendo and Microsoft being best pals, this could very well be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Cuphead was an absolute masterpiece when it launched on Xbox 18 months ago and nothing has been sacrificed in its move to the Switch. It’s the same visually jaw-dropping, aurally delightful, knuckle-whiteningly difficult game it was on Microsoft’s console and the Switch’s library is all the better for its presence. Its focus on intense boss battles won’t be to everyone’s tastes, but as long as you know what you’re getting yourself into we can’t recommend it enough.
Comments 125
Haven't played it before so looking forward to giving it a shot. Between this and Katana Zero, I should be pretty occupied a while.
Never got it on PC, I somehow knew it would release on Switch someday! I mean, it had to, right?
I'm getting this for sure. It might not be today, because I have too many games to play first, but this will be my next eShop game purchase for sure.
I have it on Xbox and couldn’t recommend it enough. Beautiful looking game and hard as nails. Fantastic
One of the greatest games of the generation. It deserves to be played by every single person it can. Although, I am seriously interested if the DLC will come out same day on Xbox and Switch or will it take just a bit more. Either way, buy the game, or at least try it. Well worth your time and money.
Not a single fault mentioned. This review reads as 10/10 so that should be its rating amirite?
It's an artistic masterpiece to be sure and a stand out game in an era where most AAA releases are starting to really look the same. There really is no other game like it on the market in terms of asethetic, and it manages to do that without being some weird, hard to understand artistic noir thing.
But the attitude of the fans I've spoken too and apparently the game's devs, a desire to make a punishing and brutally hard game takes the appeal away for me. I don't find the enjoyment others do in having bend over backwards and replay the same segments over and over to progress. That "hard as nails" description" isn't a positive for me, like it is for others.
Regardless I am still happy to see such a flavorful and unique title on the platform. And glad that the people who want to bend over backward to push through each level get their wish. Just keep your "git gud" BS to yourself please.
Where can one buy Cuphead in physical?
Is the DLC also available today on the Switch?
@Lionyone One must be patient as the physical release is coming later on.
I will wait for physical
Best animated video game since Disney's Aladdin on the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive.
Is a physical version planned cos I’m pretty sure it’s not available on Xbox one as a physical release
It’s my sons birthday on Saturday and he’s been watching a LOT of YouTube videos... he’s gonna be 8 and I’d love to get if for him but I’m afraid it might be too hard? I’ve never played it myself.
Calling this game an essential is a bit of a stretch.
Cant wait to dive in later today. Blows you can't play it though. Tried seeing if it could be done this morning before work and I wasn't able to yet.. I guess good things come to those who wait
it is a masterpiece when it comes to the game's graphics, but gameplaywise it is a bit stereotypical..definitely not a 9/10 game
The second this gets a physical release, I will buy it.
Provided you like the combat and what you see, this is a 10/10 game.
...and that soundtrack, THAT SOUNDTRACK!
When does my preorder go live? I've been waiting for this one for years. Almost bought an XBox just for this game alone. Can't wait to play it.
@TossedLlama ha ha thank you
@Lionyone I would assume that due to it's high level of difficulty, it has less universal appeal than a 10/10 game would.
Ha! I too have the same backlog problem, like most Switch owners probably have by now. We've definitely come a LONG ways from the Wii-U drought days. Seems every week I buy at least 1-2 retro games if there are not bigger games that interest me. There is a large amount of games I have on Switch that I have not even booted-up yet!
I am put off by these graphics, I just don`t like it.
So ARMS and Cuphead can both get a 9? Something seems off here because ARMS isn't even close to Cuphead into terms of quality. Might want to fix your review because this game reads like it is a 10.
I would say that the game is more like an 8 for me. Had a great time, but not enough to play it all again.
It definitely captures the spirit of that 20-40 style of animation, where anything can happen. Loved that aspect of it. If anything the lesson of this game and the cartoons from that golden era are the same. The world is cruel and full of unsavory characters that want to squash you like a bug, so try to get through it the best you can.
Happy Cupheading!
@LaytonPuzzle27 Scott Pilgrim Vs The World says hi
This will be the 2nd time I’ve bought this. - Well worth it! This game is art.
@rdrunner1178 I agree mostly. I had no issue with games on the Wii U either. I thought the games we great and I never had a time as an owner that I didn't have a game to play. This could be because I'm slower at completing games.
Currently though, I have a game (Wolfenstein) I received as a birthday present back in October, that I've yet to even play for 5 minutes.
I don't know why so many people get hung up on the number rating... If you read the review and it appeals to you, then you know it's worth a shot. If not, then not.
Instant buy.....when the physical copy comes out.
How was this reviewer able to play it? When I try to launch the game, it keeps telling me, you cannot play this software yet.
Tried to play my pre-load this morning. No dice. Guess after work.
Lots of Switches will be broken this weekend.
It is not as hard as everyone says. I played it on my buddy's XB1 and I was doing just fine. I took out 3 bosses in a row, no problem. It's just old-school shooting with great responsive controls. Really depends on what kinds of games your kid plays. My 6 and 8 year olds will be playing it with me this weekend.
@MJB They get access before we do. We are the 99%!
@Heavyarms55 it's difficulty has been overstated and its certainly no harder than games used to be back in the 8/16 bit era. The game is more about learning how each boss works and is very fun to play, also when you die the game gives you a very clear indication as to how far along the stage/boss you were. Several of the bosses I beat on the first try with only one or two giving me much trouble for any length of time, if anything its reputation is based more upon how easy most games are today then anything else
Devs are holding out on a physical release until the dlc is finished.
Said dlc (the Delicious Last Course) was announced last summer and will be released.... someday.
@Lionyone Probably because of it's difficulty he gave it a 9. I'm certainly marking this a 10 and will buy it or later depending on how much space I have.
@Gs69 Yes it is.
I’ll be picking this up maybe after I finish Yoshi. After HK I’m sure this can’t be worse so I’m not too worried about the difficulty.
But is it better than Nickelodeon kart racers though which is on sale today? 😎
I really disagree with many of the comments here. It´s an awesome game that deserves so much love, but it´s far from being a 10/10 game. More than 9?? Probably, very likely in fact, specially if you don´t mind it being just a boss-fighting game, but it´s not a 10. Not for everyone, definitely.
I keep saying Nintendolife needs decimals! Had this game been a 9.5, and nobody would´ve complaint.
I beg to differ on the essential part. I mean first of all this game clearly looks a lot better on the Xbox, and I already have it on the Xbox. Then there is the fact that the graphics are the best thing about this game, it isn't anything special to be playing once you get over the beautiful art style. I mean it isn't bad but it is hardly an essential game either, the entire game is just one big boss rush mode which is something that I found very tiring.
@BenAV @Hobbesyall @marnelljm @Lionyone physical all the way on this - one does not like to wait though.
I'll wait a few months and see if they say anything about the physical release. I waited this long for a switch version, I can wait a little longer
Huge question: When someone says it's, "tough as nails," is there any comparison to, say, arcade games from the 80's? Something like that?
Based upon everything I've read and seen so far, the game is a matter of pattern recognition, not unlike arcade games of yore.
It’s probably one of the best action-platformers of all time. While it can be difficult, it never ever feels unfair since it’s all about repetition and that ‘one perfect run’. If you die, it’s always your own fault due to the patterns so it’s almost as if you’re playing against yourself.
@Stocksy If the physical version had at least a release window or something I might have been a bit tempted to wait for it but without knowing when that might be coming, I think I'd rather just grab it now while I have the time to fit it into my schedule.
"This means you can’t stand there thinking,“Right, he’s going to do this attack, then he follows up with that attack, then I can get him”"
...Wat? The bosses aren't
Definitely on my radar, love the characters and style, wanted to paint some of these characters last time I was in NYC. Can anyone give me a comparison when they say it's difficult? Contra difficult? DKCTF difficult? Ghouls n Ghosts?
@subpopz excellent think I will wait for the physical especially if it has the dlc
@YANDMAN kind of , done some looking around it’s a box with a code
Yes planning to download it once I get back from work today.
Got mine downloading now! I can't wait to dive into the Dark Souls of platforming. I've always been a huge fan of old school animation. I used to collect the "Disney Treasures" on DVD cause I just loved keeping my own little archive. So when this was announced for Xbox, I was really bummed (but was still happy for those who could play it). I wasn't gonna go out and buy and Xbox for just one indie game, but now, my prayers have been answered! I'm gonna play the crap outta this one.
I'm seriously considering buying it physically too when that time comes.
I would recommend a 8bitdo or something else with a good D-pad as I got substantially better at this when I switched controllers.
i think we can't play it yet because it actually releases tomorrow the 19th, and not today the 18th, I think there was a screw up at Nintendo over this. I remember the original release trailer saying it releases the 19th.
@MJInnocent Depends on how much you like him, my seven year old is a real little bugger so I've been thinking the sekiro would be the perfect gift to put the little rotter in his place
Is Cuphead working for anyone else???
@Mordridakon I checked the original trailer it said clearly "Thursday, April 18th" I'm super confused.
Day 1 buy as soon as they give me a release date for the physical edition.
Can't wait for the physical release - will be purchasing as soon as possible. I'm just hoping I can hold out until then.
@Iacobus Honestly the game truly is very hard in it's own way. I really wouldn't compare Cuphead to classic arcade games because it is different, Cuphead is honestly just one big boss rush mode for the most part so the pattern recognition is limited to boss battles, while classic arcade games were more about memorizing levels/stages.
I guess you can say this is more of a Dark Souls approach where it's about big boss battles and learning everything about those bosses and every move they can perform to beat them. It's the type of game that attracts a very hardcore fan following but at the same time it can turn off a lot of gamers for very valid reasons. Not everyone is a fan of this type of game and there is nothing wrong with that, people shouldn't be shamed into being fans of something they aren't.
@iRiS Oh it did, never mind. Then yeah, I am super confused too as to why we can't play it yet. Let's check tomorrow.
Just waiting for the eshop to "unlock" my pre-load (I think 2nd/3rd party titles unlock around noon EST?).
I will probably also double-dip for the physical once it is released. Even if I am awful at this game, it will be a true pleasure for the eyes and ears.
THANK YOU for not complaining about the difficulty. The game just isn't that hard unless you're going for S-ranks on Expert difficulty. Otherwise, yes, it's down to basic pattern recognition and some skill with twitch platforming.
Brilliant game. One of the best I've ever played.
Still waiting to be able to play it. All downloaded and won't let me. Hmph.
@TooBarFoo lol I like him very much
@JayJ Exactly. I like games that are either more laid back or at least have adjustable difficulty so everyone can enjoy regardless of skill level. That's why I like Nintendo so much b/c so many of their games are games that are "easy to play but difficult to master."
Finally! The game is up and running for me...
happy cupheading everyone...
Pre purchased it when it was announced
A day after it was announced that it would get a Physical release.
(I’ll guess I double dip)
Cant wait to give it a try, just have to finish okami first!
@Lionyone minor faults in the framerate were mentioned. Maybe that knocks it off a perfect 10?
I just bought the fighter pass for SSBU but I will put a bit more extra money into an XboX Master piece.
@rdrunner1178 definitely a Switch problem all these fantastic games. A problem I don't mind having 😁
I have well over 100 Switch games on my 200GB card, and it shows no signs of slowing down. I've gotten to the point where I put new games I want on the wishlist and just grab them when they go on sale now, as I also have a PS4 so I'm stretched thin when it comes to having enough time to play them all! Then a game like this comes along and it's an instabuy and instaplay.
Will definitely pick this up. The animation style reminds me of the original Fred Quimby Tom and Jerry cartoons
It's been an expensive week for me. I picked up gear club 2 because it was on sale and I'll say it's not bad. For 60 it's not worth it but for 30 I'd say its worthwhile. I was on the fence about buying Cuphead right now but I decided to go for it after the Joker update fiasco. I thought it would be available at midnight.
@WhiteTrashGuy cool thank you!
Considering it's a way better developed and polished product than 99% of indie tripe on the eshop, id say it's pretty essential. Even more so considering it's fair price point.
Also, Nintendo isn't bringing us good games fast enough. If their competitors are willing to port games over, we should support it.
It sucks we have to settle for our library being bolstered by another platform's exclusives, but it's better than nothing.
Preordered it last month 1st time playin can’t wait!!!
Patiently waiting on the physical release today is a good day!👏😁
For anyone scared about the difficulty... don't be. If you can handle Tropical Freeze in non-Funky mode or get to the later fights in Punchout! on the Wii, you'll do fine with this.
Speak for yourself. This game will last maybe 5-10 hours then never be played again.
Smash Bros ultimate is already at 200+ hours and it's still growing.
These indie titles are good games but they'll never been more than bite sized morsels between the actual full course meals that Nintendo puts out.
@Iacobus the difficulty is overstated. The boss fights mostly resemble Metal Slug boss fights, in my opinion, though not as hard as Metal Slug's toughest. The bosses in Cuphead have more phases and last longer, but the general design feels like Metal Slug to me, which I think is a good thing. Unlike Metal Slug, you can take a few hits. There's a strong element of Alien Soldier(Mega Drive/Genesis) in there as well, with the dashing. I found it to be very challenging, but I was always making progress and knew what to do to get a bit farther. I actually felt compelled to try for the best score on many of the bosses, which is not something I would normally do. If those are the kind of games you like, then I think you will like Cuphead.
@waluigifan1 Two entirely different games reviewed by two entirely different people.
This will be an "on sale" purchase for me down the line. As of this writing, I'm still Switchless. Plus, while I like there to be some challenge with my games, I'm also not a masochist and play games to relax, not to become even more stressed. The main intrigue for me here is the art style; I'm a sucker for hand-drawn animation.
@Heavyarms55 has summarized some of my feelings quite well with this one.
@BenAV I wanted to wait for physical too, though I might end up getting it earlier as well. Clearing out my backlog a bit now, but with Link's Awakening, Pokémon Sword, DQ11, Cadence of Hyrule, etc. on the horizon I should probably just squeeze it in this summer.
This and the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy were my two favorite games of 2017. So happy that neither of them are console exclusives, anymore.
Played it for a bit, beat the first stage and failed a couple of times against the first two bosses. It's definitely challenging but as usual it comes down to memorizing enemy patterns and learning from your deaths so I wouldn't call it unfairly difficult by any means. Difficulty reminds me of the optional Kong levels of DKCTF. Visuals and performance are top notch, they did a great job on the porting!
Goldang this game is good. It been awhile since I've played it, and running through levels today on Switch felt amazingly fun! It seemed easy to me, but maybe that because I know the game somewhat from playing halfway through it a year or more ago. Also, I was only playing the simple mode, not regular or expert. Also, the Digital Foundry Cuphead video is fun to watch. They nailed this port!!!
Fits perfectly on Switch, I’ll get it.
Why not a 10? The review barely says anything bad about this game.
Great game. I have it on the Xbox. It's an SOB thought.
It's also has been released for PC not just XBOX.
@Gs69 it will be released physical for both Switch and Xbox when the patches/dlc are done. They are doing this so the physical version has everything included and doesn’t require downloads.
Ah, so you CAN change the controls, is it full remapping, or a few presets?
I have this on PC and I love it. I might just get the DLC from Steam, but the physical copy on Switch is tempting...
@waluigifan1 ARMS is awesome. Easily one of my top switch games.
It looks like a rare case where the physical copy will actually be the complete game. That's something that should be appreciated in this age where so many titles wind up with just a physical "starter" cart/disc, and the rest becomes a download anyway. Considering how many comments are nothing more than saying "I'll wait for the physical", you'll be rewarded for waiting this time.
Keep in mind, though, that it may be a long wait. Check the development history of the game and you'll see it's release saw plenty of delays while they painstakingly finished all the hand drawn animation. Yes, they did say "2019" for the dlc, but they also said "2015" for the original release at one time, before it wound up being the fall of 2017.
The Xbox version is a fully user specified remapping. Put the controls wherever you want them. I would think the Switch version does the same, especially since you have different controller types to work with.
I don't currently see any comments from someone who has gotten the game running yet. Is it live yet? We're going to run out of April 18th soon enough, and I'd hate to get home just to be told I still can't access it yet. Tried a little after midnight last night and that was too soon, but this sure shouldn't be now.
@rockodoodle Yeah. Not to knock on anybody here who loves Cuphead or the type of game it is but that is just not how I enjoy gaming. I think when it comes to 2D platforming Nintendo always seems to do the best job, they always manage to strike that perfect balance between accessibility and difficulty. I honestly wouldn't even call Cuphead a 2D platformer, it's a variety of 2D boss battles.
I definitely double-dipped for this. I love classic animation more than I love Nintendo, and that’s really sayin’ something.
I have wanted to play Cuphead ever since I saw it revealed on Xbox, but I am a PS4 guy. However, many of us own a PS4 or Xbox, and a Switch.
Now that Cuphead is on Switch, I can finally play this amazing game. After several minutes (as of this writing) I can say that it is fun, but difficult. It’s forcing me to remember how to play platforming games again. As a kid on the NES, I was pro with Mega Man II and the Castlevania series, but modern games have removed much of the challenge. Cuphead brings it back with a vengeance.
The art and music are beautiful. I hope to stick with this game though the end!
@MJInnocent depends on the style of games he’s played. If he’s been raised on hard as nails retro games he should be fine. My ten year old loves this game.
I also don’t see the point at all in pre ordering a digital game. I mean- why? 🤔
I'd love to try Cuphead, but I know it'd kick my @ss.
Cuphead - 6/10
2 words of advice for people who want to jump on the the crap bandwagon for this game.
Mechstermination Force!!!!!
I’ll save my money for a fun game.
Can Nintendo make a game which is a cross between Mario (in regards to the level of difficulty / platforming) and Cuphead please? That would be an instant buy from me. I love the animation style, [always been an early Disney (including Silly Symphonies - which Cuphead reminds me of) fan] music and the other aesthetics of this game.
I would prefer more of a platformer though (instead of many boss battles) and a more relaxed play style. I did grow up with difficult games on my NES back in the 1980s / 1990s (such as “Battletoads”) but was never able to finish some of them, no matter how hard I tried.
These days I much prefer games that you can see through to the end. Cuphead would definitely be one of those games. Since I think that would not be the case, I will have to pass. No matter how amazing the game looks.
The game I’d like to see Nintendo make in a similar style to Cuphead is a remake of their Popeye arcade game. The same gameplay, but with this level of capturing the Fleischer Popeye look. It’s a shame that they’ve almost completely abandoned this game, but I’ve long thought that they just don’t have the rights to the characters anymore. Not that I wouldn’t jump on a Mario game in this style, too, but being able to play a faithful Popeye cartoon would be a perfect fit. An expanded version with new levels, like Donkey Kong ‘94, too.
Also, as far as the notorious difficulty goes, I finished the game and got enough “A” grades to earn the two-color filter, so it’s a difficulty that can be overcome pretty easily if you want to see it through.
As an example, after the first night trying to beat Cagney Carnation, I started to think I’d never get the hang of it or get past the first island. Before long, I pulled off a “Golly, a perfect score” ending to this same level. And I’m someone who still finds much of SMB 3 frustratingly hard. So, it’s the kind of hard that feels good to overcome, because it can be figured out.
@LaytonPuzzle27 Now I would love a port of that!
To double dip or not to double dip that is the question.
@JayJ for me, this is the kind of game that I would have to play with a higher skilled player and let them get me passed the hard parts- but I don't have that person right now.
Purchased and haven't been disappointed. Loving it!
Purchased Cuphead this afternoon and I love it. Beaten the first island so far. Challenging for sure, but satisfying to overcome. I was torn between this and Katana Zero. KZ is probably great as well, but I have no regrets about picking up Cuphead. I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
I’m wondering how this will do in Japan now, if available there. It must have been limited as an Xbox only title in that region with the smaller user base. It seems like a style they’d like there, and challenging games tend to appeal as well.
Cuphead deserves 10 and nothing less
You can’t call a game a masterpiece and not give it a 10. facepalm
@Gs69 Nope i read its cartridge and will release after the DLC so thay can put it all on one cart.
Now that's a nice extra that comes with the Switch version (and the update for the others)- Some of the unused boss assets have been added into the battles. They've been added in ways that don't change the way they played before, but they create some alternate paths if you trigger them the right way.
If you don't shoot at the onion boss, he doesn't start crying, and leaves happy. Then the radish that had turned up in the game's unused files pops up and adds a whole new level of challenge to the carrot boss. All the elements from Sally Stageplay that had also weren't used before have been put in, creating an alternate path that changes the whole narrative of the "play". I don't recall seeing any of the assets added to Djimmi the Great before, but they look like they make his final phase even trickier. And the area with dropping balls and tilting platforms with some kind of robot head rolling back and forth gets used too, which I'm happy to see because I'd wondered if that was going to be one of the new DLC bosses. So it takes that one out of the running and means the new bosses will be fresh creations.
@YANDMAN that’s good news to me I will wait for the physical
Lordy, this game is absolutely beautiful; however, it is super challenging! I remapped the controls and have been attempting to beat each level, but I suck at this game. I still love it though and would agree a 9/10 is about right, but I am biased due to the difficulty.
@jhvoorhies Remapping the controls made the game SO much better for me. I’m halfway through Isle 2, and I’m having a real good time with it.
Cuphead rules.
Okay. Great game and superbly ported over to Switch. It’s percent for Switch in fact.
The graphics are stunning. It reminds me of the diet time I played Fantasia. Lovely cartoon graphics but ludicrously hard!
This is one of the most swear inducing games I have ever played. But I will succeed!
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