Platformers aren’t quite what they once were; whether they’re 3D or 2D we’ve had a bit of a mini-renaissance with them in recent years, but they hold nowhere near the draw that they did in the '80s and '90s. What a shame then that one of the best and most polished games of the genre happened to not only launch after these golden years, but on a console that - for the most part - passed most people by. In case it wasn’t already obvious enough given the title, we are, of course, referring to Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, the latest entry in the revitalised Donkey Kong Country series. It made a splash with the handful of people who bought a Wii U, but it received nowhere near the commercial success it deserved. Blasting back onto Switch, is it finally time for this game to shine, or have the years been too cruel? It’s the former, let's not even try to pretend.
As stated in our review of the Wii U original, Tropical Freeze takes everything that made Donkey Kong Country Returns great and doubles down on it. The running, jumping, and rolling that made the original games so enjoyable has been refined further and tightened to the Nth degree. The higher resolution also pays dividends in allowing you to see more of the level from afar, meaning you can react more appropriately when pits or enemies lie ahead of you. The Wii U version was only able to display at 720p, but it still looked good. This new version, however, boosts it up to a gorgeous full 1080p that fits the style and aesthetic so well we didn’t even notice. It’s a real testament to the art direction.
Other changes are fairly minimal, as shown by Digital Foundry's recent video comparison. Shading appears to be marginally different and DK’s fur is a bit nicer to gawp at, but overall the biggest change is absolutely the resolution. The frame rate remains the same, solid 60fps as well, which has proven absolutely unshakeable regardless of what’s going on on screen. For a hardcore platformer like this that stability is essential, and they’ve completely nailed it.
Speaking of hardcore, let’s address the gorilla in the room. The biggest new addition to this version of the game is that of Funky Kong, the bodacious ape that’s totally tubular or mondo, or whatever. When you start a save file for the first time you’ll be asked whether you want to play in Original Mode or Funky mode. The former is the game just as it was with absolutely nothing changed beyond the previously mentioned resolution and fur and stuff. The latter Funky mode, however, is a totally 'hang-ten' way to play, noticeably reducing the difficulty thanks to Funky Kong’s shiny new move-set.
He behaves much like DK, only he can roll forever just as though he had a partner Kong with him (although when playing as Funky you can never use a partner Kong), double-jump, slow his descent by using his surfboard as a makeshift helicopter, obviously, and also stand stationary on spiked floors without taking damage. You’ll also have five hearts to play with rather than the standard Kong default of two each, allowing you to take a lot more punishment before returning to your last checkpoint.
You’ll not be locked into this new way to tackle the game’s challenges however, as at any time you can switch to playing as good old Donkey Kong should you wish, provided you’re not in the middle of a level. You’ll get a smidgen more health than if you were playing in Original Mode, so it’s not heading directly from one extreme to the other. Whichever mode you choose to play in, that decision is permanent, so make sure you’re absolutely certain what kind of challenge you’re after. Of course, there’s nothing to stop you starting a new save file in the other mode, as well.
While some of the more seasoned players may be put off by the idea of taking the sting out of the game’s difficulty, it really is a superb addition. The fact that save files are locked in either mode means no matter how tempted you are, you can’t quickly beat a tricky level as Funky Kong before reverting back unless you’ve specifically selected Funky Mode. If you’re committed to playing it in its original form, you lock yourself into that decision, and the game offers no relief at any time. If you want a challenge, it’s still here, and it’s still chuffing hard.
For less experienced players, this is an absolute godsend; what was once a bright and colourful yet deceivingly devilish platformer is now much more accessible to those new to the Donkey Kong Country formula. That’s not to say that Funky Mode is straight-up easy though. Despite having played through the Wii U version several times we still found our time with Funky frustratingly unforgiving at times. It’s certainly easier than with DK, but it’s by no means something you can blitz through without taking a hit. Enemies are exactly where they were before, pits are just as big, and Funky’s new moves aren’t as overpowered as they may seem on paper.
Despite having the ability to slow his descent to a crawl by holding the jump button, when you’re doing so your horizontal movement is cripplingly slow. Unless you’re about to miss a ledge by a very small margin, you’ll probably still end up tumbling to your death, albeit gradually. Standing on spikes is all well and good, but it’s just standing. You can’t run or even walk, meaning you have to jump each time you want to move forward, which can put you in troublesome situations if an enemy is approaching you. Being able to roll forever also has its drawbacks, as it’s not as easy to come to a stop when doing so, and on several occasions we’ve blasted ourselves into spear-wielding foe before we can stop ourselves. So can all this hardship, even in Funky Mode, be worth it? Absolutely.
The difficulty balance is borderline perfect. Levels are tough, but each time you die you’re painfully aware that it’s your fault and you’re the one who misread the situation or mistimed that jump. We believe we only encountered one instance of what you could call a ‘cheap’ moment where we didn't have had enough time to react, and even then it was only a single hit from an enemy rather than an instant death. It was during one of the infamously tricky ‘K’ levels which can only be unlocked by finding all the KONG letters in a world.
The sense of accomplishment for finally completing a level you’ve been struggling with is undeniably wonderful, yet no single level is so frustrating that it made us quit out of anger. Every time you’ll progress a little bit further, you’ll learn where you went wrong, and you’ll improve for the next run. Again, we feel this is largely due to the almost total absence of cheap, artificial difficulty spikes.
Let’s quickly round up by talking about the presentation. It’s totally and utterly gorgeous, with every screen looking entirely original and unique and bursting with colour, a soundtrack to make Mozart jealous, and animations smoother than butter. Everything is refined to a T, from the gameplay, to the presentation. Sure, the rough charm present in the Rare titles is missing, but that's to be expected; those games were created by a different team with different sensibilities using much cruder technology. Tropical Freeze is a glorious refinement of Rare's approach, but we can see how some diehard DKC fans might prefer the SNES originals, perhaps due to the use of rose-tinted specs.
There's no doubt about it, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is one of the most refined and enjoyable platformers money can buy. The levels are all beautiful - not only because of their delightful new 1080p resolution, but also their structure; the characters move with fluidity and brilliant responsiveness, and the inclusion of Funky Kong brings balance for those who have less experience with brutally tough platformers. It’s so well-made that it’s almost too well-made; there's an absence of a certain 'rough-and-ready' charm found in the original DKC trilogy. This is, however, a complaint so minor it's practically insignificant. Donkey Kong’s first appearance on Switch is streamlined, rewarding, and immensely good fun; any fan of 2D platformers simply has to get this game.
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Comments 217
I'm sure its a great game, didn't play it on WiiU, but at $60 and so many games I haven't finished, I'll wait for a sale. I'm a buyer at $40.
It looks good but I just can't get all that excited for this one.
I’ll probably pick this up used for 20 bucks somewhere in the future. I’m not going to fork over 60 bucks for a rerelease.
I’ve got a feeling that this game will flop because of its price tag.
Great game. Anyone who’s hasn’t played it should def try it out. Too expensive for me to double dip though.
Bodacious out of 10, you guys are clever.
Although I have it on Wii U I Never finished it and the thought of being able to play anywhere is appealing. May cave in...
A sensible approach. People get angry about the price but they have to balance what they think the game is worth to them now, and whether they need to have it asap, before deciding whether to buy it or not. Nintendo doesn't hold a gun to any of our heads.
The game is fantastic and David Wise's music is majestic.
Great score and what we already knew, it's a great game!
In 10 years or so, I'll get it when it's on sale.
Mine shipped from Amazon already, seems I will be getting it a day early which is strange but certainly welcome! Can't wait to dive in!
Amazing game. Genuinely made me smile throughout the entire thing.
So tempted to double dip! It's a quality game that I loved on WiiU.
@Yasume You might want to consider buying a digital copy if you have an account with access to the Japanese eshop.
The Japanese version has English language included. I just bought a digital download code from Amazon Japan which currently has a 9% discount. The game is currently priced at ¥5,863 which works out at around £38.00.
The other great thing about the Japanese version is that it is being released on 2nd May as opposed to the 4th in the UK.
Looking forward to revisit this one, Funky Kong style because the original was one heck of a hard challenge.
I liked the game, but found the controls quite annoying. Certainly worth the money for the Selects version, but not £50.
With so many great games available in my backlog, and with so few changes, I see little reason to double dip. Easy pass. But I'm glad DKCTF has got a second chance to shine.
@RainbowGazelle Its £40.00 on Amazon and
I've double dipped as it was my Birthday and I got some vouchers towards it.
Already own it on Wii U, so I am in no hurry to pick up the Switch version but might get it when it go's on sale for at least $30. Same thing apply's to the Bayonetta 1 and 2 collection.
Have it on my WiiU and already pre-ordered Switch copy. Hopefully able to reach my hand on this Friday.
I'm clicking the 10th star in the rating but it's doing nothing!
Double dipping.... 3.5 times- MK8, Rayman, this and then a few tables on Zen Pinball. But this time only b/c I love DK as a character. Love this game but it was so hard, Funky mode will be more my style. Last double dip.
I'm gonna skip out on this one. I just can't justify paying nearly 3 times the price of the original just for a new character and an increased resolution.
The $60 price tag seems a little high, but won't stop me from buying one of my favorite games, and enjoying it for dozens and dozens of hours. Now bring on DKC Returns remastered in glorious HD!
Ok So what I can't get is allbthe complaining about the price. I get if you can't afford full retail. But do you really expect Nintendo to sell this for any less? They gotta make up what they lost for it on Wii U. I'm double dipping because I want more of these games made & because I adore the first. But I seriously don't get why people expected less than $60.
If you didn't play this on WiiU and like to play platformers couch co-op with your family who are more casual players, my advice would be to stay away from this game. This was easily my biggest regret purchase on WiiU.
I've said it before, I'll say it again: no way this game should be priced the same as, say, a Far Cry 5. Unbelievable.
So playing this on Funky mode, cause why not? I could use a DK with an extra heart. I am a filthy casual who uses save states, plays on normal or lower difficulty, and enjoys games.
The price of this game is and always will be a serious sore spot for me. Ports of five-year-old games should not cost more than they did when they first released. That said, this is a fantastic game and I am happy that another, larger audience will get a chance to try it out.
Not buying a game I've beaten many years before. At least, not now. Especially with many other things on the horizon.
Great game, not double dipping for more than 20 euros or something.
@BrokenDpadGamer Well, it is $10 more than it was on the Wii U. And it sold a respectable 1.72 million copies, so it didn't exactly lose money. So, it is absolutely a cash grab- and I wish that Nintendo at least allowed those of us who bought the original get a discount. The main reason I am getting it is that I get 20 percent off through Prime.
I just can't see spending $60 for a re-release. I'm not much into platformers anymore, but I do like the DKC series. I just can't defend Nintendo charging top dollar for a double-dip with few enhancements. Maybe in a couple years when they let the price drop to $30.
@BrokenDpadGamer There's a difference between what is expected, and what people believe it should be. I expected it to be priced at $60. I still believe that is overpriced. Not only is it a re-release, but it is priced higher than the original that released years prior. I'm fine if you and others have no issue with pricing - but that's why myself (And from the comments, many others) are choosing to hold off on this one. I'd probably have picked it up again at $40 or so.
It's ironic this version is the one that has better reviews, in spite of the higher peice tag than when it came out in 2014. I will wait for it to go on sale, which happened to the Wii U version frequently. Then again, with MK8 selling better on Switch than Wii U, I may end up waiting for a long time, lol.
I agree with the score. A great game. Probably one of the best 2D platformers ever. Deserves a wider audience on the Switch than it had on the Wii U. Though I'm surprised if it has a reputation for being hard. I didn't think it was particularly hard. I thought the Wii one was harder (and I'm not one of those gamers who goes online to boast about how tough I am and how every game is too easy for me...) But then, maybe you're referring to bonus levels.
Also, can Nintendo, for once, pump the damn brakes on 2D side scrollers? Like my god between Wii, Wii U and now Switch, the 2D platformers are just too much.
I found this a bit too hard to be fun on WiiU. Glad there's a easier way to experience it now, but I won't double dip.
@gatorboi352 your right. Far Cry 5 is an average FPS with scratchy A.I.
DK country tropical freeze is one of the greatest Platformers ever made.
@gatorboi352 complains about a 2D platformer while thinking that another cookie cutter open world game is worth 60 bucks. Trolling at a whole different level, and very little understanding of mathematics. Can Sony pull the brakes on "cinematic" action adventures? Between the PS2, PS3 and PS4 they've pumped hundreds of them
I already pre ordered this game. I think the price is too high, but since Nintendo is not very generous when it comes to discounts and sales, I bought it.
@gatorboi352 What does it matter? You don't even own a switch.
Great game for the switch. No brainer
Loved it on Wii U, will absolutely buy it again
I can't e help feeling this deserves a 10! 😊
Day one
Played it on the Wii U, sold it when this was announced, getting it again even though it's more expensive...
Yeah, Nintendo got me alright... and I couldn't care less!
Such an amazing game!
I'm not gonna complain about being ripped off (cause I'm not being ripped off). I am not gonna complain about the price. Having already played this on the Wii U, I will personally wait however long it needs to go down in price for the Switch and when I've cleared the bit of backlog I have
Why are you a member here? Do you even own a Nintendo system? Going through your posts, all I see is you complaining over EVERYTHING here. No positive comments, just negativity. But I guess trolling is fun?
I think one should be able to criticize a company like Nintendo when it's justified, they do make some stupid decisions from time to time, but to be this negative all the time makes me wonder if you really are a Nintendo gamer or only here for stirring up some ****?
On topic: I will probably buy this game sometime. Didn't own a WiiU so haven't played it before. Looks fun and I really enjoy 2D platformers!
PSA - Anybody in the UK with a Smyths nearby can pre-order this for store pickup for £35
This is a buy on sale or used down the line.
Better new things to play at $60 right now on my list before replaying this again.
He Alex, looks like you have been promoted to reviewer-status! Congratulations.
@Quarth @gortsi he must be really bored. His Xbox is struggling to hold his attention. If it was so great he wouldn't be in here.
Amazing game, but not gonna double-dip until Donkey Kong Country Returns also comes over... with the 3DS exclusive content and lack of waggle!
Hmm, could be. I don't know.
"Also, can Nintendo, for once, pump the damn brakes on 2D side scrollers? ".
Only if they've lost their minds. They can churn them out in their sleep, they make the best around, hardly anybody else outside the indie circuit makes them anymore, and they sell lots.
Though credit to you for criticising Nintendo for too many 2D platformers while lauding a PS/Xbox FPS, Ubigame that's the 14th release in that series (not including compilations) in 14 years. Top notch use of irony.
I got this free on WiiU thanks to club Nintendo.
The biggest let down was that the game is so much harder in coop.
You both have to be crazy experts.
Single player is super challenging, coop is too hard to be fun.
I don't see any reason to buy what I got free before and didn't enjoy.
I feel like the game is overrated and personally found the Wii/3DS version to be more interesting and novel (even if it is still a much better single player game).
For crazy hard core games with massive amounts of time, I can see the appeal, just not for me.
@WiltonRoots seriously this game is such a masterpiece. Do I think it should have been priced lower, especially considering it got a Nintendo selects version on Wii U? Absolutely, and people can criticize the price all they want. But comparing that game to Far Cry, of all games? I love most Ubisoft games, but that's like comparing apples to oranges. They satisfy very different needs
I'm not sure it matters whether they think it's a new game or not. To literally millions of Switch owners this is a new game, and a new DK game.
All 3 of Nintendo's Switch ports have sold well and this will too. Hyrule Warriors I expect to be a different matter.
I completed the Wii U version, its superb, but not worth 60 bucks even with the resolution bump, after so many years.
40 bucks tops.
This game on the go is an easy yes for me. I love platformers and this is one of the best. I will double dip. Day one.
Best game on Wii U. I wish they added new levels like Returns on 3DS.
Almost certain this will be the next million+ seller we hear about.
@RETRO_J @Henmii Reviews and news were what I started doing here, it's just videos take up most of my time these days so I don't get to do reviews very often.
@Yasume I think the opposite is going to happen if past history is anything to go by. Almost all negative publicity has caused games sales to spike, simply due to higher media coverage. It's also not something that's really going to affect anyone except for repurchasers and Wii U owners.
All of this is going to result in more people knowing about the game and showing interest in it especially with its review scores. I'm predicting it will sell MORE than its predecessor and by quite a bit.
EDIT: Oh also looks like the game is back up in NA, the only region it was missing from.
I'm surprised at all the people waiting for a price drop. Nintendo games so seldom get meaningful price drops. Though I do think $40-50 would have been a better starting (and permanent) price for it.
Anything less than 10/10 for this game is criminal
For $60 this game should have gotten 5 stars.
I find it interesting that this review says that 2D platformers are nowhere near the draw that they were in the 80s and 90s. Is this true? I don't think so. The audience never tired of 2D platformers. Only the game developers did. They simply decided they didn't want to make those games and mostly went with 3D games. Some games are better in 3D, such as racers and first-person shooters, but most games are better in 2D, yet Nintendo especially seems obsessed with making most of their games in 3D. I guess 3D games are more fun to make, but they aren't necessarily more fun to play.
@LUIGITORNADO Price has nothing to do with the quality of a game. If you've played or owned the game before, don't buy it at full price.
This game is as good as any brand new game you’ll find - it’s a marvel - it was released on a console that didn’t have a bigger user base and it’s not that old - it’s a full sized game - and It’s better than most that get released right now...
Everyone up at arms that it costs the price of a game....
I don’t get it at all.
I get wii u owners not wanting to double dip at this price but not sure why others think it’s an outrage.
I’ve ordered for £35 and that seems fair
@RETRO_J @AlexOlney agree 100%
More Alex reviews.
@Hikingguy It's not even a matter of being uninformed. For Switch owners who never owned a WiiU, the fact that a game previously existed on the WiiU may seem irrelevant. That's certainly the case for me. For example I had no problem paying full price for Mario Kart 8 on Switch, because for me it was a new game, in spite of me being aware that the game previously released on WiiU.
Regarding Tropical Freeze, I'm not sure it's worth $60 to me, but that has nothing to do with it previously being on WiiU. It just has to do with how much replay value I think I'll get out of it. A game like MK8 is one I can see playing indefinitely, whereas I don't usually find myself wanting to repeat platformers, so I tend to place a lower value on them.
I can't really blame Nintendo for giving this game a second run at full price. There will be people out there still seeing it for the first time, and it's not like there has been any platformers around the last few years challenging Tropical Freeze's position as contemporary cream of the crop.
Missed this before since I never had a Wii U, and I've been dying to get my hands on this for four years. Now is my chance!
@AlexOlney What about the loading times, have they improved that?
The Wii U version took ages to load, despite being a simple 2D platformer and not a huge 3D open world game.
For me, this was a major drawback and probably one of the reasons I stopped playing it.
Don't let this review distract you from the fact that Funky Kong ASMR is a real thing on YouTube, and it's just as weird as it sounds...
I loved this game and spent alot of time finding everything on the Wii U edition as well I spent a good bit of time climbing the leaderboards , which I was wondering if the online leaderboards are still present in this incarnation. I would highly recommend this title to anyone that likes Donkey Kong Country its an amazing title and if you have never played it, it is definitely worth the price trust me you are getting a great title with a good bit of replay value the levels are simply beautiful. I dont know that I could suggest double dipping for that price with what Nintendo has added which is only a new character , though it is a character that has never been playable so I guess there is that . It would have been so awesome if they could have added some extra levels like they did with Donkey Kong Country Returns on the 3DS seems like a missed opportunity to me . I'm looking forward to seeing the new Donkey Kong Country thats headed our way .
@shani Yes, loading times have been improved substantially. See GameXplain or Digital Foundry's videos on the matter. I haven't read this article, but that seems like a glaring omission if it wasn't covered in the review.
I'm so glad that Nintendo is charging $60 because of all the people whining about it. Just pretend the game doesn't exist. Or just wait until the price goes down. Or buy it for the Wii U. And if you don't have a Wii U just buy one then. The market determines the price. If this game had also came out on the PS4 a few years ago then it wouldn't be $60. It also probably wouldn't had been ported to the Switch.
Should be a 10. Only gripe I have is what’s the point in diddy Kong because Dixie is so much better.
@EasyDaRon I felt like your description of the controls were spot on for DKC: Returns. Still a great description of Tropical Freeze as well, though it seems to be a bit tighter. Especially when using a partner Kong and button controls.
@sandman89 True, but Cranky is god tier in this game.
@Not_Soos Thanks for clearing that up! 👍
This game suffers from NSMBitis, far too conservative in its gameplay and reliant on new levels to provide a new experience. Shocking that this game gets away with it while everyone criticizes Star Allies when it’s done more to change things up. Isn’t it about time DK did something new and original? This series could really use a BotW/Odyssey esque shakeup. Not necessarily more open world, but that level of change would be a breath of fresh air for this series.
It's a good game but i bought it on the WiiU for 20 euros like 2 years ago, so makes zero sense the 60 Euro price tag.
@-DG It should. Affordability is accounted for in most product reviews. Games should be no different, especially in clear cut cases of rip offs.
i've only played the first on the snes so i'll skip this one unless i find it used one day for like 10$.
also for the pixel peepers; portable it runs at like 650p or something odd like that. still 60 fps.
I have a feeling there will be a new 3D Donkey Kong game soon. It's such uncharted territory (as there's only ever been one and it's not the most beloved) and they can kind of be like "If you liked Mario Odyssey, you'll love Donkey Kong [insert subtitle here]..."
@shani No problem!
Ah, I see! Of course I do know you as the video-guy.
I think that the port should be cheaper and include the prequel but the game itself is awesome.
I own Far Cry 5 and this game is just as good. Anyone who hasn’t played it should have no qualms paying $60 for what is one of the best playformers ever made. The fact that it came out a few years ago does not deter from its quality. And why shouldn’t Nintendo ask for the most money for it?
I own it on the Wii U and I may very well sell that copy on eBay and get this instead. And I’ll enjoy both this and FC5.
@kobashi100 clearly someone hasn't played FC5.
@WiltonRoots not anymore, no.
@Haywired If by “3D” you mean another sandbox like 64, I’d rather not. DK always kind of apes Mario and I’d rather see it have its own gameplay identity. It’d be neat instead for it to be Nintendo’s answer to games like God of War and Knack and have it be a hybrid platformer/beat em up, that would really give it a sense of uniqueness and variety in Nintendo’s catalog.
@Luffymcduck that's my issue, too. They could have added more levels and somewhat justified the price increase because it's now in HD and portable.
How do you review for affordability? Prices of products change. If affordability was a factor how would anything top end get good marks?
I bought the Bayo 2 port at full price. DKCTF looks to be worth it for first timers. A good game is worth whatever price you're willing to pay for it. Ignore the haters and make your own decision.
Phenomenal platformer, one of my favorite games in the genre and of all time. Yeah, I don't agree with the price, but I can understand Nintendo's approach: This is a new game to a lot, if not most Switch owners. Also, the Wii U's low sales had a factor in the immediate $10 off four years ago. Again, not something I agree with but at the very least it makes sense.
"funky kong cant have a partner" wow, this homophobia from nintendo, even after the blowup over tomodachi life? smh :/
@LUIGITORNADO I agree with this to an extent. The problem with games is that each one is a unique experience. Other products you can shop around for something that does the exact same thing at a better price. There is only one DKC:Tropical Freeze. ( Well okay... two. )
In my opinion, price should only ever affect a games rating by maybe 1 or 2 points out of 10, maximum, if at all. Especially because a game score is going to remain the same, even if the price drops.
Should Nintendo have priced this game lower? Absolutely! $50 would have been fair and $40 would have been ideal. The review score and pricing, though... Those two things need separation in order to judge a game fairly.
Still the best platformer ever made.
A great game, one of Retro's best. Loading times on the Wii U were shocking though. Not going to buy the game again myself but for anybody who hasn't played it, an essential Switch release.
Really enjoyable review! Never played it AND I’m in a mood to play a good platformer, I think I’m in. Mind you, I’ve promised myself Splatoon 2, So $120 is pretty painful...but.....argh, take it !
Best 2D platformer of all time, bar none.
And it's the number one selling game on Amazon, and has been for some time, even above GoW, Far Cry 5 and countless other titles... and just on preorders.
This game is absolutely amazing and I'm so glad to see it lighting it up. It deserves it.
And it's not just the resolution increase, or the new mode with new movesets which will fundamentally change time trial runs with his double jump and slow decent flutter and infinite roll/corkscrew, it's the console/handheld version in one, it's the local co-op in tabletop mode, it's the revived time trial video replay upload servers, its the load times cut in half, it's all of that.
I can't recommend this game enough. Stack any other 2D platformer of the modern era against it... and they'll come up short every time.
Had this for WiiU, got to the Owl boss and it was so punishingly completely impossibly difficult that I sold the game out of spite. The only thing that makes me consider picking it up again is the inclusion of Funky mode to make it at least a little bit easier, tho I still dont know how much it will help against the impossible owl. At $60 tho? Good lord, gonna have to wait on that then. I wouldnt even consider it unless it was $40 or less. Asking full price was a mistake on Nintendo's part, but maybe they will fool some people who skipped the wiiU generation...
Now on to the obligatory general gripe:
We dont need ports of these worthless games like this and Hyrule Legends (which I only moderately liked and have No desire to replay). Give me a re-release of Super Mario 3D World or Yoshi Wooly World... Better yet, give me that Fallout 4 port that I have wanted since the Switch came out. Or how about some Monster Hunter World? Yes Im not going to stop griping till we get that or at least a US/UK version of XX, or how about a brand new Switch-only game (that doesnt suck like MHStories for 3DS, blech)
@electrolite77 Thanks for the heads up. Going to get my preorder in asap.
Easy pass. Already 200%'d the Wii U one......
Out of curiosity, can 'Funky Mode' be played co-op? ..unless I missed it, it doesn't say above (or in the video review)
Thanks in advance!
@gatorboi352 Ah well in that case you have nothing to worry about really. No point in raising these issues if you don't have one any more.
@ouroborous <--- this guy gets it, and isn't drinking the kool-aid.
Absolutely loved Tropical Freeze on Wii U. I may be tempted to buy it again on a discount. If you've never played, do yourself a favor and get it asap
@WiltonRoots these issues are why I no longer have one. It's both maddening and hilarious to see play out tbh
@gortsi Yep I put a few hours into it when I borrowed it off a friend and it is a top tier platformer which I thoroughly enjoyed, and platformers aren't even my thing. The thing is if people shop around, they'll get it at a decent price.
Anyway we're getting in the way of all these people crying. Best let them carry on.
One of the best games I've ever played. Pre-ordered this on Wii U originally. I'm so tempted to get it again, I 100% the game. My kids loved it too but it was so challenging they didn't get beyond the first world, which was such a shame. Funky will allow them to right this wrong... Genius move Nintendo, genius.
I don't think I can play any new games knowing that Far Cry 5 exists. Heck, it'll be hard enough going back and replaying something like Breath of the Wild knowing Far Cry 5 has graced our presence.
@KryptoKrunch It's all about Far Cry 5. Our whole lives have been building up to this point. Everything you've ever done before, cast those memories aside.
The moment you learned to walk, speak, graduated, your first proper job, your first love, all pale into insigficance to Far Cry 5. Well in Florida anyway.
200%? That's really impressive
I never had the patience for hard mode. But I put hundreds of hours into time trials... before they wiped the servers and I lost all my video replays.
Maybe I'll consider hard mode this time. But tbh, I'm more interested in doing a Funky playthrough than a hard mode play through
Maybe I'll do a Funky Hard mode playthrough 😊 If that even exists
Got it on Wii U. Will buy Day 1 on Switch
Probably the best 2D platformer in history.
@N64SNESU Bigger games take longer to develop, so there is little harm in remastering and re-releasing a hit title those who didn't buy into on Wii U can purchase now. Sure the price is a rough spot for those who already bought it, but I bought it the first time, recently sold my Wii U copy and will be buying this again on Friday. I have Best Buy GCU so any new game at $60 I can get for $47 plus having sold my old copy this will cost me $30. I'm not trying to brag, just demonstrate there are good ways of getting games cheaper than full retail.
Still re-releases aren't for everyone, but I like the titles Nintendo has chosen to fill in the Switch roster. I love the changes to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and like the idea of us getting an actual Switch entry of Mario Kart (9?) when the time is right. More original Switch titles are coming including Mario Tennis Aces next month, a new Fire Emblem title sometime this year and others to be announced at E3. Personally I'm betting that Smash for Switch releases as soon as E3 and as late as September, but that's just my opinion.
I also believe that with consoles you have to own a few. It's hard to be a Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft only fanboy. There are great titles released very sporadically across each platform so sticking with one alone means a lot of dry spells between AAA quality titles.
@Yasume It has been the best-selling game on Amazon for days now. It's most definitely not going to flop.
@WiltonRoots their tears sustain me though. It takes real mental effort to continuously troll, get called out, and then insist that hundreds of people are just blind to your version of the truth because they are "fanboys" (or NDFers if you're 12, from Florida, and like Far Cry 5).
@Hikingguy I think you're talking about a few different things, and I have different levels of agreement with the different things you're talking about.
Regarding people who own(ed) a WiiU and already played these re-releases on the WiiU, it makes complete sense to me that they wouldn't want to buy the games again at full price just to have them on the Switch. If all or most Switch owners were in this category, then it would make a lot of sense to me to be critical of Nintendo for selling these re-releases at full price.
Regarding Switch owners who never owned a WiiU, they could be divided into two more groups:
1. Uninformed about the WiiU's existence, or at least the fact that MK8 or DKCTF were already released on WiiU, and
2. Informed about the WiiU's game library.
You seem to believe that the Uninformed group form the majority of Switch owners, and that only that group would think it's justified to charge full price for a game that was previously out on the WiiU, and that Nintendo is taking advantage of this ignorance, which makes them look bad.
I'm skeptical of this claim. I suspect that many Switch owners are in the Informed group, and that in any case, to many people, even if they did know that a game had previously been released on WiiU, it wouldn't be relevant to their estimation of its monetary value. So I don't think Nintendo is doing anything underhanded. They're just charging what they think the public is willing to pay for the games. The market will say whether they were right.
That's all my point was. I don't think it's necessary to assume ignorance on the part of buyers when trying to explain why they would pay $60 for MK8 or DKCTF.
@gortsi don't forget the kool-aid.
I understand that people will always prefer to pay less for a game but I don't get why we should expect an "old re-release" to be super cheap. Whether you think the price is fair should surely be based on your enjoyment and not on the marginal development/distribution cost of this version.
We pay the same ticket price to watch movies at the cinema (even classic re-releases) despite huge variation in production budgets and it still costs £10 to buy a copy of Dark Side to the Moon (despite being decades old).
This game is just okay, I got it on Wii U when it launched and I never really got into it.
@-DG Exactly. This is $60 for a Wii U game that was just selling for $20. Doesn't help how I wasn't particularly a fan of this game, but even if I was $60 for an old Wii U game is just too much.
@BradC40 Yea I feel like like Nintendo is using the failure of thee Wii U to justify the prices of these “ports”. Sure there is a large audience that hasn’t played them but they are still ports of older last gen games. 60$ is a stretch. I’m with you, 40$ and I’m picking this up.
I'm not sure when "bodacious" replaced "amazing", but I can roll with it. XD
For those who have not yet played this game: If the review wasn't clear enough, PLEASE buy this game!
So basically Wii U ports are terrible, unless they're Wii U ports you want
Man of principle, I see 😉
The price is horrible. Got it free with Club Nintendo a couple of years ago.
@gatorboi352 Far Cry 5 is a great game. I have played through each including this latest entry (and yes, that ending was really strange). And they have each been great in their own way. I typically judge a game by how much time I am going to put into it. When the Switch launched I bought Breath of the Wild Special Edition. I had no issues spending $100 on it as I new I would likely spend hundreds of hours in the game (which I have spent). I also bought Far Cry 5 Gold Edition on Xbox One X because I new I would spend time playing the game and then going back and doing side missions and quests. I also knew the Gold Edition would let me replay Far Cry 3 as well as the future FC5 DLC when it comes out, so again money well spent.
Now we have DKC Tropical Freeze. For me I beat the game which took a long time, but I never got around to unlocking all of the extra levels or really getting all of the content the game offered on the Wii U. I sold my Wii U copy to pay for part and my Best Buy GCU with the Wii U sell of my physical copy means I only will be paying $30 for the Switch version on Friday. I had a blast the first time around and had wanted to replay this at some point anyway because I can still put a lot of time into it. I understand some already beat it and maybe beat all of the extra content as well. Even with Far Cry I can see beating it once and being done. But for me I like to go back and replay games from time to time. Sure I still have the digital version of DKC:TF from Club Nintendo on my Wii U, but I'm glad to rebuy on Switch. It's also a good deal in my opinion for new Switch owners who never bought it the first time. Sure if you beat it the first time and or just don't want to buy it at full price then you can easily wait for a sale later this year, the same holds true for Far Cry 5. So again it just comes down to priorities and what games you want to support. For me I love both games and am lucky enough to be able to buy both.
Yea I'll stick with buying the Selects version
@Bolt_Strike what are you talking about it’s an amazing game. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
Never played it
Like the design
Great graphics
Good gameplay
Have pre ordered
Can't wait
@0muros so you want it free again ?!🙄
@JayJ okay........ lol
@sandman89 That is pretty much what I have to say to you, being a complete and utter tool doesn't put you on a pedestal bro.
@3dg3d3m0n enjoy!
@JayJ what?.... some people 🙄
I can't wait to buy this eventually! Not holding off because of the price tag, but rather my lack of money. 😂 Totally rad, my dudes!
In the UK on Amazon, the game is being sold for £40 - which seems perfect, let's not get too hung up on the £60 issue. x
@sandman89 You're the person trying to be dismissive and passive aggressive here.
Price 🤔🤔🤔🤔😥😥😥😥😥😥
I had this on Wii U but since i traded in my wii u and all my games to buy switch. I am going to buy again, Its 1080 this time and you can play it in 720 on a screen that looks amazing in 720. I know its double the price but seeing as i have to buy a wii u again to own the cheaper version, and this one is superior its a no brainer. Oh and i can' t think of any other games i want till the end of May so i need it for my gaming fix too, day one it is then lol.
@sparkyfilm £35 from Smyths - if you do Click and collect
@AlexOlney great review!
Also, I loved the “Bodacious” at the end, it made me laugh 😆
I never thought of this possibility, but it’d be nice if you (NL) did this more! Of course not for every single review, but some kind of custom conclusion for big hitters would be welcome 😁
I beat this game on Wii U and it was great! Really fun and amazing game if your into touch platformers, but some levels were really tough if your not into it enough. However, there is easy mode in this game can run you through motions of a level and then come back on normal if you want to. I think it should retail at 39.99 , but other then that the game is aces
Great game. My wife loves the Country series. We have it on WiiU. Don't know about buying it again on Switch. This will be many peoples chance to finally play this that skipped the WiiU. I feel that around Christmas time, it will likely drop and will wind up on a Selects type of circuit that makes it cheap. Might buy then....especially physical copy.
@bones The game actually runs at 648/60fps instead of 720/60fps on the Switch in handheld mode. It does run at a full 1080/60fps on TV though. My guess is they did this to preserve the full 60fps that the game runs at at the cost of resolution due to the Switch's limited power in handheld mode. To me this isn't a huge deal as on Wii U it only ran at 480 or less due to the GamePad resolution. I will be buying it myself on Friday, but I'm sure there are some who would want to know this going in.
@Hikingguy Everything you said makes sense to me. Thanks for explaining your views.
Regarding MK8 vs DKC:TF's perceived value to people who've already played them: I don't know if my reasons are the same as others', but I would feel the same way about being more willing to pay for another copy of MK8 than DKC. This is not because I necessarily think MK8 is better in any objective sense, but just because good racing games are more infinitely replayable to me than any platformer can ever be, regardless of how good the platformer is. This is especially true when you take into account the multiplayer capabilities of MK. I'm pretty sure this is not unique to me, and that there are a lot fewer people who will keep replaying a platformer after finishing it, whereas racing games don't even really have a concept of "finishing" them. I think this says more about multi-player games than these games in particular. For a similar reason I'd be more willing to buy a Switch port of Super Smash Bros even though I already have it on my 3DS XL; it's another infinitely replayable game to me.
A $50 game from 2014 retails for $60 in 2018. No, Funky Mode does not qualify this as an "enhanced" port.
Part of me really wants to try this but the other parts of me do not want to spend $90 CAD on a platformer
Call it crazy but I cant convince my self a platformer is a full game, even a new 2D Mario in 2018 wouldnt feel like a full game but the sucker in my will still end up buying this is Nintendo IPs take forever to go on sale
@Dr_Corndog Strange, I recall paying $60 for this back in 2014.
@N64SNESU I bet 50% or more of Switch owners never owned a Wii U
dont hate the Switch because you bought that flop of a Wii U
Too many people bring up Far Cry 5 to tag them all but I will say this
FC5 was horrible, it had a good effort but the AI was horrible, they were confused and wondering around many times while in gun fights
I also found the main story too short, I was done it pretty fast, I know the side quests and challenges would have made it longer but even that put aside , the goofy AI made the game a potato IMO
@ValhallaOutcast This is kind of standard with most Far Cry games in my opinion. I didn't start the trend but I did comment on it. Yes, the AI isn't incredible, and the difficulty isn't too high on the normal level. That said, it's a fun series that I have enjoyed since the beginning. Two and three were highpoints in the series, though five offers a lot if you take on some of the side quests that offer skill points as rewards.
I think the biggest similarity between these two games (if there is any at all) is that they both offer a single player mode that can be fairly brief but offer a lot of side content. I owned DKC:TF on Wii U and managed to beat it, something that is a decent accomplishment, but were many levels that I didn't unlock. The game offers a lot of content for those willing to put some time in to what it has to offer. Yes, these are both different genres of games that aren't similar at all otherwise.
At $80 digital I’ll be buying this in on sale at a later date
@Fandabidozi I am with you same price in Canada, but I am looking at the eShop and its like Nintendo IPs never go on sale, heck ive been waiting for a bunch of IPs and 3rd Party games to go on sale and its like Nintendo doesnt do sales as often as the Playstation store
@SilverSaturn64 Mind your language!
@sandman89 That mentality doesn't really work with entertainment. If you repeat something over and over again it stops being fun, so changing things up every once in a while is necessary to keep the fans interested.
I'm ok passing on this, still have it on wiiu and nothing here looks like it's worth double dipping on.
@gatorboi352 Oh no, God forbid, over a 12 year period there are a lot of 2D sidescrollers on Nintendo platforms. Wonder how many FPSes and third person shooters released on Playstation and Xbox in the same time? I don't see you complaining about that. Wonder why?
@gatorboi352 @Nico07
That is exactly right. You will go back and play DKC many times but you’ll never go back to replay a Far Cry. DKC’s replay value will never die, but Farcry will.
But Gatorboi here has a hard time grasping the fact that other people have different opinions & preference than him. And apparently, incomes as well.
I also own the FC5 Gold Edition. Definitely a great purchase.
@AlexOlney Love the "Bodacious" score btw! You should do that more often! Not often enough that it gets old, just sneak it in every once in a while. Great review, I'd love you to review more often but then I guess I wouldn't get told that I was a lovely person as frequently. Hmmm.
Yup, will be waiting a long time probably for this to price drop. I’m in the same boat with Odyssey, Xenoblade 2 and Street Fighter Collection. I’m having to make real hard decisions on what I can afford atm.
Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, Wave Race and Metroid are day one purchases however, no matter what the cost.
I'm in a different boat than many of the people here. I didn't play this on Wii U so I have pre-ordered and with Prim, it's gonna cost me less than $50 USD for the game. That's pretty good in my books. For all of those people saying they want a price's Nintendo, guys. You're gonna be waiting a while for that price drop. You will probably get it at the price you want in 1-2 years. If you are ok with that, no worries!
In fairness, if you have to be tight with money I can understand why this may not be a day 1 purchase for you. I'm 35 with a career job. Spending $150 on games a month is not gonna hurt me. If you are someone who needs to be more frugal, make the best choices you can! May has a lot of games coming out.
You're in for a real treat. There's a reason so many people cite Tropical Freeze as the greatest 2D platformer ever made.
Make sure to collect all 4 KONG letters in every stage. If you collect them all in every stage in a given world, you unlock the K level for that world- a true test of platforming grit. No check points in the K levels. They are so fun, and so rewarding when you complete one.
Also, once you beat a stage you unlock time trials for that level, with video replay uploads and leaderboards and bronze, silver and gold times to beat. You can also watch replays from the leaderboard's to see how the best in the world do it. I'm not a speed runner, but I got so addicted to the time trials in this game I spent hundreds of hours doing them, and and at one point before I stopped playing, had the second fastest run in the world without taking damage on the hardest level in the game. When you finally execute a flawless time trial run, it's like a drug. You get a high and you want more of it. On to the next stage.
Relish this game as long as you play it. You'll likely never play a better platformer again.
Funky can't have a partner? Whats going on in the top screenshot?
@gatorboi352 while true for the Wii U this is totally not the case for the Switch right now. Nintendo has only made TWO platformers in the first year of the switch and one of them is a port. Still waiting for a new 2D Mario over here..
Pre-order has been paid off for a while, can't wait to play. This will be my first time experiencing the game. DKC Returns is in my top 5 games all-time for both Wii and 3DS. @JaxonH and others I trust have told me this game is as good, or better than, Returns so I'm pretty hyped up.
@Nico07 Pretty sure it was $50. Either I got a bargain or you got ripped off.
If you loved Returns, that just confirms to me yet again you know what a good game is.
Tropical Freeze is better though, it really is!
I would advise doing a normal run first though. The expertly designed levels were not originally created for the move set of Funky Kong. So I would recommend playing it as intended the first time around. But I would maybe even recommend playing it through as Funky after that, because then you would unlock time trials with Funky Kong. The possibilities are endless with his movesets.
I also recommend unlocking all the K levels, and beating them, and at the end of the game there are three bonus stages you can unlock as well. I think you have to have beaten all the K levels in the game, I can't be sure because it has been a while. You could always Google it.
But once you beat the game, give the time trials a shot. Even if you think you're not into speed running, because I definitely wasn't, yet that ended up being my favorite part of the game. This guy who used to be a member here years ago, we would view each other's time trials via the uploaded video replays, then try to outdo each other. And it was nice because we did it at our own pace. I would pan through the levels and see which ones he had done a time trial run on; if I saw he had a pretty good time I would do a few runs and see if I could beat his. Then I might come back a week or two later and see that he had topped me again.
Not sure if I have you added on Switch... what name are you under again? I have amassed so many friends I can't keep them all straight because they all use different names than what I know them by (Chris?)
Yeah, it's Chris. We're friends on Switch.
Thanks for the tips. I was definitely planning a normal run first, then go from there like I do with most games.
My older brother is hug fan of Funky Kong!
Geez, so many people on here complaining about the price. I paid $60 for an inferior version of Mario Kart 8. I'm much happier to buy Tropical Freeze for $60 because they didn't do anything to change the core game. I have the option to completely ignore Funky Mode but in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe I can't change the items setting to single hold only.
@N64SNESU "Waste of space"? Laughable, but sure: it's your opinion, man...
Incredible game...that i got for $20 for my Wii U. I would buy it again for another $20. $60 is Crazy Town. Surprised this version didnt include Greedy Kong in addition to Funky!
You can unlock Greedy Kong via the loot boxes 📦📦🎉📦
@Pj1 £35 collect in store at Smyths.
I dug it on the Wii U, but several years ago when it was a new title, it was 50 bucks. Had Nintendo hit more of a sweet spot price-wise on this one, I'd grab it without question. But the changes seem pretty minimal to warrant a second purchase until the holiday sales.
Great game, but now it's way too expensive. Cut the price a bit Nintendo, and many more people will jump in.
40 should've been the official price, I hope it flops for this.
I might be wrong but I can see Hyrule Warriors struggling. You could be right and with BOTW generating lots of attention and being on a more successful format it could do well but I think the audience for that type of game is inherently limited. Mind you, I half expected Bayonetta 2 to flop on Switch and it's selling faster than the Wii U version.
I'm gonna give it a go myself as it actually looks good value with lots of content but not sure that means much in the big picture.
@KryptoKrunch Far Cry 5 is no laughing matter.
I've already seen this game about $10 cheaper than usual (adjusting for currency) advertised by several stores... Still not sure I'd pay that much for a 2D platformer when the indie market is flooded with them (including excellent games like the Shantae series), but I'm tempted.
One question would be, for someone who hasn't played any DKC game before, would going with Funky first be advised?
We just need DKC Returns on the Switch, that game is also brilliant.
This will be my first DK game. I'm expecting 2 things that people seem to say about every DK game, a tough challenge and a stellar soundtrack.
I double dipped for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe because I knew there would be more people available to play with online and they did add the new battle mode. However, won't be double dipping for Tropical Freeze.
Hey, at least he admitted Nintendo doing well is 'maddening' to him. I mean, it was obvious anyway, but good to see people confront things.
I love this game! One of my top 5 games on the Wii U....maybe even number 2 or 3; but I after completing the game with 100% completion, I don't have a desire to spend another $60 to purchase the game. Like others have said, if it were priced fairly at a cheaper price then maybe I would buy it again.
If you haven't played this game when it first came out on the Wii U, and you enjoy platformers, you owe it to yourself to buy this game for your Switch.
@electrolite77 haha, true! He must be frothing by the fact that Labo is selling better than God of War in Japan, even though the two cannot be compared at any point, as they are so different and target completely different audiences. And I say that as someone who hasn't played Labo but can vouch that GOW is a brilliant series, even though I haven't played the latest one.
@sandman89 Would be nice, super nice in fact but its not realistic. A third cut price to max a half cut price and I'm in. In all case I just have to be patient and I will be able to have it for 50$CAN. 90$CAN is just horrible.
@tobibra Why? Nothing really new added. Except a toddler level.
"The Wii U version was only able to display at 720p, but it still looked good. This new version, however, boosts it up to a gorgeous full 1080p that fits the style and aesthetic so well we didn’t even notice. It’s a real testament to the art direction."
Everyone, you need to get over 720p vs 1080p. Its highly overrated. Stop being a sucker.
@pullmyfinger A good game is still a good game, and I loved it. And I prefer handheld gaming. On Wii U I could only play it in the livingroom.
Great game! Not so great price on the Switch.
You need a bigger TV, or better eyesight
@electrolite77 You need a bigger brain that is not sucked into marketing that makes you think 1080P is better.
Should of been no more than £19.99 ... With more stuff added then it worth a buy but there's nothing on it to buy it at full price again lol just an easy mode, no fun there
Honestly, I'd say it's best enjoyed with the other characters your first time through.
That said, I would recommend Funky Mode because you can still choose to use the other characters. So you wouldn't have an overpowered moveset for the levels which were designed for the other characters, but you would still enjoy the other benefits of Funky Mode (more hearts, can bring more items into stages, can equip items mid stage, etc etc).
Really looking forward to this game I picked it up with the amazon prime 20% off gimmick.Never owning a Wii U this is a completely new game to me and I need more postassium in my diet.
Seems like 80% of the comments are complaining about the price tag. I bought Star Allies day one and got less than 10 hours of gameplay. I found the value lacking. I suppose if I get more hours out of this than I’m fine with the price tag. I can always sell it to one of the many individuals who want to buy it cheaper making this a win-win right?
It's ok, if you can't afford a new TV or genuinely can't see the difference that's fine. Nothing to be embarrassed about. But I don't think pretending that others can't see it is the way to go even if it makes you feel better. It's a bit silly.
See folks, Electrolite is doing what is called "painted into a corner" in where she has no logical explanation to her debate, lacks the skills for intellectual conversation, so, instead, she becomes a female version of Donald Trump and goes for the lame insults! Sad. Lonely. Cat woman.
I thought this game would be $50 instead of 60 but that's fine. Don't own a switch anyway. I'll also play Mario first
@Mamabear now that makes more since. Star Allies might get a price drop in a few years though.
Mine got delivered at 8am so I got a couple hours of play in and I’m digging it so far it looks and plays wonderfully.
45e in Smyths ireland.
I had this on WiiU and was quality.....but gonna wait for a price drop before re-purchasing this!!! DK rulez
Thank god for ‘Funky mode’ this game is incredibly challenging in places. I think it’s fair to charge maybe £40 for a rerelease that’s had a few few tweaks or even £30 if u bought the original... I got a download code for £30 so happy days! Looks beautiful and sounds amazing!
@BrokenDpadGamer because the game is 4 years old and last gen so should be budget price simple as this would have been given a 5/10 20 years ago for being a re release of a game at full price not sure why it seem a to be more accepting now are Nintendo becoming like Apple and people will give it a high score as long as Nintendo put their name on it.
Tropical Freeze is so much better than DKC Returns. With HD graphics and a way superior soundtrack and level design (with NO motion controls for rolling thank god). Heck, I wouldn't argue if someone said it's the best of the series, even though DKC 2 would give it a serious run for its money.
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