Imagine you're out jogging, near home, on your usual route. You come to a fork in the path where you always turn right, but just before you do you spot a snail making its way across the sidewalk. You swerve left to avoid it, and head down the left route for the first time. What would you find there? What could happen to you? How could your life change as a result of that path? That decision? That snail?
That's roughly the parable that opens Zero Time Dilemma, the third and final game in Kotaro Uchikoshi's Zero Escape series, which follows 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors and Virtue's Last Reward, and that butterfly effect-esque allegory stays relevant throughout the twisting, turning narrative that wraps up the trilogy. It's a polished, unnerving experience, and as the final chapter in the Zero Escape saga, well worth the wait for fans.
Zero Time Dilemma sees you guiding nine individuals who've been kidnapped and locked in a bunker by the masked madman Zero as they try to make their way through his deadly 'games' and survive into each next round. Split into three teams of three individuals apiece, Zero's unwilling contestants are pitted against each other in mind games and puzzles backed up with all manner of life-and-death consequences for their rivals and teammates; the basic rule is that once three players die, the other three can leave. Making things considerably more difficult is the fact that everyone's fitted with an ominous, non-removable watch, which serves both to tell the time and to inject its wearer with sleep-inducing and memory-erasing drugs at the end of each 'round'.
It's locked-room drama influenced by slow-burn horror and philosophical thought experiments, with plenty of psychological torture, impossibly cruel scenarios, and unthinkably gruesome violence — bring a strong stomach for sure — alongside well-drawn strained and unfolding relationships between the personable characters caught up in it all. It's far from predictable, and heads off in unexpected directions as it twists and turns towards its eventual conclusions, so if you enjoyed the roller coaster rides of the first two games in the series, you'll feel right at home here. The writing is also several notches above what you might expect from similar games, so while it often feels heavy-handed and preachy in terms of content, the delivery is consistently high-quality.
It's also worth noting that, as the third chapter in a three-game set, Zero Time Dilemma is not a great jumping-in point for the uninitiated. That may seem self-evident, but while direct sequels like Bravely Second go out of their way to be accessible to newcomers, Zero Time Dilemma distinctly doesn't, dropping you right in the middle of an already running, multithreaded narrative and assuming you already have reason to care about its returning characters. Newbies can still get plenty out of a playthrough, but it's definitely worth going through the other games first if you want the best experience.
Like its predecessors, Zero Time Dilemma unfurls through a well-designed visual novel format that makes the most of its medium to tell the tale. Instead of a single linear thread, you'll play through dozens of different 'story fragments', each representing a single chunk of time seen from one of the three team's perspectives, and each involving one or more decisions to be made and/or puzzles to be solved. The puzzles are challenging, point-and-click-style room escapes that play out like horrifying, involved Professor Layton segments, and the fragments are fully cinematic, so you'll watch everything unfold instead of simply reading about it. Depending on the choices you make in a certain scene, you'll unlock different branching paths to take for that team, and you can bounce around between teams and times as you like.
All of this is facilitated by an excellent user-interface, with an OS-style menu holding relevant bits of information, summaries of events so far, and separate, constantly evolving team- and global-level flowcharts laying out fragments and all of their possible branching paths. These flowcharts are especially helpful because Zero Time Dilemma's overlapping narrative routes don't all race towards the same conclusion. There are a half-dozen different endings depending on the choices you make — including one that will roll the credits in under five minutes if you're quick and lucky — and the Picasso-style story encourages replaying fragments with different outcomes to uncover them all.
Zero Time Dilemma is one of the more engaging visual novels we've played in terms of gameplay, and one of the best examples of a uniquely 'video game' way of telling a story. The interlocking threads, the diverse viewpoints, the multimodal exposition, the intricate puzzles, and the malleable sense of time all come together to create a narrative that simply couldn't be told in the same way in a book or movie. It's an impressive feat, and helped us feel entirely wrapped up in the game's intense atmosphere as we played, to the point that it felt odd — but comforting, given the game — to look up from the 3DS and find ourselves back in the real world.
A huge contributor to that heavy atmosphere in Zero Time Dilemma is its audio, with a soundtrack that's immediately unsettling. It's a minor-key tour that uses industrial instrumentation, sparse layering, and a broad dynamic range that swells and shrinks as the drama unfolds. Unfortunately, that range also leads to a bit of a balance issue; when the music is at its high points, it runs right over the spoken dialogue — but if you turn it down, you'll hardly be able to hear the more prevalent pianissimo passages. You'll want to hear that dialogue, too, as the top-notch, expressive voice acting is a highlight of the experience, whether you listen to the excellent English track or the original Japanese.
Zero Time Dilemma's graphical presentation is similarly uneven. The character models are hyper-detailed and lovingly rendered, though they stand out in stark contrast to fuzzy backgrounds and N64-style textures on out-of-focus elements. Animations, meanwhile, are weirdly stiff, and the lip-syncing in particular is oddly slow. Taken as a whole, however, the graphics — complete with quirks — create a unique style that fits the anime-inspired psychological thriller format very well; the combination of bright and slightly cell-shaded characters with grainy, grimy environments looks a bit like fuzzy memories seen in diorama form. Unfortunately, there's no added depth from stereoscopic 3D, as the 3DS' signature effect isn't used at all here.
The 3DS hardware does get put to use elsewhere in Zero Time Dilemma, however. The touchscreen is used to display a wonderfully full-featured backlog, complete with character portraits, where you can tap on previously-uttered lines to hear them again — a real asset when playing through such a complex narrative. It's also used in the 'Memo' feature, which acts a bit like an in-game version of the 3DS' Game Notes, letting you draw any notes and hints you like on-screen. We found the second-screen uses quite helpful, and they're worth taking into account if you're deciding between the 3DS and Vita versions.
Zero Time Dilemma is an impressively polished, unsettling ride, but whether it's worth playing is entirely dependent on your previous experience with the series. If you've played and enjoyed the first two games in the trilogy you'll absolutely love Zero's last stand. You'll find the same twisting, twisted narrative, the same satisfyingly tricky puzzles, and plenty more of Uchikoshi's signature style, and watching the story's climax unfold after three games is a real rush. If you haven't played the first two games but you're interested in the series, this isn't the best place to start — to really enjoy it, you'll want to have both Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (on DS and iOS) and Virtue's Last Reward (on 3DS and Vita) under your belt before jumping in here.
However you arrive at Zero Time Dilemma, if you're into the series' mix of horror and Hegel you're in for a treat — and you may never look at a snail the same way again.
Comments 38
Bout time this review got out.
Loved 999 and enjoyed VLR and actually just picked this up about a week ago. Looking forward to playing it!
Didn't this game come out a month or two ago?
Better late than never.
Was released end of June, but its not an exclusive title, so if you want to enjoy the same game with a better/higher resolution, its also available on PC/Windows via e.g. Steam.
Still waiting on my copy from Amazon. Sigh.
how difficult are the puzzles compared to VLR?
It was released in June for 3DS, Vita and Windows. I had no idea that this game existed until now but it got good reviews.
How late can a review be? Still, at least we got it. Was waiting to hear from you guys on it!
Translation VLR=Virtue's Last Reward.
Oh wow, you guys actually reviewed it! That... took a while.
It's a great game. There are some issues caused by a low budget and a clearly rushed production, but the end result was unmistakably a Zero Escape game. The weakest entry in the series, but by no means a weak game overall.
And yes, the OST is INCREDIBLE.
@plug313 I had an easy time with most of the puzzles in this game, with one very notable exception. Also, a couple of puzzle "types" reappear more often than I liked. It's less challenging than VLR, for sure.
Good game, but a disappointing finale, IMO. Hated the ending.
I loved 999 and VLR, so I'm definitely wanting to play this. Yet, I don't feel to be in any rush to play this, and I keep playing other games such as Monster Hunter instead.
I got about half way through this but it didn't grab me like 999 or VLR. I'm gonna finish it eventually but it's hard to care much about the narrative when everything is played in fractions of random time and nothing lines up to a cohesive narrative.
I'm not naive, I know it WILL line up by the time I finish it, but the problem is it's not grabbing me getting there.
I would like to know if your forced to replay earlier chapters like in VLR. I played a little of 999 before losing it to a flooding incident so I picked up VLR and was hooked until I reached a certain chapter that forced me back to an earlier chapter to play through again and it took me out of the game completely and I haven't gone back to it since. Does this still occur in ZED?
@AshFoxX Yeah. I just feel like this was a major step backward from 999 and VLR in some ways. I found myself taking breaks because I wasn't as hooked.
@3Daniel No. Once you finish a "decision" or story plot, you are not required to see it again. Matter of fact, if you have to replay a fragment to make another decision, you can tap the skip button to skip to the decision part
It't really weird that this review came out months after the game released.There are a few games that they still haven't gotten around to reviewing.
wow first time you put a review well after I have beaten the game
A good game to end the series but I gotta say this one is my least favorite of the 3. It's a good game, but I couldn't really get into it like the 2 games that came before it.
999 is the best in that it stands alone quite well as a narrative. It has the issue of a rather slow way of skipping and VLR refines the gameplay well, and is good at building hype for the 3rd game.
This last installment however just doesn't quite sit well with me from a plot perspective. The game goes in directions that are certainly unpredictable, but I can't say I thought they were interesting or good. Mostly convoluted and honestly not a satisfying end compared to the other two.
That's of course in the eye of the beholder. The entire ride up until the ending sequences was solid and if you've played the first two you'll definitely have to grab this one, (unlike me you might like how it ends up?) but I wanted to weigh in here in agreement with the earlier sentiment about it being the weakest game in the series.
Also it's not friendly to the colorblind haha. Internet is your friend.
I can't understand how this game got such a high score with the disgusting visuals, amateur animations and bad voice acting...
I mean this is a story game, those elements are really important. Seems like people just slap a high score on the game because it is the sequel to 999... I'll just stick to playing that game, which is infinitely superior to this pile of crap.
@Tlink7 You should try actually reading the review instead of just looking at the score at the bottom and leaving a nasty comment. It might help you understand why the reviewer liked the game despite the stiff animations.
tehe that person's head looks like mine
@AshFoxX Like in VLR, hold out till the magic superpowers kick in so the stuff starts getting connected. There's a reason the events don't show up on the meta flowchart until you've completed them.
@Tlink7 For the exact same reasons as its predecessors? Junpei's twisted sense of humour and an unpredictable ridiculously Wikipedia-crawl-inducing storyline.
Also, the voiceovers aren't worse than in any other modern game on the 3DS, for sure. Owait, I'm playing with Japanese voices for continuity because the EU release of VLR wasn't dubbed. Yay for seiiyu reliability!
Liked the game, enjoyed the ride, LOVED the trilogy as a whole... but in the end this one leaves a bittersweet feeling in my gut, I want to believe a rushed production and lack of budget limited the final showing, with a little too many details being dropped from the ending.
Curiously enough, just this very week, another dearly franchise for me just ended: the manga Bleach, and I could use the same words to describe my last feelings about it.
Ok now now I know you guys have totally lost it. Zero Time Dilemma a great game gets a 8 out of 10 from you guys but Metroid Prime Federation Force a Mediocre game gets a 8 out of 10. Am I missing something here?
..I have the first two, unplayed, and want to play this too!
..unfortunately I already have a zero time dilemma...
@mkdms14 different people reviews different genres.
My question is: can I turn the voices off?
I feel like this game is actually better if you haven't actually played the other two. Returning characters have different personalities and significant plot elements are retconned, so it's so much more frustrating overall as a fan of the series.
Uchikoshi's self described twist first, plot second writing process really blows up here. Several of the big reveals and plot elements come from basically nowhere. This isn't to say that the others are perfect in this regard, but the weaker elements were less central to the whole plot.
This isn't the "real" third game which would have essentially been VLR Part 2. That was supposed to be developed right after but was canceled due to low sales. What we got instead is a soft reboot of the series that punts any resolution to a 4th game.
It would be nice if they are punting the resolution off to a 4th game but at the same time I'd feel strung along. VLR was great at setting up the tone for this game, but this one both as a standalone game and a sequel has writing issues. It's not so bad that it's not worth it as a fan, to see the conclusion, but you may be right that it is better to just play it going in blind and not having any expectations.
I enjoyed this game, as with all of them, but I was disappointed by the fact that you HAVE to make all decisions, good or bad, in order to get to the ending. Being faced with difficult moral/ethical decisions is not a big deal if you know you're justing going to have to turn right around and go the other way.
@KTT Yes
Have not played any of the games in this series . Nice review .. Answered my question with regard to a jump in point for this 3rd game . That being said , should I start with 999 or would I be ok to play Virtue's Last Reward first ?
@Bigskyorbust Nah dude, it doesn't really matter which you play first. You may as well go for 999 first though. I say that only because it's my favorite.
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