As a hack-'n-slash game based on the famous movie franchise, Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest enters a field that is already well-plowed by earlier releases. But with it's unusual twist on storytelling, is there something here worthwhile to nudge burned-out fans to march on Mount Doom one more time?
Aragorn's Quest naturally follows the story of the Lord of the Rings from Aragorn's perspective; what is different is that the story is told in the past tense by Samwise Gamgee to his children. Given that Sam is handed the task of completing the writing of The Lord of the Rings (the book within the book) by Frodo, this makes the story basically the same as the one audiences are already familiar with. However, since Sam is telling the story to a live audience, he has the opportunity to skip around to the good parts. As such, the story will jump around from one action sequence to the next. But with the exception of the first scene, the chapters all follow the story in chronological order.

These storytelling sequences are conducted in pleasing yet brief CGI sequences. But once the story begins, players are thrown into the actual game engine, which looks identical to the PS2 version of this game and is decidedly “last-gen” in it's appearance. Admittedly, it is in line with a lot of PS2 migrants, but we know the Wii is capable of a lot more than this. The characters are modeled to look like the actors in the movies and the scenery looks authentic to the Lord of the Rings universe, but in general the textures look inferior to The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and look average, not impressive.
Where the comparison to Zelda is favorable is that the gameplay is very reminiscent of the Nintendo staple. Swordplay is very similar, with hacking and swinging with the Wii Remote producing a similar result onscreen much like in Twilight Princess. A shield can be used to block attacks, and there are arrows, too. All of the combat and controls will be instantly familiar to players of Twilight Princess, making the learning curve relatively short. For those who don't have such experience, there are plenty of in-game tutorials that can be redone or skipped as needed.

Overall, the combat controls feel very comfortably familiar, even if that means that, like Twilight Princess, swinging your sword feels more like chopping at a hedge than any kind of sophisticated swordplay. Although the controls are familiar, Aragorn's Quest should not be thought of as a Zelda clone. The actual gameplay style has more in common with the earlier, 2.5D Lord of the Rings games released on the Gamecube.
A level consists of being given a quest, walking to the target of that quest and fighting everything that moves along the way, collecting your item or whatever it is you've been sent after, and then heading back. This process repeats, following a set script, until the “chapter” ends and Sam needs to take a break in his storytelling. There is very little variety or challenge, and at times the quests can feel tedious and repetitive. The limited range of available items is disappointingly shallow (essentially just sword or bow), making combat even more repetitive. There are moments such as in Rivendell or Hobbiton (where you start the game and return in between chapters of the story, actually playing as Sams's son, Frodo Gamgee) where there are people to talk to and side quests to run on. But these conversations are shallow and usually result in you running someone's errands.

Where the game shines, however, is in co-op multiplayer. While player 1 is always Aragorn, a second player can join in at any time as Gandalf, who complements Aragorn by using magic instead of Aragorn's more combat-focused approach. Pairs play together on a single, non-split screen and can work together as they hack their way through each level. The game is still simplistic and this only makes things easier, but two players exploring the world of Middle Earth together makes the game pass more quickly.
Although the game engine has the look and feel of an open-world game, each individual quest you are sent on is carefully marked on your map. And, should pulling out the map prove too tedious, at any time players can ask the game to point them in the right direction for their destination. Although the world is large, there is nothing to do but fight in between your starting point and destination, so exploration is unrewarding.
One of the things that makes a Lord of the Rings game feel epic is the use of the music from the films. The original music composed for this game is similar to that found in their cinematic counterparts, but very little from the films is actually used. Given their use of the actors' likenesses and audio clips from the movies, it is surprising that the music was not borrowed from more heavily as well.

While the music from the films was underutilized, character voices from the films are perhaps overused. In fact, with the exception of Sam, voiced by Sean Astin, the dialogue appears to be yanked straight from the films into the game. Even Viggo Mortensen didn't show up to do new voice work for Aragorn. As a result, dialogue with main characters feels stilted and artificial.
Although the Quest is lengthy, the burden of taking this journey may outweigh the reward. While most players will likely experience a thrill of nostalgia and fanboy glee in the early hours of the game, as time wears on, like Gollum, that joy will transform into a pitiful, purposeless desire only to continue playing this average hack-'n-slash game in the futile hope that something new will happen soon. While there are some Lord of the Rings games that should not have been forgotten, this one is barely worth playing the first time.
Comments 22
Soo... it's LOTR: Zelda Edition
Aww. I was hoping this would be a good game so I could get it. Oh well.
I loved this game. It's a shame when it ends, but I consider it to be great work by Headstrong Games /KUJU (Battallion Wars 2, House of the Dead Overkill). The review is spot on, but if you're a LoTR fan or have a younger child you want to introduce to middle earth, this is the way to go.
So if I loved playing co-op ROTK on the Cube, I'll like this? I'm planning on picking it up as soon as I find it under 20 bucks. Looks like a lot of fun, and I effing love LOTR. <3
@pixelman Yes, it's largely the same idea. Although the older Gamecube game had a lot more in the way of variety of weapons and upgrading your character. Also, it felt more tied in with the movies by using video and music from the films than this game does.
It's not a bad game. It just feels inferior to what's come before.
My son just rented this game from Blockbuster and beat it in 4 days and sent it back. While not a bad game its defiantly a bargain bin game. I wouldnt pay more than $20 for it. I do like the angle that they took how its Sam reading the book and its kinda cute watching his kids hang on his every word. This review is pretty much how I felt about the game and I can defiantly agree with the score. I think it was really accurate. Defiantly a rental game.
I thought Lord of the Rings Conquest which came out a few years ago was a much better game and even that game isnt the best LOTRO game.
Truth be told if I want a really unique LOTR game I would just go and play Lord of the Rings Online.
Thanks Gabbo, I'll pick it up if I see it cheap sometime. :3
Thats a fantastic little intro quote! XD
In the banner @ the top of the page, Aragorn looks like Billy Ray Cyrus,lol
@8. Yeah that was awesome, haha.
One does not merely hack and slash into Mordor. Oh wait, one does.....
I had this one my radar a few month before its release (which was afw months a go I believe) - but not anymore.
Thanks for the review..
FWIW, IGN and GameSpot both gave this a 7/10. :3
I actually liked this game, and I'm not even a LotR fan -in fact, I hated the movies, and couldn't get further than the first chapter of the first book.
@pixelman: It's 19.99 on Amazon right now.
@y2josh: Ah I guess that's under $20, haha. I think I'll try to find it cheaper in town first. I don't see it going out of stock on Amazon any time soon.
lol, me either. hope you have luck. all my town has is the ps3 version, which is the one i'd like to get, but it's still 39.99. Madness!
Movie games always suck. This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
So everything lucas studios create sucks? Lotr online suck/? Lord of the Rings: Return of the King game sucks? Goldeneye 007 sucks? Spider-Man 2 sucks? and many many more to call,.
From the videos I've seen from this, I think the art style is solid. A big step up from the inital 3rd person action games on the PS2.
And the Wii version has MUCH better render output and frame rate than the PS2 version.
Looks pretty fun still.
I loved the movies and i played all the games that were on the Gamecube,i really wanted to buy this one,oh well :/
during a battle I stood there and killed nobody and got through the level
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