Atari has today announced that its arcade-inspired racing game NeoSprint will be speeding off the early access start line and heading to Switch later this year.

This single-screen racer borrows a lot from Atari's Sprint arcade series with its top-down perspective (here a little more isometric, but you get the picture) and a focus on multiplayer. But Atari and developer Headless Chicken Games have added a handful of modern touches too, to keep things up to date.

For NeoRacer, these new features include a single-player Career Mode, various racing challenges across a series of game modes and customisable tracks and cars. You can find out more details about these features and get a look at some screenshots below.

Track Builder: Create and share your dream tracks and circuits with the NeoSprint player community. Build tracks with jumps and turns up to three levels high across three different biomes. Share your best designs and get ready to compete for the fastest time.
Multiplayer Mayhem: Get ready for some fun, arcade-style mayhem as you race against up to eight other players. Friendships will be tested and rivalries will be born.
It’s a Career: Advance your career in the single player Campaign Mode as you compete across multiple Racing Cups with increasingly difficult tracks. As you progress, unlock new decorations and car liveries.
Racing Your Way: Hone your driving skills with Obstacle Course and Time Trial challenges, then step up to competition in Campaign and Grand Prix modes. There is plenty of racing content for every type of player.
Custom Cars: Nine car types, from muscle to sports cars, all with unique speed, acceleration, and handling. Each car is customizable with colors and Atari-themed decals. Create your dream car and get racing!

We still don't have a specific release date for this one just yet, though a preliminary window has been set of summer/autumn 2024, so we probably still have a little while to go.

What do you make of NeoSprint so far? Speed down to the comments and let us know.