We had a great time with Tomb Raider I-III Remastered when it landed on Switch last month. Sure, some sections of the original trilogy are showing their age a little today, but for the most part, these were the same old adventures that we came to love in the late '90s with a tasty boost in the visual department.
These visual upgrades were all well and good, but one problem that many-a player stumbled across while raiding those tombs was a certain issue of visibility, particularly with the all-important keys.
As nice as the graphical facelift was, the collection's fresh visuals made keys very difficult to see. Without keys, Lara can't open locked doors, and without the doors, progression is going to be a tough nut to crack. This was a problem that was quickly noted by players on Twitter and, taking a look at the following comparison, we can see why.
Fortunately, developer Aspyr has released a new update for the collection and, low and behold, key visibility is one of the main issues tackled. The update also sets out to fix some tricky textures across the trilogy, improves the lighting in some dimmer areas and makes a couple of other tweaks too.
The update's full patch notes were shared on the official Tomb Raider website and we have collected them together for you to check out below.
Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Update (Released 12th March 2024)
Tomb Raider I:
- Fixed image sizes so paintings were no longer cropped in Lara’s Home
- Resolved partial missing door in the Egypt level
- Updated textures on key pickups to be more visible
- Updated lava textures to not be transparent when viewed at certain angles
Tomb Raider II:
- Resolved a crash that would occur in the Home Sweet Home level
- Updated hitbox for spiders in the The Great Wall level
- Updated misplaced secrets in Golden Mask levels
- Snowmobile no longer rides backwards when firing in Modern Controls
- Updated door handles to include proper textures in Diving Area level
- Updated HD molten gold texture in the Kingdom level
- Updated snow camouflage in HD mode in The Cold War level
Tomb Raider III:
- Updated quicksand textures in HD mode
- Waterfall no longer disappears when switching the levels in the control room of Nevada Desert
- Gem is now visible in the Furnace of the Gods level
- Secret level All Hallows now triggers properly
- Skybox details are now visible in HD mode at beginning of Shakespeare Cliff