Trombone Champ
Image: Holy Wow Studios

It has been mere days since Trombone Champ tooted its way onto Switch, but the development team at Holy Wow Studios has been hard at work on a patch that will add more songs and fix some of those pesky bugs.

We don't know exactly which songs will be added in the upcoming patch, with the studio only noting that it will be "2 recent tracks from the PC version", but more renowned musical numbers for us to butcher is always a good thing, right? What we do know is that the update will be getting rid of two major bugs which crashed the game upon defeating the final boss and occasionally led to the wrong score grade being given to a performance.

We can expect this update to be coming our way"mid-to-late next week", though the following announcement tweet does leave some wriggle room if the team has "made boo boos".

We have been having a great time with Trombone Champ so far, even if the Switch's motion controls can be a little hit-and-miss when blasting out our best solos. Here's hoping that the upcoming patch can keep the good times going.

What do you make of Trombone Champ so far and which songs would you like to see added to Switch? Toot your thoughts in the comments.
