Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem Game
Image: Outright Games

2023 has been quite the time to be a TMNT fan and it looks like next year will be no different as Outright Games has today announced that it will be releasing a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem game inspired by the recent film.

The information that we have on the as-yet-untitled game is somewhat limited, though we do know that it will be set shortly after the events of the movie and is set to have the same cartoon-y visual style that made the film such a hit. This one is set to release at some point in 2024, so we have a bit of time before we'll need our nunchucks at the ready.

Aside from the piece of promotional art that can be seen above, everything that we know about the upcoming title comes from the following whistle-stop summary from Outright Games:

Taking place months after the events of the movie, the game will feature unique visuals inspired by the film’s bold, painterly art style. Combining energetic ninja teamwork gameplay with a humorous narrative, players will take control of the Turtles as they interact with a host of memorable characters from the franchise and fight to save this stylized take on New York City from a new mutant threat.

We can't imagine that next year's game will pack quite the same voice cast as the Mutant Mayhem film — which featured the likes of Seth Rogan, Paul Rudd and Jackie Chan amongst others — but hopefully Outright and the game's developer (yet to be announced) can capture some of the adolescent comedy that made the source material really pop.

We'll be keeping an eye out for more details over the coming months.

What are your hopes for the upcoming game? Are you experiencing Turtles fatigue? Let us know in the comments.