You might remember a few weeks back, we highlighted a rather unfortunate new addition to the eShop in the form of The Last Hope - Dead Zone Survival, a blatant rip-off of Naughty Dog's The Last of Us.
Not only is the title itself incredibly similar to the iconic PlayStation franchise, but The Last Hope also borrows heavily from The Last of Us in numerous ways, including gameplay mechanics, story elements, and even character designs (except it was ruddy awful - just check out Push Square's gameplay video if you need proof). Take a look at the girl in the image above, for example; doesn't she look almost exactly like Ellie?
Well, the good news is that the game is now no longer available, and it's likely due to a copyright strike from Sony itself. In fact, if you take a gander at our article highlighting the game's existence, you'll notice that the trailer embedded is no longer viewable thanks to a copyright strike from Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.
At the time of writing, then, the game can no longer be found on either the UK or US eShop. Chances are publisher West Connection Limited will likely make some key changes to the game to avoid Sony's wrath and submit it at a later date, but it thankfully won't be plaguing any Switch consoles for the time being.