Nintendo's latest Direct broadcast was loaded with all sorts of announcements, but there were actually some different ones in the Japanese livestream. One highlight, in particular, was the reveal of Good-Feel's new 3D action game.

Good-Feel, as you might recall, is the developer behind games like Yoshi's Woolly World and Kirby's Epic Yarn. Perhaps more interestingly, its founder Etsunobu Ebisu is also one of the key figures behind Konami's Goemon / Mystical Ninja series.

With this in mind, Otogi Katsugeki Mameda no Bakeru: Oracle Saitarou no Sainan!! on the Switch this winter in Japan. It's already being described as a "spiritual successor" to the Goemon series.

This new game is about a tanuki boy named Bakeru who is apparently disguised as a human and uses taiko (drumming) actions to defeat a "festival army" wreaking havoc throughout a fantasy setting within Japan (thanks, Gematsu).

Good-Feel Game
Image: Good-Feel

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