A little while back, we reported on Mon-Yu, an upcoming game for the Switch that just happened to have the most ridiculous title we've seen on the console so far. As a reminder, the game is officially called Mon-Yu: Defeat Monsters And Gain Strong Weapons And Armor. You May Be Defeated, But Don’t Give Up. Become Stronger. I Believe There Will Be A Day When The Heroes Defeat The Devil King.
Well, the good news is that the game has been confirmed for a western release and will launch this coming Fall. Confirmed via an All Aksys 2023 update video, the first-person dungeon crawler's box art was also revealed alongside a decent peek at some direct-feed gameplay.

Here's a look at some key features:
Choose from eight different classes and a wide variety of cute character portraits to assemble your team of heroes and challenge the tower! Portraits from other EXPERIENCE titles also included –
Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
Spirit Hunter: NG
And more...!Find strong weapons and armor as you traverse the dungeons! Level up your heroes, class skills, and gear, and defeat the Devil Kings, no matter how many times you die!
Three different play styles – Carefree, Standard & Challenging – each with a unique play experience and access to the maps.

We can't imagine anyone using Mon-Yu's full title in a retail store anytime soon, though that would be quite fun, wouldn't it? Regardless, if you're a fan of dungeon crawlers, this one might well be right up your street.
Will you be picking up Mon-Yu when it launches this coming Fall? Let us know with a comment.
Comments 37
Okay, the title tried to be Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. 😅
Also, whenever I saw PS5 release from the trailer, I will definitely get the PS5 version.
My PS5 needs tons of 3rd party multi console games.
That subtitle has to be some sort of record.
bit of a "Trail of Dead" situation. We'll just be calling it "Mon-Yu." or not, as the case may be.
Anime / manga / LN naming conventions for games too now?
My assumption with this trend (other than initially for the novelty) is to make the content easier to accidentally stumble across when searching digital services by keywords.
Game looks very ugly, I think I'll just stick with Etrian Odyssey for now.
I feel like they're just keeping the subtitle as a joke in the West.
Oh man! I've been dying for MYDMAGSWAAYMBDBDGUBSIBTWBADWTHDTDK to be released! So cool!
Sounds too much like Man U to me, so that's a NO from me.
@samuelvictor I think you're right, there are actually a few shovelware games on the eShop that have taken this approach to naming, to show up in results I presume.
@thom1414 can acronyms have acronyms? Red alert, we’re in dire need of that now.
Tv tropes is gunna have a field day by making it the poster child for word salad
Puts Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below into perspective.
Day 1! Wahoo. Noice
@Anti-Matter ps5 is in need of 3rd party releases in general if I gotta be honest, nearly anyone still releasing on PlayStation has been doing so on 4 for some reason
@thom1414 And I thought DQXISEOAEADE was the longest acronym I'd ever see.
Is it a subtitle or a game description? Lol!
Also, at first, because of the headline, I was wondering if the title was literally, "The Switch Game With The Most Absurd Title". 😂
@Ristar24 Yeah, certainly seems that way. For me, seeing that kind of desperate spammy tactic would put me off from even clicking to check out the game, but it obviously works for them if they keep doing it...
Yeah you can tell this is from Japan if it has a crazy long name like that. I’ll probably still check it out.
Puts Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage or Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer featuring The Legend of Zelda to shame.
Edit: After some consideration and checking the names after I got the Switch game, nothing will ever beat the official Japanese names of the Brain Age/Brain Training games.
Brain Age 1/Brain Training:
Tōhōku Daigaku Mirai Kagakugijutsu Kyōdōkenkyū Sentā Kawashima Ryūta Kyōju Kanshū: Nō o Kitaeru Otona no DS Training
Brain Age 2/More Brain Training:
Tōhōku Daigaku Mirai Kagakugijutsu Kyōdōkenkyū Sentā Kawashima Ryūta Kyōju Kanshū: Motto Nō o Kitaeru Otona no DS Training
Brain Age Concentration/Devilish Brain Training:
Tōhoku Daigaku Karēigakukenkyūjo Kawashima Ryūta Kyōju Kanshū: Monosugoku Nō o Kitaeru Go Funkan no Oni Training
Brain Training for Nintendo Switch (No Brain Age for us in America this time):
Tōhoku Daigaku Kareiigakukenkyūjo Kawashima Ryūta Kyōju Kanshū Nō o Kitaeru Otona no Nintendo Switch Training
Well, maybe two Japan-only DS games released by Nintendo can since they follow the same naming conventions as the Japanese Brain Age series:
*Kanshū Nippon Jōshikiryoku Kentei Kyōkai: Imasara Hito ni wa Kikenai Otona no Jōshikiryoku Training DS (commonly known as Common Sense Training)
*Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha Kanshū: Shiranai Mamade wa Son o Suru Mono ya Okane no Shikumi DS
Just because of that I'm calling this game M-Y
@thom1414 If I understand it right, it's an FPTBDCRPG (first person turn based dungeon crawling role playing game) by EXPERIENCE, the people behind Labyrinth of Yomi and the Spirit Hunter series?
@Bobb I'll just read it as I read the button symbols in a playstation game tutorial or manual, an explicit inner voice "press (loud silence) to (whatever)", and never speak of it to anyone.
I have always wished that titles read like a definition in a dictionary.
Is it really that much more ridiculous than Milk Inside a Bag of Milk Inside a Bag of Milk?
Well, it really tells you what the game is about
@samuelvictor Ha yes, it's a strange one... I do wonder if publishers are able add hidden tags to their games for their retrieval in the seach, but perhaps they're a predetermined and fairly broad list for genre and so on.
@thom1414 damn, even with just using the first letter the title is still too long to remember.
It is playing off of recent anime/manga trends.
Nah, I still give the most ridiculous title crown to "Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Familia Myth Infinite Combate"
I'm just imagining Aksys Games pitching this to Nintendo for their next Direct, and Nintendo has to decline because they always say the full official title of a game at least 3 times while they talk about it.
Oh joy. Even in jest I viscerally despise this moment in the manga/anime industry.
When I saw this article I thought the game was literally called The Switch Game With The Most Absurd Title. Which would be a good title for a game.
And I thought "Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?!" had a long title.
This title was brought to you by ChatGPT…
Tangentially related, a mate of my bro made the mobile game 10000000 and said he regretted the title as it made it so hard to search for (but it deservedly did very well!!)
@dew12333 Funny you should mention that. Now that EA have lost the rights to use the FIFA brand, I hear they’re partnering exclusively with the football club to release a licensed game called:
Man-U: Dribble The Ball Past Defenders Until You Have A Clear Shot At The Goal, Then Shoot. You May Be Tackled, But Don’t Give Up. Become Stronger. I Believe There Will Be A Day When The Red Devils Can Defeat Real Madrid To Win The Champions League.
@Maxz I'm hoping that them losing the licence would lead to some of the players having their names changed, like in pro evo.
Back in the day me and my friends used to refer to certain players as their pro evo names rather than their real names.
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