Miyamoto Nintendo Direct Oct 2021
Image: Nintendo

In what must have been an incredible effort, one person has managed to compile over 450 interviews, appearances, writings, and recordings of Shigeru Miyamoto between 1985 and today.

SpriteCell has created The Shigeru Miyamoto Archive, a one-stop shop for all sorts of Shigeru Miyamoto chats, interviews, discussions, Direct appearances, E3 appearances — you name it. Every single item, where possible, has been documented, sourced, and sometimes even scanned in.

From Iwata Asks to magazine interviews from the '80s, this is a pretty amazing resource of articles, videos, and appearances of the father of Mario. But it's not everything, and SpriteCell is still working to complete the archive as much as they can, saying that the aim is "to collect and summarize every Shigeru Miyamoto interview, appearance, and writing."

The website is formatted in a very friendly way, with everything broken up into five-year periods. A list of consoles and game releases are provided, as well as a summary on what Miyamoto and Nintendo were doing during that period. Clicking on the date period takes you to a page where all of the relevant articles, pieces, and interviews are kept.

Even within the relevant date period, pieces are broken up by year in a chronological order, and everyone included in each interview and appearance has been listed. Links to both English and Japanese version are provided along with the relevant translations (where found or required). For example, interviews on the cancelled EarthBound 64 game, Miyamoto's thoughts on the Wii, to his transition to a wider, less video-game focus role.

We want to thank SpriteCell for reaching out to us and sharing this incredible archive. And, if you think you know of an interview or appearance that's missing, you can reach out to SpriteCell through their website. You can find all of the currently compiled resources over on The Shigeru Miyamoto Archive.

What do you think of this archive? Will you be browsing the pages of Miyamoto's history? Let us know in the comments.

[source spritecell.com]