Burger Time Deluxe - Box Art Brawl: Duel
Image: Nintendo Life

Welcome, one and all, to another edition of Box Art Brawl!

Last week, we got retro as we looked back at the North American and Japanese box art for Mega Man X2 β€” two very different styles, presenting a very different game experience. Predictably, this wasn't a close one. The bright Japanese cover walked away with a healthy 73% of the vote, showing that sometimes, more is more.

This week, we are taking a look at one of the games to have recently launched on the Switch's NSO service, Burger Time Deluxe (thanks to Phil Theobald's recent tweet for the inspiration behind this one). This 1991 Game Boy game is a fair reminder that if you thought Overcooked was stressful, you ain't seen nothing, pal. Burger Time Deluxe has you navigating tricky platforms in an attempt to deliver meal ingredients from one location to another. It's a tasty bite of retro fun and we definitely recommend giving it a go if you are already subscribed to the online service.

With little difference in the Western covers for this game, we've got a good ol' one-on-one duel on our hands β€” trust us, they're very different this time. Let's dive in!

Be sure to cast your votes in the poll below; but first, let's check out the box art designs themselves.

North America / Europe

Burger Time Deluxe EU / NA
Image: G-Mode

This is the kind of cover that you would expect from a game with a title like 'Burger Time Deluxe', right? It's got a comically stressed chef, some scary food items, a winding maze, basically, it tells you everything that you need to know about the game from one quick glance. It's exactly what we remember Game Boy covers looking like, even if that evil pickle is going to haunt our dreams for a few days to come...


Burger Time Deluxe Japan
Image: G-Mode

Woah, ok. So this is... different. In the ultimate question of 'where are they now?' the Japanese cover chooses not to show anything about the game itself, instead hoping to shift copies with nothing but a smiling girl and a burger. She points to her mouth as if to say "you want to look as happy as this? Play Burger Time Deluxe, only on Game Boy!"

Yes, it tells us next to nothing about the gameplay or indeed the central concept, but hey, you've got to respect the complete 180 on the marketing.

Which region got the best Burger Time Deluxe box art?

Thanks for voting! We'll see you next time for another round of the Box Art Brawl.