It may well still be very much pre-Christmas as we hear this news, but The Pokémon Company is looking to the next big event as it has announced the New Year's 2023 celebration for Pokémon GO.
The event will run from 31st December, 2022, at 8:00p.m. through until 4th January, 2023, at 8:00p.m. (local time). During this period, the game is set to really amp up the festivities with special outfits and poses for your avatars, wild Pokémon will be appearing in their finery too with hats a-plenty and there are also some familiar faces hatching from eggs.
We have assembled a list of everything that it going on throughout the event from the Pokémon GO website, read on to find out the all the details.
Pokémon GO New Year's 2023 event
New Pokémon
The event will see the game debut of Pikachu wearing a party top hat - with some shiny variants being out in the wild.
On top of this, you will be able to get a Noctowl wearing a New Year's outfit by evolving Hoothoot wearing a New Year's outfit during the event.
Avatar Items
The New Year's 2023 event will bring with it two new avatar items which can each be bought from the in-game shop. Both the Pikachu Party Hat and the Party Popper Pose will appear in the store at the start of the event and will remain there once it is over.
There will also be themed stickers available during the period. These can be redeemed by spinning Poké Stops, opening gifts, or purchasing them from the in-game shop.

Wild Encounters
The following Pokémon will be appearing in the wild during the celebratory period:
- Hoothoot wearing a New Year’s outfit
- Pikachu wearing a party top hat
- Wurmple wearing a party hat
Each of the following Pokémon will be available to hatch from 7km Eggs during the event, with Shiny variants available of each:
- Azurill
- Cleffa
- Elekid
- Igglybuff
- Magby
- Pichu wearing a party hat
- Smoochum
- Togepi
- Tyrogue
- Wynaut
Field Research Tasks
There will be New Year's-themed Research Tasks available during the event, providing Stardust as a reward for completion.
The following Pokémon will be appearing in One-Star, Three-Star, Five-Star and Mega Raids across the event. A Shiny variant is available of each.
One-Star Raids
- Bulbasaur wearing a party hat
- Charmander wearing a party hat
- Hoothoot wearing a New Year’s outfit
- Pikachu wearing a party top hat
- Squirtle wearing a party hat
Three-Star Raids
- Gengar wearing a party hat
- Nidorino wearing a party hat
- Raticate wearing a party hat
- Wobbuffet wearing a party hat
Five-Star Raids
- Reshiram
Mega Raids
- Mega Steelix
Event Bonuses
The New Year's 2023 event will see two Egg-based event bonuses put in place throughout its runtime. The first of these halves Egg hatching distance for those placed in an incubator, while the second grants a quarter hatching distance for for the first three Eggs hatched in the app widget.
What are you the most excited to see in this year's event? Let us know in the comments!
[source pokemongolive.com]
Comments 2
Slow down guys, it's not even Christmas yet, I'm not ready to hear about 2023
Maybe for the seventh anniversary could they upgrade the sound quality to be less… old sounding? And let us have more than one hairstyle per gender
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