Update [Thu 22nd Dec, 2022 04:00 GMT]: Following the news DNF Duel would be coming to Switch next Spring, Arc System Works and co have now locked in a 20th April 2023 release date. Pre-orders are now open. Along with this a Season Pass (including five characters) has also been announced.
Original article [Sun 4th Dec, 2022 12:00 GMT]: At ArcRevo Japan 2022 this weekend, the fighting game DNF Duel was announced for the Nintendo Switch. It'll be getting ported to the hybrid system in Spring 2023.

This title, co-developed by the talented team at Arc System Works and Eighting, was originally released on PlayStation and PC in 2022. It's based on the Dungeon & Fighter series by Neople (owned by Nexon).
Apart from this, a Grand Balance Patch was also announced for the game - releasing this month. And last but not least was the reveal of the next DLC fighter, Spectre:
Would you be interested in playing this game on Switch? Comment below.
Comments 78
This but not any of guilty gear games or Granblue? I haven’t played this game yet but it’s vary beginner friendly and I really enjoyed my time with the beta.
FighterZ looks amazing in the switch, so I have no doubt this will as well!
Oeff this game is amazing! Nice hear switch players are able to play this amazing fighting game.
@Snatcher I think it's cuz this game sold so bad on Playstation and PC that they basically crawled to the Switch as the last chance of getting any sales.
Wow didn't expect this game to be coming to Switch. Hopefully they port Guilty Gear -Strive- to Switch soon too once all the DLC fighters got revealed.
@Itachi2099 It sold poorly?that’s such a shame, it’s such an beginner friendly fighter, maybe that had something to do with it, it just couldn’t entertained players long enough like others.
Oh yeah, my favorite (Waifu) version of Spectre is here!🥰
I don't know anything about this game. what does DNF stand for?
@EarthboundBenjy Stands for Dungeon & Fighter the game it spins off from though you don't need to have any experience with it to enjoy the game.
this is great news
Wow that's a unexpected but great news.
I'm really glad to see that DNF is not only alive but is actually coming over to Switch. It's a perfect fit for the system and I'm gonna 100% be picking it up
Look like very much my kinda thang.
I'm very interested to see how this one will run on Switch.
Cool, now we just need a Switch Pro so this port actually runs on the console environment!
Nice! Glad I held off on buying it. Gimme all the fighting games on switch.
@Snatcher at least with this there is more hope Xrd Rev 2 and GBFV gets ported. Don’t really care for Strive though. Can take it or leave it.
@Snatcher I don’t know about the casual audience but the loud hardcore FGC tore the game a new one. Although to be fair Dungeon Fighter felt “forgotten about” for quite awhile.
@CharlieGirl should run very well. DBFZ ran a smooth 60 FPS [one of the few genre where 60 frame rate actually matters] despite being a chaotic 3 vs 3 with character assists all over the place. This game is a relatively more calm 1 vs 1.
@Snatcher «Looks amazing...»... Really? You are talking about 3D-fighting game on Nintendo Switch... Where 3D-fighting games looks awfully blurry in handheld mode on Nintendo Switch – SAMURAI SPIRITS/SHODOWN, SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy, Fighting EX Layer: Another Dash, Mortal Kombat 11, and especially, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle R, which looks on Nintendo Switch worse than PS3 original game.
@The-Chosen-one This game gonna be awfully blurry in handheld mode, like other 3D-fighting games on Switch, so... That's not that nice how it can sounds.
@Snatcher No classic GG is a surprising decision.
@Vyacheslav333 Yep, Switch games are blurry. Haven't touched mine in over a year.
@Itachi2099 That sounds weird. There are a small amount of Nintendo Switch owners that plays and likes fighting games, including me. I am fighting games fan and Switch user. I have BLAZBLUE CENTRALFICTION Special Edition, BLAZBLUE CROSS TAG BATTLE, Guilty Gear XX ΛCore Plus R, Guilty Gear, CHAOS CODE -NEW SIGN OF CATASTROPHE-, and UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[cl-r]. In the future, I'm planning to buy Melty Blood: Type Lumina and Phantom Breaker: Omnia... So... My point is - how many Switch users and fighting games fans will buy DNF Duel? It is 3D-fighting game in anime style, that gonna look awfully blurry in handheld mode on Switch, like other 3D-fighting games on the system.
@SonOfDracula Yes, but... There are some cases, where game's blurness in handheld mode is unacceptable! Xenoblade 2, DOOM Eternal, ALL 3D-FIGHTING GAMES ON Switch(excluding Dragon Ball FighterZ, though).
@Serpenterror Meh, -Strive- is trash and one of the worst mainline Guilty Gear games. I will prefer Guilty Gear 2 Overture port over -Strive- port. What's about Guilty Gear Vastedge XT, well... This game is hybrid of pachinko and visual novel... And yeah - it's a (fifth) mainline and canonical game... But... -Strive- sounds and looks kinda better than Vastedge XT, though...
@CharlieGirl I can say that this game gonna look awfully blurry in handheld mode like other 3D-fighting games on Switch.
@Ryu_Niiyama Well... If you have PS4, PS5, or Steam Deck, then, that's will be better for you to buy DNF Duel on one of these platforms, but not on Switch.
@Arawn93 You forgot to mention traditional for 3D-fightging games on Switch awfully blurry image quality in handheld mode. Just look at SAMURAI SPIRITS/SHODOWN and Fighting EX Layer: Another Dash on Switch in handheld mode... That's unacceptable.
@Vyacheslav333 Why are you saying "yes but" to a guy that just told you he hasn't even played his Switch for over a year? I'm agreeing with you lmfao Also, careful you're spamming. Mods don't like that, just FYI
I'd be interested if this was the last fighter and patch...
@Vyacheslav333 I played DoomE on Switch for like a hundred hours, and loved it. Also, you haven't seen this game in action yet so chill out.
@SonOfDracula Ah, oh, okay. I'll be careful about it in the future. It's just hard for me to be (vocal?) minority and one of the few people who cares about fighting games on Switch and how they looks(and works) in handheld mode...
@LikelySatan Did you played hundreds of hours in handheld mode? I've seen the game on screenshots and the game looked awfully blurry in handheld mode.
@Fighting_Game_Loser Sadly, I can't share the same enthusiasm about the port. 3D-fighting games on Switch in handheld mode looks awfully blurry in 98-99% of the cases. The only exception is Dragon Ball FighterZ, but I've not played the game and don't know it's tech analysis on Switch. 2D-fighting games are perfect fit for Switch, imo. I want ports of DENGEKI BUNKO FIGHTING CLIMAX, Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel, Arcana Heart 3, Gōketsuji Ichizoku games, Akatsuki Blitzkampf games, The King of Fighters XI, and others...
@Vyacheslav333 I am good. I prefer to play on switch.
@Ryu_Niiyama Well... Okay...
@Vyacheslav333 this game is on the same engine as DBFZ and DBFZ is not blurry on Switch, other 3D fighting games are irrelevant here, so your barrage of messages is wrong.
@Itachi2099 If that's right, I'm happy to be wrong about it. But for now - I have big doubts about the (DNF Duel)port's quality.
@Vyacheslav333 I did. I had a Lite at the time. Since I have an OLED now, I am contractually obligated to mention that I have an OLED now. Not that it's a big deal...but I do have an OLED now.
Anyway, I love weird down ports. It is definitely blurry, but I prefer it to the PS5 version.
@LikelySatan Oh, well... Okay...
@Vyacheslav333 Switch is probably the worst way to play a fighting game, imo. Much better on a higher-end console or a PC, imo.
@SonOfDracula No, I disagree. Joy-Cons are normal for fighting games. And Switch is just an underrated way to play fighting games, I think. What's about playing fighting games on higher-end consoles and PC, well... Yeah, it's much better, but not ideal.
Don't get me wrong, DNF Duel is a great fighting game and I'm glad it's coming to Switch....but man I would've killed to have something like Guilty Gear Xrd on the go.
@SonOfDracula I played Street Fighter as a series (along with other games like Cyberbots) for the very first time on Switch and being able to take these kinds of arcade run-through games wherever I go was a big contributing factor to my enjoyment. I don't play any of the big modern fighting games though so to each their own
Good news. Definitely interested now that it's coming to Switch.
@Fizza Yeah, I use a laptop for that, so I don't have to compromise on anything.
@Thoughts Well I was speaking from experience, as someone who doesn’t play fighting games much online, I found it pretty beginner friendly, however, I did play the beta, everyone was new and such, so I have no idea how the community evolved, and you seemed to have actually played the base game, so from your description it’s not nearly as beginner friendly as I described.
If anything just play the fighting game that looks good too you, know point if you don’t like it. No matter how much simpler. But you saying guilty gear is more beginner friendly makes me happy, I have been wanting to try it but it looks really co pled, it probably still is, but I will take more beginner friendly.
@Vyacheslav333 Can’t say I agree,, fighterZ looks really good, and I play it handheld, it can get blurry at times, but other then that it looks good, it runs well, it’s sometimes pretty comparable to its other versions, and I really get fps drops. It’s a great port.
@Vyacheslav333 None of those are Arc Sys fighters. Last I checked BBTAG, CF, and DBFZ ran good on Switch
@Itachi2099 I feel like if it sold so badly, that they wouldn't put money into a whole new port and a new dlc character along with the balance patch. It has to of done decently well for Nexon and ArcSys to continue support
@Vyacheslav333 Hey man, if you really are hoping for those games to come over, don't let us stop you, but many games run and look just fine in portable mode without any major blurriness or frame rate problems. Plus, DNF is so much more stylized compared to others that I think it can survive a slight resolution drop and still look great. Also you kinda need to take a chill pill dude lol. You can be skeptical about the port, but there isn't a need to be holier than thou out of the gate of an announcement.
@LikelySatan It's most likely gonna keep up to date with content updates. Most multiplayer games need to keep their content drops consistent with other consoles or else the other versions aren't gonna be played. It does happen sometimes, but it most happens when itt comes to technical updates, not content.
@SonOfDracula Honestly I personally disagree. I think with NSO being so much cheaper than other system's online, plus the Switch's dpad being amazing for fighters since it's clicky, it basically is my main fighting game machine.
@Snatcher Speaking facts my dude. DNF definitely isn't great for beginners, if you're playing online. Offline it is a great one to jump into. And honestly same with Strive. Very easy to pick up and get the hang of for casual play, but online will destroy you. It simply is a matter of what people are left playing the game, which is usually die hards who are beast at it. Thankfully if you're willing to go through fire, you'll be able to have lots of fun. Sometimes if you're on the right platform, you might just have a player base at around the same level as you consistently! (BBTAG on Switch has many awesome folks who frequent online play and are awesome.) Also if you're down for any eventual matches in DNF or any other fighters on Switch, maybe we could chat on Discord possibly 😊
@Fighting_Game_Loser Tis the fate of fighting games, skull girls is amazing but my god will online ruin you, tbf it’s older then DNF.
I gotta pick it up, not before strive tho.
I don’t really play fighters on the switch, or at all, I love them, I love them so much, i even consider it one of my favorite type of game, I buy the dlc, the game, all that, but online, it scares me, so much, I just can’t bring myself to do it, I hope I can fix it at some point.
@Fighting_Game_Loser yeah I get it. I just don't care to keep up. I'm not exactly pining away for the 90s, when a fighting game would get an expansion of a few characters and modes and go for $60-80...but there's still something about buying a cart that I know will need patches and DLC to keep current. I'm old, I think is what I'm saying.
I have not heard of DNF in a long time. Never played the actual game this is based on, but like RAID Shadow Legends, it always seems to been in my peripherals.
That being said, maybe this game may have all the weird quirks patched out. Had a better experience with SF4 on the 3DS in spite of its graphical limits because they balanced stuff out from the original release to then.
@Fighting_Game_Loser NSO isn't known for having great connectivity, lmfao
@SonOfDracula First-Party Nintendo games, sure. But third parties mainly run off of their servers. Plenty of fighters on Switch use rollback and even crossplay. It's more so about the individual game than the whole service.
@LikelySatan Ohhhh, I see what you're saying now. I do definitely like having versions of games on cartridge that I know are full and 100% complete. Seeing as this is coming out in Spring, right around when the new character should drop, I would expect that the cart should include the balance patch right away and the character should drop day and date, if not possibly be even included on Switch
@Snatcher Well hey! The fgc is very enthusiastic and inviting for helping newcomers get better at the games we play! We basically always try and train each other up into the best possible! Maybe even try going around looking for matches in games you enjoy! Heck I could even help you with some matches if you so desire! Just keep having fun with the games you play and the grind and improvement will come along in no time!
@Fighting_Game_Loser All right Al right, but what game should I stick with? I like them all, skull girls really pulls me in, I don’t have strive yet, and I got the ce upgrade for sfV, I gotta stick with one of these, and I’m not sure which one!
Definitely, when I get too a specific point, I would definitely love to come to you for advice and some matches here and there!
@Snatcher Honestly, I'd say stick with all of them! I got into fighting games about a year or two ago, and I bought and ended up playing so many that it's hard to keep track lol. Don't be like me and have the compulsive need to play as many of them you wanna play in the shortest amount of time possible and not have the urge to try and play with all characters. Just find all of the games you're into and find your fav characters to play, and just have fun! No need to take everything seriously right away, the experimentation is what makes fighters so cool! Also if you do wish to talk or hang out at all, my Discord is Jace#1039
@Fighting_Game_Loser Your right, thank you, I might wait till I get strive, because I really like some of the characters, and the flow, and I enjoyed fighterZ a lot and that’s the one game I remember actual combos, before I got anxious to play online, so I do have some experience in the field, idk got to orange rank on that game.
But again, I will consider everything you told me, thank you, and I hope I can win over this online anxiety!
@Serpenterror That would be cool, but I doubt it would run very well.
I would buy this game in an instant if they just announced Crossplay. Crossplay is the biggest barriers for fighting games after rollback finally caught on. Once they make that the standard I think fighting games on all systems will see an uptick in sales.
@YANDMAN Don't really care how it run as long as it could be play at an acceptable framerates. I had play worst fighting games in my entire gaming life and even some of the mediocre ones (ClayFighter 2, WeaponLord, Star Gladiators, Rival Schools, Final Fight Revenge, Monster Maulers, Power Instinct, Time Killers, Foto Dojo, Yie-Ar Kung Fu, Fighter's History, Gowcaizer, etc.) are enjoyable.
The very few bad ones which I can't stand are games like Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 & Taiketsu, Street Fighter 1, Virtua Fighter 1, Tekken 1, Fatal Fury 1, Art of Fighting 1, Urban Champion, Soul Calibur 3, Street Fighter EX3, Street Fighter V, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Brutal series, Dynasty Warriors, Fighters Uncage, Blood Storm, War Gods, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Sega Genesis), Battle Arena Toshinden 1, Rise of the Robot, Rise 2, Ballz, and Mortal Kombat Armageddon. I'm sure I could handle fighting games like these.
Niiicee release date. Blaze it.
Guess they didn't learn making a game paid and using the pass system is a setup for failure though. Oh well, not like NSO is powerful enough to run anything online smoothly anyway.
@theModestMouse Smash Bros. Ultimate has literally the same system. If this doesn't have microtransactions why is it bound to fail?
@Snatcher Guilty Gear is just PERFECT. Granblue is boring, boring and boring. Granblue is a fighting game for babies. Very basic, very simple. But it's an extreme level of simplicity that doesn't entertain. I have all Arc Sys games on Steam.
Granblue is by far the weakest game.
@EarthboundBenjy Duke Nukem Forever
@Vyacheslav333 I play everything in handheld mode on my Switch OLED and it looks better there then on my 50" 4K UHDTV with the PS4 versions. Doom, Wolfenstein, World End Syndrome, Aokana: Four Rhythms Across the Blue, Doki Doki Literature Club, Resident Evil.. you name it
Seems decent, will keep an eye on this one
@JustMonika DOOM's resolution is 720p in both docked and handheld modes. In handheld mode it can drop to 540p or worse. Well, I can believe that the game can look good in handheld mode on OLED Switch. What's about Wolfenstein (II: The New Colossus) - it often works at 432-360p in handheld mode. I think that the "magic" of OLED screen can't help there, and game looks poor in handheld mode. What's about other games, well... I know that Switch can handle and run visual novels at good resolution in handheld mode. From what I've played — BLAZBLUE CENTRALFICTION Special Edition, Corpse Party Blood covered: ...Repeated fear., Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc(I hate this localizers' subtitle, but I don't remember full original subtitle), and UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[cl-r]. All of them looks very good in handheld mode. Oh, and Biohazard... Well, I've played (and completed) only 1st Revelations game. And game looks very good in handheld mode. And the 1st game is better than the 2nd one, imo.
@Serpenterror framerate is directly related to how it will run, which was my point entirely. Thanks for listing your game playing history though. Gowcazier however is a great game, as are many of the others you mentioned.
@Fighting_Game_Loser @LikelySatan @Arawn93 @Ryu_Niiyama @CharlieGirl @The-Chosen-one @Snatcher
After all, I was right, lol... This game looks awfully blurry in handheld mode, like other 3D fighting games on Switch.
@Vyacheslav333 except you are not right. Maybe play DBFZ on Switch since you clearly haven’t. Also imagine replying to posts that was made months ago. You have way too much time on your hands buddy.
@Arawn93 DNF Duel on screenshots looked like SAMURAI SPIRITS/SHODOWN, JoJo, SNK Heroines, and Fighting EX Layer: Another Dash - awfully blurry.
«Maybe play DBFZ on Switch since you clearly haven’t.»
Well... I don't remember news about fixed loading times - I've seen gameplay footage, and loading times for a fighting game were really long. Also, I don't really like Akira Toriyama's style, and I don't like Masako Nozawa's voice. I've heard various seiyûs, but she... Her voice is unbearable to me. Game is quite big for my 128GB SD-card. And I don't remember Deluxe Edition physical release...
«You have way too much time on your hands buddy.»
Unfortunately for me, but no. If I had a lot of free time, I would spend it watching horror movies - I have over 200 of them in my backlog, probably.
@Vyacheslav333 You really just tried to reply on a post this old just to prove a point huh? Yeah I know its a bit blurry, but the character models aren't as heavily effected because of ArcSys's signature style. I'm having a good time with it rn and I'm even quite easily finding ranked matches thankfully, so obviously it can't be too awful then for others
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