Capcom has finally locked in a date for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Title Update 3. It'll be arriving next week in the Switch and PC versions on 24th November.
In Version 13 of the game, hunters can look forward to three new monsters: the Chaotic Gore Magala, the Risen Teostra, and the Risen Kushala Daora. In addition to this, Followers will now be available to use in more quests, there'll be new Quarius Crafting options, and much more.
In addition to this, there'll also be some new paid DLC. This includes gestures, stickers, new BGM, Chichae and Bahari player voices and a Hinoa layered armor set. The "Stuffed Monster Series" will also be expanded for all 14 weapon types. You can buy these individually, or at a discounted price.
There'll be some new event quests, too. They'll include some "fun rewards" as well - like equipment, stickers, poses and various other things... A new character voice called "Kagami" is also being added as free DLC.
Capcom has also announced Free Title Update 4 and 5. You can see more in the following post: