Update [Wed 9th Nov, 2022 18:00 GMT]: After appearing on the PEGI website last month, hinting at its eventual Switch release, today's Indie World Showcase not only confirmed that Inscryption is coming to the Switch, but that it will be released on 1st December, 2022.
The psychological horror-inflected roguelike deckbuilder appeared in the showcase's sizzle reel, but that trailer was enough to get us sufficiently spooked/excited (spookcited?)
Fortunately, we don't have to wait for long until the game comes to Switch. With its eShop listing now available (containing some of the freaky images that we have collected below), December can't come quickly enough.

Original article [Mon 3rd Oct, 2022 19:00 BST]: Devolver Digital's Inscryption is apparently heading for Switch after appearing on rating firm PEGI's website. The roguelike deck-building indie darling from developer Daniel Mullins found its way onto many a GOTY 2021 list with its PC release last October, and it seems we'll soon be enjoying its unique strangeness on Nintendo's console.
As pointed out by redoubtable pointer-outer-of-things Wario64, the game has appeared listed with an (inaccurate) 1st October 2022 release date, sitting just under the PS4 and PS5 versions which launched back in August.

In fact, the dates of the PlayStation versions are also wrong — the game launched on 30th August on those platforms, which might lead you to speculate that we'll see Inscryption on Switch before the end of the month. Regardless, it seems the critically-acclaimed game is Switch-bound, something that we're rather happy about having placed it on our list of games we'd like to see come to Nintendo's console at the start of the year. Another one bites the dust!
The Steam version boasts a very impressive 71,335 reviews at the time of writing, with the coveted 'Overwhelmingly Positive' rating, too. If you need a reminder of the game and its mind-bending shenanigans, check out the original reveal trailer for the PC version below this description from the Steam page:
Inscryption is an inky black card-based odyssey that blends the deckbuilding roguelike, escape-room style puzzles, and psychological horror into a blood-laced smoothie. Darker still are the secrets inscrybed upon the cards...
Excited to see that this is coming to Switch? Played it elsewhere? Let us know in the usual place.
[source pegi.info, via twitter.com]
Comments 38
I didn't even realize that this had been released outside PC!
I'll definitely have to pick it up for PS5 at some point because I loved a Let's Play I saw of this.
If it’s rated, then that means it is real
Maybe take Persona 5 off the 14 Nintendo Switch Ports We’d Still Love To See list because we’re getting P5R.
And remove It Takes Two.
And remove Nier Automata
Unbelievable experience of a game.. it just keeps going and going to a wild ending
@anoyonmus We got Bugsnax, too. That feature is from January, and it's not one of our 'evergreen' lists we keep updated. We'll likely do a fresh one in a few months, though.
Great news. I've surprisingly not seen any spoilers for Inscryption myself (all I really know is that the genres change on a dime) so I'll definitely look into this. Could be my spooky game for Halloween of next year if it's priced decently!
I thought this coming to Switch was already known, as it's been "Coming Soon" at the bottom of Special Reserve Games's website for quite a while. In fact, I was somewhat upset when Serious Sam jumped the queue to get released first.
AWESOME news! So glad I held off on the recent PS5 port. Looking forward to this on Switch.
Excellent news. RPS named it their game of the year last year. Can't wait to play it.
I resisted so many times to buy elsewhere. Now come on!
@dartmonkey ok
Yups I'm super excited for this. I love deck building and horror so this is gonna be great. Completely unrelated, I also want SOMA on the switch. By far the scariest game in recent times, only rivaled by the alien game whose name I forgot.
This feels like it was designed to be experienced on a SWOLED, so I've been holding off hoping this port would happen. Very excited!
@DudeshootMankill Alien Isolation?
The game was decent, definitely outstays its welcome and for me didn't live up to the horror + deck builder game that it promised in the original trailer.
Does the PS4 & PS5 versions include the official mod?
About time, a long overdue port.
Finally! Long overdue. Hoping this satiates my post Slay the Spire appetite.
… Wun can only hope.
I so wanted to like it more than I did.
I loved mullins previous two games (Pony Island is probably the game I always recommend new PC players every time)
But I just couldnt get into inscription in the same way. Maybe its because Im bad at card games but it took me so long to complete my first run.
I took me a while to figure out OP tactics.
I think because it took me to complete the my first run (probably 15+ attempts....runs lasted what felt like 30mins each time) that it overstayed its welcome for me.....that I still havent completed it fully.
I do intend to continue playing.......one day.
Is the game actually that jerky, or did they just speed it up for the trailer?
To anyone who haven't played it yet - go fresh. Read nothing about the game, know nothing about the game.
It is a wild ride all the way to the end.
How they will do the part that the game mess up with your desktop files? It will no feel the same. It will lose immersion...
@dartmonkey you should definitely do a scorecard from the last set of predictions in the next version of that article (and maybe a comparison to the year before if there was a similar article then)
the ESRB rated it for Switch as well. Its coming to Switch alright.
Maybe it will be announced during a Indie World
@BloodNinja the actual gameplay is not jerky as it appears in the demo. I was worried about that too, going in. I should add, currently playing on ps4. No idea if it is different on pc
@RentedPanda Thanks mate!
Great news. Yet another title finally off the list of Switch port wishfuls.
Admittedly it’s a reach, but I’m still hoping for more info and/or announcements on or of the following coming to Switch in a another Partner Direct:
.. Granted some of these may or may not be considered “Indies” per se, but they’re mostly partner digital offerings.
… Wun can only hope!
It should be cardn't, not card'nt.
I just played this on PS5. Certainly lives up to the hype.
@Specters I played it on PS5, and the mod was unlocked after I beat the main game.
@wuntyme8 It's really nothing like Slay The Spire. It is really really good though.
@wuntyme8 have you played Monster Train?
If you check Special Reserve Games' website now, you'll see that an Inscryption physical is opening for pre-order on December 1st!
@abdias I have only played the PS5 port, and they made that stuff work really well.
I was really hoping to get this for Halloween to immerse myself in spooky-vibes, but better late than never.
Price is known?
@abdias Save files and screenshots from other games, probably
SORRY, but you can't do "Card'nt wait". My inner mouth just broke. I do understand that you need to do a pun, but jesus, you put our vocal health at risk.
About Inscryption: I'm not into cardgames at all but when an indie game is just hyped by all the right folks out there I feel like I just have to buy it and expect it to just be great. I wasn't into top down roguelikes but just bought Hades following these ... voices. And of course its now among my favorite games of the past decade. So I guess at some point I'll just gonna get this.
@timwright42 Cool good to know. I'm still excited to give Inscryption a try regardless!
And nope, I haven't played nor heard of Monster Train until you just brought it to my attention. I've never really been into card deckbuilding games- I just happened to try Slay The Spire long ago when I had PS Now and it got added. I got hooked instantly and ended up getting it on Switch on a nice sale. Can't see myself taking the same plunge on Monster Train currently at $40 CDN tbh however. Maybe if I see it on a significant sale sometime. Appreciate the suggestion though!
... Wun can only hope.
You must have been pleased to see Wrestlequest and Rogue Legacy 2 announced in the Indie Direct. Those both looked really fun to me.
Unsighted actually is already out on Switch. It’s been months. So long in fact, LRG is getting ready to ship the physical version. I’m looking forward to that delivery, though the backlog probably won’t allow me to play it for a while.
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