Last week, Capcom rolled out its second free update for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak - adding three more monsters.
If this wasn't already enough, there's more to come. Capcom is already looking ahead - with a fresh reminder on social media that there's much more in the works. In case you did miss it due to the excitement of the second title update, "Free Title Update 3" is now locked in for a late November launch.
At the beginning of last month, it was just a "winter 2022" release, so it's now at least been narrowed down. When it arrives hunters can expect some variant monsters and powered-up monsters. There'll also be more content delivered in 2023:
@monsterhunter - How's everyone feeling about #Sunbreak free Title Update 2? We've got more in the works with the next free Title Update in late November and more to come in 2023! The hunt continues...

You can see the full patch notes of second title update in last week's post. It adds the Flaming Espinas (who debuted in Monster Hunter Frontier), Violet Mizutsune (a brand new variant of Mizutsune from Monster Hunter Generations), and Risen Chameleos (a new version of Monster Hunter 2's Chameleos).
So, how are you finding the latest title update for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak? Looking forward to the next one? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 17
The "?" makes me think that we're going to get a final boss-type monster here. By that I mean a returning final boss.
Hoping for Dalamadur, though I'm surprised Amatsu never showed up in this game, seeing how it was fitting for Rise.
I love Monter Hunter Rise. I wouldn’t mind a yearly paid DLC if it added new monsters (not variants), new weapons, and stages. I think this is the future of Monster hunter. Perfect the game and gameplay and just build on it. I honestly do not mind paying for quality updates. Sun break was definitely quality. Give me more!
Can I say this. Screw the rathian family, and all there variants, gold rathian, you gave me the most pain!
I wish Capcom would let me escape this game and just play something else already...! J/k, Sunbreak is a good time for sure - and is keeping me away from my extensive backlog (For better or worse)
Just please no more subs, give us a new not available in the game monster.
I like sub species sure, but we got enough of them in Sunbreak for now, and I just like to see more new monsters like the title updates for World/Iceborne brought us.
@Joeynator3000 something makes me doubt that.
@Rayquaza2510 as far as I would be the First ti prefer a new or a returning Monster, Sunbreak already have more Monsters that are not sub/rare/variante comparse to Iceborn. Sunbreak have 50 Monsters + 20 variants, Iceborn 48 Monsters + 23 variants. So, even if as I said new Monsters would be better, variants are just a plus. (By the way, some leaks apparently tells us there will be returning non-sub too)
@Dom_31 i know, was just to write faster XD
I really need to get my hands on this sometime soon. I loved MH:Rise, but it's such a big investment in time, which I currently can't afford...
The return of Dalamadur would be just the right push for me to consider the expansion, personally. Loved that thing in MH4.
@Dom_31 nah a horrible idea is the alternative of giving up on post game support almost immediately and trying to crap out another title within the next year because they want to make their money off annual cycles now instead of long term dlc/free patches for their existing fans.
Or you know….battle passes….loot boxes….etc.
@Joeynator3000 especially since those vampire like creatures are still causing problems so im pretty sure well get another end game elder dragon or a new variant of the abyssal demon dragon or something like that.
Please give us a new variant of deviljho.
I would like some new monsters instead of variants of others
Wish they make risen versions of all elders
I hope they update the layered weapons, so that if we want, we can lock a layered weapon to a specific weapon. Instead of it just carrying over to every weapon after it’s equipped. It annoys me
@Dom_31 Obviously not forever. Maybe a good 2-3 years? Then launch a new game with updated mechanics.
@Joeynator3000 Dalamadur would be EPIC!
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