If you're a Dragon Ball fan and are still playing Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 on a regular basis, you'll be pleased to know two more DLC fighters are on the way to game. It's all timed in with the recent release of the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie.
These latest additions include Gohan and Gamma 1 and will be joining Gamma 2 in the first Hero of Justice DLC Pack, due out this fall. They'll be followed by a DLC Pack 2 at later date.
Here's a visual of the current line up of characters on the way:

Will you be returning to Xenoverse 2 to try out these new DLC characters? Comment below.
Comments 20
I really enjoyed DBS: Super Hero, so I'm totally down for this DLC.
Gohans new form feels uninspired and unearned. I really don't know what is going on with dbs just whipping out new forms from nowhere with none of the emotional weight attached.
I think it’s cool that this game, will probably get new characters for every new form and stuff we get.
@WaffleRaptor01 Not to mention his new form looks rediculous.
@WaffleRaptor01 Because new forms sell toys and figures no matter how awful and uninspired they may be (glares at Super Saiyan Blue🤮)
We didn't need this Gohan. Just give us Final Gohan. The next DLC pack should be him, Orange Piccolo, and Cell Max
You're telling me, for how much DLC this game has gotten, that we're only NOW getting to Adult Gohan!?
@NeonPizza It looks better while watching the movie
Adult (or Ultimate) Gohan is already in the game? Why add him again, put in Beast Gohan already
You know there is gonna be another pack with Gohan Blanco, Orange Piccolo, and movie Cell
@NeonPizza you have not read the Moro Arc. That's by far the best DBS arc and the second best arc in db period
@Oppyz666 Press X to doubt.
I thought the movie was fun, never really been a fan of Gohan though. Cool to see Piccolo finally get a power up though. Goku and Vegeta have kinda left everyone else in the dust for awhile now.
@Fizza He was already in the game, it's just the movie version being released.
@geiseldiesel They will obviously add Gohan beast as a separated form.
@Oppyz666 exactly. That old man is in the minority.
The old men who only like Dragon Ball z are all in the minority. Face facts that your love for '90s anime is way past its expiration point.
@NeonPizza From Goku Black arc Supers animation did became better. DBZ had more consistent animation but art style did suffer sometimes as well.
Also people take DB as an entire franchise to seriously, and they are trying to please everyone. I think the manga from Moro arc till now has more suspense but at the end of the day its nothing we already are used to from DB and Anime/Manga in general.
@Sanangelo89 It's true some people take DB too seriously, but bad writing is just bad writing nomatter what.
DBZ wasn't perfect, but DBS is a downgrade in terms of story. It's 2 rehashes, a mediocre third, and just a passable 4th arc.
I don't think the people who dislike DBS do it out bitterness for the past, they dislike it because it had potential to surpass DBZ or atleast be just as great and it's just a giant meh.
It feels that way as they skipped footage of Gohan training... He had revealed to Piccolo he was doing training in secret.
I'm even more upset about both Cell Max creation, his limited screen time, & his implementation. He had no business existing. A lot of what was needed for Cell Creation, Dr. Gero had his computer do alot of the work for him, as it was a job that surpassed his own brilliance. A rich benefactor having a copy of Cell's design, seems like a very tall tale. They should of given Gohan a New unique villain, like Janemba, rather than give him a berserk, incomplete villain, based on someone he had already defeated.
Also, I would of preferred Gohan to get a 3-6 episode OVA series, preferably OVAs longer than 20-30 minutes, rather than a movie.
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