The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and the Super Nintendo aren't two things we often put in the same conversation, but when 81monkeys Kickstarter project is involved, there's no better pairing or comparison. World of Anterra is a beautiful open-world RPG inspired by Bethesda's mammoth title, and it promises an "endlessly-explorable world" but in a rather lovely pixel form.
The game's Kickstarter launched a few weeks ago, and now the project is fully funded with (at the time of writing) 18 days to go, so there's still plenty of time to unlock stretch goals. Nicely, the developer says that everything it plans to put in World of Anterra will be in the game when it launches, so these goals won't be for new content or unlocking planned content, but rather some fun little backer rewards. The team has been hard at work on the game for over three years and is hoping to release the game on PC, Mac, and consoles in 2023.
We haven't seen many open-world pixel RPGs, and one other unique twist World of Anterra promises is related to party-based combat. The game will use a streamlined grid-based system that combined button-based action RPG combat with extra strategy. Your button press will cause the character to move and attack in the same motion, or you can walk your character to a better spot on the 'grid' before you choose to attack!
81monkeys has already come up with extensive lore and promises snappy dialogue with a refined and modernised, but with clear inspirations from genre classic Ultima. And Anterra will exist in real-time, so the day and night will only stop if you pause the game.
We could go on for days about how sprawling this pixelated adventure is, but, 81monkeys has summarised some promised key features coming to World of Anterra on its Kickstarter page, and we've shared them here:
- A diverse and living world. Explore a vast world with oceans, continents, regions, castles and towns, mountains, caves and dungeons. Anterra is full of life, from little insects to hulking creatures. NPCs live out their lives following daily routines, while also responding dynamically to events in the world, as well as the player. World of Anterra is built to be explored freely and at your own pace.
-Deep and inspiring non-linear story. The story and quests follow non-linear, divergent paths, so you can go where you want and talk to whomever you’d like. Your story will unfold naturally, based on the paths you choose to follow.
- Conversational dialogue. A unique way to converse with NPCs that allows players to have a more conversational experience with every character in the game. We ditched the overly wordy, linear dialogue experiences of modern games and designed a completely new, retro-inspired system.
- Fast and fluid party-based combat. Leveraging our vast experience across many genres of gaming, including casual and social games, combat is designed to be fun no matter how many hours you put in, with streamlined UI and engaging feedback.
- Satisfying and accessible user interface. Our design skills really shine here! We have designed an interface with the least amount of "UI" and words as possible. Instead of menus and lists, we leveraged true-to-our-world items and intuitive icons to create a wonderful user experience. Our interface is so much fun, it could be a game on its own!
Okay, we want to play this, curled up on the sofa with a mug of something warm right now. But we'll have to wait until next fall/winter, as World of Anterra is due to come out in 2023.
What do you think of this Kickstarter project? Will you be picking up World of Anterra? Adventure on down to the comments and let us know!
Comments 42
Hand crafted or procedural generation? Huge difference in how something like this ends up feeling.
Well well, this one looks GOOD. Will keep an eye on this, I like the art style and how ambicious seems to be. Not sold on the battle system yet, though, looks a bit odd.
Anyway, there are plenty of indie RPGs to look forward to for the next year (this, Sea of Stars, Eiyuden Chronicles...). That makes me happy!
@TobiasAmaranth I don't think it will be procedural, just look at the map.
I certainly don't hope so.
Why would you want something like this, if you already can play the original real Skyrim on the Switch? It seems like a waste.
Nope, this looks absolutely amazing!
Looks very nice. Gives me SNES Lord of the Rings vibes, and yes, I know the game wasn't very good but my goodness were the vibes amazing in that game!
@TheCrabMan You don't have to support nor use Kickstarter.
If it gets funded, you just wait for it to release and buy it then.
@RasandeRose The art style looks like something created with RPG creator.
@sanderev Yeah, and why play rugby when you can just play American football?
@sanderev I don't agree, looks gorgeous
Visually this reminds me more of Ultima 7 than anything else. It looks great!
@Gitface Another good comparison. If it has the same inventory system I am READY!
Looks gorgeous but hope it being open world doesn't mean having too many boring areas.
@Daniel36 Heck yeah! The good ol’ bag-o-junk inventory system was awesome!
@TheCrabMan Show us what you made that is better, then. What works have you accomplished that are even comparable?
That’s irrelevant, BloodNinja. The man’s entitled to his opinion and however he wants to express it.
Anyways, this game looks pretty cool to me. Shadows on pixel art is a must going-forward.
@BloodNinja It's the nature of comment boards. People usually don't even read replies of others. It's almost like a diary of sorts. Used just to get an opinion, as trivial as the subject matter may be, off one's chest. There's rarely any harm intended.
@Daniel36 That's an interesting way to describe message boards. I use them like a playground
I do find it incredibly funny that 95% (ish) of comments go unread and unreplied to, while very few comments actually make connections such that short conversations occur.
Makes me wonder of the usefulness of maintaining such boards, at all!
@Ryan_Again Well no. He's not stating an opinion. He said, "I prefer my games to be made by people who know what they are doing." Now we are going into a measure of skill, and if you are doing that, you better have some skill to back it up. His comment went beyond an opinion there.
And how rude to just go up to a stranger and say to them "what you said is irrelevant." Try learning to socialize a little better, bro! iT's JuSt mY OpiNiOn ThO
@BloodNinja Well, like I said, sometimes you just want to scream nonsense into the void, and if someone happens to pick it up and react, you can have some friendly discourse... or unfriendly if you feel so inclined. But it's always pretty much anonymous and, let's be honest, pretty inconsequential.
@Daniel36 I'm already one of the backers for this game and whilst I don't know what Ultima 7 is, regardless I do love how the inventory system will play out here.
Based on the kickstarter page, when you approach a sack for instance, you'll actually 'look into' the sack and you'll be able to grab or move stuff around in said sack (i.e. to find hidden stuff like coins and keys), just like in real life.
Additionally, you'll be able to move stuff straight from your inventory to someplace it can interact with (i.e. moving a piece of meat straight from inventory to a campfire will start cooking it).
@Daniel36 I don't think you really think it's inconsequential, otherwise, you wouldn't have even signed into the site!
The last three games I backed on Kickstarter were Bloodstained, Shenmue 3, and Sea of Stars.
Hence my cynical response to a "2023" date....
Would love to be wrong, but nah.
@BloodNinja U offended, bro? You might wanna get that looked at.
I appreciate your dedication to your playground. So I guess you’re patrolling it for bullies? Good on ya, mate.
I subscribe to Daniel’s viewpoint. “Take it in stride”-like.
BTW, professionals are not immune to criticism even if Joe Shmoe don’t possess their same skillset. Just like I can say one restaurant is better or worse compared to a professional standard.
Whatever-his-face, rude comment-person, he was an ace at disrespecting indie developers, and I respect it. Hilarious to me — so over the top.
@Shadeon_Koopa yeah, this game has a lot of really cool ideas in it. One to keep an eye on!! Thank you for supporting it, that is cool.
Looks good. Hopefully it make it's goals and comes out.
@BloodNinja Well, I enjoy sometimes rambling about video games but I really don't think my opinion will sway too many minds.
@Shadeon_Koopa That sounds EXACTLY like Ultima 7 and my body is READY!!!
The game looks stunning! It seems to have a lot of good things going for it - but the combat, what was barely shown, doesn’t look all that great. Hopefully, more videos will release soon that provides a more in-depth look at its combat.
@sanderev I personally don't know why anyone kept making fantasy video games after skyrim, it ended the genre when Todd Howard died for our sins
@ChickenJoe If your main selling point is "looks like skyrim (on system x)" then yes, you are doing something wrong.
@Daniel36 the LOTR game on snes was the first thing I thought of when I saw the trailer 😃. Agreed it wasn’t the best game, but I still have fond memories of my brother and I trying to figure out what the heck to do in that game 😆
Looks more like PlayStation than Super Nintendo.
(but I guess when people say "PS1" they think poorly-aged 3D)
@sanderev I remember one of those mobile Final Fantasy games seriously looked like something made with the default RPG Maker 2000 assets.
Square-Enix couldn't even at least crib THEIR OWN retro assets?
@KingMike PlayStation was known for its 3D capability and hardware, 2D was just its icing on that cake. You could say this game is more in line with Sega Saturn and Super NES, two 2D powerhouse when it comes to 2D RPGs. Usually when it comes to 2D RPGs, they are better on Sega Saturn and Super NES than PlayStation, 2D RPGs like Chrono Trigger, Tactics Ogre, Ogre Battle, Suikoden, Lunar, Grandia, Mana, Final Fantasy, Shin Megami Tensei, Vandal Hearts, etc., are better on Super NES and Sega Saturn than their awful PS1 counterparts.
@Serpenterror The graphics style is still too far complex for SNES, which could only handle tile-based backgrounds. And similarly blocky sprites.
(technically, Mode 7 could have been used to create arbitrarily designed bitmap graphics, but that would probably have created a big performance, and thus framerate, hit)
But maybe it's because I'm more familiar with what SNES games ACTUALLY look like, while this art style is more like what most people IMAGINE SNES games look like.
Like sign me up for a collector edition. This is a game that literally could trailblaze a new wave of 2d open world games because most are just old kept types not actually open ended with npcs and side quests the change depending on actions. So this could be a game changer if successful !
I am very hyped for it and if my job ever pays me rest money they owe me I'd like give some to them
@sanderev lmao your comment doesn't even make sense given what you're replying to, you may as well be trolling by ai
@ChickenJoe The title states that it's main selling point is being a Skyrim lookalike.
To me, it:
1. Fails at being a Skyrim lookalike - since I think it looks terrible.
2. You don't need a Skyrim SNES lookalike on Switch. Because you already can play real Skyrim on Switch.
3. If there is more than just being a Skyrim lookalike, then the Nintendolife title is a clickbait.
All of those are my personal opinions. I am not trolling.
If Nintendolife had put "16 bit style Open World RPG" in the title my opinion might have been different. Well at least point 2 and 3. But no, they had to bait Skyrim fans to click on this. Then this absolutely falls short.
I get it, click bait ptsd hits me hard too
But you don't have to spread negativity onto a game over it, it's not the games fault and even if it is, it's okay to let people like stuff
@NinjaNicky I respect that.
@Ryan_Again Why are you bothering replying to me with such a long, useless comment?
@BloodNinja Boom. You win. GGs.
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