One of the best ways to enhance the Switch Online + Expansion Pack service is to pick up some of Nintendo's retro controllers. Earlier today, it seems there was another surprise restock of Nintendo 64 controllers in the US for Switch Online members.
Unfortunately, they were sold out in record time once again. Thankfully, there were at least some users who were able to secure one based on the replies in the Nintendo Switch subreddit:
Alongside the N64 controller restock, three-button Sega Genesis controllers have also been made available on the US store. Like with the other controllers, you'll need to be a Switch Online member to purchase them. The NES and SNES controllers are also in stock at the time of writing.
Even though it's sold out in the US, it's still worth taking a look on your own end (depending on your region), as stock availability differs across locations. Canada's My Nintendo also mentions how the N64 controller is currently "sold out". For these locations, Nintendo's site asks customers to "please check back soon" - so look out for a restock!

These NSO Nintendo 64 controllers come with built-in rumble functionality, have a rechargeable battery (with an included USB A-C cable) and are wireless. Nintendo recently announced a new batch of games coming to the N64 Switch Online service, including Rare's iconic FPS GoldenEye 007.
Have you been able to secure an NSO N64 controller yet? Tell us down below.
Comments 48
Name a more iconic duo than NSO N64 Controllers and being out of stock.
The real question is when will Miyamoto’s Pikmin shirt be back in stock…
So over the stock issues with this controller.
I literally was checking off and on the past 24 hours. And I still missed them....
So grateful to have secured mine long ago when it was first out. It’s truly a joy to play these games the authentic way, just without the cord and a few extra buttons on top!
Absolutely annoyed. Anyone know of a N64 to USB adapter that possibly works with Switch and properly maps the buttons? I know some exist, but the button mapping is off when using NSO's N64 app.
Geez im hoping to get two fir when Mario party releases on switch.
The wife and I would love a pair of NSO N64 controllers but alas it is not meant to be.
Who exactly is gobbling these up that fast? I can hardly imagine controllers are as highly in demand as say a PS5.
Tbh I fell at the time of release and bought one off of eBay for almost twice the price. First because these don’t deliver to Mexico and second because of the stock problems I predicted.
I guess paying double was a smart decision 😅
@nuff64 I'd recommend pre-ordering the Retrobit Tribute 64 wireless. They are about to come back in stock (along with a clear red variant), and their current firmware update works with NSO (just have to hold down Start and A and it works perfectly). It's probably the best you'll get without paying and arm and a leg to some scalpers.
Given I can't order any of the NSO controllers where i live, despite being capable of buying NSO and the expansion pack. I probably won't ever get this control.
Personally, Brawler64 or Retrobit's tribute are probably the best bets for N64 Switch controllers. Though depending on where you live, it could cost around as much as the NSO ones.
But they are routinely available. And work on PC and the actual N64 in regardless to the 2.4ghz wireless ones for what that is worth.
I have been refreshing the page when I remember (probably a time or two each day at most), but when they are so briefly in stock I really don’t stand a chance of seeing them in stock and getting one.
Only got one cause I took a trip to New York and asked staff at the Nintendo store if they sold them there. Couldn’t believe it when they said they had them.
I was so close to getting one from Canada just now! I was able to load up the button to get it in my cart, but it wouldn't complete the action; refreshed the page, and it swapped to sold out D':
That is a shame... I still have N64 controllers from way back when, so would be great if could convert those for Switch.
Anyone know what game for N64 is coming out this month for NSO?
Called ScalperBotNets buying it the cause of this it's not supply limits.
I've effing had it. I was holding off on paying a greaseball scalper, but it looks like I'm going to have to if I want one of these damn things, and I wanted four, one for each of my brothers, but that's clearly not going to happen. Screw Nintendo, and screw scalpers, but if scalpers are the only way I'm going to get these things, then so be it. This has been a problem for almost a year now, and come to think of it, you could say that it's been a problem for a lot longer for things like the NES/SNES Classic. How does Nintendo drop the ball this frequently when it comes to keeping their products stocked?
No. I was 12 minutes late to the party. But I did give in to the Genesis controller
For those of you who don’t have one yet, keep trying. They’re totally worth having once you do get it!
A waste of everyone’s time and money. Lame fomo marketing ploy, that leaves most of those who are interested unsatisfied.
Just sell them in stores it will punish the scalpers because the resale value will tank. Making it "exclusive" is pointless. If you don't have NSO you won't buy the controller therefore anyone who buys this controller has NSO so it's a pointless membership perk.
I might be alone, but these controllers don’t interest me much.
However, they better get 100x the supply if they ever release games and GameCube controllers for NSO.
With how annoying these are to get, I'd rather just make do with a Pro Controller.
Or just play my actual N64, but that's another thing entirely.
Sigh. Missed out again.
So if you live in Europe, you have to order them from Nintendo's uk-store? Too bad the controllers don't come in more colors.
No, and I never will, because Nintendo is a hot brand for scalpers to profit off of. You might as well say the controllers are an "eBay Exclusive," and buy from the jerks. I decided to back the Retro Fighters Bluetooth NSO N64 Controller, and when February comes, I'll be glad I did. But for now, I have my trusty Retro-Bit Tribute 64 Wireless controller.
I wish they would do the other colours like back in the day!
One day maybe I'll be able to buy one.
@Nua I wanna say the PS5
Really getting sick of this crap from Nintendo. I bought into the Expansion pack many months ago thinking I'd be able to pick up one of these controllers in a somewhat timely fashion. Some of the games just suck to play with the joycons attached or with a pro controller. Need those C buttons! So now I've been paying for the expansion pack that I barely use. Why not let us pre-order them and ship them out as they get manufactured?
How is anyone even getting these? I check multiple times a day every day and I still missed it.
@personauser93 it’s all eBay scalpers.
I’m fine not to get the controller. Hopefully the scalpers are left holding the merchandise. Meanwhile I refuse to upgrade the Nintendo online membership since playing n64 games with the joy cons stinks. Nintendo till you get your act together you can keep the more expensive plan your loss. And for the scalpers I pray you get stuck with the merchandise.
Urgh! Here's how it works, Nintendo. If you sell me an N64 controller, I'll sign up for your Expansion Pack subscription. If I can't ever buy one without paying scalper rates, I won't ever sign up.
Just let me buy one so I can play mario party the og way when it comes out!
@JaneBear This. I wanted one because of nostalgia, but I am not going to obsess over trying to get one, nor am I going to pay scalper fees.
To me, this is just yet another extension to the disappointment that has been the NSO expansion. I am definitely going to drop it and revert back to the standard subscription whenever it expires, no point in me paying extra when I can't even get a controller to make the N64 games feel authentic.
@F_Destroyer At least the PS5 can be bought at multiple retailers when it is in stock. With the NSO Controllers, if they aren't out of stock, the webpage has crashed from high traffic.
@BigChia One thing Nintendo could do to help curb the scalpers is to make it so only NSO expansion subscribers are eligible to purchase a N64 controller. That a way it would become a $50 fee for every account a scalper tries to setup to buy these, which would quickly make it way too expensive to be worthwhile for them.
@JayJ That's a great idea! Pretty dumb that they let people with only the NSO without expansion people buy these.
I give up on getting one of these. Why the heck don't they let us pre-order them? Never mind I already know the answer.
Meanwhile, we Brazilian NSO subscribers (probably all of Latin America), don't even have the chance to order any of the classic controllers, even though the Switch and the online services are officially available, costing 1.2:1 to their US dollar prices.
They won't let us import or pay for international shipping.
I'd LOVE to have the chance to fill an order when I see these news.
Why don’t they give us the option to preorder at this point? They know most of us want them and a lot of us are getting to the point of boycotting Nintendo because of these constant oversights. I feel like if we are paying a premium rate, we should at least a place on a list to get one.
@BigChia They shouldn't require anything to buy them. They should create a ton of stock for all of their controllers and be happy people want to buy them for other purposes as well. Money is money and they are losing a ton by making them scarce. A simple solution would be to only make a limited amount available online but have the rest go to physical stores like Gamestop. Walmart, Target etc.
This is so unfair! How is it humanly possible for them to go out of stock 2 seconds after restocking?! Is this the works of bots?!
I been checking the site every day after waking up and before bed and sometimes in between as well, this is so unbelievably frustrating! I've no choice but to finally give in and buy it of eBay for triple the price...
@WhiteTrashGuy that's because scalper bots instantly buy them all before real people even have a chance to get them.
Scalper's Paradise.
Maybe not sell these things 4-at-a-time. Just a thought.
@RantingThespian I appreciate this recommendation!
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